Real Name: Pound (first name unrevealed)
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Unrevealed;
employed by company that developed unspecified technology, including information of interest to the US Department of Defense.
Group Membership: The above unidentified company
Affiliations: Mr. Sterling
Enemies: Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), SHIELD (Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Division; see comments), Sterling's foreign clients, US Department of Defense;
possibly Katrinka and Zamatev (see comments)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
last seen (and apparently died) aboard the yacht Mergers & Acquisition at the Manhattan West Side Marina on the Hudson River
formerly Manhattan, New York
First Appearance: Black Widow: The Coldest War (1990)
Powers/Abilities: Pound did not demonstrate any particular talents.
He had whatever skills were required to be employed his company, which developed unspecified technology, including information of interest to the US Department of Defense.
He had access to record his company's technological information, and he was willing to steal their secrets and sell them to someone else, even though he knew they were of value to the US Department of Defense.
He was, at least, disturbed to find out they were being sold to an enemy foreign power.
He apparently required corrective and/or protected lenses for his eyes.
Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 5'8")
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 180 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed (in some -- but not all -- he seemed to wear some glasses with yellow-orange tint; perhaps he had light-sensitive green eyes?; or, perhaps it was just the nighttime lighting on the yacht)
Hair: Brown
Widow: The Coldest War (fb) - BTS) - Pound worked for a company that
developed technological information for the US Department of Defense.
(Black Widow: The Coldest War (fb) - BTS) - Pound agreed to trade a disk containing the above information to a Mr. Sterling "for business reasons" in exchange for $100,000.
(Black Widow: The Coldest War (fb) - BTS) - SHIELD commander Nick Fury asked the Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) to retrieve the disk for SHIELD as it was a case of industrial espionage.
(Black Widow: The Coldest War) <February 3; see comments> - Aboard the yacht Mergers & Acquisition (presumably Sterling's yacht) at the Manhattan West Side Marina on the Hudson River, Pound met with Sterling. When Pound expressed his discomfort with the transaction, which was primarily associated with fear that he would lose his position in the company if anyone there found out what he sold to them.
Sterling assured Pound the choice to sell it was his, although if Pound
reneged, he would find someone else willing to take the money. Noting
that Sterling knew he had gone too far to back out now, Pound asked to
see the money, and Sterling agreed to each show their trade at the same
time. When Pound commented how it was amazing that a single computer
disk could be worth so much, the Widow made her presence known to both
men, explaining how it was a case of supply and demand. She then took
the disk from Pound, surprising him with the information that
Sterling's business was international industrial espionage.
Sterling's clients then showed up, holding the Widow at gunpoint. Ultimately, the clients repeatedly shot Pound to get him out of the way, and Pound could only beg, "My God -- no -- please --" as they gunned him down.
The above encounter was observed by the Russian agents Katrinka and Zamatev, who were monitoring the Black Widow in action.
Comments: Created by Gerry Conway and George Freeman.
The Black Widow subsequently told Ivan that the encounter with Pound and Sterling felt like a set-up. I don't think that was ever clarified, but it may mean that Sterling's clients were somehow associated with Katrinka and Zamatev. Or not.
At the time this was written, the main part of the story took place in
1987; the scene with Pound and Sterling says 1988, but every other reference in the following events says 1987
However, the sliding timescale renders
all of that topical
However, it is still relevent that Fury was involved with SHIELD
(Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Division)
in the main story, but that the epilogue was taking place after that
incarnation's dissolution.
Though it lacked the name in the title, this book was a Marvel Graphic Novel
Per Wikipedia: The pound sterling, commonly known as the pound, is the official currency of the United Kingdom, Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, the British Antarctic Territory, and Tristan da Cunha.
Profile by Snood.
Pound should be distinguished from:
(Black Widow: The Coldest War (fb) - BTS) - Pound agreed to trade a disk containing technological information his company had developed for the US Department of Defense to a Mr. Sterling "for business reasons" in exchange for $100,000.
(Black Widow: The Coldest War (fb) - BTS) - SHIELD commander Nick Fury asked the Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) to retrieve the disk for SHIELD as it was a case of industrial espionage.
(Black Widow: The Coldest War) <February 3; see comments> - Aboard the yacht Mergers & Acquisition (presumably Sterling's yacht) at the Manhattan West Side Marina on the Hudson River, Pound produced the disk, but the Black Widow then showed up and took it from him. Sterling's clients then appeared and demanded the disk at gunpoint; willing to kill to get the information to their government, they fired indiscriminantly, taking out both Pound and Sterling, although the Widow escaped with the disk.
The Widow subsuently delivered the disk to a SHIELD agent posing as a bathroom attendant at Senator Clair's reception.
--Black Widow: The Coldest Warimages: (without ads)
Black Widow:
The Coldest War, story pg. 1, panel 2 (sitting at table across from Sterling)
panel 3 (face);
panel 5 (view from above; full, distant);
panel 7-8 (money and disk);
pg. 2, panel 4 (surprised face, untinted glasses);
pg. 3, panel 7 (shot)
Black Widow:
The Coldest War (1990) - Gerry Conway (writer), George Freeman
(penciler), Ernie Colon, Mark Farmer, George Freeman, Mike Harris, Val
Mayerik, Joe Rubinstein (inkers), Kelly P. Corverse (assistant editor),
Terry Kavanaugh (editor)
Last updated: 02/26/15
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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