Real Name: Brian McAllister
Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman) mutate
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Captain America (Sam Wilson), Marcus Festerman, Harris, Iron Man (Tony Stark), Iso (Xiaoyi Chen), Naja, Ms. Peters
Enemies: Hydra, Mr. Hyde (Calvin Zabo)
Known Relatives: Jason
McAllister (brother)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Secret Empire I#1 (July, 2017)
Powers/Abilities: After undergoing Terrigenesis, Brian McAllister, who maintained a human appearance, had the power to duplicate objects that he envisioned or saw inside his body, and he would then vomit the object up. Relatively inexperienced in the use of his powers, Brian, who took the code name Barf, has been seen to vomit up a Captain America lunchbox (his jaw distended to allow it), a set of keys and a Cosmic Cube fragment. The limits of his powers are unrevealed, but he in one instance vomited up an object capable of altering reality.
Height: 5'11'' (by approximation)
Weight: 175 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
History: (Secret
Empire I#1
(fb) – BTS) – After undergoing Terrigenesis, Brian McAllister
discovered he had the ability to duplicate images he had seen by
growing them within his own body and vomiting them up. He refused to
register as a super-powered operative after Hydra took over the
government and instead, he focused on working and taking care of his
little brother Jason. Brian sometimes had to vomit things up while at
work, back behind the dumpster.
(Secret Empire I#1) – While dropping Jason off at school (with Anna), Brian promised to get him a new Captain America lunchbox, as bully Marcus Festerman had stolen Jason's last one. Brian googled images of the lunchboxes then he vomited up a new one when he got home. Just then, Hydra agents showed up to arrest Brian for his failure to register.
(Captain America: Steve Rogers I#17 (fb) – BTS) – Brian was taken to the Inhuman Holding Center in New Attilan, where he was equipped with a face mask that prevented his powers and stopped him from speaking. He had to drink through a straw.
(Captain America: Steve Rogers I#17) – As the frightening warden Mr. Hyde addressed the Inhumans, Brian befriended Naja.
(Captain America VIII#25 (fb) – BTS) – Befriending his other inmates, including Iso, McAllister received the nickname Barf. In time, they got his face mask off then he saw the guards' keys and barfed a copy up, allowing them to escape.
(Captain America VIII#25) – Captain America (Sam Wilson) and Iron Man (Tony Stark A.I.) were among the heroes who rushed in to save the Inhumans. Learning about Barf's powers, the heroes showed him an image of a Cosmic Cube fragment and he barfed one up.
(Secret Empire I#10) – The government let the Inhumans all out of their imprisonment if they agreed to sign a waiver that excused the government for his actions. Not wanting to wait for an attorney, Brian signed the form and then rushed to be reunited with Jason. They returned home to find graffiti painted on the house (including "Hail Hydra" and "Die Inhuman"). The next morning, he found Ms. Peters, Harris and kids from the school, including Marcus Festerman, helping clean up the graffiti.
Comments: Created by Nick Spencer, Steve McNiven and Jay Leisten.
Barf was parodied in Not Brand Echh I#14.
Profile by Chadman.
Barf has no known connections to:
(Secret Empire I#1) – A student at Daniel Whitehall Elementary and Middle School in Greensboro, NC, Anna was praised by Ms. Peters for getting some answers from the Hydra-revised textbooks correct while Jason McAllister got them wrong.
--Secret Empire I#1
(Secret Empire I#1 (fb) –BTS) – Bully Marcus Festerman stole the Captain America lunchbox from classmate Jason McAllister.
(Secret Empire I#1) –
In Ms. Peters' class at Daniel Whitehall Elementary and Middle School,
Marcus was listening to lessons on revised history from Ms. Peters
before Marcus raised his hand, saying he needed to report that Jason's
brother, Brian, was some kind of freak, as Marcus had heard from his
sister that Jason had been doing weird things during work.
