Classification: Mystic
Creator: Unrevealed
User/Possessors: The Forgotten
First Appearance: Doctor Strange & the
Sorcerers Supreme I#3 (February, 2017)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Light of
Darkness could project black beams of energy that could destroy souls.
History: (Doctor
Strange & the Sorcerers
Supreme I#3 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, the mystic gestalt Forgotten
obtained or absorbed the Light of Darkness artifact.
(Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#3) -
Tracking the magic of time-displaced Sorcerers Supreme within Merlin's
castle, the Forgotten erupted from an underground area of the castle
and used the Light of Darkness artifact to fire destructive beams that
destroyed several turned spirits that the Sorcerers were fighting. The
sorceress Demon Rider soon allowed her Spirit of Vengeance to take over
and blast the Forgotten in the face, causing it to fire beams from the
Light of Darkness blindly. As it fired, Earth-13729's Wiccan used a
mirror to deflect the beams back into the Forgotten, causing its
collective personalities to manifest as separate heads.
(Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#4) -
After appearing and revealing its origins to the Sorcerers Supreme, the
Forgotten used artifacts it had acquired or absorbed, including the
Light of Darkness, the Shield of Endless Misery and the Word of God
book, to cast a spell intended to free its prison from its place
outside time. The Sorcerers attacked, however, disrupting the spell and
forcing the Forgotten to cast aside the Light of Darkness and the other
artifacts to focus on the fight.
Comments: Created by Robbie Thompson, Javier Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez.
Profile by Proto-Man.
The Light of Darkness has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#3,
p13, pan2 (Light of Darkness charging up, main image)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#3, p15, pan2 (Light of
Darkness supplemental image)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers
Supreme I#3 (February, 2017) - Robbie Thompson (writer), Javier
Rodriguez (pencils), Alvaro Lopez (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#4 (March, 2017) - Robbie
Thompson (writer), Javier Rodriguez (pencils), Alvaro Lopez (inks),
Nick Lowe (editor)
First Posted: 08/13/2018
Last updated: 08/13/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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