Classification: Semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Unidentified planet, unidentified star system, unidentified galaxy
Known Members: None identified
Affiliations: Rigellian Recorder Type Zeta-9 (RT-Z9);
they had peaceful relationships with Qyre the Watcher and She-Hulk (Jen Walters), but did not consider them allies
Enemies: Unidentified slaughterer;
formerly Qyre
First Appearance: (Dialogue only) She-Hulk I#7 (November, 2004);
(full) She-Hulk II#20 (September, 2007)
Powers/Abilities: The Recluses were small mammalian creatures. By undislosed means, mystical, technologic, or otherwise, they kept their planet hidden from the rest of the universe (even the Watchers) for an undisclosed but lengthy period of time.
They had large eyes, raised, pointed ears, and sharp teeth
For a time, the Recluses possessed a Rigellian Control Device, enabling them to control Rigellian Recorder Type Zeta-9 (RT-Z)
Traits: The Recluses were xenophobic and paranoide, valuing privacy above all else and strongly fearing involvement with any other beings.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric semi-humanoid mammalian bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; no visible iris)
Fingers: Four (plus opposing thumb)
Toes: Apparently three
Skin color: Orange, with brown hair.
Average height: Approximately 3' to 4'?
I#7 (fb) - BTS) - Since "time immemorial," the race known only as the
Recluses kept their planet hidden from the rest of the universe.
(She-Hulk I#7 (fb) - BTS / She-Hulk II#20 (fb)) - Qyre the Watcher dicovered the Recluses within his sector of space.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb)) - Even though Qyre did not interact with the Recluses, his ever-watchful eyes disturbed them greatly.
(She-Hulk I#7 (fb) - BTS / She-Hulk II#20 (fb)) - Refusing to be watched, the Recluses demanded their privacy. They petitioned an audience with the Magistrati -- the judges, jurors, and advocates of the universe who serve the will of the Living Tribunal -- claiming the right of cosmic privacy.
(She-Hulk I#7 (fb) - BTS / She-Hulk II#20 (fb)) - As the Recluses didn't wish to be seen even in court, they were given a Rigellian Control Unit, so they could speak through Recorder RT-Z9.
(She-Hulk I#7 - BTS) - As She-Hulk, who had recently joined the Magistrati, explained the nature of the Watchers to her young ward, Southpaw (Sasha Martin), the Recluses voiced -- via RT-Z9 -- that the Watchers' invasion of privacy was an offense of the highest order. Qyre explained that as a Watcher, now they he knew they were their, he was compelled to watch them. When they insisted that this was unacceptable, Qyre tried to console them by explaining that all Watchers had a strict oath of non-interference, and that he would never interact with them in any way, shape, manner, or--; but they cut him off, arguing that this was irrelevent as the Recluses bothered no one and kept to themselves; but, now, the entire race of Watchers had seen them.
Considering that the damage was already done, She-Hulk asked what the Recluses expected her to do. Zoma the Watcher then explained that the Recluses were incorrect and that -- since the Watchers only share the information from their sectors' viewings at regular gatherings, which had yet to occur since Qyre had glimpsed the Recluses -- only Qyre had actually seen the Recluses or knew anything about them.
When She-Hulk pondered what would happen if Qyre did not take part in these gatherings and remained silent, not sharing what he knew with anyone, Zoma confirmed that Qyre's knowledge and visions would be his alone, and Uatu added that their sector would remain dark, watched only by the one who had already glimpsed it.
Qyre ased whether this would make amends, and the Recluses agreed that this was acceptable.
As a result of the decision, Qyre's mouth sealed over.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb)) - Far from satisfied, the Recluses feared how much power She-Hulk held over them. They lived in fear that she might one day reverse that decision.
It was decided that the Recluses would keep the Rigellian Control Unit and they would have their Recorder watch over She-Hulk.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - RT-Z9
took the form of Artie Zix, and he told part of the story to Holden
Holliway, the senior partner at Goodman, Lieberman, Kurtzberg, &
Holliway, leading Holliway to believe he was still serving the
As Holliway held the Magistrati in high regard, he willingly left Zix in charge of Goodman, Lieberman, Kurtzberg, & Holliway while he left in search of his granddaughter, Southpaw (Sasha Martin).
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, an unidentified being (see comments) captured and bound Qyre, slaughtered the Recluses, and took control of Z9's control unit -- though not necessarily in that order.
Z9 was unaware that the Recluses were no longer in control of him.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - The Recluses' slaughterer activated Z9's self-destruct mechanism, giving him 2 hours to collect all of the data he was sent there to record.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to assure the Recluses (actually their slaughterer, though Z9 did not know this) that She-Hulk was not a threat to them, Z9 revealed his true identity and gained information to fill in the blanks in his database.
This included that She-Hulk was no longer involved with Stargod and that Jameson could not even become Stargod; that she had lost her powers as a result of Tony Starks nannites during Civil War; and that she was no longer part of the Magistrati.
(She-Hulk II#20 - BTS) - Via the control unit, Z9 sent his report intended for the Recluses that they were safe from She-Hulk reversing their decision; however, the Recluses' slaughterer then revealed he was the one holding the control unit, just seconds before he detonated Z9 to prevent his discovery.
(She-Hulk II#20 ) - The slaughtered Recluses lied across the ground around the slaughterer.
The slaughterer was pleased that -- thanks to She-Hulk's ruling -- only one being could look into this dark sector of space: Qyre, who obviously wouldn't be telling anyone.
