Real Name: Leanne
Identity/Class: Human sub-species (Lemurans of Pangea; see comments))
Occupation: Queen
Group Membership: Ruler of the Lemurans
Affiliations: Aerians, Felina, Kamin, Ka-Zar (Kevin, Lord Plunder), Sep, Shanna the She-Devil (Shanna, Lady Plunder; she helped a demonic-savage Shanna, who then attacked her), Swamp Men (especially their high priest), M'Dom Typ, Ular, Zabu;
formerly Belasco, Dherk (while both were under Belasco's influence), Pterons, and Tubanti (while under Belasco's influence);
formerly her vizier and general, etc.
Enemies: Belasco, Cat-People, Khalf, Pterons;
her unidentifed uncle, general, vizier, and other nobility, at least;
formerly Aerians, Buth, Dherk, Ka-Zar, Shanna
Known Relatives: Unidentified daughter;
unidentified uncle;
former unidentified fiance
Aliases: Goddess-Queen (reverent name from the Swamp Men of Parni);
temptress, witch (nicknames from Shanna; she probably had a few
other nicknames for Leanne, but I didn't keep track of them)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
buried in Parni, the city of the Swamp Men (or, at least, a tribe of them);
formerly Nahgen island in the Gorhan sea;
formerly Lemura city, Zarhan, Pangea, Antarctica
First Appearance: Ka-Zar the Savage#1 (April, 1981)
Powers/Abilities: Leanne did not have any
special abilities. She presumably had some royal tutoring, and training
primarily in etiquette, decorum, etc.
She did go out on a hunt, but there is not evidence that she was
actually experienced in hunting, as she may have just been along for
the ride. She was, at least, willing and able to use a spear to kill a
man if needed.
She was
able to ride a two-legged carnivorous dinosaur (they were called
Tyrannousauruses, but they were way too small) trained by the Swamp
Men. She rode a horse while Belasco-influenced (I would think she could
do that normally, although she may have ridden sidesaddle).
Ka-Zar noted that she spoke "Thelic."
In Shanna's form, she was larger and stronger, but she had none of Shanna's skills.
Mystically empowered by Belasco, she seemed to have enhanced human
strength (lifting perhaps 1000 lbs.; she easily hefted a flaming, full
stone brazier and threw it through the air), and she could shrug off a
full force by Shanna without flinching. Savage and fierced, she wielded
a three-pronged, trident-esque spear, and she was able to overpower
Shanna and the leader of the savage Tubanti.
Belasco could further direct his mystic energies through her, allowing
her to travel great distances through water without drowning or other
injury; to cause powerful tremors sufficient to shatter rock; and to
unleash bursts of energy.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'5"); (while possessing Shanna's form) 5'10"
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 130 lbs.); (while possessing Shanna's form)
Eyes: Brown (or green, or blue; they are rarely shown up close, and even then the color was poorly defined); (while possessing Shanna's form) hazel
Hair: Black; (while possessing Shanna's form) red
(Ka-Zar the Savage#1 (fb) - BTS) - Leanne was a happy queen ruling the realm/nation of Zarhan from the city of Lemura (see comments).
(Ka-Zar the Savage#2 (fb) - BTS) - Zarhan was considered one of the most valued allies of the Aerians of Aerie Shalan in Pangea.
the Savage#1 (fb) - BTS) - Leanne was engaged to be married to an
unspecified man (of presumed royalty) in seven years from the time of
the main story.
(Ka-Zar the Savage#1 (fb) - BTS) - Leanne went out hunting with some friends.
(Ka-Zar the Savage#1 (fb) - BTS) - Zabu, the smilodon/sabre-toothed
tiger-esque cat/partner/"brother" of Ka-Zar (Kevin Plunder), detected
the scent of Felina, a similar cat owned by Leanne that was apparently
in estrus (heat), and traveled out of the Savage Land into Pangea to be
with her.

