Real Name: Karlk
Identity/Class: Human-hybrid (hybrid of White Apes of Sorjoon, a human variant / "Hidden race") magic user;
Hyborian era
Occupation: Sorcerer;
would-be king
Group Membership: Ebon Dynasty;
he was associated with the White Apes of Sorjoon, but whether they
considered him one of them, and/or if he did, is unrevealed
Affiliations: White Apes of Sorjoon (specifically Shuubnagarth, Xergorgan, Xergorgan's mate, Ygothynema, and one other unidenfied)
Enemies: Conan, Ispirana, Thrine, Throll, Throll's soldiers (palace guard of Kelbaza; Maxicus named)
Known Relatives: Ralde (mother, presumably deceased); unidentified king of the White Apes of Sorjoon (father)
Ralde's unidentified brother (uncle, presumably deceased);
Throll (first cousin-once-removed, deceased), Thrine (first cousin-once-removed; see comments)
Aliases: "Old Karlk"
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
died within the royal palace in Kelbaza, a city on the plains of Brythunia
formerly his tower in Kelbaza, Brythunia
First Appearance: (Non-Marvel; mentioned) Weird Tales (July, 1937);
(Marvel; full appearance) Conan the Barbarian I#264 (January, 1993)
Karlk could discharge blue energy from his fingertips that could
skeletonize a man at full power. The blasts could also be directed
against inanimate objects. It took Karlk a few seconds to summon the
energy and he had to have his hands free to direct the power.
Additionally, he could only release a couple blasts within a short time
period (with the second blast in a short time period still proving
fatal, but not completely destroying a man's flesh).
He could also levitate objects, such as a sword and a dagger at the same time.
Karlk had an extra pair of arms, which were in the form of the arms of
the White Apes of Sorjoon, and possessed comparable strength to the
ape's arms as well, allowing him to casually swat Conan across the
room. He typically concealed these arms beneath his robes, but he may
also have used magic to enhance this concealment, as soldiers who bound
his torso with ropes did not realize he had a massive pair of arms
under his robes.
He could not lift the runed bar, as its runes were a shield against all magicks.
The neckplace of power may have just been the symbol of the Ebon Dynasty, or it may have had some actual magical power. Karlk seemed to think that it -- with Throll's blood upon it -- enhanced his own magical powers, leading to his monstrous transformation.
He commanded at least five of the White Apes of Sorjoon, either because he was of royal lineage to them or perhaps via fear/respect of his magical powers, or perhaps he could mentally control/influence them to some degree.
Despite not being present when the term was used, he knew Ispirana had referred to him as "Old Karlk." Whether he could read her mind or had mystically senses a reference to himself, or he just heard such references from others and knew that they considered him to be not much of a threat.
Throll seemed to infer that Karlk magically erected his tower. It is unrevealed whether Karlk actually did so, or perhaps he had his White Apes secretly/swiftly put it together and it was assumed that he had raised the tower through his own magical power.
In his four-armed white ape form, he appeared to take on the overall size and mass of three of the White Apes of Sorjoon (and possibly significantly more). He had great strength, perhaps lifting over 2000 lbs. or more (he would likely be as strong as three normal White Apes, and each White Ape was stronger than Conan).
He could speak but only with difficulty, and his mind may have been undergoing more savage changes as well.
Height: Unrevealed; his human form looked to
be taller than Conan (although they weren't clearly seen standing side
by side), so perhaps 6'8" to 6'10"; his four-armed white ape form
seemed to be more like 10' to 12'
Weight: Unrevealed; he was very lean, but he also had a massive second pair of arms, so perhaps 240 - 260 lbs.; his four-armed white ape form seemed to be more like 1200 - 2000 lbs. depending on just how tall he was
Eyes: (Human form) dark (presumably brown, but possibly black); (four-armed white ape form) solid red sclera with apparent black pupil; presumably either
possessing red irides, or lacking grossly visible irides
Hair: White at time of death;
unrevealed, but presumably black in human form (black eyebrows)
the Barbarian
I#265 (fb) - BTS) - The White Apes of Sorjoon invaded the royal palace of Kelbaza and carried off Queen Ralde.
