Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Presumably extradimensional (K'un-Lun) creature (origins and nature unrevealed; see comments)
Occupation: Predator
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Possibly the One (K'un-Lun robot), Steel Serpent (Davos), and the Terror Priests;
OR possibly the Crane Mother of K'un-Zi and her daughters
Enemies: Pei, Shou-Lao, Brenda Swanson
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Spider-witch" (as she was called by Pei)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
presumably originated in K'un-Lun
First Appearance: Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#3 (August, 2014)
The spider-creature was a female semi-humanoid-arthropod being. She
possessed four arms (a pair on each side, one immediately superior
(above; or cranial (towards the front/head), if she's walking like an
octoped) to the other; with four-fingers and a thumb on each hand) and
four legs (a pair on each side, one immediately superior/cranial
and somewhat laterally positioned to the other) with five toes on each
foot. All of her digits eneded in sharp talons.
She had fused hemimandibles (like human, rather than spider), with all of her teeth being sharp (fanged), which fit with her claims of being man-eating; she also possessed a tongue.
She had a pair of breasts positioned and shaped just a human woman, and she wore some shredded clothing over a pair of red women's underwear.
The ease with which she was dismembered makes her seem like she may have had an exoskeleton and lacked an endoskeleton (bones).
She tried to frighten her prey with threats of devouring them, but she was poorly prepared to face someone who knew how to fight back. If she possessed superhuman strength or speed, or other abilities, she didn't demonstrate them.
She carried a sword and may or may not have had some skill in using in it.
I'm not sure what she did to shatter the wall to the stairway, but it seemed to be explosive force (perhaps that was the energies of her transformation? see comments)
Height: Unrevealed (she looked taller than Brenda Swanson, so maybe 5'10 - 6')
Weight: Unrevealed (she was lean, but with extra limbs; plus, we're not sure of her composition/density; perhaps 150 lbs.
Eyes: (Three pairs) solid red (no visible sclera or pupil; I think the yellow was just reflection, but it could have been a pattern on her)
Hair: Black
Comments: Created by Kaare Kyle Andrews.
So, after Pei fled when Davos and his Terror Priests arrived and fought
the similarly arriving daughters of the Crane Mother, the
spider-creature located and confronted Pei and Brenda Swanson. I
initially assumed that the creature was some native of K'un-Lun.
However, looking at its shredded clothing (including a pair of woman's
underwear) and the ease with which she was defeated, I wonder if she
was a human woman mystically transformed. When she's lying on her back
defeated, her outfit looks something like a movie "naughty-nurse" sort
of outfit. Which makes ripping her arm(s) off seem more cruel,
especially if she might have reverted back to normal afterward. Then
again, if you're attacked by some monster threatening to eat you, I
think fighting back with lethal force is fair.
Now that I think about it, the spider-creature's clothing was pretty
much what the Crane Mother's
daughters were wearing; theirs had nurses caps and red on their sleeves
(which were ripped off the spider-creature), and red bras and panties.
The Crane Mother's daughters also wore white stockings and red shoes,
but those could have been destroyed in the transformation.
Of course, underwear could have been placed by the artist just to keep things within the code, but why not just have her clothes less shredded and cover that area.
Most spiders have eight eyes, but there are species with four or six eyes.
Maybe Omm has some distant connection to K'un-Lun...or not...anyway, I have a collection of characters with spider-powers in that profile, so maybe of interest regardless.
Profile by Snood.
The "spider-witch" should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#3, story pg. 19, panel 4 (in shadow, crawling through hole);
#5, pg. 3, panel 1 (from behind);
panel 3 (eyes);
pg. 4, panel 3-4 (fighting Brenda Swanson);
panel 7 (face-showing teeth);
pg. 5, panel 1 (defeated, lying on back)
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#3 (August, 2014) - Kaare Kyle Andrews (writer and artist), Jake Thomas (editor)
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#5 (October, 2014) - Kaare Kyle Andrews (writer and artist), Jake Thomas (editor)
First posted: 06/24/2018
Last updated: 04/20/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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