Type: Divergent Earth
Environment: Earth-like
Usual means of access: Interdimensional
transport devices
Dominant Life Form: Brood, Humans, Inhumans, Kronans, mutants, Sakaarans, Watchers, other alien races
Significant Inhabitants: Attuma, Avengers
(Moon Knight, Quasar, Quicksilver, Sentry/Bob Reynolds, Sub-Mariner,
Super-Skrull/Kl'rt, Thundra, Professor Charles Xavier), Captain
America, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Egghead, Galactus, Goliath,
Hammerhead, the Hand (Elektra, others), Hawkeye, "Happy" Hogan, the
Inhumans (Black Bolt, Crystal, Gorgon, Karnak, Lockjaw, Medusa, Triton,
others), Iron Fist, Kingpin,
Loki, Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards), the New Avengers (Hulk/Bruce
Banner, Iron Man/Jim Rhodes, Spider-Man/Peter Parker of Earth-2149,
Wolverine/Logan), Nova, Harry Osborn, "Pepper" Potts, Kitty Pryde,
Scarlet Witch, Shang-Chi, Silvermane, the Sinister Six (Doctor Octopus,
Kraven, Mysterio, Sandman, Vulture), Spider-Man (Peter Parker),
Spider-Woman, Gwen
Stacy, Tony Stark, Stilt-Man, Lin Sun, Sunfire, Thor, Uatu the Watcher,
the Warbound (Caeira, Hiroim, Elloe Kaifi, Korg, Miek, No-Name), Mary
Jane Watson
First Appearance: Marvel Zombies Return#1
(November, 2009)
History: (Marvel
Zombies Return#2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Earth-Z's Reed Richards
found a device on the moon and he gifted the device to Tony Stark in
hopes that Stark could figure out what the device did, unaware that the
device detected interdimensional breaches.
(Marvel Zombies Return#1) - While Earth-Z's Uatu the Watcher viewed events from his base on the moon, Earth-2149's zombie Spider-Man was transported to Earth-91126 (also known as Earth-Z) by an interdimensional transporter and arrived to find Earth-Z's Manhattan still looking bright and full of life, unlike Earth-2149's Manhattan, which resembled a hollowed-out husk. Deciding to get the lay of the land, Spider-Man-2149 soon realized the cosmic powers from his home reality did not transfer to Earth-Z and that he had arrived on Earth-Z as Hammerhead and Silvermane were about to fight over a tablet of eternal life, which had occurred years ago in Spider-Man's home reality. Thinking that if he could find the tablet soon, he could rid himself of his zombie curse as well as cure his home reality's zombie plague indefinitely, Spider-Man-2149 swung off towards the tablet, unaware that a goon working for Earth-Z's Kingpin had spotted him and informed the Kingpin of his presence. On his way, Spider-Man-2149 noticed Earth-Z's Peter Parker walking with his friends Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn, and nearly attacked Mary Jane to satiate his zombie hunger, but forced him to move onto towards Empire State University's exhibit hall, where the tablet resided. Unfortunately, the Sinister Six attacked and while Earth-Z's Peter Parker rushed off to change into his Spider-Man costume, Spider-Man-2149 decided to intervene to protect his loved ones. Unable to control his zombie hunger, however, Spider-Man-2149 fed on Earth-Z's Kraven the Hunter before turning to feed on Mysterio as well. When Dr. Octopus and Electro attempted to gain revenge for the deaths of their teammates, Spider-Man-2149 knocked Dr. Octopus' arms into Electro's electric blast, electrocuting Dr. Octopus and leaving Electro drained. Earth-2149's Spider-Man then fed on the fat Dr. Octopus before jumping into the air to remove Vulture's arms and use his winged harness to decapitate Electro. A horrified Sandman fled and Kingpin took advantage of the Sinister Six's diversion to acquire the eternal youth-causing tablet but upon seeing the still-standing Spider-Man of Earth-2149, Earth-Z's Kingpin decided to take care of Spider-Man himself, only to be eaten by the zombie Spider-Man as well. Earth-Z's Spider-Man soon caught up to Sandman, who mistook Earth-Z's Spider-Man for the zombie and killed him by force-feeding him sand until his organs exploded from his body, while Earth-2149's Spider-Man soon found that the eaten Sinister Six had become infected with him zombie plague and had fed on his friends. Shredding the Sinister Six's zombie corpses to the point where none could rise again, Earth-2149's Spider-Man, wracked with guilt over the deaths of the Earth-Z counterparts of his friends, ripped the skin from his face, feeling that he would never be nothing more than a monster. Continuing to witness events, Earth-Z's Uatu the Watcher was soon eaten by Earth-2149's Giant-Man, who had been transported to the moon by the same interdimensional transporter that sent Spider-Man-2149 to Earth-Z.
