Classification: Terrestrial truck stop
Creator: Unrevealed, possibly someone named
User/Possessors: Bruiser, the Highwayman
(Jefferson Archer), the Mercs for Money (Deadpool/"Wade Wilson," Foolkiller/Greg
Salinger, Masacre, Slapstick/Steve
Harmon, Solo/James Bourne, Stingray/Walt
Newell, Terror
of Earth-88194), Taskmaster, the Zapata Brothers
First Appearance: Deadpool & the Mercs for
Money I#4 (July, 2016)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: Antos' functioned
as a typical large truck stop, equipped with gasoline pumps and a
buffet and eating area.
History: (Deadpool &
the Mercs for Money I#4 (fb) - BTS) - The truck stop Antos' took the
slogan of "The Best Cheesecake on the Road."
(Deadpool & the Mercs for
Money I#4) - After traveling to deliver a Rigellian Recorder to the
Ozarks Kingpin, the Mercs for Money and their driver, Highwayman,
stopped at Antos' to refuel and Highwayman informed the Mercs that they
needn't stay with him there, as truck stops were like holy ground to
truckers and no one would start trouble there. Solo reminded Highwayman
that they were hired to ensure the Recorder made it to the Ozarks
Kingpin and that meant not losing sight of the cargo, adding that he
didn't think the mercenaries that had been attacking them every step of
the trip cared about the "laws of the road." Inside Antos', the other
Mercs for Money grabbed a bite to eat from Antos' buffet and discussed
whether they were doing the right thing by delivering the Recorder to
the Ozarks Kingpin. During the discussion, Taskmaster jumped through a
window in Antos' and kicked Solo's drink from his hand, prompting a
fight. Solo kept Taskmaster distracted long enough for the other Mercs
to get outside and secure the cargo but the Mercs ran into the
luchadore Zapata Brothers outside, who were assaulting the Highwayman.
Before the Mercs could react, they were attacked by the
wrestling-themed Bruiser. A multi-pronged fight ensued until Highwayman
managed to slam through the wall of Antos' with his truck, hitting
Bruiser. While their opponents were down, the Mercs for Money jumped
back into Highwayman's truck and beat a speedy retreat, unaware that
Evil Deadpool had stowed away in the back of the truck during the
Comments: Created by Cullen Bunn and Salva
Profile by Proto-Man.
Antos' has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money I#4, p10, pan2 (Antos' truck stop,
main image)
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money I#4, p10, pan1 (Anto's truck stop
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money I#4, p11, pan1 (inside of Antos',
eating area)
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money I#4 (July, 2016) - Cullen Bunn
(writer), Salva Espin (art), Jordan D. White (editor)
First Posted: 03/09/2019
Last updated: 03/09/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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