Classification: Presumably extraterrestrial device
Creator: Unrevealed
User/Possessors: Beetle (Abner Jenkins), Collector (Taneleer Tivan)
First Appearance: Avengers I#28 (May, 1966)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The original
Temporal Assimilator used by the Collector acted as a time machine and
could transport the user anywhere in time, activating simply by touch.
This Assimilator caused the user to disappear from the timestream and
presumably, reappear in another time period of the user's decision.
The second Temporal Assimilator, also used by the
Collector, was capable of transporting the user out of normal reality
and into the Limbo-like "Time-World" pocket dimension.
(Avengers I#28) - While attempting to escape the Avengers, the
Collector grasped his Temporal Assimilator device and immediately began
to disappear from the present day time period. Hawkeye warned the
Collector not to move but the Collector boasted that he needn't move to
activate the Temporal Assimilator and then bade his subordinate, the
Beetle, to touch the Temporal Assimilator to disappear alongside him.
With the help of the Temporal Assimilator, the two villains then
disappeared completely into the timestream.
(Avengers I#51) - During another attempt to collect
the Avengers, the Collector was attacked by his own Robotoid robot and
grabbed a different Temporal Assimilator, thinking it could save him.
Unsure whether or not to use the Temporal Assimilator and risk leaving
his collection behind, the Collector ultimately used this second
Temporal Assimilator to transport himself to the Limbo-like "Time
World" and escape the Robotoid's grasp.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Don Heck and "Frankie Ray" (actually Frank Giacoia using a pen name).
The Temporal Assimilators looked vastly different in
each of the two appearances, suggesting to me that the Collector must
have had two different Temporal Assimilator. The first in Avengers I#28
was referred to as a time machine while the second in Avengers I#51 was
said to transport its user to a "sidereal Time-World" where neither the
Avengers nor the attacking Robotoid existed. My guess is the original
one was just a time machine but the second one was capable not of
transporting its user through time but rather, transporting the user
directly into the Limbo-like "Time-World."
Profile by Proto-Man.
The Temporal Assimilator should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Avengers I#28, p19, pan1 (Collector grasping the Temporal Assimilator)
Avengers I#51, p16, pan4 (different-shaped Temporal Assimilator)
Avengers I#28 (May, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer, editor), Don Heck (pencils), Frankie Ray/Frank Giacoia (inks)
Avengers I#51 (April, 1968) - Roy Thomas (writer), John Buscema (pencils), George Tuska (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Last Updated: 01/11/18
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