(Secret Empire I#10) – After the events of the Hydra takeover ended, Harris joined Ms. Peters, Marcus Festerman and others in helping Brian and Jason McAllister clean up the graffiti damage to their home. Marcus teased Jason about his new Captain America (Sam Wilson) figure.
--Secret Empire I#1 (1 (fb) - BTS, 1,
(Secret Empire I#10) – After the events of the Hydra takeover ended, Harris joined Ms. Peters, Marcus Festerman and others in helping Brian and Jason McAllister clean up the graffiti damage to their home.
--Secret Empire I#10
(Secret Empire I#1 (fb) – BTS) – After Hydra took over the United States, they rewrote textbooks and education plans around the country. In Greensboro, NC, Jason McAllister's school was renamed Daniel Whitehall Elementary and Middle School, after a Hydra leader. Ms. Peters became his new teacher and a bully named Marcus Festerman stole his Captain America lunchbox.
(Secret Empire
I#1) – Brian, Jason's big brother, promised to get him a new lunchbox
then dropped him off at school. Jason rushed in right on time and was
embarrassed when he gave the wrong answer in class to Ms. Peters, who
reminded him the textbooks had new information now; she praised Anna
for getting the information right. Marcus then raised his hand,
reporting that Jason's older brother Brian was a freak. Jason called
Marcus a liar and Ms. Peters said she wanted to see them both after
class. Later, Brian was arrested for being an Inhuman.
(Secret Empire I#10) – Brian was let out of jail and the Hydra takeover was reversed. They returned home to find graffiti painted on their home. The next day, Ms. Peters, Marcus Festerman, Harris and others showed up to help them clean up. Marcus teased Jason about his new Captain America (Sam Wilson) figure.
--Secret Empire I#1 (fb) - BTS, 1, 10,
(Secret Empire I#1 (fb) – BTS) – After Hydra took over the United States, they rewrote textbooks and education plans around the country. In Greensboro, NC, they renamed the school Daniel Whitehall Elementary and Middle School, after a Hydra leader. Ms. Peters took over teaching the students, including Jason McAllister, Anna and Marcus Festerman.
(Secret Empire I#1) – While teaching the students revised history, Ms. Peters praised Anna for getting answers right when Jason got some wrong. Ms. Peters reminded the kids that the Allies had tried rewriting history after World War II ended and that Captain America was reminding them all who they really were now. Marcus raised his hand, saying he believed Brian McAllister, Jason's older brother, was some kind of freak.
(Secret Empire I#10) – After the events of the Hydra takeover ended, Harris joined Ms. Peters, Marcus Festerman and others in helping Brian and Jason McAllister clean up the graffiti damage to their home. Ms. Peters assured Brian that they had a duty to help him after all that had happened.
--Secret Empire I#1 (1 (fb) - BTS, 1, 10,
images: (without
America VIII#25, p21, pan1 (main)
Empire I#1, p5, pan1 (face)
Empire I#1, p2, pan2 (Anna)
Empire I#1, p3, pan3 (Marcus Festerman)
Empire I#10, p38, pan1 (Harris)
Empire I#1, p2, pan2 (Jason McAllister)
Empire I#1, p2, pan3 (Ms. Peters)
Secret Empire I#1 (July, 2017) - Nick Spencer (writer), Steve
McNiven (penciler), Jay Leisten (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Captain America: Steve Rogers I#17 (July, 2017) - Nick
Spencer (writer), Andrea Guinaldo, Ramon Bachs (artists), Tom Brevoort
Captain America VIII#25 (October, 2017) - Nick Spencer (writer), Jesus
Saiz, Joe Bennett (artists), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Secret Empire I#10 (October, 2017) - Nick Spencer (writer), Steve
McNiven, David Marquez, Ron Lim, Rod Reis, Paco Medina (pencilers),
Juan Vlasco (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Posted: 08/08/2020
Last updated: 08/08/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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