zombie cyborgs
Classification: Reanimated ("zombie") humans via bionics/computers
Location/Base of Operations: Unrevealed; presumably somewhere within the USA
Known Members: None identified
Affiliations: US Army/government
Enemies: None known
First Appearance: (Mentioned) Black Panther IV#2 (May, 2005); (seen) Black Panther IV#5 (August, 2005)
Powers/Abilities: With varying numbers of bionic limbs, they are stronger and more durable than conventional soldiers.
They do not need oxygen and are tolerant of temperature extremes unless they are sufficient to directly destroy their tissues.
According to Wakandan scans, they are 40-70% organic matter.
They can transmit data and video to their handlers, receive and act on orders from their handlers, and speak with others directly, generally voicing their own orders or instructions.
Traits: They are fearless and obey orders without question, although they have very limited ability to reason.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric human cyborgs (although the bionic implants were not all bilaterally symmetric)
Eyes: Two
(on head; most appeared to have one bionic eye (although some had two,
all of which appeared to solid red in color; the organic eyes
presumably had variants mirroring that of humanity's eye colors)
Fingers: Four (plus opposing thumb)
Toes: Five
Skin color: Gray, pale yellow (presumably had variations
compared to humanity's skin tones, but with more pale hues due to
their corpse natures)
Average height: Approximately 6'1 (perhaps actually taller than average, as they were chosen as warriors)
Panther IV#5 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to avoid the wastes lost in training
and manpower, when soldiers died in the line of duty, the US military
implanted bionic parts and cybernetic minds into deceased US
(Black Panther IV#2 - BTS) - Secretary of State Dondi Reese suggested sending very Special Forces to Wakanda as a military option in case Wakanda became a threat to the United States.
(Black Panther IV#4 - BTS) - The National Security Council met to discuss their next step during Wakanda's current crisis. It was decided to send aid to Wakanda against the invading forces from Niganda. There were concerns that the US didn't have enough troops in the area to interfere, but one of the council members (see comments) assured the others that they had enough bodies to "assist" Wakanda.
(Black Panther IV#5 (fb) - BTS) - When Wakanda was under attack by the neighboring Nigandans and Ulysses Klaw, the US resolved to send in their zombie cyborgs to aid Wakanda, but also to establish a presence and take advantage of Wakanda's apparent weakness.
(Black Panther IV#5) - Wishing to avoid the conflict of entering foreign territory, the US military activated their zombie cyborgs and sent them overboard, to walk along the sea floor to the shore.
(Black Panther IV#6) - As the zombie cyborgs marched toward Wakanda, the Radioactive Man (see comments)
released a burst of energy from a subterranean location, and the
cyborgs detected underground geological movement, considered that it
could be nuclear testing, and activated geiger counters and downloaded
meteorological reports.
(Black Panther IV#6 (fb) - BTS) - Sensing the approach of the zombie cyborgs, Klaw prepared to either takeover Wakanda or destroy it.
(Black Panther IV#6 - BTS) - The Black Panther and his friends and family defeated Klaw and the other invaders.
(Black Panther IV#6) - The zombie cyborgs arrived in the city, announcing that they were US military assistance sent to help secure Wakanda's borders. The Black Panther told them their assistance was unrequested and that the threat had been neutralized.
When the zombies noted they would sweep the perimeter for any remains opposition, the Black Panther instructed one of the zombies to broadcast a message back to his handlers that the offer of assistance was appreciated but not needed; further, if the zombies remained on Wakandan soil for more than one hour, they would be considered an invading force and dealt with accordingly.
Based on information transmitted by their handlers, the zombie cyborg reported that the message was received and that they would be heading back to base. They departed, instructing the Panther to have a nice day.
(Black Panther IV#10 (fb) - BTS) - Some (or at least one) of the cyborgs apparently fell in battle.
(Black Panther IV#10 (fb)) - T'Challa met with Dondi Reese in Washington D.C. and returned one of the cyborgs' heads to her. She still insisted that the cyborg forces were only sent to Wakanda to support the nation against their enemies, but T'Challa reminded her that he never asked for their help.
Comments: Created by Reginald Hudlin, John Romita Jr., and Klaus Janson.
The use of zombie cyborg soldiers is strongly reminiscent of those used in Dark Reign: The List: Wolverine#1 (2009). I don't recall a connection being directly made, but it sure seems likely....especially given that 4-5 years real time is roughly equivalent to 1 year Marvel Time, which puts the Black Panther story perhaps a year or less distant from the Dark Reign story.
After Priest's legendary run on the Black Panther, Hudlin's first arc seemed to be taking a big dump on continuity. Countless patches have had to be made to deal with this...material. For example, the Radioactive Man was Russian Igor Stanchek, and killed...I think that was just retconned as mistake or whatever eventually (the Radioactive Man and Black Knight from this arc were revealed as separate beings from the more famous version while Rhino was retconned to be the original.--Markus Raymond). But it was painful to read at the time...Now, it's not as bad.
Additional comments by Markus Raymond:
I did not remember the existence of this profile and worked on a version myself. At least I could add earlier mentions and the missed appearance from #10.
Dondi Reese apparently alluded to the zombie cyborgs in #2 for the first time as very Special Forces they could send to Wakanda.
At the time this story was published George W. Bush's National Security Council included Stephen Hadley as Bush's assistant for National Security Affairs. The character seen in Black Panther IV#4 talking about the "bodies" they could send to Wakanda resembled Hadley.
Reginald Hudlin's Black Panther run was originally not even supposed to be in regular continuity, but it became part of the main Marvel Universe despite all the inconsistencies after the first arc. Kudos to Hudlin and others to clean up some of the inconsistencies from this arc later on.
The cyborgs seen in Black Panther kind of resembled Deathlok, but not exactly. It is possible that the US government employed Cybertek Inc. to create the cyborgs for them.
Profile by Snood. Update by Markus Raymond.
The zombie cyborgs in this story arc have no known connections to
images: (without ads)
Black Panther IV#5, pg. 16, panel 3 (flag-covered coffins);
pg. 17, panel 1 (awakening);
panel 4 (leaping off boat)
#6, pg. 3, panel 3 (marching)
pg. 23, panel 1 (upper bodies)
Black Panther IV#2 (May, 2005) - Reginald Hudlin (writer), John Romita Jr. (penciler), Klaus Janson (inker), Cory Sedlmeier (assistant editor), Axel Alonso (editor)
Black Panther IV#4-6 (July-September, 2005) - Reginald Hudlin (writer), John Romita Jr. (penciler), Klaus Janson (inker), Cory Sedlmeier (assistant editor), Axel Alonso (editor)
Black Panther IV#10 (January, 2006) - Reginald Hudlin (writer), Scot Eaton (penciler), Klaus Janson (inker), Cory Sedlmeier (assistant editor), Axel Alonso (editor)
First Posted: 05/02/2017
Last updated: 07/28/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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