(of Earth-534834)
Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-534834) human mutant? (see comments)
Occupation: Criminal
Group Membership: Leader of her own group of agents
Affiliations: Her agents ("Crusher" Creel, other unidentified others)
Enemies: Hulk (Bruce Banner), Mr. Rock, She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Ms. Allure," "the Most Powerful Woman in Town"
Base of Operations: Chicago, Illinois, USA
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk & She-Hulk cartoon episode, "They Call Me Mr. Fixit" (October 26, 1997)
Powers/Abilities: When last seen, Allure had
no superhuman abilities. Due to a brain abnormality, she previously had
the superhuman
ability to hypnotize anyone who gazes into her eyes. Once under her
hypnotic control, Allure's victims had no will of their own and only
did her bidding. When she locked eyes with a potential victim, she was
able to get brief glimpses into their minds, seeing memory flashes from
her victims in her mind's eye.
Height: 5'10" (by approximation)
Weight: 147 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
History: (The Incredible Hulk & She-Hulk cartoon episode - "They Call Mr. Fixit" (fb) - BTS) - Acquiring
hypnotic super powers due to a brain abnormality, the woman known as Allure set about acquiring
power, eventually gaining the "Crusher" Creel and others as lackeys. The
extremely greedy Allure also captured a duo of scientists and ordered
to experiment on the homeless in an effort to find a way to boost her
powers. Allure was soon considered the most powerful woman in Chicago.
(The Incredible Hulk & She-Hulk cartoon
episode - "They Call Me Mr. Fixit") - After sending Creel and her other
goons to break up a local casino, the hypnotic Allure met
with Creel and asked him if he knew what she adored. When
he remained silent, Allure remarked that she loved "climbing to the
top" of the city and how no one could stop her. Creel
replied, asking if there was anything she wanted, and Allure replied by
saying she wanted more: more jewels, more power, more everything. She
then visited her captive scientists, who were experimenting on a
homeless man to no avail. When one of the scientists remarked that what
she wanted them to do couldn't be done, Allure angrily ordered them to
do the experiment again and warned the apprehensive scientists that if
they could not produce a success on the homeless man, she would force
them to use themselves as test subjects. She then used her hypnotic
abilities to force the scientists to comply. As the hypnotized
scientists continued their experiments and their victims screamed for
his life, Allure left the room with a headache from using her powers
and asked Creel what other scientists that he had for her.
Absorbing Man then presented Allure with documents on a gamma
scientist. Immediately opening the documents, Allure remarked that she
liked his eyes and when she asked the scientist's name, Absorbing Man
replied "Bruce Banner." Luring Banner into clutches with the promise of
a research grant, Allure had Creel meet Banner at the airport and
quickly get Banner into a car. When Banner commented that his cousin
Jen was still in the airport, Creel informed him that Allure was eager
to get to work. Insisting that the car be turned around, Banner was met
by Allure, who suggested they never turn back and keep moving forward.
When Banner warned that they wouldn't like him when he was angry,
Allure used her powers in an attempt to calm Banner and place her under
her hypnotic thrall, only to see psychic flashes of his memories as the
Hulk. The car ride was soon interrupted when Allure's car was
surrounded by numerous hitmen. Creel prepared to defend Allure but she
opted to handle the situation herself, exiting the car and confronted
the hitmen's employer, Mr. Rock, who was tired of Allure encroaching on
what he felt was his own territory. Mr. Rock quickly ordered his men to
take Allure out but she used her powers on them, instead ordering them
to take Mr. Rock out. Rock's own hitmen then surrounded him and Allure
took over Rock's mind as well before stopping due to a headache and
departing the scene. As She-Hulk attempted to reunite with Bruce
Banner, whom she learned had left the airport with Creel, the
hypnotized Bruce Banner began an eye exam on Allure while Allure
admitted she was intrigued by Banner. Creel soon grew jealous of how
close the hypnotized Banner and Allure were becoming and Banner
discovered that Allure's headaches were being caused a brain
abnormality that grew every time she used her powers and could
eventually became lethal if her powers were enhanced. Despite the
hypnotized Banner's reservations about enhancing Allure's powers, she
insisted that it was always about what she wanted and that she was
willing to take the risks. She then demanded to know if Banner could
enhanced her powers or not and he reluctantly admitted that he could
