Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Criminal
Group Membership: His own gang (Goldie,
Shiner, Silent Joe)
Affiliations: His own gang (Goldie, Shiner,
Silent Joe, Michael Stockton)
Enemies: Ant-Man (Henry Pym), Billy Connors, Martha Connors, the
Lizard (Curtis Connors), Orkie, Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Hidden headquarters in the
mountains at Eagleneck Point in Southampton, New Jersey, USA
First Appearance: Marvel Feature I#4 (July,
Powers/Abilities: M’Sieu Tete
did not have any superhuman powers. As a gang leader, he was skilled in
leadership, intimidation, driving a car and using a gun. He drove an
armor-plated caddie and owned a headquarters hidden in the mountains.
He had
the materials to synthesize his own drugs and connections to sell them
to the entire world.
Height: 5'12" (by approximation)
Weight: 170 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
(Marvel Feature I#4 (fb) -
BTS) - The criminal known as M’Sieu Tete captured
Billy Connors, whom he intended to use as a hostage to trade for
(Marvel Feature I#4 – BTS) - Hank Pym and Peter Parker
were analyzing Native American drugs at Dr. Curtis Connors’ lab when
the combustive reagents
they used exploded. Shortly after, M’Sieu Tete sent Goldie, one of his
subordinates, to Curt’s
lab to reveal that Curt's son Billy had been kidnapped and could be
traded for samples of experimental potential narcotics. Goldie told
them that
Connors must meet at Eagleneck Point at ten o’clock, prompting Hank Pym
to toss Goldie out of the laboratory. The heroes warned Ms. Connors
about the situation.

(Marvel Feature I#4) - M’Sieu Tete waited for the
heroes at Eagleneck Point, giving orders from his car. Peter Parker
pretended to
come alone with Hank Pym being late but Hank was, in fact, hidden as
Ant-Man. Tete's gang
tried to intimidate Peter but Peter and Ant-Man made a surprise attack
them. Unfortunately for the heroes, M’Sieu Tete regained control of the
situation when he threatened Billy Connors with his gun. The criminal
informed the heroes that Billy had been infected with a fatal disease
in case of a surprise attack and that he would trade the antidote for
the experimental drug samples. Once
in the gang’s headquarters, Billy got away after hitting Shiner. Peter
with the criminals and Ant-Man was obliged to search for the kid.
M’Sieu Tete
injected them with a deadly form of rabies, which trapped Ant-Man in
shrunken form, in which he was still able to rescue Billy with his dog
Orkie's help. While Ant-Man rescued Billy, Peter broke his bounds,
changed into his Spider-Man costume and quickly
neutralized the Tete's gang, minus M’Sieu Tete himself, who used the diversion
to escape with the disease antidotes. While Parker quickly changed back
into his civilian clothing and returned to his hostage status before
Hank Pym’s return to preserve his secret identity, Pym stopped M'Sieu Tete with the help of Orkie and got the antidotes back. Peter
administered the antidote to Billy and gave the rabies antidote in pill
form to Hank, who chose to stay
near the headquarters to deal with his size problem. Parker alone then
took Billy to a hospital while Hank remained behind in his shrunken

Comments: Created by Roy Thomas, Mike Friedrich and Herb
M'Sieu Tete is listed in the Appendix section of Marvel Encyclopedia HC Vol. 4: Spider-Man.
M'Sieu Tete's story
in Marvel Feature#4 referred to the Lizard's son as "Timmy Connors." He
was later retconned to be named "Billy Connors" in pretty much all of
his other appearances so this profile lists him as Billy despite the
name being incorrect in Marvel Feature#4. Maybe this could be an issue
where his full name might be "William Timothy Connors?" -Proto-Man
Profile by Julien Vivé.
M'Sieu Tete has no KNOWN connections to:
- any other "M'Sieu" or "Tete" characters
was sent by M’Sieu Tete to blackmail Doctor Curtis Connor at his
after having snatched his son Billy. Instead, Goldie found Hank Pym and
Parker working at Connors' place and chose to force them to accept the
deal for experimental drug samples in exchange for Billy’s return. He
was neutralized
by Hank Pym when he attacked him in his shrunken form. He was later
tied up in the
headquarters, waiting for the police to put him in jail.
--Marvel Feature I#4
Orkie was Hank Pym’s dog, a
present from his wife, Janet Van Dyne, the Wasp. It was trained to obey to
Hank’s voice and helped him to rescue Billy Connors and capture M’Sieu Tete. Orkie
later tried to help the shrunken Hank against a hawk but his master was
caught, eventually escaping the bird's grip by his own means. Orkie was subsequently seen at Janet Van Dyne's home.
--Marvel Feature I#4 (#5-6,
Shiner was in charge of keeping Billy in the headquarters but the latter hit
him and escaped. At Eagleneck Point, he was neutralized by ants controlled
by Ant-Man. Shiner was captured by Spider-Man in the headquarters.
--Marvel Feature I#4
Silent Joe
Silent Joe tried to intimidate Peter Parker at the rendezvous but was quickly
overpowered by Parker until M’Sieu Tete's intervention. He was later capture by
Parker in the headquarters.
--Marvel Feature I#4
images: (without ads)
Marvel Feature I#4, p9, pan7 (M’Sieu Tete with Billy Connors, main image)
Marvel Feature I#4, p1, pan2 (M’Sieu Tete, head-shot)
Marvel Feature I#4, p11, pan3 (M’Sieu Tete, profile in car)
Marvel Feature I#4, p13, pan1 (M’Sieu Tete, side-view, speaking to Ant-Man)
Marvel Feature I#4, p13, pan3 (M’Sieu Tete, full body shot)
Marvel Feature I#4, p17, pan1 (M’Sieu Tete, head-shot, with goons)
Marvel Feature I#4, p6, pan2 (Goldie)
Marvel Feature I#4, p8, pan6 (Orkie)
Marvel Feature I#4, p12, pan6 (Shiner)
Marvel Feature I#4, p10, pan6 (Silent Joe)
Marvel Feature I#4 (July, 1972) – Roy Thomas, Mike Friedrich (writers), Herb Trimpe (art), Stan Lee (editor)
First Posted: 03/29/2017
Last updated: 03/02/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let
me know.
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