Real Name: Tetra
Identity/Class: Human magic-user (demon-possessed/replaced);
Hyborian era;
Brythunian citizen
Occupation: Former adventurer
Group Membership: Witches of Shem
Affiliations: Santiar and the exiled teens of Sadoria; unidentified Shemite nomad in Turanian steppes in the past (see comments);
formerly Conan, Delmurio, Keiv, Ravager of Worlds (Imhotep);
Renrutanit (at least her disembodied head) and her witch-children were her servants,
enemy or not, the Scarlet Personage gave them a boatride that got them to Argos
Enemies: Barabbus, Conan, Kawagne, Keiv, Maddoc I, Maddoc II and his guards and servants, Nostume and his sea serpent and ghoul servants, Picts, Ravager of Worlds (Imhotep), Renrutanit, Scarlet Personage, Swan; unidentified demon wolf; unidentified groups of Argossean merchants and Cascan fishermen,
formerly Delmurio and his Zingaran soldiers
Known Relatives: Zacharus (father), numerous sisters
Aliases: Pathir;
"empty-headed girl" (insult from Conan), "flame-tressed girl-child"
(reference from Renrutanit), "flame-tressed she-dog" (reference from
Maddoc II),
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly the Timestream;
formerly mobile, notably across the Pictish wilderness; Sadoria &
Cascan, Zingara; Argos; aboard the Black Ship; Nostume's island;
Cimmeria; Turian Steppes; Becharadur & El Shah Maddoc, Shem;
formerly an unspecified location in Brythunia
First Appearance: Conan the Barbarian I#172 (July, 1985)
Powers/Abilities: Tetra is an apt pupil, swiftly becoming skilled in various forms of combat and other activities.
Initially timid and fearful, she rapidly adapted to threatening and
performing violent acts as needed, and swiftly progressed to become a
fierce and bloodthirsty warrior.
She was proficient in fighting with fists, swords, daggers (hand held or thrown), and bow and arrow.
She was an experienced equestrian.
Passionate towards those in whom she was interested, Tetra would
happily cut off a man's hand or even kill him (and several of his
friends) for groping her without invitation and/or consent.
Empowered by the Well of Souls and possessed by its spirits, Tetra possessed vast magical powers. 
She could release energy that would devastate an entire castle in explosive fashion.
She could magically transform others and/or undo transformations
effected by someone who previously utilized the Well of Souls as a
power source.
She could generate illusions, either out of thin air or making one or
multiple object(s) or being(s) appear like (an)other object(s) or
She could summon monstrous creatures (such as either a multi-tentacled
being, or multiple serpent-like beings (that attacked with their tails)
and/or create portals to allow other beings to access Earth through
She could generate flames at will.
She was to some degree trapped for all eternity to wander the
timestream; she was unaging and could leave that realm and travel to
Earth or other dimensions in the past or future as desired.
She created the Amulet of Pathir, which could protect its holder from the power of Imhotep, the Ravager of Worlds, and his people.
Height: Unrevealed; approximately 5'4" (she
stood on her tip-toes to kiss Conan (whom I believe is around 6'3" -
6'5"), who still had to bend down significantly to reach her)
Weight: Unrevealed; approximately 115 lbs.
Eyes: Blue (occasionally glowing yellow with energy)
Hair: Red
the Barbarian I#177 (fb) - BTS) - On her birthdays, Brythunian nobleman Zacharus typically
showered his daughter Tetra with gifts, put ribbons in her hair, and dressed her in
(Conan the Barbarian I#172 (fb) - BTS)
- Zacharus brought his daughter, Tetra (not yet 17
summers old), with him when he traveled to the Pictish wilderness via
horse-drawn carriage to obtain a treasure. He had the map sewn into the
inside of Tetra's dress. As he headed into the territory of dangerous
savages, Zacharus claimed to have wandered off the trail and gotten
(Conan the Barbarian I#172 (fb) - BTS) - Zacharus instructed Tetra to get him some wine.
the Barbarian I#172) - When Tetra told Zacharus she could not find any
wine, he shoved her by the face and told her to look again. Shortly
thereafter, Zacharus' entourage was attacked and swiftly slaughtered by
Picts, who took Zacharus captive.
