Real Name: Catherine Bradley, nee Price
Identity/Class: Human (late 19th century and early 20th century)
Occupation: Warrior, adventurer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: X-Club (James Bradley/Doctor Nemesis, Madison Jeffries, Dr. Kavita Rao, Dr.
Yuriko Takiguchi), X-Men (Hank McCoy/Beast, Warren Worthington/Angel, Betsy
Cornelius Shaw posed as an ally and financed her husband
Enemies: Hellfire Club-San Francisco
chapter circa 1906 (Lord Molyneux, Salome, League of Sensitives/Seers), Sentinel of Hellfire Club-San Francisco circa 1906
Known Relatives: Nicola Bradley (husband, deceased), James Bradley (Doctor Nemesis, son);
John Price (father, presumably deceased), Mary Price (mother, presumably deceased)
Aliases: Mrs. Nicola Bradley
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly had a home in the Mission District, San Francisco, California;
she was also sometimes active in her husband's office in Telegraph Hill, San Francisco
Education: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men#512 (August, 2009)
Powers/Abilities: Catherine Bradley was a skilled fighter and a master of the advanced technology they possessed.
She was highly proficient in using a pair of energy pistols simultaneously and with great accuracy.
She also operated an advanced viewing camera-like device from their house.
She was brave, confident, and
loving. She took on a sextet of rifle-bearing masked men armed only
with a basin.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'6")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 130 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue?
Hair: Blonde
(Uncanny X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - Catherine lived with her husband, Nicola, an inventor far ahead of his time, in San Francisco's Mission District.
Their home was filled with advanced gimmicks and pneumatic tubes.
With Nicola constantly driven with
his work, Catherine took care of him, mastering his advanced weaponry
and other technology.
(Uncanny X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking
a power source for their large, robotic Sentinel with which they
intended to exterminate "overmen" (mutants), the Hellfire Club, under
the direction of Lord Molyneux, targeted
Dr. Bradley to produce that source. Working
alongside his agent Salome, Cornelius Shaw met with and bankrolled
Bradley, investing
thousands of dollars and allowing untold hours in his efforts.
(Uncanny X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - Members of the X-Men (Hank McCoy/Beast, Warren
Worthington/Angel, and Betsy Braddock/Psylocke), and X-Club (James Bradley/Dr. Nemesis,
Madison Jeffries, Dr. Yuriko Takiguchi, and Dr. Kavita Rao), having
traveled from over 100 years in the future in hopes of gaining blood
samples from Nicola and Catherine Bradley as homo superior mutantkind
had seemed to increase markedly in number around that point in time;
they were specifically chosen as they were James Bradley's parents.
(Uncanny X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - Frustrated with Nicola's lack of results, Cornelius sent a quartet of
Hellfire Club agents (who had been gathered by Salome) to ambush Nicola
in his office in Telegraph Hill and steal the device.
(Uncanny X-Men#512) <1906> -
As Nicola dozed off while working, the Hellfire Club agents prepared to
ambush him, but Catherine suddenly nailed one of the men with an energy
blaster before calling out to Nic that it was time to go. Taking out
another of the men and then laying protective fire as Nicola fled with
the generator, she cordially greeted Nic.
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - Nicola and Catherine fled back to their home
with the device and contacted Cornelius Shaw immediately. Not
wanting any additional attention, they did not contact the authorities.
X-Men#512) <April 18, 1906> - The following morning, Cornelius
and Salome met with
Nicola and Catherine Bradley in their home, telling their seeming
benefactors of their encounter. Cornelius asked about the device's
location and then if Catherine was all right when she had to fight back
a wave of nausea as she tried to answer. Recovering, Catherine assured
Shaw that both she and the device were fine.
As Cornelius had assured Nicola he could just
collect himself and get his work done, Catherine detected, via their
advanced viewer, parties approaching their home. Nicola wondered if it
was more of the masked men they had faced at his office, but Catherine
-- seeing the time-traveling X-Men and X-Club members in their true
forms -- said she didn't know what she was seeing.
As the time travelers approached the Bradley's front door, Psylocke
mentally projected an image of the group as a group of normal people,
after which Beast rang the doorbell. Catherine answered the door, but
when Beast tried to tell her they were travelers from New York, she
pulled both of her handguns and told them she didn't care why they came
or where they were from, and she instructed them leave immediately and
never come back. Acknowledging that his statement would make no sense
to her, Beast told her that her apple would not fall from her tree (meaning James Bradley would be harsh to deal with, as well).
