Real Name: Qu'vin
Identity/Class: Extradimensional mystic
Occupation: Parasite
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Dr. Strange (Stephen
Strange), Merlin
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Qu'vin the Bloviate" (insult from Dr. Strange)
Base of Operations: Presumably an unidentified
First Appearance: Doctor Strange & the
Sorcerers Supreme I#1 (December, 2016)
Powers/Abilities: Qu'vin the Malevolent had
several prehensile tentacles protruding from his body that he could
grasp objects with. He also appeared invisible to the untrained eye,
only seen by those with an affinity towards magic.
At one point, Qu'vin utilized the mystic, time-reversing Lost Bones of Eh-Yuh but it was unclear what the artifacts added to his existing power.
Height: 12'2" (by approximation)
Weight: 500 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: None
History: (Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers
Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) - With Earth's mystic defenses down following
the destruction of magic by the Empirikul, the mystic parasite Qu'vin
the Malevolent obtained the Lost Bones of Eh-Yuh and took advantage of
the lack of defenses to invade Earth, only to be met by a less-powerful
Dr. Strange.
(Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#1) -
Grasping Dr. Strange with one of his tentacles, Qu'vin announced that
Strange would finally die at the whims of Qu'vin the Malevolent.
Cutting himself free with his axe, Dr. Strange wise-cracked to keep
Qu'vin distracted, hoping to summon what little magic he could against
Qu'vin, who instead grabbed Strange yet again. Remaining invisible to
any bystanders, Qu'vin slammed Dr. Strange into the walls of an
alleyway while an old lady who only managed to see a floating Dr.
Strange remarked on how she should not have moved out of Brooklyn.
Before Qu'vin could kill Strange, however, he was defeated by the
time-traveling Merlin from the Age of Camelot. As Merlin admitted he
sensed weakness in Dr. Strange, Strange took advantage of the moment to
cut into Qu'vin with his axe and retrieve the mystic artifacts known as
the Lost Bones of Eh-Yuh, which Strange remarked should have never been
in Qu'vin's possession. As Strange retrieved the artifacts, Qu'vin
disappeared in a wash of mystic fire.
Comments: Created by Robbie Thompson, Javier
Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Qu'vin the Malevolent has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#1, p4, pan4 (Qu'vin, main
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#1, p4, pan1 (Qu'vin
battling Dr. Strange)
Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme I#1 (December, 2016) -
Robbie Thompson (writer), Javier Rodriguez (pencils), Alvaro Lopez
(inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
First Posted: 07/20/2018
Last updated: 08/28/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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