Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human (magic-user);
possibly Tibetan (see comments)
Occupation: Monk/priest, sorcerer
Group Membership: At least formerly the "Wise Ones"/("Monks of Doom")
Affiliations: Brother Voodoo (Jericho Drumm),
Count Kaoz (Ygor Kaoz), Dr. Strange (Stephen Strange), Daimon Hellstrom, Magik (Illyana Rasputin), el
Medico Mistico, Misery, Professor Xu, Scarlet
Witch (Wanda Maximoff), Shaman (Michael Twoyoungmen), Talisman
(Elizabeth Twoyoungmen);
formerly Dr. Doom (Victor von Doom)
Enemies: Empirikul, Lord Imperiator;
possibly Crucible (Maris Morlak, Wladyslav Shinsky)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Possibly the Great Wall of China
First Appearance: (As one of the unspecified "Monks of Doom") presumably Fantastic Four Annual#2 (November, 1964);
(as Mahatma Doom) Doctor
Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (June, 2016)
Powers/Abilities: Mahatma Doom has a number of magical powers, only a few of which have been glimpsed.
He can levitate himself for extended periods. Levitating in seated, legs-crossed position with his arms extended (not quite Lotus-position) may be his preferred state.
He can sense chakras (centers of energy) of beings to learn more about their natures.
He can transform fear into flowers and anger into soothing incense.
With time and sufficient concentration, he can even pacific single-mindedly fanatical warriors.
The Doomveda likes draws on his magic energies...or uses the same sources he does.
He almost completely lost his powers as the Empirikul progressively
destroyed magic on Earth, but his abilities will most likely return
over time.
Mahatma Doom seeks peaceful resolution to conflict and works avoid violence, although, if needed, he can and will engage in physical combat if absolutely necessary.
When he was bereft of his own magical stores, he wielded the hemimandible of some sort of hoofstock (see comments), which he used to bludgeon the Empirikul.
Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 5'9"; in one image
he seems to be towering over Strange, but we can't see his feet, and I
bet he is levitating; he doesn't look that much taller than Talisman,
although he is leaning forward a bit)
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 160 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed
Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (fb) - BTS) - Doomveda: The Mandalas of Mahatma Doom mystic tome was apparently written by or about Mahatma Doom.
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (fb) - BTS) - Doom returned the monks' kindness by killing them (see comments); only one survived. Feeling he had unknowingly helped unleash a great evil upon the world, the survivor felt the balance needed to be restored: To this end, he became the sorcerer Mahatma Doom.
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 - BTS) - Dr. Strange's librarian, Zelma Stanton, noted Doomveda to be humming.
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (fb) - BTS) - As part of their efforts to destroy all magic-users, the Empirikul confronted Mahatma Doom in his Tibetan base.
Strange: Last Days of Magic#1) - Mahatma Doom futilely advised the
Empirikul that violence never solved the underlying issues of any
situation and that it only led to more violence. He advised them it
would be far more productive if they could but sit and discuss their
differences in a calm and civiliazed manner. When they voiced their
intentions to seize him and treat him with "the holy acid," Mahatma
Doom turned their fear to flowers and their anger to soothing incense.
Asking if they felt better, Mahatma Doom further noted that he could
see their chakras, and just because they were clones it did not mean
they did not have souls.
The Empirikul paused just for seconds before rallying to "burn the warlock," who requested they sit and meditate for a moment.
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1) - Joined by Chinese sorcerer Professor Xu, Mahatma Doom noted that their technology was almost as powerful as their anger, but predicted that they would soon see what he and Xu had known all along, that love is always stronger and wins in the end. Soon, the Empirikul indeed seemed to see the light and were indeed engaging in transcendental meditation. However, three more Empirikul ships then arrived...
(Doctor Strange IV#6 - BTS / Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 - BTS) - The Lord Imperiator of the Empirikul defeated Earth's Sorcerer Supreme Dr. Strange and tore in half his Cloak of Levitation.
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (fb) - BTS) - With magic fading, Mahatma Doom and Professor Xu, as well as Russian sorcerer Count Kaoz and Mexican sorcerer el Medico Mistico were all captured by the Empirikul and tied to posts outside Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum.
(Doctor Strange IV#7) - Mahatma Doom remained bound alongside other sorcerers, such as Daimon Hellstrom, Magik (Illyana Rasputin), Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), Shaman (Michael Twoyoungmen), Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen). Monako appeared and assaulted the Empirikul, sacrificing himself and allowing the others to flee.
When Strange wanted to go back to save Monako, Mahatma Doom noted that
they had likely already killed him and that they should pray for his
(Doctor Strange IV#8) - Alongside the other sorcerers who had escaped the Empirikul, Mahatma Doom scoured Earth for remaining magic items of whatever power was left.
