Real Name: Unrevealed;
reported on multiple occasions, including his own references, as "LeBeau" (see comments)
Identity/Class: Extratemporal/transchronological, presumed human mutant +/- mutate (see comments)
Occupation: Unrevealed;
in Reality-1191 circa 2084, Witness had some position of power in (or
possibly running) the Pool maximum security prison
Group Membership: Order of Witnesses
Affiliations: (Earth-616) Lucas Bishop of Earth-1191,
Cable (Nathan Summers/Nathan Dayspring Askani'son, born on Earth-616, raised on Earth-4935), Flo (waitress at Cully's diner), Gambit (Remy LeBeau), Stryfe (clone of Cable/Nathan Dayspring Askani'son,
created and raised in Reality-4935)
(Earth-1191) Lucas Bishop,
Bishop's unidentified mutant grandmother (surname possibly Bishop) of Earth-1191, Lycadeon, Shackle (Shirley Baylor), Shard
(surname likely Bishop)
(Earth-9910) Lucas Bishop of Earth-1191,
Michael (surname unrevealed) of Earth-616, an unidentified band of (mostly) mutants in Earth-9910's future (including Jinx, Link, Nom, and Scorch);
although not directly interacting, in desiring
Chronomancer's defeat, he would likely consider Nom's Giant people and
the Kith (notably Kinlan Karth) to be allies;
uncertain relationship to Fold, Samarra Shaw, and Trickster
Enemies: (Earth-616) le Bete Noir, Marauders (Scalphunter (John Greycrow), Vertigo (Savage Land Mutates)), Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex);
(Earth-1191) Chronomancer (Trevor Fitzroy), Chronotroopers
(Earth-9910) Chronomancer (Trevor Fitzroy), Samarra Shaw
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: LeBeau (it was originally hinted and seemingly confirmed that Witness was an older counterpart of Remy LeBeau, aka Gambit; see comments)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly a house in Treme', New Orleans;
formerly a New Orleans mausoleum;
formerly mobile on Earth-9910;
formerly Stark/Fujikawa, Earth-1191 (especially circa 2084 AD)
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men I#287 (April, 1992)
Powers/Abilities: Allegedly transchronological
(existing simultaneously in the past, present, and future; see comments),
Witness saw all times (from the distant past to possible
futures) as one: "Tomorrow happens the same as
yesterday; they all just memories to me."
As such, he had
extensive knowledge of the past, as well as an awareness of what would
happen in the future. Presumably he could see multiple potential future
timelines. He also may have been mentally linked with his past and
future incarnations, allowing him to know what they know/knew...
Witness (at least in the future of Earth-9910, see comments), could charge objects with energy and then cause them to explode, just like Gambit.
to share much of his knowledge with others, possibly fearing causing
temporal paradoxes, Witness did not seem to understand why he had temporal
powers/awareness, but he also seemed to enjoy being vague.
often used a cane, although it is not clear how dependent on it he was.
In Earth-9910's future, he seemed ever older and more feeble.
It is unrevealed whether the Momentary Princess was powered by him, vice-versa, both, or neither...
Mysterious in nature (even to himself), Witness made this comment that
gave extremely vague information about his complex nature: "I am LeBeau and
more than LeBeau. I am in jail; I am a jail. One strange man, me."
Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 5'9"; he generally
appeared to be significantly shorter than the 6'2" Gambit, although he
was often leaning on a cane)
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 140 lbs.)
Eyes: Varied between appearances;
in Reality-616, his eyes were at least on one occasion clearly light blue;
in Reality-1191, his eyes were
often solid white, with no visible iris or pupil; however, on at least
one occasion (and possibly two, as his eyes looked solid black but were
partially obscurred by his hair), he had black sclera with red irides
(and black pupils);
in Reality-9910, he appeared to be wearing some
sort of lenses (with some sort of concentric rings) over his eyes
Hair: White (or various shades of gray)
History: As everything seemed to happen at the
same time for Witness, his chronology is difficult to define (and
perhaps irrelevent).
