Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Magical human-animal hybrid creation;
Hyborian era (circa 10,000 BC);
Argossean citizen
Occupation: Dungeon guard;
briefly served as a warrior
Group Membership: The jailers of Messantia's castle's dungeon
Affiliations: Messantia's dungeon's guard captain, Mitra (god he worshipped/invoked), presumably King Tanolos;
unwittingly an unidentified sorcerer of the Black Ring (granted him power and used him as a pawn) and his striped alley cat;
indirectly the Black Ring, Set
Enemies: Conan, Yusef, unidentified Black Ring sorcerer;
indirectly Ibis, Karanthes
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Man-tiger, thing, were-creature;
jailer; "dog" (taunt by Conan)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly a dungeon in the castle of King Tanolos in Messantia, Argos
First Appearance: Conan the Barbarian I#67 (October, 1976)
Powers/Abilities: A hybrid human-feline, he presumably possessed enhanced speed, strength, agility,
and balance.
He also presumably had superhuman olfactory and auditory senses (as well as superhuman noctural vision).
He also had sharp claws and teeth. His claws were dense and sharp enough (and he was strong enough to apply the force) to rend solid stone.
He could survive and continue to fight despite a sword piercing his chest, at least for perhaps a minute or more.
His mind was "more cat than man."
As a human, he had some experience with a sword.
Height: Unrevealed; approximately 5'10, in both forms
Weight: Unrevealed; (human) approximately 180 lbs.; (were-cat) approximately 210 lbs.
Eyes: (Human) unrevealed (only dark, small pupil-sized circles
are seen against white sclera); (were-cat) red? slit-like feline pupils
against yellow irides (with no visible sclera)
Hair: (Human) bald; (were-cat) orange
the Barbarian I#67 (fb) - BTS) - The guard-captain of King Tanolos of
Messantia's castle's dungeon was set to promote an unidentified jailer
out of the dungeon.
(Conan the Barbarian I#67 (fb) - BTS) - A rogue named Yusef slew the guard-captain and was subsequently imprisoned in the dungeon.
the Barbarian I#67 (fb) - BTS) - The unidentified jailer
in Messantia's castle's dungeon brought the meals to prisoners,
including Yusef.
Comments: Created by Roy Thomas and John Buscema.
He is referred to on the cover as "the man-tiger," but the cat that was used to empower him was described as a striped alley cat, and his transformed body was more like a panther than a tiger. No stripes, anyway. Conan refers to him as a were-creature and a thing, while the narration text calls him a man-tiger and a were-cat.
I'd consider the jailer, who was later transformed into the were-cat, as one of the sorcerer's lackeys. Why? Two hints:
This was an expansion of a sub-profile originally done by Spidermay...I was working on a profile on the unidentified Stygian sorcerer of the Black Ring from this story and decided their were too many images to keep the various animal-men in sub-profiles. As I was halfway done with the sorcerer's profile and mostly done with the animal-men's profiles, Markus pointed out the main profile to me. Bad me.
Profile by Snood.
The were-cat should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Conan the Barbarian I#67, pg. 7, panel 2 (cat magic-source, profile);
pg. 10, panel 4 (cat magic-source, face);
panel 8 (jailer, human form, mostly full);
pg. 11, panel 4 (were-cat face);
pg. 12, panel 1 (were-cat full profile);
panel 2 (were-cat, mostly full, mostly front-view, leaping);
pg. 13, panel 8 (jailer, dead, face)
Conan the Barbarian I#67 (October, 1976) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John Buscema (artist), the Tribe (embellishers)
First posted: 07/16/2018
Last updated: 07/16/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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