(Marvel Zombies Return#2 (fb) - BTS) - Before
succumbing to death, Earth-Z's Uatu sealed off access to other
realities, preventing Giant-Man from spreading his zombie plague into
further realities.
Zombies Return#2) - Two years later, Earth-2149's Giant-Man, seeking to
find the key to re-opening access to other realities, managed to
transport himself to Earth-Z's New York, arriving within the Stark
Industries sub-basements. By this point, Earth-Z's Tony Stark had
become a drunk and while he sat in his office drinking, his ally
"Happy" Hogan entered the office and overheard the interdimensional
detection device once given to Stark broadcasting a message that an
interdimensional breach had occurred in Stark Industries'
sub-basements. Deciding to check it out, Hogan was quickly chomped by
Giant-Man, who allowed the now-zombie Hogan to lead him to further
victims and the key to unlocking access to other realities. Hogan then
emerged upstairs, where he infected other Stark personnel, prompting
head of security Jim "Rhodey" Rhodes to shoot Hogan, delaying Hogan
long enough for him to climb up the non-working elevator shaft in an
effort to save the drunk Tony Stark. In his office, Stark argued with
"Pepper" Potts, who insisted he do something about the zombies as Iron
Man, but Stark claimed he was too drunk to pilot the armor. When Potts
suggested she don the armor, Stark admitted he couldn't remember where
he put the briefcase housing the armor and watched on video screens as
Earth-2149's Giant-Man infected others, all the while wondering where
his security chief Jim Rhodes was. As Rhodey barricaded himself in the
men's bathroom, Stark fiddled with the device Reed Richards had given,
ultimately throwing it into a junkpile when Potts continued to berate
him for not doing anything against the zombies. Stark opened a safe
containing a bottle as Rhodey found Stark's Iron Man briefcase in the
bathroom and donned the armor himself, fighting back against the
zombies until one managed to make it into Stark's office. As Stark
drunk from the bottle he grabbed from his safe, Potts was bitten by the
zombie and Rhodey pulverized the zombie when the armor's non-charged
repulsors stopped working. Stark then vomited on the zombie Potts, who
ran screaming as Stark revealed to Rhodey that the bottle he drunk from
wasn't liquor but a supposed cure for cancer involving nanometer
machines suspended in a sterile alcohol base. Admitting that he had
drunk the cure hoping it would protect him from the zombie plague,
Stark soon discovered that the nanometer machines destroyed disease
tissues, effectively destroying the zombie Potts from the inside.
Thinking that the cure could stop the zombies, Rhodey soon learned that
the cure had to be ingested and had only worked on Potts because Stark
had vomited in her mouth. Stark suggested their only hope of survival
would be charging the armor and Rhodey plugged the armor into the wall
but Stark revealed that it would take hours they didn't have to charge
the armor that way while Earth-2149's Giant-Man had his infected
zombies advance their search for Stark. Realizing they had to go
through more zombies to get the armor fast-charged, Stark dubbed Rhodey
the new Iron Man and sacrificed himself to buy Rhodey time to get away,
downing more of the nanometer machine cure and allowing the zombies to
eat him, only to be destroyed by ingesting the cure. As the new Iron
Man contacted all nearby authorities for help, Earth-2149's Giant-Man
acquired the device Reed Richards had once given to Tony Stark and
determined that it would unlock his access to other realities,
remarking that he now needed to return to the moon.
