Real Name: Thor
Extradimensional (Earth-10091) Asgardian
Occupation: Adventurer
Group Membership: Asgardians (currently exiled)
Affiliations: Captain
America, Captain
Britain, Fandral, Jane Foster, Sir
Gawain, Giant-Man,
Hogun, Iron
Man, King
Arthur, Merlin, Namor, Jim
North, Desmond Tucker, Janet Van Dyne, Volstagg
Enemies: Carrion,
Frost Giants, Hyde, K-Bots, K-Bot 3000, Loki, Monstro,
Mister K, briefly Bergen police
Known Relatives: Odin
(father), Loki (half
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile on Earth-10091;
formerly Asgard
First Appearance: Thor the Mighty Avenger#1
(September, 2010)
Powers/Abilities: Thor has superhuman
strength, which is enhanced when in contact with his mystical hammer
Mjolnir. Thor has a unique link of worthiness with Mjolnir and is the
only one who
can lift it, and it returns to him with sheer force of will. Using the
hammer, he can summon lightning and rain; although rare, this can also
manifest with intense anger. Thor can channel lightning through Mjolnir
and land shattering blows that can also rip metal. Thor can hurl
Mjolnir and follow its path by grasping its leather thong; he can also
deflect attacks by spinning it at terrific speeds. As an Asgardian, he
is also long lived, spanning at least many centuries. He is generally a
very quick learner, especially languages. He briefly owned
the Thunderer, a flying chariot capable of near-instantaneous travel across Earth.
Height: 6' (by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#2 (fb) - BTS) - Thor, along
with other Asgardians, visited Midgard (Earth) many centuries in the
past. Some encounters were recorded. Thor had fights with his father
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#1 - BTS/#4 (fb) - BTS) - A
lightning storm
and sudden rainbow at night marked Odin's banishment of Thor from
Asgard as punishment and so that Thor would learn humility.
Other Asgardians were forbidden by Odin from revealing the reason for
the forced exile.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#6 (fb) - BTS) - Charged with
stopping Thor entering Asgard again, Heimdall hid Thor's hammer Mjolnir
in an ancient Nordic urn that was on show at the Bergen War Memorial
Museum in Oklahoma, close enough that Thor would retain some strength,
but far enough away that would impede chance of accessing Asgard.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#8 (fb) - BTS) - Thor was captured by the enigmatic Mister K, whose technological experiments caused Thor to lose some memories (although he gained some English language skills in exchange). Thor still managed to escape.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#2 (fb) - BTS) - Thor slept
in refuse and scavenged from taverns to survive. He felt his hammer
calling to him.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#1) - Drawn to Mjolnir, Thor stumbled into the museum and tried to smash the display to get to the Nordic urn, but the exhibit's curator, Jane Foster, helped calm him down and he was escorted out. He later tackled the brutal Hyde at a bar, the fight spilling onto the street. Although victorious, Hyde ran off. Foster discovered that Thor had learnt English in a week. Foster's ex-lover, Jim North, took them to the museum per the injured Thor's request. Claiming his heritage, Foster gave him access to the urn, but Thor smashed it and recovered Mjolnir.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#2 (fb) - BTS) - Thor told
Foster what he could remember of his heritage regarding his father Odin
and his hammer.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#2) -
Foster showed Thor an
old book that included a picture of him. He flung Mjolnir skyward,
seeking to return to Asgard, but could not, and fell back to Earth. His
anger reflected in a sudden short lightning storm. Because he had
helped her against Hyde, Foster suggested he could stay at her
apartment. Eating heartily, Thor quickly responded to Foster's call for
help when Hyde attacked the museum. Thor used his power and soundly
defeated him. However, Thor was disillusioned by Earth and asked Foster
to show him its wonders.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#3) - In Foster's apartment,
Thor woke from a nightmare, finding a projection of Loki next to him,
but his mischievous brother implanted a spell. Later, while clothes
shopping with Foster, the spell took hold and Thor imagined that Giant-Man,
investigating his mentor's death, was a violent Frost Giant and fight
erupted between the two heroes. Electronic noise overcame the mind
control, but knocked out Giant-Man, who fell in the path of an oncoming
train. Thor stopped it in time and the misunderstanding was forgiven.
As Foster and Thor wandered off, Giant-Man and Janet Van Dyne thought
they looked like they were falling in love.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#4) -
While Thor and Foster researched books, Thor's friends,
Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg, arrived at Foster's apartment. Seeing Thor
genuinely unable to remember why he was exiled, the three Asgardians
took him out for a night of revelry on the flying chariot Thunderer.
Landing lost at a British tavern, Thor engaged in a friendly brawl with
Captain Britain, followed by a lot of drinking. The Asgardians
returned Thor home, where he told Foster he'd made a new friend.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#5 (fb)) - Thor watched a late night television movie when Loki channeled himself through. Thor sought knowledge of Asgard but Loki could provide nothing new. Loki passed to Thor the mystical tome Bifrosticon, claiming it would transport him to Bifrost, the rainbow bridge that led to Asgard.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#6 (fb)) - Thor used the
Bifrosticon and landed at the foot of Bifrost before its guardian,
Heimdall, who followed Odin's orders and refused to let Thor pass.
