SUPER-SOLDIERS" (1940s vintage)
Membership: Red Guardian (Aleksey Lebedev), Iron Comrade, Night Witch, Proletariat, Sunbird
Purpose: To protect the interests of the Soviet Union
Aliases: "Costumed comrades"
Affiliations: None
Enemies: All-Winners Squad (Bucky/Fred Davis, Captain America/Jeff Mace, Human Torch/Jim Hammond, Miss America/Madeline Joyce, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Toro/Thomas Raymond, Whizzer/Robert Frank)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed, presumably somewhere in the Soviet Union
First Appearance: Captain America: Patriot#2 (November 2010)
History: (Captain America: Patriot#2 (fb), BTS) - In September 1946 a Russian spy was working at the Harwell Atomic Energy Research Facility in Oxford, England, under the guise of atomic scientist Dr. Klaus Fuchs. British intelligence began suspecting his true status and that he was passing on atomic secrets, but needed time to make their case. The Russians sent in a deliberately high profile squad of super-powered Soviet soldiers to "kidnap him," either extracting him, or, if they failed to do so, to at least throw suspicion off him. Catching wind of the abduction, and with Britain's own heroes otherwise occupied, British authorities called in the All-Winners Squad, who took on the Soviet team as they attempted to escape with their "prisoner."
(Captain America: Patriot#2) - While Namor gained the upper hand against the mechanical might of Iron Comrade, Bucky clashed with his opposite number, Proletariat, and the Human Torch and Toro tackled Night Witch as she flew aloft with Fuchs in tow, Sunbird blasted the ground near to where Captain America (Jeff Mace) and Red Guardian were fighting. Red Guardian berated Captain America, noting that it was sad that former friends were now coming to blows, but Captain America reminded him they had only been wartime allies, not friends. Red Guardian caught Cap's thrown shield, and, suspecting (correctly) that it was not the Captain America he had met before (both Steve Rogers and William Nasland) under the mask, noted that peace seemed to be slowing his reflexes and weakening his arm. Trying to trick his opponent into confirming this, Red Guardian noted it had almost happened once before, in Stalingrad, knowing that the pair had never been there together. Captain America began to respond, but Bucky had overheard; aware Cap was never in Stalingrad with the Guardian, he interrupted with a flying kick to Red Guardian's face. In the air above, Miss America punched Night Witch, causing her to drop Fuchs into the Whizzer's arms, and the speedster hastily departed with him before the Soviets could stop him. Angrily noting that the mission had been ruined, Red Guardian ordered Night Witch to get them out of there. Firing dark energy from her gun, Night Witch opened the "People's Portal" and the Soviets vanished, either teleported or escaping under cover of the sudden engulfing darkness.
Comments: Created by Karl Kesel (writer) and Mitch Breitweiser (art).
The team was not named in the comic, and when asked whether he might like to name them for the Handbooks Kesel noted that they had been referred to as "Soviet Super-Soldiers," but only as a description, and elected to leave the team's naming to whoever used the group in the future. He did, however, identify Proletariat and Sunbird, who had not been named in the comic. These names were subsequently revealed in Red Guardian's handbook entry in OHOTMU Update#4.
Profile by Loki.
The "Soviet Super-Soldiers" were the predecessors of
but have no known connection to
images: (without ads)
Captain America: Patriot#2, p3-4 (main image)
Captain America: Patriot#2 - Karl Kesel (writer), Mitch Breitweiser (art),
Lauren Sankovitch (assistant editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 04/30/2016
Last updated: 04/29/2016
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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