(Ka-Zar the Savage#1 (fb) - BTS) - Ka-Zar tracked the missing Zabu into Pangea.
the Savage#1 (fb) - BTS) - Leanne's contingent/caravan of Lemuran
guards and Felina, were assaulted by the Cat-People some
twenty miles north of Zarhan. Leanne's servants were all apparently
slain, and Leanne and Felina were separately restrained.
the Savage#1) - Almost immediately thereafter, Ka-Zar -- intrigued by
and driven to save her -- arrived, knocked over Leanne's attackers,
freed Leanne, and rushed off into the jungle with her, despite Leanne's
urging him to stop. When he finally put her down, she --while
repeatedly insulting his intelligence -- explained that they weren't
after her (or him), but wanted her cat. Leanne urged Ka-Zar to save
Felina to save her from destruction at the hands of the Cat-People, but
he advised Leanne that it was foolish to recklessly attack as there
were multiple Cat People and just the two of them, and that the
Cat-People had taken out her whole caravan. He offered instead that he
could stay with her and on the Cat-People's trail until he could
determine out a way to separate them from Felina.
Leanne sank to ground, apologizing for not acting queenly as she cried
over the loss of her servants and Felina. Clearly attracted to her,
Ka-Zar soothed Leanne, telling her that it would soon be dark and he
could track the Cat-People without being seen, and that he could get
her some food. Ka-Zar introduced himself, Leanne told him of Zarhan and
of the Cat-People, and Ka-Zar soon found tracks matching Zabu's
following the Cat-People's; Leanne revealed that Felina was ready to
mate, and that Zabu must be trailing her. 
Hours later, Ka-Zar and Leanne approached the Cat-People's camp, and
after Leanne explained how the Cat-People partied all night until
passing out around dawn, Ka-Zar planned to try to rescue Felina after they
passed out. After Leanne mentioned the strength of the mating urge in
toppling kingdoms, etc., Ka-Zar questioned whether she was mated, and
after she told him of her seven-year engagement, he began hitting on
her, noting how much could change in that time. Leanne rebuffed Ka-Zar,
admitting her attraction, but that she would not be unfaithful to her
fiance by hanging in the trees like an ape; as she tried to advise him
to use respect and romance, she stopped when she realized the
Cat-People were going to sacrifice Felina right away.
Leanne urged Ka-Zar to action; while he was unwilling to face the
entire tribe by himself for her cat, when Zabu attacked the tribal
leader, he leapt into the fray. As Ka-Zar released Felina from her
bonds, one of the Cat-People ambushed him and prepared to stab him in
the chest, but Leanne speared the warrior in the back, saving Ka-Zar.
Appreciating this, Ka-Zar led Leanne and Felina to flee with him and
When they took a break after a few
miles to drink some water, Ka-Zar told Leanne of his marvel in finding
this new valley (not realizing the extent of Pangea), noting her to be
its most precious treasure, and told her he was falling in love with
her. Leanne kissed him passionately and asked him to promise they
wouldn't spend their entire courtship in a tree; however, Ka-Zar soon
spotted some sort of hoofstock and aided Zabu in killing it so they
could have dinner, after which he realized it was a female with a calf,
and he slew the calf so that it wouldn't suffer and starve. Appalled by
this, Leanne withdrew, refusing to eat, and urging Ka-Zar forward
toward Lemura.
They reached the city just
as the Cat-People began to catch up with them, but Leanne assured that
the Cat-People would not aproach the city as they considered it evil
ground. When the captain of the Lemuran's guard stopped Ka-Zar's
advance into the city, Ka-Zar began battering the man; Leanne told
Ka-Zar to stop, and he told her to tell her people he was entering the
city with her. Tearfully, Leanne told Ka-Zar that this might be wise,
as he wouldn't fit in in her city, with its strict code of ethics and
rules, and its politics and social doctrines; she further argued that
she couldn't act just for herself, but had to consider her whole
As Ka-Zar angrily departed, Leanne fruitlessly told him she loved him.
the Savage#2 (fb) - BTS) - Leanne discovered how corrupt Lemura really
was, that it was really ruled by her treacherous uncle, and that she
was more prisoner than queen.
the Savage#2 (fb) - BTS) - Leanne became lovers with Sep of the
Aerians, and they made plans to elope. Sep made an arrangement with the
Pterons to have Leanne "kidnapped" and escorted to a remote part of Pangea.
