Official Name: Angargal, Eighth Planet of the E-Wing Cluster
Continent: Unrevealed
Population: Unrevealed, if any
Capital City: Unrevealed
Government: Unrevealed, if any
Major Languages: Unrevealed
Monetary Unit: Unrevealed, if any
Major Resources: Unrevealed
National Defense: Unrevealed, if any
International Relations: The Black Order (Black Dwarf, Black Swan/Yabbat Ummon Turru, Corvus Glaive, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight), the Grandmaster (En Dwi Gast)
Extraterrestrial Relations: The Black Order (Black Dwarf, Black Swan/Yabbat Ummon Turru, Corvus Glaive, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight), the Grandmaster (En Dwi Gast)
Places of Interest: The Wai Desert
Domestic Super Humans: None known
Non-Human Population: Unrevealed, if any
Prominent Citizens: Unrevealed, if any
Superhuman Residents: None known
Domestic Crime: Unrevealed
International Crime: Grandmaster met the Black Order on Angargal to discuss a destructive mission for the Black Order.
First Appearance: Avengers VI#690 (June, 2018)
(Avengers VI#690) - The Black Order wandered the planet Angargal
discussing their defeat at the hands of the Avengers during a game
between the Elders of the Universe Grandmaster and Challenger. The
Grandmaster soon appeared in front of them and congratulated the Black
Order on their showing in the game, offering them an opportunity more
suited to their destructive needs.
Comments: Created by Mark Waid, Al Ewing, Jim Zub and Pepe Larraz.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Angargal has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Avengers VI#690, p8, pan1 (Angargal, main image)
Avengers VI#690, p8, pan3 (Grandmaster appearing on Angargal to face the Black Order)
Avengers VI#690 (June, 2018) - Mark Waid, Al Ewing, Jim Zub (writers),
Pepe Larraz (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First posted: 05/15/2018
Last updated:
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