(of Earth-821)
Real Name: Johnny Blaze
Identity/Class: Extradimensional human mutate
Occupation: None
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: None known
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Flameless Ghost Rider"
Base of Operations: Presumably mobile
First Appearance: Marvel Knights Millennial Visions 2001 (February, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Ghost Rider existed as a
spirit of vengeance, complete with a skeletal appearance and a flaming
skull. He was apparently once able to infuse his rides with hellfire up
until he apparently lost that ability and opted to ride a normal
Height: Unrevealed (see comments)
Weight: Unrevealed (see comments)
Eyes: Glowing yellow
Hair: None
History: (Marvel Knights Millennial Visions
2001 - "Beyond the Scooter Saga" (fb) - BTS) - Ghost Rider gave up his
flaming motorcycle in favor of a fiery black steed before being forced
to make do with a small fold-up scooter.
(Marvel Knights Millennial Visions 2001 - "Beyond the
Scooter Saga") - In a radical move not unlike Cable's romance with Jean
Grey, Ghost Rider lost the flames, forcing him to ride a normal
motorcycle and causing more controversy than the time the Daredevil of Earth-1045 had a
received a sex change.
Comments: Created by Steve Uy.
While the sex changed Daredevil mentioned in this
story showed no evidence of not being native to Earth-821, the Official
Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC Alternate Realities Appendix
established that the Daredevil mentioned in this story was actually
native to Earth-1045 and not Earth-821.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Earth-821's Ghost Rider has no KNOWN connections to:
images: (without ads)
Marvel Knights Millennial Visions 2001, p5, splash page (Ghost Rider, main image)
Marvel Knights Millennial Visions
2001 (February, 2002) - "Beyond the Scooter Saga" story - Steve Uy
(writer, art), no editor credited
Last updated: 03/21/17
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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