within the overturned carriage, Tetra was later rescued by Conan, who
slew the surrounding Picts instructed the terrified girl to come with
him or be left behind.
the Barbarian I#185 (fb) - BTS) - Conan's callous but protective nature
caused Tetra to believe he cared for her, and she began to care for him.
the Barbarian I#172) - After she introduced herself and explained her
recent history, Conan advised her that her father had lied about being
lost, as no one simply blundered into Pictland. As they approached what
Conan assessed to a Pictish harvest ritual, Tetra watched with Conan as
the Pict tribal leader, Kawagne, prepared to sacrifice Zacharus to
their gods, to ensure a prosperus season of crops and hunting.
After Tetra agreed to give Conan half of the treasure he was certain
her father was seeking in exchange for saving him, Conan tore off her
dress (leaving her in a mid-thigh slip-type gown), as its ankle length
would slow them down in the woods. Spotting the map sewn into her
dress, Tetra secretly used the map-containing portion of the dress to
tie back her hair.
(Conan the Barbarian I#172 (fb) - BTS) - Conan
subsequently arranged an ambush of one Pict guard with a distraction of
another guard to allow Tetra to take out another with a blunt weapon.
the Barbarian I#172) - Tetra hesitated before striking the Pict,
allowing him to get the drop on her; Conan saved her and took out the
Pict before chastising her, warning her that she would end up another
nameless corpse lying in the tall grass, and that if she wanted to see
her father alive again then she better learn to kill something before
it killed her. Conan then set a fire and taunted the entire Pict camp
to come after him, allowing Tetra to free her father, but after she
saved him, he slapped and insulted her for losing her dress. Zacharus
then left her behind as he fled, and Kawagne found her.
the Barbarian I#172 (fb) - BTS) - As Conan battered Zacharus for
leaving Tetra behind -- despite Zacharus' rationalization that she
wasn't even 17 summers old and that he had lots of daughter -- Tetra
somehow got the better of Kawagne.
the Barbarian I#172) - Conan rushed back to the village, but as the
Picts overwhelmed him, Tetra -- holding a kneeling Kawagne with a knife
to his neck, called out to everyone to let Conan go or she would "carve
up" their demon priest, and their crops would die and their children
would starve; she instructed Kawagne -- who spoke Brythunian, or
whatever Tetra was speaking -- to translate for her.
(Conan the Barbarian I#172 (fb) - BTS) - The Picts granted Conan, Zacharus, and Tetra leave from their valley.
the Barbarian I#172) - Tetra, now wearing a bikini-type outfit made
from her dress and gaining Conan's attention as she appeared much
more grown up. She then explained how she had saved the dress and the
map, and then told her father that since she had the map, that made it
her treasure: Conan was entitled to half, as they had agreed, but if
her father and Conan helped her find Keiv, she might share her half
with her father...perhaps...

She then leapt atop her horse and asked what the others were waiting for, as they had a treasure to find.
the Barbarian I#173 (fb) - BTS) - Tetra particularly became adept in Conan's battle training.
the Barbarian I#173 (fb) - BTS) - Tetra,
Conan, and Zacharus tracked Keiv to his tree home, still within the
Pictish wilderness. Conan sensed an approaching army and prepared for
the Barbarian I#173) - When Captain Delmurio sent a trio of scouts,
Tetra took out the first with an arrow and stabbed the second
when he refused to back up; Conan -- intervening to prevent Tetra from
killing him -- forced the third scout to reveal there were 100 men in
their company before punching him out. When Conan noted to Zacharus
that there was an army of Zingarans approaching, Zacharus, as Conan
expected, rushed and shouted to the civilized men to rescue him,
and his shouts drew the Picts to charge after him. The rushing Picts
ran headlong into the approaching Zingarans, leading to a massive
battle, which allowed Conan and Tetra to enter Keiv's quarters
Conan discouraged Keiv's
interest in Tetra, and when he claimed to no nothing of the map of
which Tetra asked, Conan threatened him, leading Keiv to agree to take
them to a map. Keiv instead brought them to the sorcerer-child Nostume
and his ally Kawagne, and Nostume generated giant roots from the ground
that wrapped around and began crushing Conan and Tetra. However, having
followed Keiv, Delmurio -- who hated Keiv for long ago carving half of
the map into his chest -- shot Nostume with an arrow. Nostume's injury
allowed Conan to free himself and then Tetra, although she was already
unconscious from the crushing. Recovering, Nostume sealed everyone but
himself and Kawagne behind a rock barrier and then caused boulders to
fall from the top of the cave at his enemies.