with better equipment, prompting Allure to order Creel to take Banner
"shopping." A short time later, after Banner had become the gray Hulk
and teamed with She-Hulk to go undercover as "Mr. Fixit and Lady Green"
to get more information on Allure, Allure demanded to know who this
Lady Green and angrily wondered what had become of Banner, unaware who
Fixit and Lady Green really were. Annoyed that her agents were supposed
to be unstoppable yet kept getting defeated by Fixit and Lady Green,
Allure arranged a trap for her two "competitors," setting a fake
shipment to lure out the two undercover heroes. When Hulk and She-Hulk
showed up as predicted, Allure's men ambushed them and had the guns
hidden within Allure's trucks pointed at the two heroes. Creel then
attempted to make a deal, explaining that Allure wanted Banner back and
was willing to let them live if Banner was returned. During the ensuing
fight, Creel absconded with Bruce Banner, having defeated the gray Hulk
by absorbing his strength, and the duo returned to Allure, where Banner
completed a device capable of enhancing Allure's abilities. Before
Allure went through with the experiment, Creel attempted to talk Allure
out of risking her life, suggesting they run off together and be happy,
but an angry Allure reminded Creel that people didn't make her happy,
only material things. Going through with the experiment anyway, Allure
was almost immediately after confronted by She-Hulk but when Allure
attempted to use her powers on She-Hulk, she found she no longer
possessed superhuman powers. Demanding to know what Banner had done to
her, Allure was informed that her life-threatening brain abnormality
had been removed by Banner's device, curing her headaches but removing
her powers. Allure then tried to remind Banner that he was in love with
her but Banner explained that he had been reminded of his love for
someone else and Allure responded by ordering Creel to destroy Banner.
Before Creel could make a move, the police arrived on the scene and
Allure fell into a depression, feeling as if she had lost everything.
Creel reassured her that she had not lost everything and kissed her,
making Allure believe that perhaps she hadn't lost everything after
Comments: Created by Bob Forward and Marvel Studios (see Appearances list for list of all of the artists involved).
It was never explained how Allure gained superpowers
from a brain abnormality. In fact, her powers were specifically
referred to as
"unexplained" by scientists. It's possible that the brain abnormality
was the result of some sort of mutant ability she was born with...
I apologize for the "Fox Kids" logo in the top left of the images. The Incredible Hulk
cartoon aired in the late 1990s, a time when most stations had their
station logo plastered onto the screen during every show they aired..
Unfortunately, The Incredible Hulk cartoon is not fully on DVD so better images were not an option...
In appearance as well as powers, Allure resembled the White Queen (Emma Frost), who had already been used in the X-Men cartoon a couple of years prior to this Incredible Hulk episode.
After the police arrived, Bruce Banner and She-Hulk left the scene, leaving Allure and "Crusher" Creel to be taken into custody. Honestly though, while Allure had lost her powers, Creel still had his. He could've easily taken out the police to facilitate an escape. They were again seen in the cartoon series though.
The Incredible Hulk was renamed the Incredible Hulk & She-Hulk for its second season.
Despite displaying his absorbing powers, "Crusher" Creel was never referred to be his Earth-616 codename of Absorbing Man.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Earth-534834's Allure has No KNOWN connections to:
images: (without ads)
The Incredible Hulk & She-Hulk cartoon episode, "They Call Me Mr. Fixit" (all images in this profile)
The Incredible Hulk & She-Hulk cartoon
episode, "They Call Me Mr. Fixit" (October 26, 1997) - Bob Forward
(writer), Moon Choi (character design, character clean-up), Jack Hsu
(character design), Patricio Agnasin (character clean-up, storyboards),
Herbert Hazelton, Robert Lacko, Mark Lewis, Kay Park (character
clean-up), Romeo Lopez, Wayne Schulz (prop design), Ricardo Abrines,
Branislav Hetchel (background design), Patrick Archibald, Dell Barras,
Rachel Brenner, Armando Carrillo, Joseph Dempsey, W.B. Dubay, Romeo
Francisco, Scott Heming, Daniel Houle, Larry Houston, Jim Janes, Bonnie
Jholson, Aleta Kozak, Abel Laxamana, Will Meugniot, Dave Simons, Danny
Taverna, Danny Tolentino, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Ron Myrick
(producer, director, animation director), Barbara Dourmashkin, Walt
Kubiak, Tony Love, Karen Peterson (animation directors), Greg Johnson
(story editor), Jon Braun (editor)
Last updated: 07/12/17
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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