(Gambit &
Sons of the Atom#2 (fb) - BTS) - Although he did not understand how or
why, Witness existed at the confluence of the past and the present,
observing the past and the future as the same.
& Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#2 (fb) - BTS) - A six year old Remy LeBeau, looking to
make a score with which to impress the Thieves Guild, happened across
Witness' base, accessed within a New Orleans mausoleum.
& Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#2 (fb) - BTS) - When Witness explained his
nature, Remy got a headache trying to understand it. Ultimately,
though unable to fully comprehend it, LeBeau ulitmately simply accepted
(Gambit & Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#2 (fb) - BTS) - Valuing his time with Witness, Remy
returned to visit him as often as time would allow; over the years,
this availability became less frequent.
(Gambit & Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#2 (fb) - BTS) - Witness was present as Xavier was crippled in battle with the Quist/Arcane known as Lucifer.
(Gambit & Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#2 (fb) - BTS) - Witness was present as Magneto first began forming the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
(X-Men II#8 (fb) - BTS / XSE#4 (fb) - BTS) - Witness raised the young Bishop for Bishop's grandmother until she came to take Bishop away from Witness.
X-Men I#287 (fb) - BTS) - Bishop believed that Witness was known by
that name because he was alleged to have witnessed the fall of the
(fb) - BTS) - After his sister, Shard, had been infected/transformed
into an Emplate, Bishop had her brought to Stark-Fujikawa, where he
convinced Lycadeon to let him see the Witness, as he was sure he could
make the holographic process work on Shard.
(fb)) - Lycadeon brought Bishop to Witness to get authority to make a
holographic replica of Shard attached to her brainwaves; knowing why
Bishop had come, Witness first noted how Bishop had come back to him
after so long. He then agreed to help Shard in exchange for Bishop
quitting the XSE and working for him for a year. When Bishop agreed,
Witness acknowledged that he knew he would, as he always did; he also
noted that it satisfied him for Bishop to thusly barter his soul.
(fb) - BTS) - Bishop met with XSE leader Hecate, who arranged to
suspend his duties for a year, in hopes that when he returned he would
have something useful to share about the Witness.
(XSE#4 (fb) - BTS) - Bishop was unwilling to talk about most of his experiences under Witness.
(fb)) - Witness met with Bishop, telling he had done well on the last
mission and that he was satisfied; he noted that he appreciated that
Bishop did not approve of the mission and maybe didn't approve of
"LeBeau" (referring to himself). Bishop replied that he didn't
understand the Witness and asked how it was possible that one of the
X-Men would end up like this. Witness offered a secret: I am LeBeau and
more than LeBeau. I am in jail; I am a jail. "One strange man, me."
Noting he was bored with Bishop, he told him to depart.
(fb) - BTS) - Shackle, the head of security at Stark/Fujjikawa, added
that the Witness was both good and evil, representing the best and the
worst of mutants, and that he had been through so much and had seen so
much, who could judge him? Bishop replied that someday he would know
him and judge him.
(XSE#4 (fb) - BTS) -
At the end of his year's service, Bishop was given the uniprojector
with Shard's holographic matrix, after which he destroyed the master
matrix they had stored in their databank.
(fb)) - Lycadeon had Bishop brought before the Witness, noting what he
had done. Witness agreed that their deal had not been to share Shard,
and he instructed Lycadeon to give Bishop the projector and let him go
back to the XSE. He offered to Bishop that his door was always open to
Bishop and he could come back and see him anytime.
X-Men I#287 (fb)) - Bishop arranged a meeting with the Witness at the
Pool maximum security prison. Witness initially expressed surprise to
see Bishop returning and asked if he had come to kill, judge, or free
him. However, as soon as Bishop began to speak, Witness revealed that
he knew Bishop had discovered the Xavier Sanctum and had
discovered evidence that the X-Men had been murdered by one of their
own; he told Bishop there were no secrets from him as he was the king
of secrets. Despite having already known this and claiming to have seen
it happen, Witness -- stating Bishop's question (How do we know the
traitor was ever caught and brought to justice?) before Bishop could --
told him, "You don't know. Never know." Witness remained silent when
Bishop asked who betrayed the X-Men, at which point Shackle forced
Bishop to depart, telling him they'd all had enough excitement for one
(X-Men II#8 - BTS) - Having
traveled to the modern era of Reality-616 and joined that era's X-Men, Bishop considered Gambit to be the Witness' past self and
revealed his last name.