Although it
pained him, yet knowing nothing else would work, Heimdall threatened to
shift Jane Foster elsewhere in the universe to prevent Thor from trying
to reach Asgard. Thor acquiesced.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#5) - Keen to show Foster the
wonders of her world, he asked her to cancel her work for the day and
took her on a round-the-world trip on the Thunderer. He showed her
giant sequoia trees that reminded him of the world-tree Yggdrasil, then proceeded to
Australia's Great Barrier Reef, where they encountered Namor trying to
tame the unruly sea creature Monstro. Thor fell into the sea and
avoided dangerous Carrion while retrieving Mjolnir. Namor and Thor
stopped Monstro. However, Thor blustered when Namor offered advice,
monarch-to-monarch, that the Asgardian could learn humility from Foster.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#6) - Returning on the Thunderer, Foster asked Thor of Asgard and he spoke glowingly. He then took her to Norway to see the Aurora Borealis. Foster declared meeting him was the most amazing day of her life. He then quickly hew a nearby natural wall of ice to resemble her face. They returned to Foster's home and Thor said he no longer felt lost while with her.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#7 (fb) - BTS) - Thor
committed helpful acts which were reported in the local Bergen
newspaper and the townsfolk welcomed his presence.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#7) - Mister K stepped up his
efforts to recapture Thor. Meanwhile, in the midst of a heatwave, the
romance between Thor and Foster intensified but, distracted, they did
not notice the destruction designed to implicate Thor. The Asgardian
investigated, but the townsfolk and police turned on him. Thor shielded
himself from bullets and, recognizing a trap, followed the destruction
until he was struck and captured by Mister K's K-Bots.
(Thor the Mighty Avenger#8) - Mechanically manacled
for three days and somehow separated from Mjolnir in Mister K's base,
Thor tried to will his hammer to him. Mister K's distorted visage
appeared, taunting him about seeking to switch minds, until Thor broke
free and smashed the base. Alerted by Foster, Iron Man arrived and
overrode the impending K-Bots' self-destruct sequences; however, Mister
K in turn hacked into Stark's Iron Man armor. A brief fight ensued
until hammer blows severed Mister K's control when Stark's helmet came
off. Thor later promised to keep Stark's identity a secret and they
escaped the base's destruction. Although Stark said he would clear
Thor's name concerning the destruction in Bergen, Foster warned people
might not trust him so readily. In response, Thor called down rain,
watering the dry cornfields.
(Free Comic Book Day 2011 (Thor the Mighty
Avenger)#1) - Helping Foster identify Nordic artifacts at the Museum,
Thor was instead caught in a time-spanning spell set centuries before
by the captive wizard Merlin that sent Thor a few miles near medieval
Camelot. He met a likewise time-kidnapped Captain America and they both
stopped several hidden assassins waiting for King Arthur and Sir Gawain
carrying the Holy Grail, accompanied by Loki (impersonating Merlin),
who quietly coveted the Grail. Thor was unimpressed with Loki's
mischief but stayed silent at his request. Thor and Captain America
halted Loki's magical machinations, freeing Merlin in the process
although Loki was lost going through a portal. Thor still felt
responsible for Loki's actions. Merlin returned the two heroes to the
point immediately after they disappeared. The adventure led Thor to
suggest that Foster should help her distant finance-stricken brother,
and the two hugged.
Comments: Created by Roger Langridge (writer) and Chris Samnee (art).
Initially geared for a 12-issue run, it was unfortunately cut short and canceled at 8 issues. Langridge confirmed that the FCBD 2011 issue is part of this universe (to go after issue 8) and it was included in the compendium collecting all of this Thor the Mighty Avenger series. An enjoyable read, I like to think it was sowing the seeds for the formation of the Avengers in this universe. Here's hoping a future reprint will include scripts for the other issues.
Vol. 2 tpb of this series shows several
"upcoming" character designs by artist Chris Samnee, including the Hulk
(7' height, only in b&w sketch), who was sadly never realized in
the short run. The cover to #1 also shows someone looking like Sif, so
maybe she was also slated.
I thought I saw him in the Secret Wars: Thors series, but I
was mistaken. Maybe he was in the background...
Profile by Grendel Prime.
Thor of Earth-10091 has no known connections to:
Introduced as "Fandral the Dashing" by Thor to
Foster, he was one was one of Thor's close Asgardian friends. He was
debonair, flirtatious and keen for women's romantic attention.
Assigned by Odin to check on Thor's progress, he had his two colleagues
Hogun and Volstagg learn English with him (partly to impress the local
women). Arriving at Foster's apartment via Bifrost, the three were
surprised that Thor genuinely did not know why he had been banished.
