Classification: Terrestrial building
Creator: Sons of the Serpent
User/Possessors: Sons of the Serpent (Black Panther impostor, Simmons, Supreme Serpent/Dan Dunn, Supreme Serpent/Montague Hale, numerous unidentified others)
First Appearance: Avengers I#73 (February, 1970)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Serpent
Den was created from an abandoned television studio and retained the
former studio's broadcast equipment, which was used to televise Sons of
the Serpent meetings and to tape videos that the Sons of the Serpent
sent to media outlets. The stage in which the Sons of the Serpent taped
their videos housed the Serpent-Chamber, a large decorative snake head
that contained an interior chamber where captives could be held or Sons
of the Serpent members could hide.
The Serpent Den also housed a sophisticated communications room
containing several large video screens from which a Sons of the
Serpent, typically the Supreme Serpent, could view actions of its
members outside of the Serpent Den, likely using hidden cameras on the
members' uniforms.
(Avengers I#73 (fb) - BTS) - When the Sons of the Serpent was
reorganized under dual Supreme Serpent leaders, they created a new
Serpent Den out of an old abandoned television studio.
I#73) - The Sons of the Serpent held a meeting within their new Serpent
Den, where the Supreme Serpent stood in the mouth of a giant decorative
serpent and announced that anyone wearing the Sons of the Serpent robes
were destined to be masters of America. Some time later, the Supreme
Serpent watched from the Serpent Den as several Sons of the Serpent
agents failed to capture singer Monica Lynne due to the Black Panther's
interference. Annoyed that the Sons of the Serpent had gotten into
battle with the Black Panther, the Supreme Serpent activated a lever
from within the Serpent Den that blasted the individual Sons of the
Serpent agents dead. The Black Panther later tracked the Sons of the
Serpent to the Serpent Den, where he knocked out the guard Simmons and
took his place among the other Sons of the Serpent to infiltrate the
I#74) - Following a broadcast by the Supreme Serpent in which he
promised to publicly unmask the captured Black Panther, the Avengers
discovered the Serpent Den headquarters in the abandoned television
studio and made their way inside. After defeating the guards, the
Avengers came across a stage from which the Supreme Serpent was
broadcasting a Sons of the Serpent meeting. During the broadcast, the
Sons of the Serpent unmasked the Black Panther and the Avengers
subsequently freed the Panther during the audience's surprise. Now
freed, the Black Panther rushed at the Supreme Serpent, toppling the
Serpent-Chamber. The busted up Serpent-Chamber revealed a second
Supreme Serpent and a Black Panther impostor whom the true Black
Panther unmasked as a Sons of the Serpent member, who loudly confessed
that he was forced to impersonate the Black Panther. The Avengers then
made short work of the Sons of the Serpent, unmasking both Supreme
Serpents as television personalities Dan Dunn and Montague Hale,
respectively. The Avengers' ally Monica Lynne then helped the Avengers
take down the two Supreme Serpents.
Comments: Created by Roy Thomas, Frank Giacoia and Sam Grainger.
The Serpent Den was never identified as such on-panel
but was later identified by name in the 1980s Official Marvel Index to
the Avengers series.
The Sons of the Serpent had many different headquarters throughout their history but only two were called the Serpent Den. This profile covers only the 2nd headquarters, based out of an abandoned television studio, while a profile of the original, cave Serpent Den is linked below in the clarifications section.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Serpent Den should be distinguished:
images: (without ads)
Avengers I#74, p17, pan1 (Serpent Den stage, main image)
Avengers I#73, p1, splash page (Serpent Den with Supreme Serpent standing in front of the Serpent-Chamber)
Avengers I#73, p13, pan4 (Serpent Den's monitor room)
Avengers I#73, p18, pan4 (Black Panther stalking the outside of the Serpent Den)
Avengers I#74, p15, pan5 (The Avengers entering the Serpent Den)
Avengers I#73 (February, 1970) - Roy Thomas (writer), Frank Giacoia (pencils), Sam Grainger (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Avengers I#74 (March, 1970) - Roy Thomas (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Last Updated: 01/19/18
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