II#10 (fb)) <2084 AD> - Examining the Momentary Princess
gem, one of Witness' agents evaluated whether the coordinates had been
properly programmed, and others noted that the temporal window
intervals in place, the stasis shell would protect the psigraphic
archival information contained within its bioneural nodes, and that,
when activated, the shell would simultaneously pierce the temporal
barriers into all of its predesignated temporal coordinates.
One of the agents asked Witness why this was so important to him, and
Witness -- considering the gem's complicated legacy and destiny --
cackled and replied that there were "a whole lotta people waiting for
it...including me..."
(X-Men: Phoenix#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Order of Witnesses (active in Earth-4935's 38th century, or thereabouts) was founded in the last 21st century by a mutant seeking redemption for the sins of his past.
(Gambit & Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#2 (fb) - BTS) - Witness was present in the future when Wolverine died.
(Bishop: The Last X-Man#2 (fb) - BTS) - In the future
of Reality-9910 (a world dominated by the Chronomancer/Trevor Fitzroy),
Witness was associated with a group of group of nomadic mutants (and
others) including Jinx, Link, Nom, and Scorch.
The Last X-Man#3 (fb) - BTS) - Witness served as mentor, father, and inspiration ("ray of light") to Link.
The Last X-Man#7 (fb) - BTS) - Witness taught Jinx and the others -- who were "lost" -- to steal and stay alive.
The Last X-Man#2) - After Bishop arrived in the future of Reality-9910,
a visibly older Witness arrived, silencing an argument between Link and
Scorch. Ignoring advice from Scorch, Witness approached Bishop and
asked if he knew him. When Bishop responded in the affirmative, Witness
instructed the others to untie him.
next day, after Witness cryptically explained that some -- rather than
following linear time like most -- were instead followed by time.
Appreciating he was neither in his own reality nor the mainstream
reality-616, Bishop asked Witness where he was, only to be told "You is
where you needed to be...the future, the present, the now. Ain't what
it used to be..." When Bishop became angry and more forceful,
questioning Witness' identity and reaching to pull off his hood,
Witness forcibly grabbed Bishop's hand and stopped him, insisting he
stop yelling.
After Bishop had calmed down,
Witness advised Bishop to consider whom all of his time travel had in
common: Fitroy, now the Chronomancer. Witness explained that Fitroy had
found a time without Bishop and made it his own; and now that Bishop
had found Chronomancer, Bishop's choice was to run or to do what he had
to do. A frustrated Bishop walked away, and when Jinx went after him,
Scorch tried to stop her, but Witness told him to let her go.
The Last X-Man#2 (fb) - BTS) - When Jinx told Bishop they stole to
survive and used the "M" symbol on their face to inspire fear when
robbing nobles, Bishop considered that Witness had taught them to be
thieves but questioned whether or not Witness was LeBeau or not.
The Last X-Man#3) - As a number of Chronomancer's agents slaughtered
the villagers, Link tried to get Witness to safety, but Witness told
her there was no out for him this time; he told her instead to be ready
and to remember what she had learned: She was strong, and she would
need to be for what was coming. Further advising Link to tell the
people to go to the city Dunduine, even if they wouldn't listen,
Witness next sent her away as Chronomancer's agents entered their tent.
Noting he had not done this in awhile and he hadn't seen any playing
cards in some time, Witness charged his staff with energy and detonated
it, destroying Chronomancer's agent and allowing Link to escape. 
Witness was believed to have perished in the effort.