(Marvel Zombies Return#3 (fb) - BTS) - Earth-2149's Wolverine arrived on Earth-Z, having been transported there by the same interdimensional transporter that had sent Earth-2149's Spider-Man and Giant-Man to Earth-Z years earlier.
(Marvel Zombies Return#3 (fb)) - Earth-2149's Wolverine found that his transportation to Earth-Z had removed the cosmic powers he had gained from earlier feeding on Earth-2149's Galactus. Paranoid at the loss of his power, Earth-2149's Wolverine remained on Earth-Z in hiding for months, feeding only on the homeless and devouring them completely to prevent them from rising as zombies that would compete with him for food. As time passed, Earth-2149's Wolverine became more confidant and he eventually began openly hunting for food on Earth-Z.
(Marvel Zombies Return#3 (fb) - BTS) - Learning about
the arrival of Earth-2149's Wolverine, Spider-Man-2149, still on
Earth-Z, began working on a vaccine to control the zombie virus and fed
on Wolverine-2149's leftovers.
Zombies Return#3) - Two years following the Stark Industries zombie
outbreak, Kitty Pryde was running through the alleys of Tokyo, avoiding
Hand ninjas to meet up with her X-Men teammate Logan when she saw
Earth-2149's Wolverine. At first thinking him to be Earth-Z's Logan,
Kitty Pryde ran to him but quickly found him to be a zombie and she
allowed him to phase through her as he instead fed on the Hand ninjas
chasing Pryde. Earth-2149's Wolverine then turned back towards Pryde
after eating the ninjas but Pryde was rescued by Earth-2149's
Spider-Man, whom Pryde did not recognize. When Pryde asked
Spider-Man-2149 who he was, Spider-Man introduced himself and explained
that the zombie Wolverine of Earth-2149 was not Earth-Z's Wolverine but
could be if they didn't act quickly. After revealing to Pryde that
Earth-2149's Wolverine was a zombie, Spider-Man-2149 invited Pryde back
to his lab, where he revealed the origins of the Earth-2149 zombie
plague outbreak and how he had been working on a vaccine to control the
zombie plague. Pryde suggested Spider-Man-2149 use the vaccine on
Wolverine-2149 immediately but Spider-Man-2149 revealed that the zombie
plague had rendered Wolverine-2149's healing factor inert and that he
would need a blood sample from Earth-Z's Wolverine in order to create
the vaccine for Wolverine-2149. Outside, Wolverine-2149 demanded to
know where Earth-Z's Wolverine was but accidentally killed the Hand
ninja he was interrogating as Earth-Z's Sunfire arrived and demanded to
know what Wolverine was doing and whether he had gone insane. Knocked
through a wall by Sunfire, Wolverine-2149 found the Deathmatch Tokyo
fight club and when Iron Fist questioned him, Wolverine-2149 killed
both Iron Fist and the pursuing Sunfire by stabbing his claws through
their heads. Shang-Chi attempted to calm Wolverine-2149, only to lose
his arm to Wolverine-2149's claws, before Earth-Z's Wolverine
confronted his Earth-2149 counterpart. At Spider-Man-2149's lab,
Spider-Man-2149 worked on the vaccine while Pryde, suspicious of the
rotting smell in the lab, investigated a cabinet and found body parts
hanging inside. Shocked, Pryde backed into Spider-Man-2149, who
expressed wishes that she hadn't done that, as he had hoped to spare
her. Removing his mask to reveal a zombie with a skinless face,
Spider-Man-2149 announced that it was time for the truth as Earth-Z's
Wolverine fought Wolverine-2149 until more of the Hand showed up.