While others captured were devoured, the king of the Snow Apes took Ralde as her mate. From this union, Ralde bore Karlk (see comments).
(Conan the Barbarian I#265 (fb) - BTS) - Aware of his royal lineage within the "Ebon Throne" of Kelbaza, Karlk eventually returned to Kelbaza, intending to seek to become the new king.
(Conan the Barbarian I#265 (fb) - BTS) - Seeing Karlk as able to wield just enough magic to erect a tower but not to topple a throne, King Throll (grand-nephew of Ralde; see comments), who did not realize Karlk's true nature or royal lineage, chose to let him live.
(Conan the Barbarian I#264 - BTS) - Seeking to loot the treasure of the wizard "old Karlk," Zamboulan thief Ispirana led Conan to scale Karlk's tower.
(Conan the Barbarian I#264) - As Ispirana approached the tower window, one of the White Apes reached out, grabbed her, and pulled her inside. Having only seen an arm, Conan entered the window and explored the dark chambers, eventually finding one of the White Apes holding and muffling Ispirana. Appreciating that Ispirana was warning him of something behind him, Conan turned, only to be assaulted by another of the White Apes. Physically outmatched, Conan was drawn out of his dream of death by Ispirana's scream, reminding him to use his sword and fatally impale the creature. Another of the White Apes (likely Xergorgan) then furiously assaulted Conan (either alone or with the aid of another), swiftly battering the powerful Cimmerian into unconsciousness.
(Conan the Barbarian I#264 - BTS) - Karlk's orders to capture and not slay Conan and Ispirana likely saved their lives.
(Conan the Barbarian I#264) - A quartet of White Apes -- Shuubnagarth, Xergorgan, Ygothynema, and one unidentified -- flanked Karlk as he mocked the reviving Conan and Ispirana, telling them that Conan had slain Xergorgan's mate and revealing part of the White Apes' history.
After Karlk instructed his captives steal the necklace of power from King Throll so he could rule the city, or else he would turn his White Apes on them, Shuubnagarth began to growl, but Karlk instructed Shuubnagarth to give Conan and Ispirana a few more moments to deliberate.
Ispirana charged Karlk when he revealed he wanted her to serve as his hostage while Conan stole the necklace, but Ygothynema grabbed Ispirana under Karlk's instruction and threatened to dismember her. After Conan agreed to serve Karlk's needs, Karlk had Ygothynema drop Ispirana.
To further cement Conan's compliance, Karlk then blasted the solid stone wall, causing pieces of it to shatter, but Conan noted that it had taken Karlk so long to summon and unleash his power that he would have strangled the wizard while he was still flexing his bony fingers. Karlk acknowledged that to be true, but also assured Conan his apes would have torn him to pieces an instant later; nonetheless, Karlk told Conan to bring him the necklace and proof of Throll's demise, and he would let him and Ispirana go. Karlk then levitated Conan's sword and dagger, returning them to the barbarian.
As Conan departed, he warned Karlk that if his pet apes killed Ispirana before he got back, he would cut up the wizard and feed him to the apes. Karlk, however, assured Conan that Xerogorgan did not want to feast on the girl, but rather on Conan.
(Conan the Barbarian I#265 (fb) - BTS) - Unable only to bypass a bar with mystic runes sealing the door that held the necklace of power, Karlk followed Conan into the castle of Throll.
(Conan the Barbarian I#265 (fb) - BTS) - Karlk apparently either brought Ispirana and at least three of the White Apes (see comments) with him, having them wait elsewhere in Throll's castle, or Ispirana and the three White Apes traveled there on their own (whether Ispirana convinced them to take her there, or whether they followed Karlk on their own and brought her along is unrevealed).