(Ka-Zar the Savage#2 (fb) - BTS) - Pterons abduced Leanne.
the Savage#2 - BTS) - One of the Aerians reported Leanne's abduction to
Lord M'Dom Typ, who was entertaining Ka-Zar and Shanna (brought to
their city after falling while scaling a mountain between the Savage
Land and Pangea). When Typ asked them to help rescue Leanne, Shanna
readily agreed, but Ka-Zar -- presumably both upset with Leanne and not
wanting her and Shanna to meet and learn about their encounter --
initially refused, arguing that the odds were poor and that Leanne may
not even be worth risking their lives for. Realizing his mistake,
Ka-Zar joined Shanna and the Aerian force, and -- while the Aerians
provided a distraction -- Ka-Zar and Shanna planned to sneak into Athmeth, the
Pteron caverns, with a device intended to collapse the caverns.
the Savage#2) - Within Athmeth, Pteron leader Khalf ordered the
preparation of the pack animals and Leanne's retinue so they could
leave within the hour; a pair of Pterons then picked up and flew away
with Leanne.
(Ka-Zar the Savage#2 - BTS) - Arriving
in Athmeth, Ka-Zar and Shanna saw only Leanne being carried away, and
Ka-Zar went to rescue Leanne and sent Shanna to activate the trigger
the Savage#2) - Leanne was surprised to see Ka-Zar arrive in her
chambers, and she urged him first to depart as he was ruining
everything, and then to hide behind a curtain as Sep approached. When
Leanne and Sep embraced, Ka-Zar angrily emerged, and Leanne calmed Sep,
telling him Ka-Zar was a friend. Convincing Sep to give her privacy to
say goodbye to Ka-Zar, Leanne told Ka-Zar she knew he would come back
and asked if he still loved her; unbeknownst to them both, Shanna had
arrived to meet up and escape with them, and she witnessed the
conversation. After Leanne explained her plans, Ka-Zar asked if Sep was
another means to an end, if she had told Sep she loved him, too, and whether she was throwing her own kingdom into chaos
and enslavement by the Pterons.
They were
interrupted by Khalf, who revealed that Sep was betraying both Leanne
and the Aerians to the Pterons for their financial payment, but that
neither she nor Sep would ever have left Athmeth alive. However, the
Aerian forces then invaded the caverns alongside Zabu and attacked the
Pterons as well. As the destruct mechanism went off, Ka-Zar sent Shanna
and Leanne ahead of him.
(Ka-Zar the Savage#2 (fb) - BTS) - Tremors caused Shanna and Leanne to fall over the edge of a cliff.
the Savage#2) - As the ledge crumbled, Ka-Zar had only enough time to
save one of them, and he saved Shanna; Leanne fell and was lost amidst
the rising smoke and dust.
the Savage#4 (fb)) - Unable to deny his love for Leanne, Sep returned
for her; too late to save her from falling and striking the cliff wall
several times, he caught her before she struck bottom. He flew her to
Nahgen island to bury her at the religious totem of his people,
but found the island gone.
Suddenly, the island resurfaced, a result of the recently ever-shifting
geological "whims" of Pangea. Sep located the Aerian temple, but then
found Leanne still had a pulse, though she was comatose. Astonished,
Sep unwittingly pressed a hidden button that opened a door to a chamber
of advanced equipment. A scholar of Pangea's sciences and ancient
language, Sep reviewed the temple library; though he found much, he
failed to find anything to revive Leanne.
the Savage#2 - BTS) - Ka-Zar refused to discuss the matter with Shanna.