Reluctantly teaming to stop the Hand, both Wolverines defeated the Hand
and destroyed those that Wolverine-2149 had earlier infected while
Wolverine-2149 killed Elektra. Upon the Hand's defeat, the two
Wolverines prepared to square off again as Spider-Man-2149 admitted
that he was a zombie from the same reality as Wolverine-2149 but
assured Pryde that he was working to stop the zombie plague and that he
had been making sure that none of Wolverine-2149's victims rose as
zombies. When Pryde asked for proof that Spider-Man-2149 was sincerely
trying to stop the zombie plague, Spider-Man-2149 assured Pryde that he
couldn't hurt in her phased form and revealed the secret to killing him
should his zombie hunger take over and he try to hurt her. Pryde and
Spider-Man-2149 soon located the two Wolverines, arriving as
Wolverine-2149 impaled Earth-Z's Wolverine with his claws while
Wolverine was distracted at the arrival of the zombie Spider-Man, who
announced his plans to create a vaccine from Earth-Z Wolverine's blood.
Wolverine-2149 fought back, claiming he was happy how he was, but Pryde
stabbed the zombie Wolverine in the eye with a wooden stake as Earth-Z
Wolverine began healing his stab wounds. Earth-Z Wolverine then
destroyed Wolverine-2149 and demanded to know what was going on from
Spider-Man-2149. Ten minutes later, after Spider-Man-2149 again
recounted the origins of Earth-2149 and its zombie plague, Earth-Z
Wolverine noticed the Hand ninjas rising as zombies. Spider-Man-2149
quickly warned that none of the ninjas could escape to infect others,
prompting Earth-Z's Wolverine to eviscerate them all. Spider-Man-2149
then retrieved a blood sample from Earth-Z's Wolverine and an hour
later, Spider-Man-2149 confirmed the vaccine was ready, albeit with not
as strong a reaction as he had hoped. Taking Wolverine-2149 with him,
Spider-Man-2149 departed with the vaccine and Pryde asked Wolverine
what to do next. Earth-Z's Wolverine suggested they get something to
eat and Pryde asked how he could even think of eating after what they
had just went through. Earth-Z's Wolverine replied that he had worked
up an appetite and neither noticed the bite marks on Earth-Z
Wolverine's arm.
Zombies Return#4 (fb)) - After being exiled into space by the
Illuminati, the monstrous Hulk thrived but his lover Caeira was killed.
Zombies Return#4) - Hulk traveled back towards Earth on a mission of
revenge. Arriving on Earth-Z's Attilan in the Blue Area of the Moon, an
angry Hulk found it empty and began smashing his way around Attilan,
searching for Illuminati member Black Bolt. Eventually finding the room
housing Black Bolt and Medusa, Hulk found it littered with corpses and
demanded to know what had happened. When Medusa warned that Hulk did
not want that fight and that Hulk had no idea what he was up against,
Hulk announced that he was thinking the same thing for the Inhumans but
before he could fight the Inhumans, Hulk found himself confronted by
the zombie Giant-Man of Earth-2149 and a slew of zombie Inhumans.
Hulk's Warbound allies arrived shortly thereafter and assisted the Hulk
against the zombie horde until Black Bolt muttered "brains," creating a
sonic wave that destroyed most of the Inhumans and some of Hulk's
Warbound including Korg. The zombie Karnak soon devoured Hiroim, much
to the horror of Elloe Kaifi, and Giant-Man-2149 personally ate Miek
and No-Name the Brood. Punching Giant-Man, Hulk rescued Elloe Kaifi but
soon after fleeing Attilan, Elloe noticed that Hulk had been bitten.
Moments later, the zombie hunger took over Hulk and he ripped Elloe in
half, eating her insides. After completely devouring Elloe, Hulk
realized his food was gone but turned toward Earth, thinking more food
could be found there. Traveling to Earth, the zombie Hulk attacked
Manhattan, devouring as many people as he could as the Illuminati
communicated with each other regarding the situation. Recognizing the
zombie plague from his past encounters with zombies, Iron Man (Jim
Rhodes) called in the only person they knew to be strong enough to go
toe-to-toe with the Hulk: Sentry. Sentry soon arrived and fiercely
fought the Hulk until he transformed back into Bruce Banner. Reverting
to his own secret identity of Bob Reynolds, Sentry promised that they
would find a fix Banner's zombie plague infection but Banner replied
that Sentry didn't understand, warning that he soon would. Banner then
took a bite out of Bob Reynolds' hand, infecting the Sentry with the
zombie plague and bringing the Sentry over to the Hulk's side. Noticing
the fight from afar, Spider-Man-2149 remarked that things kept getting
worse and decided that he would need to quell the zombie plague,
departing to find the Avengers.
