Real Name: Unrevealed (presumably Quothar)
Identity/Class: Extradimensional humanoid (possible mutate)
Occupation: Thief
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Connors, Norman Daniels, Daredevil (Matt Murdock), Harry, Irene, Opar, Tagak the Leopard Lord, Willis
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Tagak's world; temporarily mobile in New York City
First Appearance: Daredevil I#72 (January, 1971)
Powers/Abilities: Quothar wore a bodysuit (see comments) that completely covered his form; despite having catlike agility, he demonstrated no other paranormal abilities. He could access the Crysto-Mirror to pass from his home-realm to Earth's dimension.
Tagak explained that those in his home-dimension were blind and needed animal familiars to share sight with, but Quothar did not appear to have these limitations, nor an animal familiar.
Height: 6' (by approximation)
Weight: 195 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed (see comments)
Hair: None
(Daredevil I#72 (fb)) - A mysterious shadowy being in a
mystic realm of crystal, Quothar stole the sacred Krill statue, the
bedrock symbol of the people's religion; he then escaped through the
Crysto-Mirror, a portal to other dimensions.
(Daredevil I#72 (fb) - BTS) - Emerging on Earth, Quothar began his midnight robberies of a New York City museum on three separate occasions, frustrating museum director Norman Daniels.
(Daredevil I#72 (fb)) - Tagak and his leopard familiar Opar also passed through the the Crysto-Mirror and arrived in New York to search for Quothar--their presence startled several civilians (including Harry and Irene), and Daredevil briefly scuffled with them.
(Daredevil I#72) - On his fourth robbery of the museum, Quothar sneaked silently in the shadows and stole an expensive Rembrandt painting, but accidentally set off an alarm; police officers (including Connors and Willis) arrived and shone spotlights on the fleeing thief, but they could only see the shadowy figure escaping and leaping across the rooftops.
When Daredevil arrived on the scene, he heard from the police that the thief "moved like a blasted cat"--having recently encountered Tagak, Daredevil's suspicions were aroused, and he mistakenly believed Tagak to be the culprit. As he investigated further, Daredevil found a warehouse containing a mirror that seemed to be a portal to another dimensional realm. After another brief scuffle with Tagak and Opar, Daredevil learned that the two shared a mental bond which allowed the blind Tagak to see through Opar's eyes. After realizing that the two came to Earth to search for the real thief, Daredevil teamed with Tagak and Opar to search for Quothar.
Opar tracked Quothar through the city and to the museum, but a security guard shot and killed Opar, and Daniels shot and wounded Tagak, thinking him the villain.
Daredevil tackled and easily defeated Quothar, then Tagak and the captured Quothar returned to their world through the mirror.
Comments: Created by Gerry Conway, Gene Colan and Syd Shores.
Quothar was never really clearly shown or explored, and his powers, motivations, and history remained very mysterious. Quothar may have been from Tagak's realm, or another realm entirely.
During one of his museum robberies, Quothar swore "By the Seven" (the apparent deities of Tagak's realm), so that would seem to imply that he was a native of the same dimension.--Ron Fredricks
Tagak later came back for a brief adventure in Defenders (see his profile), but Quothar presumably is in his dimension's version of jail. And... presumably the stolen Rembrandt painting was returned? And the sacred Krill statue?
Quothar's eye color was never determined, as he was never properly seen in such a way that his eye color was shown. He did not appear to possess any hair, but it was unclear whether he was wearing a costume or if his look was actually his extradimensional body itself.--Proto-Man
Probably no connection, but with those wavy lines on his body, Quothar's appearance reminds me of Vector (Simon Utrecht) of the U-Foes.--Ron Fredricks
New and additional images by Ron Fredricks.
Profile by Chadman.
Quothar has no known connections to:
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When a shadowy figure (Quothar) broke into a New York
museum and stole a Rembrandt painting, he accidentally set off an alarm.
When police responded, the commanding sergeant complained when Connors
(a rookie, new to the force) fumbled with the spotlight while the thief
ran across the rooftop. The sergeant ordered Willis to fire a warning shot at the
fleeing robber; Willis complied, but commented that it was a wasted
effort because the agile thief was too fast. Later, the sergeant in charge mentioned to Daredevil that
the thief "moved like a blasted cat," giving Daredevil the mistaken
impression that the thief was Tagak. --Daredevil I#72 |
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He was the director of a New York museum. When the extradimensional thief Quothar began committing a series of midnight robberies of his museum, Daniels grew frustrated. After the fourth robbery resulted in the loss of a Rembrandt painting, Daniels was furious and demanded that Daredevil take down the suspected robber, Tagak the Leopard Lord. Later, during Quothar's final robbery, Daniels and his security guards were waiting for the wrongly-suspected Tagak. A security guard shot and apparently killed Tagak's leopard, Opar; Daniel's himself shot Tagak, who was only grazed by the bullet. Daredevil punched out Daniels and then tackled the real culprit Quothar, which cleared Tagak's name. --Daredevil I#72 |
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Harry and Irene (last names unrevealed) were among a group of New York civilians in Times Square who were startled to see Tagak and his leopard, Opar. --Daredevil I#72 (fb) |
images: (without ads)
Daredevil I#72, p19, pan6 (Quothar; Daredevil [foreground])
Daredevil I#72, p17, pan4 (in flashback, Quothar steals sacred Krill statue)
Daredevil I#72, p4, pan2 (Quothar leaps across rooftops)
Daredevil I#72, p20, pan1 (Daredevil tackles Quothar)
Daredevil I#72, p3, pan4 (police sergeant with Connors, outside museum)
Daredevil I#72, p4, pan1 (Willis fires warning shot, as Quothar leaps across rooftop)
Daredevil I#72, p13, pan2 (Norman Daniels)
Daredevil I#72, p19, pan4 (Norman Daniels shoots at Tagak; Daredevil [background])
Daredevil I#72, p7, pan3 (Harry and Irene see Tagak and Opar)
Daredevil I#72 (January, 1971) - Gerry Conway (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Syd Shore (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
First posted: 05/26/2018
Last updated: 11/24/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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