The Aerians did not find Leanne's body, and Ka-Zar figured she had
the Savage#3 - BTS) - Back in Aerie Shalan, Ka-Zar and Shanna had some
arguments that were at least influenced by Ka-Zar's involvement with
Leanne. Eventually, Delphine, a young Aerian infatuated with Ka-Zar,
tricked Shanna into riding a skite (a flying creature the Aerians used
-- at least in part -- to transport non-winged visitors) that was
hoxing (in heat; wild and frantic, the creatures head straight for
their native island if freed); she strapped
Shanna's legs to the creature due to it being "spirited." The skite flew out to Nahgen island, which, as far as the Aerians knew, had sunken six days before.
the Savage#4 - BTS) - The skite carrying Shanna flew toward Nahgen, ignoring all of Shanna's efforts to steer it
anywhere else, until a lightning bolt tore through its right wing,
causing it to crash into the sea.
the Savage#4 (fb)) - Taking a break from his exhaustive studies, Sep wandered the beach.
the Savage#4 - BTS) - Sep found Shanna's body after it washed up on Nahgen.
the Savage#4 (fb)) - Carrying Shanna's body back to the lab, Sep
used a pair of devices able to direct a patient's brainwaves
extracorporally to switch the minds Leanne and Shanna.
the Savage#4 (fb) - BTS / Ka-Zar the Savage#6 (fb) - BTS) - The
mind-transfer drew the attention of the Atlantean android Dherk, who
had worked with (and likely designed) and still had connections to the
equipment on Nahgen island.
the Savage#4) - In Shanna's body, Leanne cried out helplessly as some
apparently carnivorous sharp-toothed sauropod-ish creature menaced her.
Hearing and finding her, and surprised at her lack of efforts, Ka-Zar
-- who had ridden another skite there -- nonetheless saved "Shanna."
Feigning partial amnesia, Leanne avoided further suspicion. After
Ka-Zar explained recent events, Leanne/Shanna was pleased when Ka-Zar
refused to deny that he still loved Leanne, then -- claiming just to
have missed him -- kissed him passionately, which led to some romance.
Awakening in the middle of the night, Leanne/Shanna traveled to the
chamber containing the machinery keeping Leanne's body (which held
Shanna's mind) alive and attempted to rip out some of the life-support
tubing. Sep stopped her, warning her it might kill her body, but
Leanne/Shanna contended it was her right to choose; she further argued
that Leanne's body had been comatose for days and was going to
die...and that they didn't have time to spare as Ka-Zar had arrived.
Noting that if Ka-Zar found the chamber, he would make them re-exchange
the minds, she told Sep if he loved her he would pull the plug on
Leanne's "worthless" body, and accompany her and Ka-Zar when they left
the island the next day; she told Sep to leave handling Ka-Zar to her.
Resolving to stay with Ka-Zar, Leanne/Shanna returned to him and told
him that Sep was in a temple with a dying Leanne and that he was trying
to switch her mind with Leanne's and then to kill both Ka-Zar and
Shanna. Though still concerned over Shanna's fearful behavior, Ka-Zar
rushed into the temple, where Sep -- jealous about Leanne's obvious
infatuation with Ka-Zar -- hurled a piece of machinery at him. This led to
a fight where Ka-Zar punched Sep, knocking him into the chamber
monitoring Leanne.
Leanne/Shanna then
arrived and tried to convince Ka-Zar that Leanne was as good as dead
and they should leave her with Sep and start a new life. As Ka-Zar
tried to make sense of Leanne's behavior, Sep recovered, exposed
Leanne's treachery, and revealed the truth. Leanne tried to convince
Ka-Zar that Sep was lying, but he restrained her, noted his suspicions,
and told her Shanna was a much better kisser. When Leanne called him an
insolent pig and clawed at him, Ka-Zar slapped her unconscious, after
which he placed her on the table and had Sep reverse the mind-transfer.
Sep noted his plans to stay with Leanne
until she awakened or died, explaining that he felt he and Leanne did
truly belong together. Ka-Zar and Shanna departed on Ka-Zar's skite.
the Savage#28 (fb) - BTS) - After long months, Sep grew fatigued as he
exhausted his every means he could find in the Atlantean technology and
libraries of reviving Leanne.
the Savage#28) - As a disembodied, unidentified voice, Belasco offered
aid to Sep in reviving Leanne. When Sep noted that he would give
anything to have Leanne there with him, Belasco explained that he could
and would revive Leanne, but then Sep must wait while she performed a
mission of utmost importance to him.