Alongside Delmurio, Conan carried Tetra to safety; as Tetra awakened,
Delmurio revealed the map on his chest, which Tetra recognized as the
other half of ther father's map.
the Barbarian I#174) - As Tetra, Conan, and Delmurio crossed Zingara,
they were assaulted by a group of teenage (and younger) Western
Zingaran warriors -- who had fled into the woods after their city had
been slaughtered by Eastern Zingaran warriors aided by Aquilonian
forces -- led by Santiar, rightful crown prince of Sadoria. Not wanting
to fight back against children, Tetra was spirited away as Santiar's
group fled with the approach of Aquilonian field marshall Barabbus and
his men (Aquilonia held dominion over Sadoria). Once freed from
restraints, Tetra prepared to fight with her sword, but Santiar calmed
After spending some time together, Tetra was both sympathetic and
attracted to Santiar, but Conan took her away before they could kiss,
as he wanted to ensure he kept track of her map.
the Barbarian I#185 (fb) - BTS) - Tetra further fell for Conan, believing he was protecting her because he loved her.
the Barbarian I#174) - However, by the time
they had returned to Sadoria, they found that Barabbus had had
Santiar slain and his corpse pubicly hung up to inspire fear of him in
the citizens. As Tetra collapsed in anguish, Conan and Delmurio began
to route the Zingaran soldiers; when Barrabas tried to slay the
despondent Tetra, the rest of Santiar's tribe rushed forward and slew
him; rising, Tetra stood and watched Barrabas brutal death.
As they left the city to the children, Tetra was pleased to hear them
singing again after so long a time of sadness.
the Barbarian I#175 (fb) - BTS) - Still in Zingara, the trio traveled
to the fishing village Cascan in hopes of gaining a boat or at least a
ride down the river to Argos. Suspecting trouble as
they approached a group of nearly a dozen fishermen unable to
work due to the civil war, Delmurio had Tetra don a cloak and pose as
an elderly crone.
the Barbarian I#175) - As the fishermen threatened Conan and Delmurio,
Tetra slew a pair of them from behind and then joined her allies in
finishing off the rest. In a Cascan tavern, Tetra cut off the hand of a
man who tried to grope her when she asked about a boat, while Conan had
also reverted to force when the fishermen refused to help. The fight
was broken up when blind Bracca (actually the Scarlet Personage, who
had presumably slain and impersonated Bracca during a recent boating
trip) offered them a ride. 
Several days later, Conan took watch as Delmurio and Tetra slept.
the Barbarian I#175 - BTS) - Conan was metnally assaulted by the
Scarlet Personage; overcoming these apparent illusions, Conan
recognized "Bracca" as the Personage and cast him overboard.
the Barbarian I#175) - Tetra and Delmurio awakened as the waters rose into fierce waves following the Personage's entry.
the Barbarian I#176) - In Argos, Delumurio won a bet with Conan as
Tetra took out ten Argossean merchant marines who laid hands on her in
a tavern. When she pursued them, Conan grabbed her by the arm and told
her that was enough; and when she argued that it was not and kicked him
in the chest, he gave her a swift kick in the rear, knocking her down.
Furious, she reached for her sword, but Conan advised her that before
she did so she should ask herself if she was ready to die. Tetra
angrily stormed off.