(Conan the Barbarian I#265) - Once Conan had removed the runed bar, Karlk traveled to the room holding the necklace of power, confronting both Conan and Thrine, who had discovered Conan's entry. Admitting it was only the runed bar that had kept him out, Karlk then grasped the necklace of power and announced that the Ebon Dynasty must die so he could become Kelbaza's ruler.
Conan was unwilling to kill Thrine or to all allow Karlk to murder her,
but Karlk summoned his energies and warned Conan that if he tried to
save Thrine he was risking Ispirana's life at the hands of the White Apes. Karlk advised
Conan to turn his back so he would not witness Thrine's demise, but
they were interrupted by the arrival of Throll and his palace
guards/soldiers. Throll's men grabbed and bound Conan and Karlk; Thrine
informed her brother that Conan had prevented Karlk from harming her,
but Throll reasoned that Conan had meant to steal the necklace, and so
Conan would be tortured alongside his "master."
Throll questioned Karlk as to why he had chosen Kelbaza for his intrigue, but Karlk told him only, "One must choose someplace." Throll began to dismiss Karlk as a dreamer with ambition beyond his reach and have him sent to the dungeon, but screams from a nearby corridor (from a battle between Ispirana and other guards, and possibly some of the White Apes) led Throll to instead send Thrine to her rooms and to have Maxicus stay and watch the tethered prisoners while he and his men went to search for accomplices.
When Conan argued with Maxicus, Karlk advised Conan not to seek to grapple with the tentacles of ignorance, though he considered Conan's refusal to kill women to be a similar ignorance. Conan stated this to be a point of honor with his people, but Karlk noted that he must learn to not use thieves who were too sentimental; he further added that he was so above mankind that his thoughts were in the clouds while insects devoured his sandals.
When Maxicus became distracted with the ruckus down the hall, Karlk revealed that he had two additional limbs matching those of the White Apes of Sorjoon, with which he undid his bonds and freed himself. Karlk them obliterated Maxicus with a blast of his azure energies.
questioned Karlk's nature, but Karlk, having neither the time nor the
desire to enlighten Conan departed, noting that he would similarly
obliterate Conan if he did not need to conserve his energies to put an
end to this dynasty; "after all, kingdoms are founded on blood."
(Conan the Barbarian I#265 (fb) - BTS) - Karlk located Thrine and proposed that she marry him to consecrate his ascendancy to the Ebon Throne.
(Conan the Barbarian I#265 - BTS) - Conan freed himself, rushed to the sounds of the conflict, and joined forces against the palace guards/soldiers directed to slay them by Throll. When Conan described Karlk's escape, Throll rushed to find Thrine to save her from Karlk.
(Conan the Barbarian I#265) - Throll found Thrine at Karlk's mercy, but when he ordered the sorcerer away, Karlk slew Throll with a blast of his energies.
(Conan the Barbarian I#265 - BTS) - The trio of White Apes (see comments) that had been watching Ispirana assaulted the palace guards that had confronted Ispirana and were battling her and Conan.
Conan and Ispirana fled, leaving the White Apes and guards to battle
each other while Conan relocated Karlk in an effort to save Thrine.
(Conan the Barbarian I#265) - Repeating his proposal to Thrine, Karlk noted that with the necklace and her as his queen no one would dare challenge his legitimacy.
With the necklace of power drenched in Throll's blood (it was presumably either pulled there by the magic, splattered from Throll due to the blast, or wiped directly from Throll's body; this wasn't shown), Karlk clarified that the offer was to share his bed or to share Throll's death.
After Karlk voiced some words of magic, "Kaimanu Salbatanu Dilbaat Simanu...", Conan rushed in and threatened to kill the murderer.
Karlk swiftly swatted Conan away with a blow from one of his White Ape arms, after which Karlk transformed into a giant, four-armed version of the White Apes.
