Official Name: Godthab Omega
Extraterrestrial world "on the edge of the Andromeda galaxy"
per Ronan's ship's computer's, Godthab Omega is a "Kol-Class" planet (no further information provided);
the atmosphere is considered viable (to the Kree, at least, who originally needed something for Earth's atmosphere - see comments);
the mean surface temperature is "two hundred degrees Zohn" (no further information provided);
while none of this is spelled out, it appears to be an arid, high
temperature, desert environment; Glorian briefly transformed parts into
oases or highly developed cities, but they reverted back upon his
Natives: Various scattered, but unspecified lifeforms
Population: Unrevealed natives;
during the period of time when Glorian was summoning beings to Godthab
Omega, there were 493 non-indigenous lifeforms
Capital City: Unrevealed
Government: Unrevealed;
according to Ronan, Godthab Omega was legally registered Kree territory
Languages: Unrevealed
National Defense: Unrevealed
Places of Interest: Abyss, Cauldron, Kree settlement, Mt. Virago, spaceport
Visitors: Astronomer, Cerise, Champion, Contemplator, Devos, Eradica and a portion of the Annihilation wave, Gamora, Glorian, Grandmaster, Gun Runner, Judicator, Korath, Nebula, Quantum, Runner, Tana Nile, Ronan, Spirit, Stellaris, Talos, Zarek
First Appearance: Annihilation: Ronan#1 (June, 2006)
Ronan#3 (fb) - BTS) - For unspecified reasons, the Shaper of
Worlds abandoned his apprentice, Glorian. Glorian took up residence on
Godthab Omega and began drawing beings of power and conflict there,
intending to use the energies of their conflicts to transform the
relatively barren and harsh Godthab Omega into a paradise.
Glorian intended this to be his redemption, his declaration of
independence; he was willing to sacrifice any who might perish in the
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - An increased number of recognizable faces began to show up in Godthab Omega's Abyss township.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 (fb) - BTS) - After the Nu-Elite restored the Kree Empire's autonomy from the Shi'ar, the Starforce, who had been absorbed into the Shi'ar Corps, were branded defectors. Outcasts among both the Kree and Shi'ar, the remnants of the Starforce settled on Godthab Omega, "where no one much cared who you are...or were."
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Kree eked out a bare living from Godthab Omega's scant bounty. The shame of their banishment was more than some of the Kree could live with, while the others began to see a new life free of doctrine and restrictions.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - Approximate two metacycles later, Gamora arrived to recover from a humiliating defeat. She carved out a retreat atop Mt. Virago, part of of Godthab's most treacherous and inhospitable mountain range.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - Gamora banded together with other super-powered women -- Cerise, Nebula, Spirit, Stellaris -- all with some degree of cosmic awareness, and Gamora came to be seen as a living goddess. Gamora's Graces began to take over Godthab Omega.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Kree resisted the Graces.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 - BTS) - On his first day in Abyss, Devos heard of an entity <what he heard was not revealed, but he later revealed he had heard something in response to Ronan mentioning something having drawn him and others there>
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 - BTS) <Annihilation Day, plus 85? (see comments)> - Tana Nile departed Bwokk after filing a flight plan.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 - BTS) <Annihilation Day, plus 88 > - Three rotations later (see comments), Tullk traded Tana Nile's flight plan to Ronan -- who sought vengeance for her speaking for the prosecution during his recent trial -- in exchange for a disc containing the current tactical deployment of Kree beta district sentries in exchange for the flight plan; Ronan subsequently anonymously warned the Kree their configurations had been compromised and advised them to go to a default alignment immediately.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 - BTS) - Following Tana Nile's flight plans, Ronan responded to input from his ship's computer and noted the dangerously increased flight patterns to Godthab Omega. When his computer identified the target and provided specifications on the planet, Ronan specifically queried the non-indigenous population and then further wondered how many Kree were present.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 (fb) - BTS) - Subconsciously drawn by Glorian, Ronan traveled to Godthab Omega.
Ronan#1) <Annihilation Day, plus 95> - Arriving
in the small village of the Kree settlement, Ronan detected a number of
beings prepared to assault him and advised them not to force him to
disarm them. Ronan was then reunited with Korath, who explained the
events that led he and the Starforce remnants to settle there; Ronan
declined Korath's request to help him against the Graces, as he had to
continue his quest to clear his name. Just then, Nebula and Stellaris
attacked, leveling Korath's hovel, but Ronan weathered the assault and
fought back.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2) - In the township of Abyss, Devos attacked Talos; Glorian noted their power levels with pleasure, though he needed still more. Meanwhile, Ronan defeated Stellaris and Nebula.