The next day, Tetra tried to apologize, and she caressed Conan and
kissed him on the cheek, but he told her not to apologize, to say
anything she didn't mean, or to put her hand on her sword unless she
was going to finish the job; as she stared at him longingly, he walked out and told her to grow up.
the Barbarian I#176 - BTS) - Checking out the galley of the corrupt
Mitraic priest Feducio while trying to learn of an approaching black
ship, Conan found his former ally Redondo apparently
brainwashed/indoctrinated into serving Feducio as one of his
"Free-Ends." Conan dragged Redondo out by force, brought him back to
his room, bound him, and tried to break his conditioning.
the Barbarian I#176 (fb) - BTS) - Meanwhile, Tetra and Delmurio
fruitlessly sought the black ship in the pouring rain, finding only
mudslides and flooding everywhere, which Feducio was trying to credit
as the wrath of the gods.
the Barbarian I#176) - Tetra and Delumurio returned to the room, where she untied Redondo (it's not clear why)
as she wondered how people could believe such superstitious nonsense.
Redondo caught her off guard by suddenly springing to his feet and
stunning Conan with a hurled footstool. When Tetra tried to stop him by
throwing a dagger at him, Delmurio tackled her to prevent her from
needlessly killing Redondo, who escaped as a result.
the Barbarian I#176 - BTS) - Conan
went after Redondo, but as he approached Feducio, the corrupt priest --
fearing Conan had broken his conditioning -- had one of his men slay
Redondo with an arrow.
the Barbarian I#176) - Tetra and Delmurio arrived in time to watch Conan slay slay
Feducio and his protectors, after which the trio was forced to flee the
enraged mob.
the Barbarian I#185 (fb) - BTS) - With death seemingly approaching
them, Conan's speaking Tetra's name led her to believe she loved him.
the Barbarian I#176) - However, when the rain abruptly ceased and the approaching
black ship and its statue of Mitra became visible in the bright
sunlight, the mob took this as a sign that Feducio had been misguided,
and they rushed to worship...leaving the trio alone.
the Barbarian I#176 - BTS) - Meanwhile, Keiv -- who had mutated into a
monstrous marsh creature by Nostume -- slew everyone within an
Argossean trading post near the Aquilonian border while seeking
information on Tetra, Delmurio, and Conan.
the Barbarian I#177) - Aboard the black ship, on her birthday, Tetra
defended Conan for arguing with the ship's captain about continuing on
their course rather than turning around, criticized Delmurio, and noted
that she was frustrated by being marooned with a bunch of unwashed
mariners. Delmurio told her he knew she was in love with Conan,
but that Conan didn't love her and would leave her as he got his share
of thre treasure; Tetra denied this and further insulted Delmurio, but
further discussion was interrupted by the arrival of Keiv.
The monstrous Keiv violently boarded the ship before offering to save
Conan, after which they observed an youthful (but older) Nostume direct
a sea serpent to shatter the black ship. Tetra and Nostume floated to a
nearby island (the one they had sought) along with Keiv, only to
overwhelmed by zombies under Nostume's control. They were brought into
a castle by an adult Nostume and shown the Well of Souls, of which
legend said that if one of pure heart plunged to its bottom they would
enter the "other" world, where madness and evil reigned, and unrivaled,
near limitless power would be theirs.
Nostume's ghouls forced Keiv and then Delmurio into the well, Nostume
offered to spare Tetra in exchange for certain favors. Telling him
she'd rather die, Tetra slashed Nostume's face with his dagger, leading
Nostume to have his ghouls throw her in, as well.
Having braced himself by spanning the well's walls with his immense
form, Keiv caught Delmurio and Tetra as well.
the Barbarian I#177 - BTS) - As Keiv carried Tetra and Delmurio back up
to the top of the well, Conan arrived and repeatedly slashed the
wounded Nostume, who teleported away to save himself.
the Barbarian I#177) - Upon reaching the surface, Tetra told Conan how
she had been afraid she would die without telling him she loved him;
she kissed Conan, but he casually brushed her off, telling her to get
hold of herself. Conan ignored Delmurio's repeating that Tetra loved
him, apparently avoiding such feelings due to past experiences with
Bêlit and Red Sonja.