As Conan tried to protect Thrine, Karlk -- his speech harsh due to his throat now being ill-suited for speech, and his mind possibly undergoing changes as well -- explained his history as the spawn of Ralde and the king of the White Apes.
Explaining he was thus also of the Ebon Dynasty, and that he had been made mightier by Throll's blood, the necklace of power, and certain magics, Karlk offered to Thrine that they could rule together.
Mortified, Thrine asked Conan to kill her to spare her from Karlk, but
Conan instead tried to kill Karlk, leaping at him and stabbing him
in the back with his dagger even as Karlk swatted Ispirana away, dazing
her as her head struck the wall. However, the dagger did only limited
damage, and Karlk powerful lifted Conan away before throwing him to the
ground and choking him.
Greatly overpowered, Conan flailed futilely as Karlk's fangs approached his face until Thrine called out to him and threw him Ispirana's sword. Catching the sword, Conan shoved its point into the back of Karlk's throat, causing the monster to cry out before swiftly/apparently dying.
(Conan the Barbarian I#265 - BTS) - With the White Apes and soldiers having slain each other, Conan and Ispirana departed, leaving Thrine to deal with her loss before becoming the new queen.
Comments: Created by Clifford Ball;
adapted to Marvel by Roy Thomas and John Watkiss.
Clifford Ball was a writer who helped fill the void in the pages of
Weird Tales following the death of Robert E. Howard. One of his stories
was "The Thief of Forthe," featuring Rald, the prince of thieves, who
was manipulated by the wizard Karlk into stealing the necklace and
seizing the Ebon Throne.
Additional information courtesy of Darci:
What's the relationship?:
Profile by Snood.
Karlk should be distinguished from:
The Ebon Dynasty was the ruling line of Kelbaza. It dated back at least as far as the time of Queen Ralde and carried forward at least as far as her grandniece, Thrine.
It is unrevealed whether Queen Ralde was the ruler and then succeeded by her brother (Throll and Thrine's grandfather) after her abduction, or whether she shared the rule, or whether her brother ruled even though she had the title "queen."
Regardless, Throll's father likely inherited the ruler from his father, and Throll inherited it in turn from his own father.
At least at the time of Thrine and her brother, King Throll, the Ebon Dynasty was well-loved by the Kelbazans: Throll was not a bad ruler (as monarchs go), and Thrine was beloved by the people.
Throll's castle had relatively minimal, if any, guards and a few flimsy locks preventing any from entering.
The necklace of power was the holy symbol of the Ebon Dynasty.
The Ebon Throne was apparently the name for the ruling position, held by the senior member of the Ebony Dynasty.
Throll had no male heirs to succeed him, and Thrine took over after Throll's death. Conan called Thrine the last heir to the Ebon Dynasty, presumably meaning she did not have a spouse or any children. However, Conan could have been mistaken as he knew little of Thrine's family; she also could have married and/or had children in the future.
--(Non-Marvel) Weird Tales (July, 1937);
(Marvel) Conan the Barbarian I#264 (January, 1993)
Maxicus was one of the palace guard/soldiers serving King Throll within his castle in Kelbaza, Brythunia.
After capturing the invading Conan and Karlk, Throll was distracted by screams from a nearby corridor (from a battle between Ispirana and other guards, and possibly some of the White Apes) leading Throll to have Maxicus stay and watch the tethered prisoners while he and his men went to search for accomplices Conan and Karlk may have brought.
Maxicus warned the bound Conan that he had kicked his weapons down the hall and that if Conan gave him any trouble he would kick Conan all over the place.
When Maxicus added that he had never liked Cimmerians, Conan asked if Maxicus had ever seen a Cimmerian before, but Maxicus argued that it didn't matter as he had heard stories.
When Maxicus became distracted with the ruckus down the hall, Karlk revealed two additional limbs matching those of the White Apes of Sorjoon, with which he undid his bonds and freed himself.