After the travelers departed, Catherine shut the
door and noted that the travelers were perhaps mormons, with a pair of
Celestials (presumably referring to the Asian Takiguchi and Rao; see comments) with them.
X-Men#512 - BTS) - Left alone with his thoughts and without distractions at
his home, Nicola experienced a vision that allowed him to complete his
generator-battery, adding a ferrite rod to the line output
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - Experienced further nausea and vomiting into a basin, Catherine suspected she was pregnant.
X-Men#512) - Nicola rushed in, beaming about his accomplishment before
realizing she had been ill. Assuring Nicola she was fine, she told him
she was proud of him, and then also revealed that she suspected that
they had "invented a child."
(Uncanny X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - Nicola arranged a meeting with Shaw at his office.
X-Men#512 - BTS) - Nicola met with Shaw at his office and revealed
his working generator-battery, which Shaw then claimed for himself.
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - Cornelius and Salome had Nicola and the
device taken to the Hellfire Club facility.
X-Men#512 - BTS) - As Catherine was in the bathroom (presumably
emptying her basin), a sextet of Hellfire Club agents invaded her
bedroom, entering from its upstairs windows.
X-Men#512) - Emerging from the bathroom and seeing the agents
armed with rifles, Catherine exclaimed "Merciful Mary" before smashing
one of them in the head with basin and then running out the bedroom
As she fled down the stairs, she was startled to see
the winged Angel standing over at least a pair of Hellfire Club agents
(with Rao and Takiguchi off to his side) on the first floor, and she
lost her balance and tumbled the rest of the way down the stairs.
When Angel identified her by name and told her they
were there to help, she advised him of the six upstairs, with one
already taken down. Flying upstairs to take care of the rest, Angel
instructed Rao and Takiguchi to get Catherine to safety. As they
assisted her out, Catherine asked them "Does that man have wings made
of knives?" Takiguchi confirmed that he did, but that normally they
were just wings.
However, as Takiguchi and Rao exited her house and
assured Catherine that their associate could take care of those men,
Catherine noted that she didn't feel right, and then she fainted.
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - They took Catherine back up to her bed, and they summoned James Bradley, who was a physician.
James examined Catherine, confirming her pregnancy,
as well as assessing her with placenta previa (where the placenta sits
down on and closes off the opening to the cervix) and obtaining the
desired blood sample.
X-Men#512) - Beast, Jeffries, and Psylocke arrived at the Hellfire Club base,and they rescued and escaped with
X-Men#512 - BTS) - The generator-battery was inserted into the
Hellfire Club's Sentinel, activating it, and Cornelius, Salome, and
some Hellfire Club agents rode in a railed off booth area in its
upper chest.
X-Men#512) - As Catherine awakened and called out for Nicola,
James assured her that she was OK, back in her home, that her attackers
had been dealt with, and that she had fainted and was pregnant.
As she began to get up, James informed her of her
medical condition and the need for strict rest, as her life depended on
it. When she asked about her baby, James assured her the heartbeat
sounded strong, that her son was a fighter, and if she took care of
herself, the boy would be fine. When Catherine questioned if it was now
possible to determine sex from the sound of the heartbeat, James
covered up, telling her it was rather the rate, but that he really just
had a hunch.
Catherine then shared her concern regarding her
husband's driven work nature and that she did want to be alone when the
baby came, and James assured her she would not be alone.
X-Men#512 - BTS) - Outside, James confirmed to his associates that
he did get the blood, and he also told them that his mother had died in
X-Men#512 - BTS) - As the Sentinel rampaged through the streets of
San Francisco, the Angel and James joined the other X-Men in opposing
it while Takiguchi and Rao stayed with Catherine.
At Nicola's instruction, Madison Jeffries destroyed the generator by overloading it by
hitting it square with as much electricity as possible. The Sentinel exploded, and Nicola was mortally
wounded by debris.
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - As the vibrations involved caused the
house to shake and the room to start coming down around her, Catherine,
Rao, and Takiguchi rushed outside.
X-Men#512) - As Nicola lied dying, Catherine called to him and rushed to
his side. Noting that that had been no ordinary explosion and they should leave immediately, Catherine (see comments) said, "Not. yet."