Tana Nile told Gamora of her recent history with Ronan.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - At Gamora's guidance, Tana Nile had Tullk inform Ronan that Tana Nile could be found in Abyss.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 - BTS) - En route to Godthab Omega, an Annihilation Wave swarmed over and slew Tullk.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2) - After Devos defeated Talos, Ronan asked him about the beings who had been drawn there, but as Devos began to respond, Gamora stabbed Devos through the chest from the back. As Gamora and Ronan clashed, Glorian noted that this increased power level would allow him to create calm and creation; he would become the new Shaper of Worlds.
Ronan#3) - With the captive Devos and Talos as his witnesses, Glorian
used the powers released by Ronan and Gamora's battle -- which had
extended west into the Cauldron -- to transform the people and land,
creating beautiful buildings, etc.
(Annihilation: Ronan#3 - BTS) - Sensing the creation and life advancement on Godthab Omega, Annihilus ordered his swarm to purge it.
(Annihilation: Ronan#3) - Astronomer, Champion, Contemplator, Grandmaster, Gun Runner, Judicator, Quantum, Runner, and Zarek showed up in the transformed Abyss. (or possibly in the spaceport?)
After Ronan incapacitated Gamora, Korath helped him see that he was being manipulated to stay there rather than to warn the Kree of the approaching Annihilation Wave. Ronan resolved to locate and destroy the source of the manipulation.
Glorian noted with dread the arrival of the Annihilation Wave.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4) <Annihilation Day, plus 99> - The Annihilation Wave swarmed over Abyss, the Kree settlement, Mount Virago, and the spaceport.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4 - BTS) - As Glorian struggled (and failed) to preserve Godthab Omega from the damage being wrought to it by the Annihilation Wave, his influence over others faded.
Ronan#4) -
As Korath pointed out the location in which the "grand puppeteer" was
based, Ronan went to confront him, only to be assaulted by Eradica,
leader of this portion of the Annihilation Wave. Ronan caused Eradica's
personal craft to crash them both into Glorian's base. As Glorian was
distracted by direct assault by the Annnihilation Wave, Ronan led the
Kree to Mount Virago in search of Tana Nile. As Tana had been mortally
wounded by the Wave, she only had time to tell him the House of Fiyero
were the ones behind it; she perished before she could identify who
specifically had arranged for her to betray him.
Overwhelmed by the Wave, Glorian reluctantly used his power to
completely eradicate the Wave from Godthab Omega, destroying all he had
created in the process.
After Ronan and Gamora found Glorian in an inert state, Ronan announced he would leave to return to Hala.
Comments: Created by Simon Furman and Jorge Lucas.
Annihilation Day is the day Annihilus' forces invaded the positive universe and began the slaughter represented during the Annihilation series (plural).
Presumably three rotations would mean three planetary rotations, which would be three days, which would make Tana Nile's departure Annihilation Day, plus 85...but then, every planet's rotation is different, isn't it? So I'm not sure if that is correct. I would guess that the days correspond to Earth days due to writer terran-centricism...how do Godthab Omega's rotations relate to that? The Watcher knows...
I also don't know how long a metacycle is...a week...a month?
The events of Annihilation: Ronan seemed to occur within just a day or so. I could see the 7 day break between Ronan leaving Bwokk and arriving on Godthab Omega, but from there, it seemed to be events continuing from one thing to the next. Apparently the swarm arrived on Annihilation Day, plus 95, and everyone fought them for 4 days straight without rest...
I'm not sure whether the Kree settlement arrived on Godthab Omega first, and then the others started showing up afterwards...or whether Glorian arrived first, and the Kree settlement came there because they were drawn there by Glorian.
According to the OHotMU, the Kree's native environment has a higher nitrogen-to-oxygen air content as compared to Earth’s native environment, and the Kree originally could not survive in high<er>-oxygen environments <such as Earth's> without special breathing devices and potions. This was the case in the original Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) stories, if I remember correctly, but over time this seemed to stop being the case. Either the Kree have changed (which seems unlikely until the time of the Ru'ul) or they have been pre-treated to survive on Earth...or something....
Profile by Snood.
Godthab Omega has no known connection to
A township on Godthab Omega, it was the site in which arrived many of the beings drawn to that world by Glorian.
Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - After Glorian began summoning beings to Godthab Omega, an increased number of recognizable faces
began to show up in the township Abyss. These included Devos and Talos.