Maxicus had only time to turn around, see that Karlk had freed himself, invoke Mitra in surprise, and begin to ask how Karlk had gotten free before the wizard unleashed his azure energies.
Karlk's flesh was instantly consumed, and even his skeleton shattered into pieces.
--Conan the Barbarian I#265
necklace of power
The necklace of power was the holy symbol of the Ebon Dynasty.
It may have had some actual magical power. Karlk seemed to think that it -- with Throll's blood upon it -- enhanced his own magical powers, leading to his monstrous transformation.
The necklace of power was kept in a room barred by a staff containing mystic runes that cursed any mortal who dared lift it unless bidden to do so by the rightful sovereign. The staff could not be lifted by beings of magical power, but a non-magic-user could apparently lift it without problem.
After Conan lifted the bar, Karlk claimed the necklace. After Karlk slew Throll, the wizard felt that the necklace, covered in Throll's blood, and aided by a spell voiced by Karlk enhanced his power, facilitating his transformation into a monstrous four-armed White Ape-being.
--(Non-Marvel) Weird Tales (July, 1937);
(Marvel) Conan the Barbarian I#264 (January, 1993)
Note: The necklace is pictured hanging from the wall in the room barred by the runed staff in the sub-profile for the runed staff.
Yeah, I pictured the image of the blood-soaked necklace in the main profile, too; it seemed significant for Karlk's transformation...
The palace guard / royal soldiers served King Throll within his castle in Kelbaza, Brythunia.
Only Maxicus was identified by name
Perhaps seven guards/soldiers (including Maxicus) accompanied Throll in investigating the break-in at the room holding the royal necklace.
After capturing the invading Conan and Karlk, Throll was distracted by screams from a nearby corridor (from a battle between Ispirana and other guards, and possibly some of the White Apes) leading Throll to have Maxicus stay and watch the tethered prisoners while he and his men went to search for accomplices Conan and Karlk may have brought.
Throll and the guards encountered Ispirana, apparently fighting her; it is unclear whether the White Apes were initially involved in this conflict.
After Conan arrived (having escaped his bonds after Karlk broke free, slew Maxicus, and departed) and revealed Karlk's escape, Throll left his guards to slay Conan and Ispirana while he went to find Thrine.
Three White Apes then made their presence known, attacking the Kelbazan soldiers, and Conan and Ispirana departed to find Thrine as well.
The soldiers fell protecting their king/dynasty, but the three White Apes were also slain or mortally wounded as well.
--Conan the Barbarian I#265
Queen Ralde was a member of the Ebon Dynasty, the ruling line of Kelbaza, Brythunia, in years past. She had an unidentified brother.
She was abducted from the castle by an invading force of White Apes of Sorjoon.
Ralde was not devoured by the White Apes as were most humans they captured. Instead, the king of the White Apes took Ralde as his mate.
From this union, Ralde bore a son, Karlk.
Ralde's fate is unrevealed, but Karlk eventually led a group of White Apes to aid him in his plot to claim the rule of Kelbaza from King Throll, grandson of Ralde's brother (or, to put it another way, Throll was Ralde's grandnephew)
--(Non-Marvel; unidentified) Weird Tales (July, 1937);
(Marvel; full appearance; identified) Conan the Barbarian I#265 (February, 1993)
note: I'm not sure who the three men in this picture were meant to represent. Suitors or servants, presumably.
runed bar/staff/rod
The necklace of power was kept in a room barred by a staff containing mystic runes that cursed any mortal who dared lift it unless bidden to do so by the rightful sovereign.
The staff could not be lifted by beings of magical power, but a non-magic-user could apparently lift it without problem.
The ancient (ancient at the time of 10,000 BC) runes on the bar were similar enough to Hyborian writer for Conan to decipher their warning of a curse.
Karlk told Conan of the runed bar, and Conan, heedless of the curse, lifted the bar and kicked the door open.