The Last X-Man#5 - BTS) - In Dunduine, Witness' agents Fold and
Trickster transported Michael (a pre-teen? who had been
transported to Reality-9910's future with Bishop) from the streets (and
presumably to the dwelling in which Witness was located.
The Last X-Man#5 - BTS) - In the mountain aerie base of the Kith, Fold and Trickster transported Nom, Link, Jinx, and Scorch back to Dunduine.
The Last X-Man#5) - In Dunduine, Witness -- flanked by Fold, Trickster,
and Samarra Shaw; and with Michael -- was present with Michael to greet
Nom, Link, Jinx, and Scorch as they arrived, surprising them with his
survival, and telling them that Bishop would be there -- and answers
would be forthcoming -- soon. 
confronted Witness, demanding to know who these people were and telling
Witness they had left people behind at the Kith's aerie. Witness told
Scorch that the people in Dunduine needed rescuing just as much; and he
warned Scorch to stop yelling, or he would put him over his knee.
After Samarra Shaw explained their importance, Bishop arrived with the
exiled Kith and rightful leader, Kinlan Karth Kith.
The Last X-Man#6) - As Michael cheered Bishop and his allies, Witness
advised him to stay low and safe. When Link asked about the struggle,
Witness explained about the old fight between Bishop and Fitzroy, and
then Samarra Shaw explained the ongoing struggle against the
Chronomancer. After Samarra departed, Witness praised Link for
listening him and explained that Chronomancer had gotten too powerful
and needed to be knocked down.
Link agreed to try to understand, but after Witness left, she
considered that if Chronomancer was the one who needed knocking down,
why was Chronomancer attacking Witness.
Kinlan Karth defeated the corrupt usurper Kalin Karth and the other
Kith fled, Witness explained that by listening to him and coming to
Dunduine, they had won a big fight and made some allies that they would
need. Bishop questioned why Witness should be testing him, but Jinx (?)
told him to save his questions and had Fold and Trickster teleport them
all away.
The Last X-Man#7) - In the Hellfire Clan's base, Jinx questioned
Witness, but he reminded her how he had saved and trained them in the
past and told her that Bishop needed all of them to trust him.
When Michael worried about Bishop being missing (he had been taking
away by Samarra), Witness assured him that he and the other youths
would be standing at the brink of greatness with Bishop.
When Link questioned Witness telepathically, he urged her to tone it
down to prevent their heads from hurting, Sammara interrupted and
demonstrated her powers to force the others' compliance, but Witness
charged up a staff and warned Samarra to stop this before he made her
do it.
Sammara instead accused Witness of having manipulated his
followers and made deals in his own interest. Michael and Link
expressed confidence in Witness, and Link apologized for snapping at
him, he acknowledged that he had a lot to be sorry for, but assured
them that his reasons were right; and he told them all, no matter what,
to take care of Bishop.
When Sammara later
questioned whether Bishop would succeed, Witness assured her that
Bishop would never give up, and that he would take care of himself
The Last X-Man#14) - As Nom brought his giant people to join the battle
against the forces of the Chronomancer, Witness appeared, flanked by
Fold and Trickster, and suggested that -- as the battle was looking to
have been won -- that the young Michael should come with him if he
wanted to see how things ended up.
Witness stood behind Michael as Bishop battled and ultimately slew
Chronomancer; having absorbed Chronomancer's energies, Bishop then
vanished, returning to the modern era of Reality-616.
(Gambit & Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#2 (fb) - BTS) - Witness was present as a
time-traveling Scott Summers and Jean Grey traveled across the desert
with the young Nathan Summers in Reality-4935's future (around 4000
& Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#1 - BTS) - After Bishop was bonded to the energies of
the ancient Bete Noir, Gambit convinced Bishop to come with him to deal
with the matter and to avoid a confrontation with Stryfe, who had
sought to obtain Le Bete Noir's energies for his own purposes..
& Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#2) - Pursued by Cable (Nathan Dayspring Askani'son),
from whom he had been cloned and who sought to destroy him, Stryfe
sought out Witness within his base, accessed via a portal in a New
Orleans mausoleum.
& Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#2) - Gambit led Bishop to Witness' base and introduced
Witness, who acknowledged that he and Bishop had already met, though
noting it had been awhile. Bishop asked how he could be there, but
Witness noted, "I am. What more you gotta know?"
Bishop questioned whether Witness wasn't Gambit (LeBeau), but Witness
told him that that was what Bishop wanted to believe, and "who was I to
tell you anything different?"
explained how he existed at the confluence of both past and present,
observing and remembering the past and the future as the same.
After Gambit revealed his past connection and experiences with Witness,
Bishop noted that he was ready to hear what Witness had to tell him.
Witness doubted Bishop's readiness, telling Bishop he was used to
believing only what he seeing, "but what you're seeing isn't always
what's dere, is it?" Witness then led the two confused men into a room
-- where the fallen Stryfe asked their help -- telling them to ask the
company they had brought with them.
& Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#3) - After Gambit convinced Bishop and Stryfe to call
a truce to explain matters, Witness accompanied the three of them to
Cully's Diner (which Gambit indicated had N'Orleans' finest gumbo),
where they were waited on by Flo. Though Stryfe telepathically made
everyone see them in street clothes instead of their costumes, Witness
advised Stryfe that it was rude to eat with a helmet on.
When Stryfe began to detail his origins, Witness requested he deliver
the short version, as he didn't have enough soup for a long ramble.
After Bishop lost his patience with Stryfe and blasted him, Witness
explained to Gambit that Bishop must have stored up the energy from an
earlier psi-blast from Stryfe. Witness waited out the confrontation and
was present as Cable arrived.
& Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#4) - When Gambit and Bishop questioned why they should
save the murderous Stryfe from Cable, Witness advised -- while
clarifying that he thought Stryfe was scum of the Earth -- that X-Men
should not be murdering or taking lives in retribution.
When Bishop and Stryfe asked Witness what was going to happen, Witness
told them: "If I told you everyt'in -- which I can't -- somet'in' to do
wid 'de laws of chaos an' time an' other t'ings you ain't ready to hear
'bout would make t'ings even worse. An' besides, how much fun would dat
Cable subsequently arrived and sent a wave of techno-organic wires over the group.
& Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#4 - BTS) - While
Gambit and Bishop were distracted, Cable carried off Witness and Stryfe
over his shoulder. Cable took them back to Witness' mauseoleum, which
he coated in techno-organic circuitry to prevent Gambit and Bishop's
& Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#5) - Witness sat quietly as Bishop and Gambit, having
made it past the circuitry, talked Cable out of killing Stryfe. After
Stryfe explained the nature of le Bete Noir, Witness gave Bishop a
shirt designed to help him monitor and control le Bete Noir's activity,
and to prevent him from unwittingly accessing its power and setting it
free. However, le Bete Noir's energies surged forth anyway shortly
& Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#6) - As waves of energy surged forth from Bishop, Witness warned the others, "Dis is gonna be bad, pups."
Witness then explained that le Bete Noir would destroy the Earth, but
only after it had enjoyed corrupting humanity's souls, causing
suffering and death on an unimaginable scale. After that, having gained
the strength to escape Earth, it would depart in search of the Phoenix
Ultimately, Stryfe sacrificed
himself, pulling le Bete Noir into his own body, knowing -- as he was
not a power battery like Bishop -- le Bete Noir would consume his form
before it had a foothold on Earth, which would destroy le Bete Noir as
After Cable departed, Bishop and
Gambit found Witness and everything else within his mausoleum gone.
Gambit wondered if it was because he had finally run out of things to
(X-Men II#200 (fb) - BTS) - Witness relocated to a house in Treme, New Orleans.
II#200 (fb) - BTS) - As part of a plot to assure that only he knew the
location of the birth of the "Messiah Child" (Hope Summers), Sinister
targeted a number of psychics, precognitives, time travelers with
knowledge of the future, and artifacts that revealed the future.