Nicola told Catherine he was so sorry, but Catherine
told him his device had
worked. As James Bradley took a blood sample from Nicola, Catherine
asked what the Hell he was doing, and he apologized for the timing but
that there was something significant about the two of them, and that
they were why his group had come there. Nicola realized that the
visitors were overmen and that he thought he understood; he asked James
his name, and then told Catherine that James would be a fine name for a
Giving Catherine the special preservation tubes
containing the blood (as the time warp devices were uniquely fixed on
their unique biologies, and foreign genetic material would not have
made the trip), James instructed her that she must bury the tubes in
Golden Gate Park, as the future depended on it.
Catherine watched as the X-Men and associates returned to their present.
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - Catherine buried the preservation tubes in Central Park as instructed.
X-Men#512 - BTS) - Back in the X-Men's present, James noted that something about the generator-battery detonating
and/or wherever he was drawing power from somehow affected the San
Andreas Fault and triggered a massive earthquake...or it was all a
Tracking the tubes, the X-Men and X-Club members
found them underneath the feat of the immense Dreaming Celestial that
had located there. When Beast commented on the odds of her burying the
tubes where the Celestial would appear, James Bradley instead
speculated that the Celestial had chosen that location because the
blood (which represented the past and future of mankind's evolution)
being there.
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - Catherine's parents came from Lemon Grove,
California, to help her after Nicola's passing and to keep her off her
feet the best they could.
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - After locating the blood tubes, James returned to the past.
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) <December 1, 1906> - When the time came,
James arrived before the Catherine's parents could call for a doctor.
For hours, James worked with Catherine. She was
vocal (presumably screaming in pain), and then she died as her son was
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - The young James was raised in his parents' house by his grandparents (presumably the Prices).
Comments: Created by Matt Fraction, Yanick Paquette, and Karl Story.
The narration said that Catherine was "certainly her husband's better half."
This was definitely a fun story, and Catherine Bradley was the most interesting character in it, to me.
There is no explanation of why she was such a skilled warrior. Presumably she mastered
technology created by her husband, but she was clearly an experienced
and highly skilled warrior. It makes me wonder if there was a back story to why she was so cool/tough...
Regardless, Catherine had a very "Confederates of
the Curious" feel to her, which is no surprise given that Matt Fraction
wrote the story.
Speaking of which, I'd love to see Matt Fraction
and/or Ed Brubaker do further Confederates of the Curious
stories...after I finish out the Iron Fist: The Living Weapon series,
I'll move back to the Immortal Iron Fist series and cover everything
from that.
The story noted the X-folk were traveling from 103 years in the future, but
that is topical, as the story came out in 2009. They traveled to 1906,
and the length of time they traveled slowly increases with the passage
of time due to the sliding timescale.
Great story, but 1906 (and specifically James Bradley's parents) as the
whole point of the "igniting" of homo superior (mutant kind) doesn't
make sense to me in the context of the Marvel Universe.
When Nicola was dying and the Beast advised their
immediate departure, the speech balloon that said, "Not. yet." pointed
to Catherine, but I think it would have more likely been from James
Bradley, who was positioned right behind his mother.
According to the interweb:
phrase 'celestial empire,' meaning more or less 'empire ruled in accord
with Heaven,' goes back a long way in China," Chuimei wrote via e-mail.
it wasn't until the early 19th century that English and French
translations began to appear in foreign publications and Chinese
diplomatic correspondence.
plural 'celestials,' referring to citizens of the celestial empire,
seems to be American in origin," he continued. "It may have been
introduced innocently by newspaper writers or editors who in those days
felt that good writing meant a feverish search for synonyms."
the usage quickly became pejorative when readers interpreted it as
meaning that Chinese, absurdly in view of their obviously inferior
economic and legal status, considered themselves to be superior to
ordinary humans," he continued. "Calling a mere laundryman 'celestial'
was an irony that even the least educated anti-Chinese white hoodlum
could understand. So it rapidly became an insult for some, while
others, especially journalists, continued to use it with less
prejudicial intent as a synonym for 'Chinese' or 'Chinaman.' "
Profile by Snood.
