Real Name: Kimba

Identity/Class: Terrestrial animal (tiger)

Occupation: Trained circus tiger

Group Membership: Tiboldt Carnival of Wonders (Chondu the Magician, Clem, Destiny, Jeb, Mystique, Ringmaster)

Affiliations: Jeb, Tabitha Smith

Enemies: Clem, John Proudstar

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: X-Force I#-1 (July, 1997)

Powers/Abilities: Kimba was a trained circus tiger.

Height: 3'5" (by approximation)
Weight: 450 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Orange with black stripes

History: (X-Force I#-1 (fb)) – Years ago, at the Tiboldt Carnival of Wonders, the tamer Clem ignored worries from Jeb about Kimba the tiger. After being viewed by Tabitha Smith, Kimba escaped and hurt Clem then John Proudstar defeated it.

Comments: Created by John Francis Moore, Adam Pollina, Mark Morales, Jon Holdredge and Al Milgrom.

Profile by Chadman.

Kimba has no known connections to:

Clem & Jeb

(X-Force I#-1 (fb)) – Years ago, at the Tiboldt Carnival of Wonders, the tamer Clem ignored worries from Jeb about Kimba the tiger. After being viewed by Tabitha Smith, Kimba escaped and hurt Clem, then John Proudstar defeated it.

--X-Force I#-1 (fb)

images: (without ads)
X-Force I#-1, p9, pan1 (Kimba)
X-Force I#-1, p12, pan3 (Kimba uncaged)
X-Force I#-1, p9, pan2 (Clem and Jeb)

X-Force I#-1 (July, 1997) – John Francis Moore (writer), Adam Pollina (penciler), Mark Morales, Jon Holdredge, Al Milgrom (inkers), Mark Powers (editor)

First Posted: 08/16/2018
Last updated: 08/16/2018

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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