Belasco's arcane powers augmented the Pangean equipment, pouring the
energies of the realm and summoning lightning from the sky, causing
lights to dim even in Aerie Shalan.
Silently, Leanne revived and stood up, after which a serpent, seemingly
coalesced from the surrounding shadows, coiled upper her apparently
unfeeling leg and around her shoulders. Leanne then wandered out of the
caverns, where she was buffeted by violent storm before defiantly
vanishing beneath the furious billows of the Gorhan sea.
the Savage#28 - BTS) - Pangea was rocked by violent tremors and weather.
the Savage#29 (fb) - BTS) - With Leanne under his influence, Belasco
further swayed her by promising she could rule Pangea by his side.
the Savage#28) - Having
arrived in the caverns of Athmeth, Leanne -- via Belasco's power --
caused the ground to split open, releasing a number of Pterons. Leanne
urged them to face their liberator and serve him; acting through the
serpent wrapped around Leanne, Belasco released a burst of energy and
cowed the pterons. Leanne advised them that their lord's wrath could be
stayed by simple obedience, and then she continued that they should
join with her and her Lemuran forces -- despite their previous enmity
-- to enjoy vengeance against the Aerians who had entombed they and
their children there. The Pterons excitedly accepted this offer.
the Savage#28 (fb) - BTS) - Sep was fatally injured by and subsequently
perished as lava from a volcanic eruption caused the waters of the
Gorhan sea to become scalding; as he perished, he warned Aerian ally Dherk of Belasco's involvement.
the Savage#29) - Leanne stood beside Belasco as he captured and reclaimed
control of Dherk as he tried to return to Aerie Shalan to warn them of
Belasco's return.
the Savage#29 (fb) - BTS) - Leanne returned to Lemura, deposed her
uncle, and led its troops to ally with the Pterons and to march against
Lemura's longest standing comrades, the Aerians.
the Savage#29) - Clearly
Belasco-influenced, Leanne led her allied Lemuran and Pteron troops to
an encounter with the Tubanti. Furious over the lava that had heated
their waters and killed many of their number, the fish-men attacked,
but Leanne overpowered the Tubanti leader and held her spear to his
neck, forcing the Tubanti to back down. Now having their attention, she
told them that the land ones who had harmed them were also the Lemurans'
and Pterons' enemies, convincing them to join her forces; the
Lemuran soldiers (notably Ular and General Kamin) were astounded at the actions of their
"fairy-princess" Leanne.
Leanne's forces
subsequently reached Aerie Shalan, broke through its gates and slew
the skeleton crew of guards (as the others were attending Ka-Zar and
Shanna's wedding in an Aerian temple some distance away).
Leanne soon after arrived at the Aerian temple, interrupting Ka-Zar and
Shanna's wedding as she announced that there was another fate in store
for those two. Having taken the form of Wend, the Aerian performing the
wedding ceremony, Belasco then revealed his presence, and Leanne -
filled with Belasco's power -- overpowered Shanna while Dherk subdued
Ka-Zar. As the Lemurans, Pterons, and Tubanti assaulted the
Aerians and others present at the wedding, Belasco transported himself,
Leanne, Ka-Zar, Shanna, and Leila (a Botor/Tree Person who was sort of
step-daughter to Shanna) to his subterranean base below Pangea.
At Belasco's command, Leanne delivered an elixir to Belaso, who gave it
to the bound Ka-Zar and Shanna as he noted that it would
transform them into the Adam and Eve of his new race of demon
With Belasco's influence apparently
having faded somewhat, presumably with time and with Belasco's
distraction in using his powers on Ka-Zar and Shanna, Leanne considered
that ruling Pangea at Belasco's side seemed horrible if it was ruling a
race of demons. She watched as Ka-Zar and Shanna began to mutate into
demonic form, and she was further mortified as Belaso removed a portion
of Leila's soul and transformed it into one of the "bloodstones" for
the amulet that would allow him to bring his N'Garai masters to Earth.