Overcome with pain at this rejection, Tetra stood by the Well and considered jumping in.
the Barbarian I#177 / Conan
the Barbarian I#178 (fb) - BTS) - When an elderly Nostume returned, seeking
vengeance, Tetra was sufficiently startled to fall into the Well.
the Barbarian I#177 - BTS) - As Tetra gained the Well's power, Nostume abruptly lost his power, allowing Conan to slay him.
the Barbarian I#177) - As Keiv and Conan, questioned where the power
had gone, the castle crumbled, allowing them to see Tetra floating in
the air, begging them to stop the power, which she felt was leading her
to an agonizing death.
the Barbarian I#185 (fb) - BTS) - Tetra apparently perished, but the
spirits of the Well of the Souls filled her form; affected by her
memories and feelings, this collective sought Conan's love and
continued to act as if it was still Tetra.
the Barbarian I#178 (fb)) - Keiv, Conan, and Delmurio were assaulted by
Tetra's raging power; despite Conan's warnings that he could destroy
them all, she followed him until the power suddenly left her (but not
the pain), and she collapsed in agony. The power apparently transferred
into a demonic wolf, who stalked her for her virtue/purity, to fulfill
an ancient ritual consummating the new bond and making the corruption
as complete as the transformation. Keiv advised Conan and Delmurio of
this legend and advised they leave Tetra to the wolf, telling them that
she had already died when she bridged the portal between worlds.
After Conan and Delmurio refused to accept this, Keiv stunned Conan
with a casual swat and then departed, intending to swim to Argos.
Delmurio offered Tetra to the wolf, but it chose to slay him first.
Recovering, Conan savagely battled the wolf, seemingly slaying it.
Maddened by agony, Tetra told Conan he should have let the wolf have
her and asked Conan to end her agony; as Conan drew his sword, she told
him she had always loved him, but the wolf attacked anew. Panged by
guilt, Keiv returned in time to save Conan, after which he advised the
wolf to take Tetra rather than face his and Conan's combined power.
Though Conan rushed to stop it, the wolf grabbed Tetra, and the two
vanished, the ritual consummated.
the Barbarian I#178 (fb) - BTS) - Tetra was doomed to wander the timestream for all eternity.
the Barbarian I#185 (fb) - BTS) - Seeing that Cona believed her to have died, Tetra decided that Conan should die.
the Barbarian I#178) - Considering death at the Picts' hands preferable
to her current existence, Tetra traveled into the past to encounter a
young Conan. After convincing him to let her sit by his fire, she
related her tale (though neither spoke the other's language), and then
prepared to slay him so that he wouldn't be around to save her from the
Picts. When the boy Conan stood his ground and challenged her with his
spear, an impressed Tetra -- realizing she was losing more of her soul
to an "evil older than time itself" -- chose to leave him while she
still could; and she walked into the woods and vanished.
the Barbarian I#185 (fb) - BTS) - Tetra traveled to the nebulous realm
between space known as the Nest where -- for some reason known as
Pathir -- she sought out Imhotep, the Ravager of Worlds, and sent him
to Earth's past.
the Barbarian I#185 (fb) - BTS) - Tetra traveled "ten thousand years before <Conan's> birth" (see comments),
where she confronted a Shemite nomad on the Turanian steppes. Glowing
and floating on air, she told the nomad of the eventual coming of
Imhotep the Ravager, which might mean the end of all that lived; she
gave the nomad an amulet (the "Amulet of Pathir") that would be all
that stood between whoever held it and death. Telling him the amulet
was holy, she instructed him to share this legend with his descendents.
the Barbarian I#179 - BTS) - In Becharadur, a city on the western shore
of the meadow region of Shem, an unidentified prophet gave the "Amulet
of Pathir" to a thief Jamal who had saved him from a stoning at the
hands of an unruly mob. Jamal was later slain by corrupt guards, but
the amulet was found in his dead hands by Keiv, who gave it to Conan;
and Conan used it to survive (and also protect Kevin from) the coming
of Imhotep (the Ravager of Worlds) and his host, which utterly
destroyed Becharadur.
the Barbarian I#180 (fb) - BTS) - Tetra ("a flame-tressed girl-child) was seen in the woods between Becharadur and El Shah Maddoc by agents of Renrutanit, "Queen of Witches."
the Barbarian I#180 - BTS) - Ren asked Conan about the "flame-tressed girl-child" who had been seen in her location.
