Classification: Technology item (seacraft)
Creator: Presumably Rypel or one of his researchers
User/Possessors: Formerly a crew serving Rypel
First Appearance: Hulk#22 (August, 1980)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: Leviathan was an immense sea craft, perhaps 50-75' high, perhaps 125-150' wide, and perhaps 250-375' long. It had a large mouth, which could open and close on command and which was filled with sharp teeth; it could open wide enough to "swallow"boats whole.
Beings and objects
that entered its "mouth" were contained within a storage area,
generally along with a large amount of sea water (and apparently
without too many fatalities), also taken in by Leviathan, until being
transferred into the submarine that composed Leviathan's dorsal (upper)-most surface; this could be dispatched from Leviathan
and could enter the Hydropolis' docking tubes.
Its construction was durable enough that it could stand up to repeated blows from the Hulk and remain fully functional. It could travel from the ocean's surface to the floor with its captives otherwise unharmed, so presumably it had advanced pressurization techniques.
An electrical prod could extend from Leviathan's mouth like a tongue and discharge sufficient electrical charges to render the Hulk unconscious, though this feat threatened to drain even its auxiliary generators' power.
It was operated by a crew of at least seven who reported directly to and took orders from Rypel.
(Hulk#22 (fb) - BTS) <30 years before the main story> - Scientists Rypel and his brother, Jeremy, decided to create a new world in the ocean's unspoiled depths.
(Hulk#22 (fb) - BTS) - For 30 years, Rypel spent untold millions of dollars to create the city Hydropolis on the ocean floor, mining the ocean floor for materials and fishing and cultivating the sea for sustenance.
(Hulk#22 (fb) - BTS) - At some
point, Rypel decided to to destroy the surface society, and he began kidnapping boaters via his massive Leviathan craft to help increase those present within his new society.
(Hulk#22 (fb) - BTS) - Leviathan swallowed a series of boats, and brought them and their passengers -- totaling 23 kidnappees -- to Hydropolis.
(Hulk#22 - BTS) - The Leviathan swallowed a small boat containing the drug smugglers Creach and Simons.
(Hulk#22 (fb) - BTS) - Leviathan returned to Hydropolis, and Rypel was informed that they had captured a pair of drug smugglers.
(Hulk#22 - BTS) - Rypel launched from Hydropolis a damaged torpedo carrying nuclear charges, the explosion of which caused a shockwave that led to a hurricane-like circular water surge. This caused a massive wave to strike the shore of Bermuda, where Bruce Banner was enjoying a therapeutic vacation with Dr. Sheila Marks.Comments: Created by Doug Moench, Ron Wilson, and Alfredo Alcala.
As far as I could tell, Leviathan was not seen again after it transferred the group from Bermuda -- including Bruce Banner -- into the submarine that docked in Hydropolis. So, we don't know whether it was destroyed or not when Hydropolis was destroyed. Maybe it was even still crewed, and those aboard escaped with it...
Profile by Snood.
Leviathan should be distinguished from:
Leviathan was operated by a crew of at least six who reported directly to and took orders from Rypel. The guy with the double chin at the right front of the image on the right appeared to be in charge; it was he who communicated directly with Rypel.
They had control over a number of viewscreens that could monitor events from various vantage points on Leviathan. They generally guided Leviathan to surface near a ship, swallow the ship and its inhabitants, and then transfer the inhabitants into a submarine that then docked on Hydropolis.
the Hulk attacked the monstrous
Leviathan, the crew was initially shocked to be battered about thusly.
Via redirecting their monitors, they spotted the Hulk with their
monitors and decided to subdue and capture
the Hulk with their electrified prod, which extended from Leviathan's
mouth like a tongue. Though it required using their auxiliary
generators, the Leviathan's prod eventually incapacitated the Hulk, and
the Leviathan then captured the Hulk and the others floating out at sea.
Rypel was incredulous when his men reported these events, but was
pleased to hear that though the Leviathan had taken some serious hits,
it had remained fully functional. Hoping to incorporate the Hulk's
strength, toughness, and endurance into his experiments, Rypel ordered
the crew to bring their newest abductees to Hydropolis.
images: (without ads)
Hulk#22, pg. 17, panel 3 (main image);
pg. 19, panel 3 & 7 (controls);
panel 8 (prod);
pg. 20, panel 4 (crew)
pg. 24, panel 2 (submarine)
(August, 1980) - Doug Moench (writer), Ron Wilson (penciler),
Alfredo Alcala (inker), and Lynne Graeme (editor)
Last updated: 02/26/15
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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