II#200) - Sinister's Marauders agents Scalphunter and Vertigo traveled
to Witness' house in the Treme, where Witness was winding (or
adjusting) a clock.
Although he had a shotgun sitting on his counter, Witness made it clear
that he had seen how things played out and he had no
intention of going for the gun.
then used her powers on Witness, causing him to collapse, and
Scalphunter put his rifle to Witness' head and cocked his weapon (presumably killing him thereafter).Comments: Created by Jim Lee, Scott Lobdell, John
Romita Jr., and Scott Williams.
Who Witness be?
- Witness was identified (sometimes by himself) as LeBeau in Uncanncy X-Men#297, X-Men II#8 and XSE#4.
- Witness indicated
Gambit was his past self in Gambit II#10.
- In Bishop: The Last X-Man#3,
we even saw Witness charge up an object with kinetic energy and then
blow it up, which is Gambit's primary power.
- In Gambit and Bishop: Sons of the Atom, he says he was only assumed to be LeBeau, and he never argued the contrary.
- Witness
is one of those characters who is just purposefully vague, and you
can't be sure he's being fully truthful about things. He may or may not
be trying to avoid causing a temporal paradox by revealing the future,
he may or may not fully understand things, or he may just enjoy toying
with people.
- That being said, I speculate
that Witness is not so much existing across all times as his
consciousness is contact with his past self and all (or many) of his
potential future / alternate reality incarnations.
- I
think the evidence above strongly supports that he is indeed an
incarnation of LeBeau, but there's apparently more to it than that, and
I don't think we'll ever know the truth.
- Or, we can just go with his own explanation: "I am LeBeau and
more than LeBeau. I am in jail; I am a jail. One strange man, me."
wonder if the Momentary Princess has something to do with the origins
of Witness (possibly what could have converted Gambit into Witness, or
shared their powers, or whatever)
He liked to call people, "Pup," considering them young and immature.
Witness' base -- within in a New Orleans mausoleum -- contained numerous
artifacts, including a damaged Captain America's shield, a stretched
out Mister Fantastic's costume, a Goblin Glider, Magneto's
helmet, a Sentinel head, a miniature (model?) SHIELD Helicarrier,
a broken Mjolnir, the Scarlet Witch's costume, a Dalek, R2D2, a HERBIE,
a mask of Dr. Doom, an Iron Man model 1 armor, maybe the head of
Blaquesmith (?), maybe at AT-AT, and various other things I don't
recognize off the bat...
....Feel free to pitch in if you recognize anything else!
I feel like Witness would be good friends with the Caretaker, who is also vague and mysterious to the point of agony.
I'd guess the waitress Flo was an homage to Flo, a waitress at Mel's Diner on the TV show Alice.
Profile by Snood.
Witness should be distinguished from:
- WITNESS ( ) - of theTwelve. Red half-mask and
cape, blue costume, yellow belt --Mystic Comics#8
- Witness ( Ness) - Hellbent exile, last of the
Night-Tribes, Nest, People of the Shadows, shared dream of
possible future with Nate Grey in which Grey’s death
resulted in destruction of half of the world, assisted him in
preventing it from coming to pass, aided him in battle against Psi-Ops--X-Man#39
- WITNESS of Earth-148611 (Nelson Kohler)
– ghost-like state only able to be perceived by a select
few, drawn to the awakening of new paranormals--DP7 Annual#1
- other Witness characters...