After Conan lifted the bar, Karlk claimed the necklace.--Conan the Barbarian I#265
Note: It wasn't seen again after Karlk's arrival, but it seems like it could have been an effective weapon against Karlk.
A princess of the Ebon Dynasty of Kelbaza, Brythunia, Thrine was the sister of King Throll and was beloved by the Kelbazans. She had a number of rooms within the royal castle. She was the grandniece of Ralde.
When Conan entered the room containing the necklace of power (symbol of the Ebony Dynasty) to steal it for Karlk (who, unknown to Thrine or Throll, was Ralde's son via the king of the White Apes of Sorjoon, and thus their first cousin-once-removed), Thrine confronted the Barbarian.
Both Thrine and Conan were then surprised by the arrival of Karlk, who had really only needed Conan to lift the runed staff barring the entrance to the room.
Karlk threatened Thrine with his energy powers despite Conan's objections until they were discovered by Throll and his royal guardsmen, who bound Conan and Karlk.
When commotion arose (from a battle between Conan's ally Ispirana and
other guards (and possibly the White Apes), Throll sent Thrine to her
room for safety reasons.
Karlk subsequently escaped and confronted Thrine, offering her marriage and rule by his side or death at his hands if she refused.
Throll arrived to save her, but Karlk slew him. After Conan arrived, Karlk transformed into a monstrous, four-armed White Ape creature.
Thrine asked Conan to kill her to spare her from Karlk, but Conan instead attacked Karlk.
As Karlk overpowered the barbarian, Thrine called out to Conan and threw him Ispirana's sword, with which he slew Karlk.
Dazed and not even remembering having thrown the sword, Thrine knelt and wept over her dead brother.
Considering that Thrine was now the last heir of the Ebon Dynasty, Conan and Ispirana chose to depart into the coming sunrise before more guards arrived and arrested them.
--(Non-Marvel) Weird Tales (July, 1937);
(Marvel, mentioned) Conan the Barbarian I#264;
(full appearance) Conan the Barbarian I#265
Note: Conan called Thrine the last heir to the Ebon Dynasty, presumably meaning she did not have a spouse or any children.
However, Conan could have been mistaken as he knew little of Thrine's family; she also could have married and/or had children in the future.
The king of Kelbaza, Brythunia, Throll was the dominant member of the Ebon Dynasty lineage.
He was the brother of Princess Thrine, and the grandnephew of Ralde.
He presumably inherited the role of king from his father, who presumably inherited it from his father (who was the brother of Ralde).
As reported by Ispirana, Throll was not a bad ruler (as monarchs go).
He was sufficiently popular that he did not feel the need to keep his castle thoroughly guarded against outside intrusion.
Throll did not leave his soldiers to defend the castle on their own,
but instead he led them in investigations and conflicts.
Throll led a group of soldiers to investigate a break-in -- by Conan, who was pressed into service by Karlk via holding his ally Ispirana hostage; Karlk sough to claim Kelbaza's crown --in the roomholding the necklace of power, the holy symbol of the Ebon Dynasty.
After capturing the invading Conan and Karlk, Throll was distracted by screams from a nearby corridor (from a battle between Ispirana and other guards, and possibly some of the White Apes) .
Throll instructed Maxicus to stay and watch the tethered prisoners while he and his men went to search for accomplices Conan and Karlk may have brought.
Throll and the guards encountered Ispirana, apparently fighting her; it
is unclear whether the White Apes were initially involved in this
After Conan arrived (having escaped his bonds after Karlk broke free, slew Maxicus, and departed) and revealed Karlk's escape, Throll left his guards to slay Conan and Ispirana while he went to find Thrine.
Throll found Thrine at Karlk's mercy, but when Throll ordered Karlk away, Karlk fatally blasted Throll. --(Non-Marvel; as Thrall) Weird Tales (July, 1937);
(Marvel; as Throll; mentioned) Conan the Barbarian I#264;
(full appearance) Conan the Barbarian I#265
Note: Throll did not have any male heirs; it is unrevealed whether he had any daughters, but after his death, Thrine was considered the last of the Ebon Dynasty.