(Marvel Zombies Return#5 (fb) - BTS) - Teaming up,
Hulk and Sentry devoured entire zip codes but Sentry soon turned on
Hulk and attempted to rip Hulk's head off, only to fail. As
Earth-2149's zombie plague spread through Earth-Z, infected heroes
attacked the United Nations general assembly, forcing them to barricade
themselves in the Secretariat building. After the Sub-Mariner was
infected, Attuma and his undersea legions held up in the Marianas
Trench but Sub-Mariner erupted up from beneath them. Working together,
the surviving zombies eventually attacked a women's prison that Quasar
encased with an energy bubble and the prisoners clawed at the energy
construct in an attempt to escape, only to be devoured by Thundra. At
some point, many of Earth-Z's heroes were killed by
those infected by Earth-2149's zombie plague and the remaining zombies
took up residence in the remnants of Avengers Tower and began calling
themselves the Avengers. Unbeknownst to the Avengers, Spider-Man-2149
had allied with Iron Man, who brought Spider-Man-2149 Tony Stark's old
nanometer machine cure. Realizing that the cure had been ingested,
Spider-Man-2149 located Earth-Z's Sandman and the two agreed to work
together to stop the zombie plague. Inoculating Sandman with his
vaccine and injected the Stark nanometer machines into Sandman's body,
Spider-Man-2149 effectively made Sandman a living cure for the zombie
Zombies Return#5 (fb)) - When the zombie Avengers attacked members of
the Security Council, several shrinking heroes attempted to stop the
Sentry by shrinking inside the Sentry's body but Sentry caught them
before they could accomplish their goal and eating them all like
popcorn. Eventually, Earth-2149's Wasp, who had been transported into
Earth-Z's Kree Empire when the other Earth-2149 zombies were
transported to Earth-Z, infected the Kree and led them against
Earth-Z's surviving zombies but the survivors destroyed Wasp and
mounted her brain in the Avengers Tower trophy room. Earth-2149's Cage,
who had materialized in Earth-Z's Shi'ar Empire, led the Imperial Guard
against the surviving Earth-Z zombies but they too were defeated and
Cage-2149 was destroyed, his brain also added to the Avengers' trophy
room. Earth-2149's zombie Black Panther, who had materialized in the
Skrull Empire, led an army of the greatest Skrull warriors against the
Avengers but again, the Avengers were victorious and Black Panther's
head was mounted in the Avengers' trophy room. Despite working out an
understanding with Earth-Z's zombie Wolverine, the Avengers nonetheless
devoured Kitty Pryde, forcing her to go solid by having Quasar hold her
(Marvel Zombies Return#5) - The surviving zombies sat
at the meeting table in Avengers Tower and discussed their favorite
moments devouring the flesh of their opponents until Super-Skrull
interrupted, exclaiming that the trophy room in Avengers Tower only
reminded them that there were no more foes to feast on. Super-Skrull
then opened communication between Avengers Tower and Earth-Z's moon,
where Earth-2149's Giant-Man was still working on getting the zombies
access to other realities. After the Super-Skrull demanded a progress
report, Giant-Man-2149 revealed that the Watcher's technology was
designed to prevent access and Giant-Man was having difficulties
breaking the code despite the addition of the deceased brains of
Earth-Z's Egghead, Goliath and others. Sentry and the other Avengers
then berated Giant-Man-2149 for his lack of progress until Earth-Z's
zombie Professor Xavier located new food in the Savage Land using his
Cerebro computers. Locating a finger, the Avengers touched down in the
Savage Land, only to have their Quinjet blown up by the zombie-killing
New Avengers, consisting of Iron Man, Earth-Z's zombie Hulk and
Wolverine, and Earth-2149's Spider-Man. When Sentry demanded to know
where they found the finger, Iron Man revealed that he was still
unaffected by the zombie plague, having removed any part of him that
got bit by zombies and sacrificed a finger to lure the Avengers there.