Glorian's base was apparently near the Abyss.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 - BTS) - On his first day in Abyss, Devos heard of an entity <what he heard was not revealed, but he later revealed he had heard something in response to Ronan mentioning something having drawn him and others there>
(Annihilation: Ronan#2) - In the township of Abyss, Devos attacked Talos; Glorian noted their power levels with pleasure, though he needed still more.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2) - After Devos defeated Talos, Ronan asked him about the beings who had been drawn there, but as Devos began to respond, Gamora stabbed Devos through the chest from the back. As Gamora and Ronan clashed, Glorian noted that this increased power level would allow him to create calm and creation; he would become the new Shaper of Worlds.
(Annihilation: Ronan#3) - With the captive Devos and Talos as his witnesses, Glorian used the powers released by Ronan and Gamora's battle -- which had extended west into the Cauldron -- to transform the people and land, creating beautiful buildings, etc.
(Annihilation: Ronan#3) - Astronomer, Champion, Contemplator, Grandmaster, Gunrunner, Judicator, Quantum, Runner, and Zarek showed up in the transformed Abyss.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4) <Annihilation Day, plus 99> - The Annihilation Wave swarmed over Abyss, the Kree settlement, Mount Virago, and the spaceport.
Ronan#4) -
Overwhelmed by the Wave, Glorian reluctantly used his power to
completely eradicate the Wave from Godthab Omega, destroying all he had
created in the process.
After Ronan and Gamora found Glorian in an inert state, Ronan announced he would leave to return to Hala.
--Annihilation: Ronan#2 (3-4
The Cauldron was a region on Godthab Omega some distance west of the township Abyss.
(Annihilation: Ronan#3) - With the captive Devos and Talos as his witnesses, Glorian used the powers released by Ronan and Gamora's battle -- which had extended west into the Cauldron -- to transform the people and land, creating beautiful buildings, etc.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4) - Overwhelmed by the Wave, Glorian reluctantly used his power to completely eradicate the Wave from Godthab Omega, destroying all he had created in the process.
--Annihilation: Ronan#1
Kree settlement
(see also the profile's main image for a long view of the settlement)
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - Glorian began summoning beings of power and conflict to Godthab Omega, intending to use the energies of their conflicts to transform the relatively barren and harsh Godthab Omega into a paradise.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 (fb) - BTS) - After the Nu-Elite restored the Kree Empire's autonomy from the Shi'ar, the Starforce, who had been absorbed into the Shi'ar Corps, were branded defectors. Outcasts among both the Kree and Shi'ar, the remnants of the Starforce settled on Godthab Omega, "where no one much cared who you are...or were."
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Kree eked out a bare living from Godthab Omega's scant bounty. The shame of their banishment was more than some of the Kree could live with, while the others began to see a new life free of doctrine and restrictions.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - Approximate two metacycles later, Gamora arrived and soon banded together with other super-powered women -- Cerise, Nebula, Spirit, Stellaris -- all with some degree of cosmic awareness. Gamora's Graces began to take over Godthab Omega.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Kree resisted the Graces.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 (fb) - BTS) - Pursuing Tana Nile and subconsciously drawn by Glorian, Ronan traveled to Godthab Omega.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1) <Annihilation Day, plus 95> - Arriving in the small village of the Kree settlement, Ronan detected a number of beings prepared to assault him and advised them not to force him to disarm them. Ronan was then reunited with Korath, who explained the events that led he and the Starforce remnants to settle there; Ronan declined Korath's request to help him against the Graces, as he had to continue his quest to clear his name. Just then, Nebula and Stellaris attacked, leveling Korath's hovel, but Ronan weathered the assault and fought back.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2) - Ronan defeated Stellaris and Nebula, after which Korath shared the history of the Graces.
(Annihilation: Ronan#3) - Glorian used the powers released by Ronan and Gamora's battle to transform the people and land, creating beautiful buildings, etc.
(Annihilation: Ronan#3) - After Ronan incapacitated Gamora, Korath helped him see that he was being manipulated to stay there rather than to warn the Kree of the approaching Annihilation Wave. Ronan resolved to locate and destroy the source of the manipulation.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4) <Annihilation Day, plus 99> - The Annihilation Wave swarmed over Abyss, the Kree settlement, Mount Virago, and the spaceport.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4) - Overwhelmed by the Wave, Glorian reluctantly used his power to completely eradicate the Wave from Godthab Omega, destroying all he had created in the process.
Comments: Created by Simon Furman and Jorge Lucas.
Annihilation Day is the day Annihilus' forces invaded the positive universe and began the slaughter represented during the Annihilation series (plural).