(Doctor Strange IV#8 (fb) - BTS) - Mahatma Doom reported that the Breathing Guns had breathed their last.
(Doctor Strange IV#9 (fb) - BTS) - As they completed gathering the last of the magic items they could find, Strange and Brother Voodoo agreed it was time to gather the others and confront the Empirikul.
Mahatma Doom met with Brother Voodoo, Count Kaoz, Dr. Strange, Daimon Hellstrom, Magik (Illyana Rasputin), el Medico Mistico, Professor Xu, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), Shaman (Michael Twoyoungmen), Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen), surveying their limited weapons and preparing to battle the Empirikul, although they realized they would likely die in the struggle.
They subsequently confronted the Imperikul outside Strange's former Sanctum Sanctorum; Mahatma Doom encouraged the others to do this for Brother Monako.
Strange IV#10) - Aided by Misery, a creature created from all the pain
and negative energies Strange had hid away in his Sanctum's cellar for
years, Strange and the others defeated the Imperikul's Imperiator, and
the Inquisitors fell as well.
Nonetheless, the fabric of magic had nearly been extinguished on Earth.
It got better...
Comments: Created by Jason Aaron (writer), Leonardo Romero
Mahatma Doom was first seen over the Great Wall of China (as far as I could tell). I'm not sure if that's his base (and if so, what part, as -- at least per Wikipedia -- it is 13,171 miles long).
I'll discuss Doom's alleged murder/slaughter of the "Wise Ones"/Monks of Doom in the group profile.
Mahatma Doom's weapon against the Empirikul certainly looked like a hemimandible, which is the jaw bone (one side of the jaw). Give it's size, it would be about right to be from some sort of hoofstock, like a horse, or a cow, or a donkey. Given that the group of sorcerers had been gathering occult items of magical power, it would certainly fit for this to be the jawbone of a donkey (ass) used by the biblical Samson, with which he defeated an entire army of Philistines.
A Mahatma is:
A Mandala refers to::
Profile by Snood.
Mahatma Doom should be distinguished from:
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (fb) - BTS) - Doomveda: The Mandalas of Mahatma Doom mystic tome was apparently written by or about Mahatma Doom.
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (fb) - BTS) - Doom returned the monks' kindness by killing them (see comments); only one survived. Feeling he had unknowingly helped unleash a great evil upon the world, the survivor felt the balance needed to be restored: To this end, he became the sorcerer Mahatma Doom.
(Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 - BTS) - Dr. Strange's librarian, Zelma Stanton, noted Doomveda to be humming.
(Doctor Strange IV#8 (fb) - BTS) - The Imperikul reported blessed and turned to ash all of the books in Dr. Strange's library, apparently including the Doomveda.
--Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic#1images: (without ads)
Strange: Last Days of Magic#1, story pg. 21, panel 2 (Doomveda: The Mandalas of Mahatma Doom);
panel 3 (Empirikul confronting Mahatma over Great Wall);
pg. 22, panel 1 (main image);
panel 2 (fears to flowers...);
pg. 24, panel 5 (dispersing or banishing exploding Empirikul ship);
pg. 25, panel 1 (meditation);
pg. 45, panel 2 (bound);
Doctor Strange IV#9, pg. 19 (alongside sorcerers, confronting Empirikul)
Doctor Strange IV#6
(May, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris Bachalo (penciler), Tim
Townsend, Al Vey, Mark Irwin, John Livesay, Wayne Faucher, Victor Olazaba & Jaime
Mendoza (inkers), Darren Shan (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Strange: Last Days of Magic#1 (June, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer),
Leonardo Romero (artist), Charles Beacham (assistant editor), Darren
Shan (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Doctor Strange IV#7
(June, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris Bachalo (penciler), Tim
Townsend, Al Vey, Mark Irwin, John Livesay, Victor Olazaba & Jaime
Mendoza (inkers), Darren Shan (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Doctor Strange IV#8 (July, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris Bachalo
(penciler), Tim Townsend, Al Vey, Mark Irwin, John Livesay, & Victor
Olazaba (inkers), Darren Shan (associate editor),
Nick Lowe (editor)
Doctor Strange IV#9 (August, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris Bachalo
(penciler), Tim Townsend, Al Vey, Mark Irwin, John Livesay, & Victor
Olazaba (inkers), Darren Shan (associate editor),
Nick Lowe (editor)
Doctor Strange IV#10 (September, 2016) - Jason Aaron (writer), Chris Bachalo
(penciler), Tim Townsend, Al Vey, John Livesay, Victor
Olazaba & Wayne Faucher (inkers), Darren Shan (associate editor),
Nick Lowe (editor)
Last updated: 01/21/18
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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