Throll's castle
royal palace of the Ebony Dynasty of Kelbaza
The castle from which King Throll ruled was also home to Thrine, who had a number of rooms of her own.
It was staffed by an unspecified number of Kelbazan soldiers / royal guards.
The necklace of power, the holy symbol of the Ebon Dynasty, was kept in a room sealed by a bar marked with ancient runes that were proof against magic.
Throll's castle had relatively minimal, if any, guards and a few flimsy locks preventing any from entering.
--(Non-Marvel) Weird Tales (July, 1937);
(Marvel) Conan the Barbarian I#264 (January, 1993)
Note: I guess it would have become known as Thrine's castle after Throll's death.
Karlk's tower
Throll seemed to infer that Karlk magically erected
his tower. It is unrevealed whether Karlk actually did so, or perhaps
he had his White Apes secretly/swiftly put it together and it was
assumed that he had raised the tower through his own magical power.
It was home to Karlk and at least five of the White Apes of Sorjoon.
Seeking to rob Karlk, the Zamboulan thief Ispirana led Cimmerian barbarian Conan to scale the tower.
As they approached its upper window, one of the apes grabbed Ispirana and pulled her inside.
Conan followed, but was overpowered by the Apes (though he slew one of them)
With Ispirana his hostage, Karlk sent Conan to steal the Ebon Dynasty's necklace of power.
Karlk followed Conan to Throll's palace, as did three of the remaining four White Apes.
Karlk and the three apes perished in Throll's castle.
--(Non-Marvel) Weird Tales (July, 1937);
(Marvel) Conan the Barbarian I#264 (January, 1993)
images: (without ads)
Conan the Barbarian I#264, pg. 10, panel 2 (Karlk's tower; distant, shadowed);
pg. 11, panel 5 (Conan and Ispirana scaling the tower);
pg. 16, panel 5 (close upper body of Karlk);
pg. 17, panel 1 (Karlk face);
pg. 18, panel 2 (Shuubnagarth face);
pg. 20, panel 2-4 (Karlk unleashing azure energy);
#265, pg. 1, panel 2 (Throll's castle);
pg. 3, panel 4 (runed bar on door);
pg. 4, panel 1 (runed bar in Conan's hands, with necklace suspended);
panel 3 (Thrine full, oblique);
pg. 5, panel 1 (Thrine face);
pg. 8, panel 1 (Throll with guards);
panel 2 (Throll, full, oblique);
panel 3 (Throll, face);
pg. 9, panel 3 (Maxicus, face);
pg. 10, panel 2 (Maxicus, full);
panel 4 (Karlk extending White Ape arms through ropes);
pg. 11, panel 1 (Karlk with 4 arms extended);
panel 2 (Maxicus obliterated);
panel 4 (Karlk, fulll profile with arms extended, holding necklace);
pg. 16, panel 1 (Thrine at Karlk's mercy; Throll onrushing);
panel 2 (Karlk slaying Throll);
panel 3 (Karlk holding blood-drenched necklace);
pg. 17, panel 1 (Karlk swatting Conan away);
panel 2 (Karlk transforming into
4-armed White Ape form, shredding garments);
pg. 18, panel 1 (Ralde);
panel 2 (Karlk; good detail knees up, right side cropped off);
pg. 19, panel 1-3 (Karlk vs. Conan);
pg. 20, panel 3 (Karlk stabbed through throat);
pg. 21, panel 1 (Karlk corpse);
panel 3 (Thrine grieving over Throll)
Weird Tales (July, 1937) - Richard Ball (writer)
Conan the Barbarian I#264-265 (January-February, 1993) - Roy Thomas (writer), John Watkiss (artist), Richard Ashford (editor)
First posted: 05/26/2018
Last updated: 05/26/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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