the Barbarian I#180) - After the "Amulet of Pathir" again protected
Conan and Keiv when Imhotep razed the region, Tetra appeared and
caressed the head of her unconscious "love," telling him to rest well
as she promised him he would need it. She then greeted the decapitated
but still living Ren, taking her head and then taking charge of her
daughters as the new Witch Queen of Shem, leading them toward El Shah
the Barbarian I#185 (fb) - BTS) <Possibly immediately after she had
given the amulet to the Shemite nomad> - Tetra traveled to roughly
five years in the past of El Shah Maddoc, where she appeared in the
midst of a major celebration of the completion of the massive tower
known as Maddoc's Reign. Swatting aside his perhaps early-teens son,
Maddoc II, as he tried to stop her, Tetra seized ruler Maddoc I and
carried him up into and imprisoned him within the tower. As she did so,
she taunted Maddoc II that he should dry his eyes as he was now the
the Barbarian I#181 (fb) - BTS) <Five years before the main
story; according legend reported by Keiv> - Under a devil's blood-red moon, Tetra spirited El Shad
Maddoc's ruler, Maddoc I, away from his bedchamber. It was rumored that
Maddoc was imprisoned in his tower, Maddoc's Reign. No one who entered
the tower was ever seen again.
the Barbarian I#181) - Conan briefly spotted Tetra at the top of the immense tower Maddoc's Reign in the city El Shah Maddoc.
the Barbarian I#181 - BTS) - Conan showed the Amulet of Pathir to
Maddoc II and explained how it was all that could save his people from
the coming threat of Imhotep. Seeking to either get rid of Conan or
have him prove his worthiness of trust, Maddoc II sent Conan into
Maddoc's Reign, from which he recovered Maddoc I. Conan was proclaimed
the new warlord of El Shad Maddoc.
the Barbarian I#181) - Atop Maddoc's Reign, Tetra spoke to the daughters of Renrutanit,
reminding them that their serving her orders complicitly kept Ren
alive; she further noted her goal of destroying "he whom she loathed
above all men" and that all was going according to plan.
the Barbarian I#182) - As Maddoc II considered a trap -- involving the nomadic M'Gai Kushite tribe -- he hoped would
slay Conan (whom he saw as a threat), Tetra -- having apparently slain
all of Maddoc II's guards -- greeted him in his bath and offered an
alliance to slay Conan. When Maddoc arrogantly refused, Tetra summoned
a tentacled creature into his bath that pulled his two female servants
under. After Maddoc fled the bathwater, Tetra calmed its waters,
although the women remained absent. She then assured Maddoc that Conan
would survive his trap and return to slay him unless Maddoc allied with
her; vanishing, she promised to return for his answer.

the Barbarian I#182 - BTS) - Conan's attackers fled as Imhotep approached.
the Barbarian I#183 - BTS) - Conan initially warded off Imhotep with
the amulet of Pathir, but after Kollos, leader of the M'Gai, stole the
amulet, Imhotep attacked Conan directly. Conan's second-in-command,
Shapur, ultimately recovered the amulet and returned it to Conan, but
not before Conan had defeated Imhotep without it. 
When Imhotep grasped the amulet, it forged a link between he and Conan,
and he communicated telepathically that Conan had earned his respect
and that he was now Conan's slave.
the Barbarian I#183) - Meanwhile, Tetra confronted Maddoc II (alongside
his enslaved prophetess and lover, Swan) in his library, telling him
Conan had survived, setting afire his library of precious tomes, and
telling him that she would be his slave in their joint efforts against
Conan, after which she led him on a chase through his castle. She
taunted Maddoc and his father as despots, used illusions to cause him
to slay his own loyal guards, and ultimately forced him to accept
servitude to her to stop her from slaying Swan; however, once Maddoc
acquiesced, Tetra slew Swan anyway. She explained to Maddoc that she
had killed Swan to prevent him from rebelling against her, and he
kneeled, seemingly accepting his role as her slave.
