Real Name: Chin Wu
Identity/Class: Normal human (early 1950s era) (possibly Chinese citizen - see comments)
Occupation: Jet fighter pilot
Group Membership: Korean People's Air Force
Affiliations: Fellow pro-Communist pilots
Enemies: UN military forces (especially US Air
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: mobile in Korea;
China? (see comments)
First Appearance: War Comics#10/5 (June, 1952)
Powers/Abilities: Chin Wu was a trained jet
fighter pilot, but susceptible to propaganda and over-estimated his
enemy's weaknesses. He also smoked.
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
(War Comics#10/5 (fb) - BTS) - As part of his
military training, Chin Wu was shown propaganda films of easy Communist
victories against scared and disorganized enemies with underarmed war
machines and under-armored planes. When Wu graduated as a fighter
pilot, a prominent general traveled from Peking (now known as Beijing)
to congratulate them. The general reinforced the propaganda lies, also
telling them of the beauty of a blossoming rose of an exploding bomb.
Having completed his training and on his first mission, Wu was eager to
shoot many American planes, confident in his side's military, moral and
weapon superiority. His jet fighter squadron bombed a US military
convoy and he enjoyed the chaos.
Comics#10/5) - Wu watched one of his falling bombs explode in the midst
American troop convoy and thought it beautiful. But US jet fighters
soon attacked back, downing several Communist planes. Wu managed to hit
an American plane, but was surprised that it had armor. Shocked that
his foes weren't as weak as he had been told, he didn't fully realize
that his own jet had been hit. His plane rapidly caught fire and
plummeted. Wu's remaining unused bombs contributed to the blossoming
fireball as his plane hit the ground with a massive explosion.
Comments: Created by uncredited writer & Sol Brodsky (art).
A little bizarre that this US quasi-propaganda piece is about North Korean propaganda.
A general came from China's capital city to congratulate the
graduated pilots, and many fighter pilots for North Korea came from
China (and Russia), so I think Chin Wu is likely Chinese.
The American jets in the story look like the F-84 Thunderjet, but they're not clearly shown. I'm not sure at all about Wu's jet (pictured); it looks a bit like the Russian MiG-9, except the exhaust vent shown is at the tail. Artistic license or maybe a squad of experimental jets?
Chin could be the surname, but given this was the early 1950s, I expect American mentality of the era to consider Wu as the family name.
I (sarcastically) expect it was difficult for artists
at the time to depict the Asian enemy in the Korean War; a foe's
appearance was often an
ugly racist caricature (consider the depictions of Japanese ten years
earlier (1940s)), yet Koreans were divided ideologically, so race was
not an easy identifier of a foe.
Profile by Grendel Prime.
Chin Wu has no known connections to:
(without ads)
War Comics#10/5, p2, pan4 (main image)
p4, pan3 (headshot)
p3, pan2 (jet)
War Comics#10/5 (June, 1952) - uncredited writer, Sol Brodsky (art), uncredited editor
First posted: 06/18/18
Last updated: 06/18/18
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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