Nicola Bradley should be distinguished from:
- BRADLEY ?? - chemotherapy patient, visited by Avengers under direction of Madison Taylor, carried teddy bear, Tips--Avengers I#349
- BRADLEY ( ) - --Marvel Mystery Comics#11
- BRADLEY, JEAN - Midtown High School teacher, flirted
with Peter Parker--Marvel Team-Up III#1
- BRADLEY, BECKY of Earth-40727 - see BECKY BARNES--Captain America IV#27
- BRADLEY, CARRIE - former neighbor of Ben Reilly--Amazing Scarlet Spider#1
- BRADLEY, CHRIS - see BOLT--X-Men Unlimited#8
- BRADLEY, DANA of Earth-93060 - ultra, became
abusive after gaining powers, leading husband, Jeffrey, to flee with
their daughter, Stacy; hired Firearm to bring back her daughter, left
them in piece after Stacey begged her not to kill her father, later
killed by Rafferty--Firearm#7
- BRADLEY, ELIJAH - see PATRIOT--Young Avengers#1
White, & Black#1
- BRADLEY, H. HOWARD - assistant to Dr. Thatcher at the London branch of Richmond Enterprises, tormented by Death-Stalker--Dr. Strange II#29
- BRADLEY, ISAIAH - husband of Faith, father of
Sarah Gail, subject of early Super Soldier program, sole survivor, left
sterile and brain damaged by late effects of the process, imprisoned
for 17 years, pardoned by Eisenhower in 1960, recognized and given
remnant of original costume by Captain America in the modern era--Truth: Red,
White, & Black#1
- BRADLEY, ISAIAH of Earth-40727 - became Captain America, never married, President of
the USA from 2005-2013, traveled back to modern era of Earth-616 and
brought Captain America and Rebecca Quan forward to his time to stop
Becky from traveling to Earth-616.--Captain America IV#28
- BRADLEY, JEFFREY of Earth-93060 - widower of
Dana, fled with daughter, Stacey, after Dana became abusive--Firearm#7
- BRADLEY, JOHN - construction company owner, poisoned by the Old One--Mystic Comics#9/3
- BRADLEY, KEN - Brand Corporation--Captain America Annual 1999
- BRADLEY, LITIGIOUS - brother of Elijah & Stephanie--Black Panther IV#16 (not first?)
- BRADLEY , NAILS ( ) - --Mystic Comics II#2
- BRADLEY, RUDOLPH - politician, fund-raising ball disrupted by Captain America imposter Mike Farrell and Dead-Ringer--Captain America I#425
BRADLEY, SARAH GAIL - daughter of Faith and Isaiah,
born in 1942--Truth: Red, White, & Black#2
- BRADLEY, STACEY of Earth-93060 - daughter of
Dana & Jeffrey--Firearm#7
- BRADLEY, STEPHANIE - sister of Elijah (Patriot)--Black Panther IV#16
- other Bradley characters...

John & Mary Price
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - After Nicola's passing, Catherine's parents came from Lemon Grove,
California, to help her and to keep her off her
feet the best they could.
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) <December 1, 1906> - When the time came,
James Bradley arrived before the Catherine's parents could call for a doctor.
For hours, they prayed and stayed out of James way. They heard their
daughter (presumably screaming in pain), then they heard nothing, and
then heard the cries of a newborn baby.
James emerged with the infant, telling his parents "It's a boy."
X-Men#512 (fb) - BTS) - The
young James was raised in his parents' house by his grandparents
(presumably the Prices). They were always setting off...<see Notes>.
Note: As the time-traveling
X-folk approached his parents' house, James Bradley told his
associates, "It's...full. Full of stuff. My grandparents are always
setting off -- there are little gimmicks everywhere. And pneumatic
When I
first read it, I took "setting off" as a term Nemesis was using for
traveling and that he meant his grandparents had brought it all in
there, meaning they were adventurers as well.
re-reviewing it, I think Nemesis was just speaking in somewhat broken fashion, and that he was trying to say that his
grandparents were just setting off the equipment (which were thus presumably all
Nicola's inventions).
images: (without ads)
X-Men#512, story pg. 5, panel 3 (mostly full, with guns);
panel 5 (face, with gun);
pg. 6, panel 4 (face);
pg. 8, panel 1-2 (viewer);
pg. 10, panel 1 (close-up, with guns);
pg. 15, panel 5 (announcing pregnancy);
pg. 19, panel 4 (smashing rifle-bearing Hellfire Club agent with basin);
pg. 20, panel 2 (face, full, shadowed)
pg. 38 (last story page), panel 2 (parents, distant);
panel 3 (parents, close-up)
X-Men#512 (August, 2009) - Matt Fraction (writer), Yanick Paquette
(penciler), Karl Story (inker), Daniel Ketchum (assistant editor), Nick
Lowe (editor)
First posted: 11/30/2019
Last updated: 11/30/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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