She instructed him to meet her in the bedchamber in an hour, after
bathing..."the only maggot I want near me is you."
the Barbarian I#184) - Tetra taunted Maddoc II with news of Conan's
return, questioning his sanity and ultimately instructing him to leave
Conan's fate to her.
the Barbarian I#184 - BTS) - Conan led his forced to storm Maddoc's
castle, and Maddoc gave Conan an impressive challenge, sorely wounding
him before being driven to fall to his death from a high palace window.
the Barbarian I#184) - Tetra confronted Conan, Keiv, and Imhotep, the
latter of whom identified her as Pathir, after which she exploded the
castle with a threat of killing them all.
the Barbarian I#185) - As Tetra transported Conan into the air, away
from the destroyed castle, Conan pulled his sword, which she casually
destroyed as she noted that she was not the same silly girl he once
knew. She then revealed her "recent" activities, including her
time-traveling, and explained how she had done it all for him.
Explaining that all of her threats about bringing about his death were
hollow, intended solely to gain his attention. Inviting him to stay
with her and wander the Timestream forever, she offered him unlimited
wealth and armies under his service, as well as power to conquer
worlds, and anything and everything he could ever want.
Kissing her,
Conan accepted, but only on his terms: returning to Maddoc's castle
prior to its destruction and sparing his companions; and transforming
Keiv back into a man; Tetra readily performed these actions. Conan's
final requirement was that she give up her power: She argued that she
would still be cursed to wander the timestream, but Conan noted that
she would lack the means to destroy the lives of men. She asked Conan
to take a sacred oath, and he told her that if she released her evil
magics, he would love her forever.

Tetra/Pathir then summoned a mighty wind, and power seared her flesh
and buffeted her like a mighty wind, after which she collapsed to the
ground. She asked Conan to hold her, which he did, telling her nothing
would ever harm her again as he plunged his dagger into her back.
Shocked and pained, she questioned his love, but Conan explained that
he loved Tetra enough to despise the mockery the demon(s) -- the sum of
the evil embodied by Nostume and/or found within the Well of Souls,
which had taken over her form as she perished within the Well of Souls
-- had made of her.
The collective demon/evil
acknowledged Conan's assessment as accurate, explaining that her
passionate love for Conan caused it to develop similar feelings when
"they" took her form, and they had hoped to find love. Pathir then
struck Conan with an eldritch bolt that smashed him against the wall,
after which she unleashed massive roots against him. 
When Conan pursued
her, sword in hand, the badly wounded Pathir took to the air and fled
to the top of Maddoc's Reign, but Conan pursued her on foot and
eventually confronted her. Wounded to some degree even worse by his
words than his blade, Pathir was unaccustomed to such emotional agony;
with nothing else to live for, she allowed Conan to plunge his sword
into her chest, killing her. As she died, Maddoc's Reign collapsed as
well, but Conan was saved by Imhotep, to whom Conan relinquished the
Amulet of Pathir, allowing him and his brethren to return to the Nest.Comments: Created by Jim Owsley, John Buscema, and Bob Camp.
She just wanted to be loved...was that so wrong?
It wasn't until Conan tore off the dress that she spotted the map? How
long had she been wearing the same dress? I guess this was the Hyborian
era, but you'd think she would have changed or bathed on an extended
...maybe it was hidden between two layers, and it was only visible when
the dress was ripped? Yeah, that's the ticket...
Conan was active around 10,000 BC, and ten thousand years before that
would obviously be 20,000 BC. Shem is supposed to have formed more like
15,000 BC by nomads outside of Stygia (with Stygia having been founded
by the East Folk driven out by the Lemurians); my specific information
is that Shem dominated Stygia for 1500 years until being driven out by
Koth following the fall of Acheron in 13,000 BC.
- Possibly
Tetra met with a man who was part of the people who would become the
Shemites (presumably the East Folk), and the Amulet had such value that
it was protected and both its physical nature and legend survived the
Great Cataclym of 18,000?
- Or possibly the deranged Tetra meant ten centuries rather than ten thousand years...or something like that?
- It
seems a bit more far-fetched that the warning of Tetra/Pathir lasted
for then thousand years without any appearance of the Ravager of
Worlds, but obviously it's still possible...
