Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-57780)
normal human
Occupation: Kidnapper, dancer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Tip Toe Tulip (all Earth-57780)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York, USA (Earth-57780)
First Appearance: Spidey Super Stories#38/4
(January, 1979)
Powers/Abilities: Fancy Dancer was an
athletically fit and flexible dancer who knew how to fight, often using
dancing moves to distract opponents.
Height: 5'11"
(by approximation)
Weight: 165 lbs. (by
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Black
(Spidey Super Stories#38/4 (fb) - BTS) - Fancy Dancer
planned to kidnap renown ballet dancer Tip Toe Tulip and hold her for
ransom money.
(Spidey Super Stories#38/4) - Fancy Dancer grabbed
Tulip during her on-stage performance before an audience. Super-heroes
Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel quickly arrived and gave chase, but Fancy
Dancer's acrobatic and athletic moves were too unpredictable. The
kidnapper carried his quarry outside the theater, intending to go back to his studio, but the heroic
duo coordinated an attack that knocked the villain into a nearby fountain.
Later, the heroes (in their civilian guises as Carol Danvers and Peter
Parker) passed the news story information to their editor at the Daily
Comments: Created by Bill Mantlo &/or Deborah November &/or Michael Siporin (writer), Don Perlin (pencils), Mike Esposito (inks).
Fancy Dancer has no known Earth-616 counterpart (unless Fancy Dan of Earth-57780 chose a different career path!).
Profile by Grendel Prime.
Fancy Dancer of Earth-57780 has no known connections to:
Tip Toe Tulip was a renown ballet dancer. Assigned to
interview her, Carol Danvers and Peter Parker watched her stage
performance, but when Fancy Dancer kidnapped her for ransom in front of
audience, Danvers and Parker changed into their secret superhero
identities. Tulip didn't struggle much during the kidnapping (maybe
Fancy Dancer had her in a tight grip). Freed, she watched as Ms. Marvel
Spider-Man knocked her kidnapper into a fountain.
--Spidey Super Stories#38/4
(without ads)
Spidey Super Stories#38, p20, pan1 (main image)
p18, pan3 (headshot)
p16, pan3 (Tulip)
Spidey Super Stories#38/4 (January, 1979) - Bill Mantlo &/or
Deborah November &/or Michael Siporin (writer), Don Perlin
(pencils), Mike Esposito (inks), A.J. Hays & Deborah November
First posted: 04/11/18
Last updated: 04/11/18
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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and � 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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