images: (without ads)
XSE#4, pg. 10, panel 3 (seated in front of energy beam, with two women at his feet);
panel 4 (face, white eyes);
pg. 18, panel 4 (standing in front of energy beam);
II#10, last page, last panel (Gambit eyes)
The Last X-Man#6, pg. 10, panel 3 (face, showing eyes);
#7, pg. 12, panel 5 (upper body, hooded, showing face);
#14, pg. 13, panel 4 (hooded, knees up);
Gambit & Bishop: Sons of the Atom#2, pg. 16-17 (Witness' mausoleum base; Witness seated)
#3, pg. 2-3 (Witness' mausoleumbase; Witness standing; different angle)
X-Men II#200, pg. 12, panel 4 (with clock)
Uncanny X-Men
I#287 (April, 1992) - Jim Lee (plot), Scott Lobdell (script), John
Romita Jr. (penciler), Scott Williams (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men II#8 (May, 1992) - Jim Lee (plot/penciler), Scott Lobdell (script), Jim Lee and Art Thibert (inkers), Bob Harras (editor)
XSE#4 (February, 1997) - John Ostrander (writer), Deodato studios/Mozard Cuto (art), Kelly Corvese (editor)
II#10 (November, 1999) - Fabian Nicieza (writer, storyteller), Steve
Skroce (penciler, storyteller), Rob Hunter (inker), Mark Powers (editor)
The Last X-Man#2 (November, 1999) - Joseph Harris (writer), Georges
Jeanty (penciler), Art Thibert (inker), Jason Liebig (editor)
The Last X-Man#3 (December, 1999) - Joseph Harris (writer), Georges
Jeanty (penciler), Art Thibert with Allen Martinez (inker), Jason Liebig (editor)
The Last X-Man#5 (February, 2000) - Joseph Harris (writer), Georges
Jeanty (penciler), Art Thibert with Allen Martinez (inker), Jason Liebig (editor)
The Last X-Man#6 (March, 2000) - Joseph Harris (writer), Michael Ryan
(penciler), Andrew Pepoy (inker), Jason Liebig (editor)
The Last X-Man#7 (April, 2000) - Joseph Harris (writer), Georges
Jeanty (penciler), Art Thibert with Allen Martinez (inker), Jason Liebig (editor)
The Last X-Man#14 (November, 2000) - Joseph Harris (writer), Georges
Jeanty (penciler), Ray Snyder (inker), Mike Marts (editor)
& Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#1 (March, 2001) - Scott Lobdell (plot), Joe Pruett
(script), Georges Jeanty (penciler), Sean Parsons (inker), Mike Raicht
(assistant editor), Mike Marts (editor)
Gambit & Bishop:
Sons of the Atom#2 (April, 2001) - Scott Lobdell (plot), Joe Pruett
(script), Cary Nord (penciler), Mark Lipka (inker), Mike Raicht
(assistant editor), Mike Marts (editor)
Gambit & Bishop: Sons of the Atom#3 (April, 2001) - Scott Lobdell (plot), Joe
Pruitt (script), Georges Jeanty (penciler), Sean Parsons/Team X (inkers), Mike
Marts (editor)
Gambit & Bishop: Sons of the Atom#4 (April, 2001) - Scott Lobdell (plot), Joe
Pruitt (script), Thomas Derenick (penciler), Cannon/Team X (inker), Mike Marts
Gambit & Bishop: Sons of the Atom#5 (May, 2001) - Scott Lobdell (plot), Joe
Pruitt (script), Georges Jeanty/Cary Nord (pencilers), Mark Lipka/Holdredge/Sean
Parsons (inker), Mike Marts (editor)
Gambit & Bishop: Sons of the Atom#6 (May, 2001) - Scott Lobdell (plot), Joe
Pruitt (script), Georges Jeanty (penciler), Cannon/Mark Lipka/Holdredge/Sean
Parsons (inker), Mike Marts (editor)
Phoenix#1 (December, 1999) - John Francis Moore (writer), Pascal Alixe
(penciler), John Czop, Scott Elmer, Mark McKenna & Larry Strucker
(inkers), Mark Powers & Mike Marts (editors)
II#200 (August, 2007) - Mike Carey (writer), Humberto Ramos & Chris
Bachalo (pencilers), Carlos Cuevas & Tim Townsend (inkers), Will
Panzo (assistant editor), Andy Schmidt (editor)
First posted: 06/13/2018
Last updated: 06/13/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and
� 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you
like this stuff, you should check out the real thing!
Please visit The Marvel Official Site at: http://www.marvel.com
Special Thanks to
www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
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