I placed the flashback in which she seized Maddoc I as after her taking
control of Ren's witches I got the impression she has used them to trap
Maddoc I (I recall reading that it seemed to have been a host of demons
and/or witches that imprisoned him). If not, it at least occurs after
she gave the Amulet to the Shemite nomad.
Jim Owlsey changed his name in 1993 to Christopher Priest, and he often
goes solely by Priest. I've enjoyed his stuff under both names, but I
was and am a huge fan of his Black Panther. Speaking of which, I'm
really enjoying the current run.
Reality-86784 Maddoc's castle destroyed by Tetra/Pathir, apparently
slaying Keiv and Imhotep. Conan the Barbarian I#184 (1986)
Profile by Snood.
Tetra/Pathir should be distinguished from:
- TETHRA - Fomor,
blue skin--Avengers I#225
- TETRAGRAMATON - mystic entities,
invoked in a
spell , possibly referring to the Judeo-Christian God --[Dr. Strange II#45]
- "TETRAMAM" of the Fire People of
Earth-93060 - around the time of ancient Egypt, part of
project to see if the surface world was ready to accept them. Serpentine tail, four breasts--Freex#17
(Hafga, Heml, Vug,
Yod) - enigmatic extradimensional entities--[Avengers I#327], 329
A mystic body of water that travels throughout all eternity and all infinity.
Falling to the bottom of the Well of Souls caused a person to be "trapped
for all eternity to wander the timestream." The experience also
rendered the being unaging and enabled him or her to leave that
realm and travel to Earth or other
dimensions in the past or future as desired. Additionally, arrival in
the "other world" accessed via the bottom of the well exposed the
traveler to collection of evil there, where
madness and evil reigned. The evil collective corrupted and/or
possessed the being arriving there; the spirit of the being arriving in
the realm perished and was replaced by OR was completely corrupted by
-- sources described it differently -- the evil therein.
Via the Well of Souls, Nostume was bonded to the Timestream.
Via the Well of Souls, Tetra was bonded to the Timestream.
the Barbarian I#185) - Tetra/Pathir brought Conan to the Timestream and tried to convince him to stay with her forever.
--(seen) Conan the Barbarian I#185; it was referenced earlier, and I'll sort that out when I do a profile on Nostume...
images: (without ads)
Conan the Barbarian I#172, pg. 7, panel 6 (timid);
pg. 19, panel 4 (Kawagne at her mercy);
last page, panel 1 (Tetra, full body, bikini);
panel 2 (face, with map sewn into dress);
#177, last page, last panel (empowered; possessed);
#178, pg. 4 (agonized by power);
pg. 21, panel 2 (grabbed by demon-wolf);
last page, panel 2 (face);
#181, pg. 5, panel 5 (atop Maddoc's Reign);
pg. 9, panel 5 (Amulet of Pathir_;
#182, pg. 9, panel 2 (releasing tentacled creature in Maddoc's bath);
#183, last page, panel 2 (atop Maddoc's throne);
#184, pg. 3, panel 5 (robe/gown);
#185, pg. 4, panel 4 (timestream);
pg. 19, panel 6 (glowing eyes);
pg. 20, panel 1 (blasting Conan);
pg. 22, panel 1 (death);
Conan the Barbarian I#172-174 (July-September, 1985) - Jim Owsley (writer), John Buscema (penciler), Bob Camp (inker), Larry Hama (editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#175 (October, 1985) - Jim Owsley (writer), John Buscema (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker), Larry Hama (editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#176 (November, 1985) - Jim Owsley (writer), John Buscema (penciler), Bob Camp (inker), Larry Hama (editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#177 (December, 1985) - Jim Owsley (writer), John Buscema (penciler), Pablo Marcos (inker), Larry Hama (editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#178 (January, 1986) - Jim Owsley (writer), John Buscema (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker), Larry Hama (editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#179-180 (February-March, 1986) - Jim Owsley (writer), John Buscema (penciler), Bob Camp (inker), Larry Hama (editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#181-185 (April-August, 1986) - Jim Owsley (writer), John Buscema (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker), Larry Hama (editor)
First Posted: 12/02/2017
Last updated: 12/02/2017
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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