This would leave him free to use the Recluses' hidden/dark space spector to plot and plan and prepare his forces, the perfect beachhead for his war on creation: "Years, centuries, however long it takes. And when the time is right, there shall be a reckoning!"
Comments: Created by Dan Slott, Rick Burchett, and Cliff Rathburn.
The Recluses would be behind the scenes, observing through Zix in all of his appearances in She-Hulk II#1, 3, 5, 6-7, 9, 16-19, 20; I'm not going to cover all that, especially since we don't know when the Recluses lost control of the Control Box and were slaughtered by the "reckoning" guy...Zix will get his own profile at some point, and everything he observed will be detailed therein.
It is not clear to me whether the Magistrati allowed the Recluses to keep the Control Box, or who made the decision.
The slaughterer of the Recluses has yet to be revealed. Dan Slott had a lot of build up for the future Reckoning War of which She-Hulk was to have been the cause, and the slaughterer was associated with that. Perhaps some day Slott will tell the full tale...
Profile by Snood.
The Recluses have no known connections to
Whoever held the control device could control Rigellian Recorder Type Zeta-9 (RT-Z). That person or group could see and hear everything RT-Z9 observed, speak through and communicate with RT-Z9, and activate RT-Z9's destruct sequence
(She-Hulk I#7 (fb) - BTS / She-Hulk II#20 (fb)) - As the Recluses didn't wish to be seen even in court, they were given a Rigellian Control Unit, so they could speak through Recorder RT-Z9.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb)) - Far from satisfied, the Recluses feared how much power She-Hulk held over them. They lived in fear that she might one day reverse that decision.
It was decided that the Recluses would keep the Rigellian Control Unit and they would have their Recorder watch over She-Hulk.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, an unidentified being (see comments) captured and bound Qyre, slaughtered the Recluses, and took control of Z9's control unit -- though not necessarily in that order.
Z9 was unaware that the Recluses were no longer in control of him.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - The Recluses' slaughterer activated Z9's self-destruct mechanism, giving him 2 hours to collect all of the data he was sent there to record.
(She-Hulk II#20 - BTS) - Via the control unit, Z9 sent his report intended for the Recluses that they were safe from She-Hulk reversing their decision; however, the Recluses' slaughterer then revealed he was the one holding the control unit, just seconds before he detonated Z9 to prevent his discovery.
(She-Hulk II#20) - The control unit was seen on the ground behind the recluses' slaughterer as he gloated of his victory.
--(Behind-the-scenes) She-Hulk I#7; (full) She-Hulk II#20
Note: The Control Device would be behind the scenes, observing through Zix in all of his appearances in She-Hulk II#1, 3, 5, 6-7, 9, 16-19, 20; I'm not going to cover all that, especially since we don't know when the Recluses lost control of the Control Box and were slaughtered by the "reckoning" guy...Zix will get his own profile at some point, and everything he observed will be detailed therein.
It is not clear to me whether the Magistrati allowed the Recluses to keep the Control Box, or who made the decision.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, an unidentified being (see comments) captured and bound Qyre, slaughtered the Recluses, and took control of Z9's control unit -- though not necessarily in that order.
Z9 was unaware that the Recluses were no longer in control of him.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - The Recluses' slaughterer activated Z9's self-destruct mechanism, giving him 2 hours to collect all of the data he was sent there to record.
(She-Hulk II#20 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to assure the Recluses (actually their slaughterer, though Z9 did not know this) that She-Hulk was not a threat to them, Z9 revealed his true identity and gained information to fill in the blanks in his database.
This included that She-Hulk was no longer involved with Stargod and that Jameson could not even become Stargod; that she had lost her powers as a result of Tony Starks nannites during Civil War; and that she was no longer part of the Magistrati.
(She-Hulk II#20 - BTS) - Via the control unit, Z9 sent his report intended for the Recluses that they were safe from She-Hulk reversing their decision; however, the Recluses' slaughterer then revealed he was the one holding the control unit, just seconds before he detonated Z9 to prevent his discovery.
(She-Hulk II#20 ) - The slaughterer was pleased that -- thanks to She-Hulk's ruling -- only one being could look into this dark sector of space: Qyre, who obviously wouldn't be telling anyone.
This would leave him free to use the Recluses' hidden/dark space spector to plot and plan and prepare his forces, the perfect beachhead for his war on creation: "Years, centuries, however long it takes. And when the time is right, there shall be a reckoning!"
--She-Hulk II#20
Note: The slaughterer of the Recluses has yet to be revealed. Dan Slott had a lot of build up for the future Reckoning War of which She-Hulk was to have been the cause, and the slaughterer was associated with that. Perhaps some day Slott will tell the full tale...
images: (without ads)
She-Hulk II#20, pg. 9, panel 2 (discovered by Qyre);
panel 3 (petitioning Magistrati);
panel 4 (Magistratri with Rigellian control unit);
pg. 10, panel 2 (Recluses worrying over control unit);
pg. 22, panel 2-4 (slaughterer's hand; Recluses with
slaughterer; slaughterer with bound Qyre)
She-Hulk I#7 (November, 2004) - Dan Slott (writer), Juan Bobillo (penciler),
Marcelo Sosa (inker), Molly Lazer, Andy Schmidt, & Nicole Wiley (assistant
editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
She-Hulk II#20 (September, 2007) - Dan Slott & Ty Templeton (writers), Rick Burchett
(penciler), Cliff Rathburn (inker), Molly Lazer (assistant editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 07/12/2016
Last updated: 07/12/2016
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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