Real Name: Unrevealed;
Salome may or may not be her real first name or surname
Identity/Class: Human (late 19th century and early 20th century);
Occupation: Unrevealed;
member of the Hellfire Club-San Francisco
chapter circa 1906
Group Membership: Hellfire Club-San Francisco chapter circa 1906 (Lord Molyneux, Cornelius Shaw)
Affiliations: Molyneux's "League of Sensitives," Sentinel of Hellfire Club-San Francisco circa 1906
posed as an ally to Catherine and Nicola Bradley;
Enemies: Catherine and Nicola Bradley, mutants/"overmen," X-Club (James Bradley/Dr. Nemesis, Madison Jeffries, Dr. Kavita Rao, Dr. Yuriko Takiguchi), X-Men (Hank McCoy/Beast, Warren Worthington/Angel, Betsy Braddock/Psylocke)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly the Hellfire Club mansion, San Francisco, California
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men#512 (August, 2009)
Powers/Abilities: Salome was willing to slay others to accomplish his goals. She had connections to unspecified underworld criminals/killers, and she apparently directed some of the more violent missions of the Hellfire Club employees.
She was relatively taciturn, occasionally making a low "Mm" or "Hnn" noise in response to discussions, but she was perfectly willing and able to make direct statements, apply insults, and bark orders where indicated.
Like the rest of the Hellfire Club of her era, she was rabidly mutaphobic, promoting the genocide of the growing "overmen" (mutants). Also, like the rest of her associates, she was hateful and arrogant.
Salome had some experience working with advanced technology for her early 20th century era.
She likely was extraordinarily wealthy, and she had access to all of the Hellfire Club's resources, including its warriors and their "Sentinel."
Height: Unrevealed (she was not pictured next to anyone of confirmed height; but she seemed perhaps a few inches shorter than Cornelius Shaw; perhaps 5'8")
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 135 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
History: (Uncanny
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - Salome served under Lord Molyneux
and alongside Cornelius Shaw in a branch of the Hellfire Club based in San
Francisco. Molyneux's group sought to protect humanity by
eliminating the "overmen" (mutants) that they perceived to be poised to
overrun and replace mankind.
Molyneux's "league of sensitives" (seers; presumably possessing some degree of ESP (Extrasensory Perception)) detected possible "evolutionary outbreaks," and the Hellfire Club eliminated them on their own. However, as more and more "overmen" developed, the Hellfire Club constructed an immense robot known as a Sentinel, with which they intended to eliminate overmen.
The Sentinel required a power source, and the Hellfire Club targeted Dr. Nicola Bradley, who was in the process of developing a generator-battery that would provide "nearly infinite and wholly inexpensive wireless electricity," to produce that source. Working alongside Cornelius Shaw, Salome met with and bankrolled Bradley, investing thousands of dollars and allowing untold hours in his efforts.
Frustrated with Nicola's lack of results, Cornelius had Salome gather a quartet of Hellfire Club agents and send them to ambush Nicola in his office in Telegraph Hill and steal the device.
(Uncanny X-Men#512 - BTS) <1906> - As Nicola dozed off while working, the Hellfire Club agents prepared to ambush him, but Nicola's wife, Catherine, entered the room and took out the four men with some sort of energy blaster.Comments: Created by Matt Fraction, Yanick Paquette, and Karl Story.
For some reason, I found Salome was an interesting character. Her mannerisms are intriguing. Not sure we'll learn much more about her, though...
Though she kept in the background when Shaw spoke, Salome may not have been his subordinate, but perhaps his monitor, or just a silent partner, or , perhaps, someone to work the "good cop, bad cop" angle.
It could be assumed that Salome perished in the explosion, although Cornelius apparently survived, so she could have as well.
The story noted the X-Men/X-Club members were traveling from 103 years in the future, but that is topical, as the story came out in 2009. They traveled to 1906, and the length of time they traveled slowly increases with the passage of time due to the sliding timescale.
Great story, but 1906 (and specifically James Bradley's parents) as the whole point of the "igniting" of homo superior (mutant kind) doesn't make sense to me in the context of the Marvel Universe.
Profile by Snood.
Salome should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
X-Men#512, pg. 13, panel 1 (full body, distant);
pg. 19, panel 2 (face; "We'll take it.");
pg. 23, panel 2 (mostly full body, hair over face);
pg. 24, panel 4 (upper body; "Snuffed);
pg. 30, panel 2 (with Sentinel; "More! Faster!")
X-Men#512 (August, 2009) - Matt Fraction (writer), Yanick Paquette
(penciler), Karl Story (inker), Daniel Ketchum (assistant editor), Nick
Lowe (editor)
First posted: 02/28/2018
Last updated: 02/28/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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