Presumably three rotations would mean three planetary rotations, which would be three days, which would make Tana Nile's departure Annihilation Day, plus 85...but then, every planet's rotation is different, isn't it? So I'm not sure if that is correct. I would guess that the days correspond to Earth days due to writer terran-centricism...how do Godthab Omega's rotations relate to that? The Watcher knows...
The events of Annihilation: Ronan seemed to occur within just a day or so. I could see the 7 day break between Ronan leaving Bwokk and arriving on Godthab Omega, but from there, it seemed to be events continuing from one thing to the next. Apparently the swarm arrived on Annihilation Day, plus 95, and everyone fought them for 4 days straight without rest...
I'm not sure whether the Kree settlement arrived on Godthab Omega first, and then the others started showing up afterwards...or whether Glorian arrived first, and the Kree settlement came there because they were drawn there by Glorian.
--Annihilation: Ronan#1
Part of of Godthab's most treacherous and inhospitable mountain range, Mt. Virago was the base of Gamora and her Graces.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - Approximate two metacycles after the remnants of the Kree Starforce developed a Kree settlement on Godthab Omega, Gamora arrived to recover from a humiliating defeat. She carved out a retreat atop Mt. Virago
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - Gamora banded together with other super-powered women -- Cerise, Nebula, Spirit, Stellaris -- all with some degree of cosmic awareness, and Gamora came to be seen as a living goddess. Gamora's Graces began to take over Godthab Omega.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Kree resisted the Graces.
(Annihilation: Ronan#1 - BTS) <Annihilation Day, plus 95> - Nebula and Stellaris attacked the Kree settlement, leveling Korath's hovel, but Ronan weathered the assault and fought back.
Ronan#1) - From a throne of bones, Gamora -- as she picked a bone clean
-- was very excited by the thought of battling and defeating Ronan.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2) - After Ronan defeated Nebula and Stellaris, they returned to Mt. Virago, where Gamora questioned them on what had happened. Tana Nile revealed her past history with Ronan.
(Annihilation: Ronan#2 (fb) - BTS) - At Gamora's guidance, Tana Nile had Tullk inform Ronan that Tana Nile could be found in Abyss; Gamora planned to confront Ronan there.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4) <Annihilation Day, plus 99> - The insectoids of the Annihilation Wave swarmed over Abyss, the Kree settlement, Mount Virago, and the spaceport.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4) - From Mt. Virago, Cerise reported to Gamora that things were bad and getting worse; the insectoids were already inside. Gamora instructed her to hold on and she would be there as soon as possible.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4 - BTS) - At Mt. Virago, Spirit was slain and Tana Nile was mortally wounded by the Annihilation Wave.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4) - Gamora returned and helped Cerise and Nebula fight off the alien insectoids.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4) - Seeking Tana Nile, Ronan arrived at Mt. Virago, but she only had time to tell him the House of Fiyero were the ones behind her bearing false witness against him in his trial; she perished before she could identify who specifically had arranged for her to betray him. As Eradica led the Annihilation Wave there, Ronan knocked Eradica off her ship.
(Annihilation: Ronan#4 (fb) - BTS) - Ronan and Gamora departed Mt. Virago in a Kree ship in search of Glorian.
Ronan#4 - BTS) - Meanwhile, overwhelmed by the Wave, Glorian reluctantly used his power to
completely eradicate the Wave from Godthab Omega, destroying all he had
created in the process.
After Ronan and Gamora found Glorian in an inert state, Ronan announced he would leave to return to Hala.
--Annihilation: Ronan#1 (2, 4
Perhaps the spaceport for the entire planet (Godthab Omega), it was flooded with arriving aliens after Glorian used his powers to draw beings of power and conflict there. When the Annihilation Wave arrived, they overran the spaceport as well.
--Annihilation: Ronan#1
images: (without ads)
Ronan#1, pg. 16, panel 4 (Kree settlement 1);
pg. 17, panel 1 (Kree settlement, long view);
pg. 22, panel 2 (Mt. Virago);
panel 3 (Gamora on throne);
#2, story pg. 1, panel 2-3 (Abyss);
pg. 9, panel 4 (Gamora scales Mt. Virago);
#3, pg. 12, panel 3 (Glorian transformation barren rock into verdant land);
pg. 13, panel 5 (Glorian transforms barren rock into a city);
#4, pg. 1, panel 1-3 (Annihilation Wave swarms over spaceport, Kree settlement, and Mt. Virago)
Annihilation: Ronan#1-4 (June-September, 2006) - Simon Furman (writer), Jorge Lucas (artist), Molly Lazer & Aubrey Sitterson (assistant editors), Andy Schmidt (editor)
First Posted: 01/10/2016
Last updated: 01/10/2016
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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