Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human mutate
Occupation: Prisoner
Group Membership: The Raft prison population
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Boomerang, Centurius, Mr. Hyde (Calvin Zabo), Shocker (Herman Schultz)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: The Raft
First Appearance: Thunderbolts II#159 (August,
Powers/Abilities: Big Roy was powerfully
strong with dog-like (or rat-like) features, including a many-fanged
mouth. He had heightened durability and could resist Shocker's gauntlet
Height: 6'8" (by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Black
Hair: Gray
(Thunderbolts II#159 (fb) - BTS) - Through unrevealed
means, Big Roy was mutated into a large humanoid dog-like form. He was
later incarcerated in The Raft high security prison, where he harassed
fellow inmates, including Shocker.
II#158) - Destructive Kuurth possessed Juggernaut's body and used it to
smash open The Raft and (semi-)reformed villains the Thunderbolts
returned to help survivors and prevent escapes.
(Thunderbolts II#159) - Checking the ruins,
Thunderbolts members Boomerang, Shocker, Mr. Hyde and Centurius chanced
upon Big Roy, now free and snarling aggressively. Shocker blasted him
with his gauntlets, but this proved ineffectual. Unimpresed, Mr. Hyde
stepped forward, grabbed Big Roy's head with his large hand and
effortlessly snapped the would-be escapee's neck. Hyde menacingly told
his surprised colleagues that Big Roy was to be considered a victim of
the prison's structural damage.
Comments: Created by Jeff Parker (writer), Declan Shalvey (pencils & inks).
Jeff Parker's run on Thunderbolts was a good and entertaining read.
Oddly, Big Roy is in his costume, including gangster
bling, yet other prisoners were wearing the standard orange jumpsuit.
Was he escaping, but made sure to get his original gear from the ruins
first, or returning to settle a vendetta?
There were several super-powered convicts that were (a tad frustratingly) unnamed.
Profile by Grendel Prime.
Big Roy has no known connections to:
(without ads)
Thunderbolts II#159, p7, pan6 (main image)
p7, pan6 (headshot)
p8, pan4 (krakk)
Thunderbolts II#159 (August, 2011) - Jeff Parker (writer), Declan Shalvey (pencils & inks), Tom Brennan (editor)
First posted: 11/09/18
Last updated: 11/09/18
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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