Wondering if Belasco had this demonization
in store for her and her people, Leanne decided that while she couldn't
do anything against Belasco herself, she could try to release Ka-Zar
and Shanna, who had previously defeated him. She picked up and hurled a
brazier at the machinery that kept Ka-Zar and Shanna bound, freeing
them; Belasco angrily cursed Leanne, but did not want to stop the
ritual at that delicate juncture. As Leanne vainly tried to warn the
savage and demonic Ka-Zar not to kill Belasco (so he could turn
them back to normal), the similarly-affected Shanna
attacked Leanne to keep her away from Ka-Zar. With Leanne perhaps less
empowered/driven by Belaso and with Shanna
demon-powered, Shanna battered and strangled Leanne, ignoring her
attempts at reason. Regaining some sense, Ka-Zar tried to stop Shanna,
but all three stopped when Belasco completed the bloodstone ritual.
No longer
distracted, Belasco expressed his displeasure with Leanne, noting she
had outlived her usefulness and that he would return her to the living
death from which he had rescued her. Leanne swore it was an accident,
but Belasco drained his energies out of her, and she collapsed.
the Savage#29 - BTS) - Ka-Zar and Shanna overpowered and drove off Belasco while returning themselves to their normal forms.
(Avengers I#257 - BTS) - The Savage Land and Pangea were destroyed by by the Deviant Jorro (in the guise of Terminus); see comments.
Comics Presents#16/4 (fb) - BTS) - Having revived and reclaimed her
crown at some point, Leanne fell in love with the high priest of the
Swamp Men, and she came to appreciate the freedom she felt in Parni,
the home of the Swamp Men. The Swamp Men came to think of her as their
(Marvel Comics Presents#16/4 (fb) - BTS) - Leanne was captured by the Swamp Men (it
is unclear whether this happened prior to her falling in love with the
high priest; or whether she first encountered the Swamp Men and chose
to live with them on her own in the first place). Ransom and the Lemuran army apparently failed to recover her.
To prevent a war between the Swamp Men and Lemurans, the Lemurans demanded Ka-Zar set out to rescue her.
Comics Presents#16/4) - Ka-Zar snatched Leanne from atop a dinosaur on
which she was riding with one of the Swamp Men, ignoring her requests
to listen to her and/or let her go. However, as Ka-Zar leapt into the
Forbidden Swamp to escape the Swamp Men, her robe was caught on a
branch and ripped off, revealing her to be pregnant, and she further
revealed she was in labor.
Comics Presents#16/4 - BTS) - Meanwhile, the Lemurian Vizier voiced his
frustration that Leanne refused to accept her sequestered role, which
made it hard to hide scandals against the holy throne.
(Marvel Comics Presents#16/4) -
The Swamp Men sent a pair of their dinosaurs after Ka-Zar, who slew one
of the dinosaurs; and when Zabu arrived and fought the other, Ka-Zar rushed
Leanne back to the Lemurans, with the Swamp Men close behind.
When Ka-Zar reached the Lemurans with Leanne, however, they were
appalled to see she was pregnant, and her vizier rushed forward with a sword
to slay her for committing the ultimate insult to the throne. Carrying
Leanne, Ka-Zar kicked the vizier back, but not before he could
slash Leanne. Ka-Zar instructed the Lemuran general to order a doctor
to save Leanne and her child, but even threatened by Ka-Zar, the
general refused to "let that slattern and her half-breed live." As
Ka-Zar angrily fought and lectured the Lemurans about Leanne being a
woman (and his friend) rather than just a symbol, the Swamp Men saw
that Ka-Zar loved her, too, and they rushed in to make the Lemurans pay
for their treachery, and for Leanne's injury.
Leanne called out to Ka-Zar as her daughter was born, and she noted her
baby was born on a battlefield, but born free. Dying, Leanne asked
Ka-Zar to keep her daughter far from the lies of Lemura and to take her
where she found freedom and love: Parni.
After Leanne died, her vizier clubbed the distracted Ka-Zar over the
head. The Lemurans prepared to take Leanne back to Lemura for burial in
the royal cemetery and to kill both Ka-Zar and the baby, but Zabu
returned and drove the vizier and other advisors/statesmen with a roar.