They hoped to improve his mood and Fandral invited him for drinks,
taking him far away on his flying chariot, the Thunderer. Lost on the
way to a Norway tavern, they stopped at a British bar. Thor stepped
inside for directions while the other three bickered in the chariot,
but Thor picked a fight with local hero Captain Britain. The three
cheered to see the brawl, but did not wish any bloodshed. Eventually,
it led to drunken revelry and many lipstick kisses for Fandral before
they returned Thor home. Fandral then passed the perpetually temporary
ownership of the Thunderer to Thor.
He also
appears in
Thor's nightmare in #3.
--Thor the Mighty Avenger#4
Introduced as "Hogun the Grim" by Thor to Foster, he
was one was one of Thor's three close Asgardian friends assigned by
Odin to check on his progress. Hogun arrived at Foster's apartment via
Bifrost alongside Volstagg and Fandral. The three were surprised that
Thor genuinely did not know why he had been banished. Hogun doubted it
was a subtle trick of Odin's. They hoped to improve Thor's mood and
took him for drinks far away in a flying chariot. Lost on the way to a
Norway tavern, they stopped at a British bar. Thor stepped inside for
directions while the other three bickered in the chariot, but Thor
picked a fight with local hero Captain Britain. The three cheered to
see the brawl, but did not wish any bloodshed. Eventually, it led to
drunken revelry before they returned Thor home.
He also
appears in
Thor's nightmare in #3. As with Earth-10091's Heimdall, Hogun's
appearance reflects that depicted in the 2011 Marvel film.
--Thor the Mighty Avenger#4
The father of Thor and ruler of Asgard, Odin had squabbles with his son. One severe fight led him to banish Thor to Earth to learn humility and he forbade other Asgardians from revealing the reason. Odin also ordered Heimdall block Thor from entering Asgard again. Not one for subtle stratagems, he later sent Thor's close friends, Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg, to check on Thor's progress.
Odin is mentioned in-story only. He
"appears" in a rock-face in
Thor's nightmare in #3.
--Thor the Mighty Avenger#2 (4, 6
Introduced as "Volstagg the Valiant" by Thor to Foster, he was one of Thor's close Asgardian friends assigned by Odin to check on his progress. Volstagg arrived at Foster's apartment via Bifrost alongside Hogun and Fandral. The three were surprised that Thor genuinely did not know why he had been banished. They hoped to improve Thor's mood and took him for drinks far away in a flying chariot. Lost on the way to a Norway tavern favored by Volstagg, they stopped at a British bar. Thor stepped inside for directions while the other three bickered in the chariot, but Thor picked a fight with local hero Captain Britain. The three cheered to see the brawl, but did not wish any bloodshed and Volstagg joined in with wrestling. Eventually, it led to drunken revelry before they returned Thor home.
He also
appears in
Thor's nightmare in #3.
--Thor the Mighty Avenger#4
Summoned by the Bukkehorn, the Thunderer was the flying chariot pulled by two tame, large, wingless goats named Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder. The Thunderer could be summoned by the user three times before having to be passed on to someone else, or the Bukkehorn would crumble to dust. The chariot was named, almost whimsically, by Fandral, who passed it to Thor as a present. It was used for the four Asgardian's jaunt to the British tavern. Thor then used it to take Foster to see the Great Barrier Reef in northeast Australia, then Norway as a romantic getaway (counting as one trip).
Capable of near instantaneous travel,
the Thunderer would appear and disappear with the harsh blowing of the
--Thor the Mighty Avenger#4 (5-6
(without ads)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#1, p22 (main image)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#7, p8, pan8 (headshot)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#2, p5, pan5 (manifesting lightning)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#3, cover (swinging hammer)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#4, p13, pan2 (Fandral)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#4, p16, pan6 (Hogun)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#1, cover (Odin)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#4, p13, pan2 (Volstagg)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#4, p6, pan4 (Thunderer)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#1-2 (September, 2010) - Roger Langridge
(writer), Chris Samnee (art), Nathan Cosby (editor)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#3 (October, 2010) - Roger Langridge (writer),
Chris Samnee (art),
Nathan Cosby (editor)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#4 (November, 2010) - Roger Langridge (writer),
Chris Samnee (art), Nathan Cosby (editor)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#5 (December, 2010) - Roger Langridge (writer),
Chris Samnee (art), Nathan Cosby (editor)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#6 (January, 2011) - Roger Langridge (writer),
Chris Samnee (art), Nathan Cosby (editor)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#7 (February, 2011) - Roger Langridge (writer),
Chris Samnee (art), Nathan Cosby (editor)
Thor the Mighty Avenger#8 (March, 2011) - Roger Langridge (writer),
Chris Samnee (art), Nathan Cosby (editor)
Free Comic Book Day 2011 (Thor the Mighty Avenger)#1 (2011) -
Roger Langridge (writer), Chris Samnee (artist), Sana Amanat &
Michael Horwitz (editors)
First Posted: 10/26/2017
Last updated: 10/26/2017
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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