The two Avengers team then battled each other and Moon Knight ordered
Thundra to retrieve the device on Spider-Man-2149's back but Thundra
was ripped in half by Hulk before she could do so. Quicksilver managed
to retrieve the weapon but Spider-Man-2149 snagged Quicksilver with his
arteries and ripped Quicksilver's head off. Quicksilver's headless body
ran around with Spider-Man-2149's weapon as the zombie Quasar faced off
against Iron Man and Earth-Z's Wolverine fought Sentry, refusing to
forgive the Avengers for devouring Kitty Pryde. Earth-Z's Wolverine
managed to penetrate Sentry's ribcage with his claws, threatening to
unleash Sentry's contained power but all present were then teleported
to the moon by Giant-Man-2149, who revealed that he had known for years
how the Watcher's dimensional transporter worked. Explaining that the
dimensional transporter had needed a power source, Giant-Man-2149
announced his plans to use the Sentry himself as a power source but
Spider-Man-2149 ordered the New Avengers to stop Giant-Man-2149 at all
costs. Spider-Man-2149 then hurled his canister weapon and Earth-Z's
Wolverine sliced it open, revealing a patch of sand. Laughing at the
idea of sand defeating his zombies, Giant-Man-2149 was surprised when
the sand became Sandman, whom Spider-Man-2149 announced had been
transformed into a living zombie plague cure. Transforming himself into
a sandstorm, Sandman swirled around, getting his cure-containing
granules into the mouths of every zombie present, including the heroic
Spider-Man-2149 and Earth Z Wolverine. Sentry remained trapped in
Giant-Man-2149's power source device while all other zombies eroded
into dust, having been destroyed from within by the cure.
Spider-Man-2149 died thanking Sandman for his assistance and whispering
that Mary Jane and Aunt May had been avenged. Sandman replied with a
"good riddance" as Uatu the Watcher reappeared, much to the surprise of
Sandman, who had been told the Watcher was dead. Uatu revealed that the
Watchers had long ago abandoned their corporeal forms in favor of
energy forms and that Giant-Man-2149 actually had not truly eaten him
at all. Revealing that he had been observing events for decades in his
energy form, Uatu explained that the zombie plague could not be undone
but it could be contained. Uatu then activated his dimensional
transporter and sent Earth-Z's Sentry to Earth-2149's past, where he
infected Earth-2149 with the zombie plague, creating a temporal loop
that contained the zombie plague to those two realities.
Comments: Created by "Undead" Fred Van Lente and "Sick" Nick Dragotta.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Earth-Z has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Marvel Zombies Return#4, p15, pan4 (Hulk looking at Earth-Z, main image)
Marvel Zombies Return#1, p3, pan4 (Earth-2149's Spider-Man viewing
Earth-Z's Manhattan)
Marvel Zombies Return#2, p8, pan2 (The zombie outbreak at Earth-Z's Stark Industries)
Marvel Zombies Return#3, p1, pan3 (Kitty Pryde running through Earth-Z's Tokyo)
Marvel Zombies Return#4, p3, pan1 (Hulk arriving at Earth-Z's Attilan on the moon)
Marvel Zombies Return#4, p4, pan4 (Hulk seeing the zombie Black Bolt & Medusa standing over Inhuman corpses)
Marvel Zombies Return#5, p1-2, splash page (Earth-Z's destroyed Avengers Tower & hero corpses)
Marvel Zombies Return#1 (November, 2009) - "Undead" Fred Van Lente
(writer), "Sick" Nick Dragotta (art), Bill "Blood-Red" Rosemann (editor)
Marvel Zombies Return#2 (November, 2009) - David Wellington (writer), Andrea Mutti (art), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Marvel Zombies Return#3 (November, 2009) - Jonathan Maberry (writer), Jason Shawn Alexander (art), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Marvel Zombies Return#4 (November, 2009) - Seth Grahame-Smith (writer), Richard Elson (art), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Zombies Return#5 (November, 2009) - Fred Van Lente (writer), Wellington
Alves (pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Bill Rosemann (editor)
First Posted: 09/28/2018
Last updated: 09/28/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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