Comics Presents#16/4 - BTS) - Ka-Zar brought Leanne's body and her baby to
the Swamp Men, where the high priest revealed he and Leanne had been
lovers, and he asked Ka-Zar to make the Lemurans think the child had
died, while the Swamp Men took the baby girl back to be raised among
Ka-Zar hoped the legacy of Leanne would grow with the baby,
allowing her to live free and in peace.Comments: Created by Bruce Jones, Brent Anderson, and Carlos Garzon.
Leanne first referred to herself as Queen of Zarhan. In the very first
reference to Leanne's home, she twice said she lived in the city of
"Lamura." After that, the city was called Lemura, and her people the
Lemurans. If the city is Lemura, and she's Queen of Zarhan, it would
seem that Zarhan is the nation/realm. The Marvel Atlas agreed with
that, but prior to that (not in Ka-Zar the Savage#1, but soon after),
her people were designated the Lemurans in-story (the Atlas and the OHotMUs have all called her people the Lemurans).
These choices strike me as odd, and needlessly confusing...pre-Cataclysmic Atlanteans designed Pangea, and Lemurians were
contemporaries of those Atlanteans, but I don't recall involvement of the Lemurians in Pangea.
On the note of confusion, Aerian ruler M'Dom Typ accidentally referred to
Lemura as Lemuria...and the Marvel Atlas did the same thing. Marvel Comics Presents#16/4 also called them Lemurians.
Plus, why are they named for their city, rather than their nation? They probably should be the Zarhan, the Zarhanians, the Zarhanites, or something...
Is Thelic a real language or cultural word? It's nothing I've seen or
hear of before, it doesn't show up in a Google search. It seems to me
that it could have been meant to be similar to Thuric, which might
have meant Thurian, as in some ancient pre-Cataclysmic language....
"Weeks" occurred between the ending of Ka-Zar the Savage#1 and the
start of #2, which gave Leanne time to become disenchanted with Lemura
and to enter a relationship with Sep.
Shanna could easily have cut herself free from the strap holding her
legs to the Skite when it became clear it was out of control and was
heading out to see...but then we wouldn't have had the next story with
Leanne, would we have?
Though not seen, Leanne must have survived the destruction of the
Savage Land by the Deviant Jorro (in the guise of Terminus) in Avengers
I#257 (1985); I'd guess she escaped (or was brought) extradimensionally
(to the realm of M'rin and C'jime)
like those who returned in Uncanny X-Men Annual#12 (1988) after the
High Evolutionary restored the Savage Land via the life force of
Garokk. But we don't know that...
How she revived from her "living death" state is not revealed.
Leanne's changing nature
- Leanne
was initially caught up being proper, maintaining the manner of Lemura,
and she was somewhat appalled by Ka-Zar's uncouth behavior (and
certainly when he slew a motherless calf to prevent it from starving to
- Then she presumably slept with Sep to get out of Lemura, but she was very intrigued with Ka-Zar.
- After her head trauma and mind-transfer, she sought to romance Ka-Zar and betray Sep
- Obviously
she was under Belasco's influence upon her revival, and she agreed to
aid him in hopes of ruling Pangea by his side, but as his influence
apparently faded, she was mortified by his demonic goals, and she
heroically opposed him, even at the cost of her life (or at least her
- Reviving later, she again sought to escape Lemura, and this time she fell in love with the even more savage Swamp People.
- I think her betrayals in Lemura and her life-and-death experiences explain what seems to be a reasonable evolution.
Profile by Snood.
Leanne should be distinguished from:
- other Leann or Leanne characters...
Felina has no known connection to:
- FELINE of Earth-93060 ( ) - Academy of the New Elite, student of Contrary,
remained on Godwheel. Feral appearance and powers--Freex (uv)#10
Comics Presents#16/4 - BTS) - Leanne fell in love with the high priest of the Swamp Men and apparently became pregnant with his daughter.
When Ka-Zar brought Leanne back to the Lemurans, they considered her pregnancy to be the ultimate insult to the throne.
The Lemurans tried to kill Leanne and refused to have a doctor help her.
