Real Name: Jack Baker (presumably)

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Body-builder, circus performer, criminal

Group Membership: Circus of Crime (Clown/Eliot "Crafty" Franklin, Fire-Eater/Tomas Ramirez, Great Gambonnos, Human Cannonball, Princess Python, Ringmaster/Maynard Tiboldt, Tarrax the Tamer)

Affiliations: Circus of Crime (Clown/Eliot "Crafty" Franklin, Fire-Eater/Tomas Ramirez, Great Gambonnos, Human Cannonball, Princess Python, Ringmaster/Maynard Tiboldt, Tarrax the Tamer)

Enemies: Goliath (Bill Foster), Iceman (Bobby Drake), Thing (Ben Grimm)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Marvel Two-in-One I#76 (June, 1981)

Powers/Abilities: Iron Jack Baker was a circus strongman and body-builder capable of lifting large weights.

Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Red

History: (Marvel Two-in-One I#76 (fb) – BTS) – Bodybuilder Iron Jack Baker joined the Circus of Crime as a strong-man.

(Marvel Two-in-One I#76) – The Circus of Crime pilfered riches and belongings from a crowd after Ringmaster hypnotized them but soon, super heroes Thing, Iceman and Goliath attacked, defeating the Circus before the police arrived. During the fight, Iron Jack Baker grabbed a huge weight and tried to attack the Thing but the hero easily grabbed the weight and tossed Iron Jack aside.

Comments: Created by Tom DeFalco, David Michelinie, Jerry Bingham and Chic Stone.

Looks like Thing scared Iron Jack off, as he never showed up with the Circus of Crime again.

Profile by Chadman.

Iron Jack Baker should not be confused with

images: (without ads)
Marvel Two-in-One I#76, p13, pan3 (running at Thing, main image)
Marvel Two-in-One I#76, p13, pan4 (facing Thing)

Marvel Two-in-One I#76 (June, 1981) – Tom DeFalco, David Michelinie (writers), Jerry Bingham (penciler), Chic Stone (inker), Jim Salicrup (editor)

First Posted: 08/18/2018
Last updated: 08/18/2018

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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