Comics Presents#16/4) - Leanne, dying from a wound suffered from her former vizier and/or complications of childbirth, noted that her daughter was born on a battlefield, but born free. Dying, Leanne asked
Ka-Zar to keep her daughter far from the lies of Lemura and to take her
where she found freedom and love: Parni.
After Leanne died, her vizier clubbed the distracted Ka-Zar over the
head. The Lemurans prepared to take Leanne back to Lemura for burial in
the royal cemetery and to kill both Ka-Zar and the baby, but Zabu
returned and drove the vizier and other advisors/statesmen with a roar.
Ka-Zar brought Leanne's body and her baby to
the Swamp Men, where the high priest revealed he and Leanne had been
lovers, and he asked Ka-Zar to make the Lemurans think the child had
died, while the Swamp Men took the baby girl back to be raised among
Ka-Zar hoped the legacy of Leanne would grow with the baby,
allowing her to live free and in peace.
--Ka-Zar the Savage#1

The cat of Leanne in the city of Lemura, she was apparently a smilodon
(sabretoothed tiger)-esque cat like Zabu.
In heat, she attracted Zabu to travel to Pangea.
While Felina accompanied Leanne along with a hunting party, the
Cat-People attacked, slaughtered the hunting party, and captured
Felina; Ka-Zar saved Leanne from capture.
Ka-Zar tracked the Cat-People, and when they prepared to sacrifice
Felina, Zabu attacked the Cat-People, and Ka-Zar and Leanne helped free
Felina, after which all four escaped.
and Zabu were affectionate, but it is unclear whether they had time for
even brief romancin' as they were fleeing the Cat-People, with only a
break to take a drink, until they reached Lemura, at which point Ka-Zar
and Zabu departed before entering the city.
--Ka-Zar the Savage#1
Felina's subsequent fate is unrevealed. She may have been slain by
agents of Leanne's "treacherous uncle," influencing Leanne's decision
to depart Lemura. Or Leanne may have left her behind. The world may
never know...
images: (without ads)
Ka-Zar the Savage#1, pg. 12, panel 3 (struggling with Cat-People);
pg. 15, panel 2 (pouting face, shadowed);
pg. 21, panel 1 (Felina, full; with Zabu);
panel 2 (Felina face, with Zabu; Leanne full, distant);
panel 7 (face, close-up, partial);
pg. 24, panel 3 (profile with Felina in Lemura);
#2, pg. 16, panel 2 (face);
panel 6 (with Sep, knees up);
#4, pg. 11, panel 1 (stasis; with Leanne-minded Shanna approaching);
pg. 16, panel 1 (mind-transfer with Shanna);
pg. 21, panel 2 (as Shanna, struggling with Ka-Zar);
#28, pg. 3, panel 9 (revived, with red serpent);
#29, pg. 3, panel 1 (with Belasco);
pg. 11, panel 2 (threatening Tubanti with spear);
panel 3 (close-up helmet symbol);
pg. 16, panel 3 (empowered-warrior form, full);
pg. 32, panel 7 (Belasco removes his restorative energies);
Marvel Comics Presents#16/4, pg. 1 (Ka-Zar taking her from dino-steed);
pg.3, panel 3 (pregnant);
pg. 8, panel 7 (daughter);
Ka-Zar the Savage#1-4 (April-August, 1981) - Bruce Jones (writer), Brent Anderson (penciler), Carlos Garzon (inker), Louise Jones (editor)
the Savage#28 (October, 1983) - Michael Carlin (script; from an idea by
Bruce Jones), Armando Gil (penciler), Mike Mignola (inker), Danny
Fingeroth (editor)
Ka-Zar the Savage#29
(December, 1983) - Michael Carlin (writer), Ron Frenz (penciler),
Armando Gil (inker), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Comics Presents#16/4 (Early April, 1989) - Dwight Jon Zimmerman
(writer), Jim Mooney (penciler & inker), Michael Rockwitz
(assistant editor), Terry Kavanaugh (editor)
First posted: 12/29/2017
Last updated: 02/25/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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