Real Name: Tomas Lara-Perez
Identity/Class: Human (source of power unknown)
Occupation: College student, super hero
Group Membership: Formerly Justice Pals
Affiliations: Courtney Alaska, Alfredo the chicken, Avengers (Black Panther/T'Challa, Black Widow/Natasha Romanova, Blade/Eric Brooks, Captain America/Steve Rogers, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, Falcon/Sam Wilson, Ghost Rider/Robbie Reyes, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters, Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Thor/Jane Foster, Thor/Thor Odinson), Brain Drain/Bryan Drayne (Werner Schmidt), G'illian Blax'zthor, Chef Bear, Chompsky, Chrrt-Chuk race, Davis, Allene Green, Dor Green, Maureen Green, Haskel, Hippo, Iron Man (Tony Stark), Koi Boi (Ken Shiga), Kraven the Hunter (Sergei Kravinoff), L'il Busta, Loki (Loki Laufeyson), Mary Mahajan, Mew, Mole Man (Harvey Elder), Ms. Chloe, New Avengers (Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Hulkling/Teddy Altman, Songbird/Melissa Gold, Power Man/Victor Alvarez, White Tiger/Ava Ayala, Wiccan/Billy Kaplan), New Mutants (Cannonball/Sam Guthrie, Cypher/Doug Ramsey, Karma/Xi'an Coy Manh, Magma/Amara Aquila, Mirage/Danielle Moonstar), Porkums, Professor Bravo, Ratatoskr, Rocket Raccoon, Sentinel X-42903-22, S.H.I.E.L.D. (Phil Coulson, Nick Fury II, Maria Hill), Sootori, Squirrel Girl (Doreen Green), Tippy-Toe, Tree-Lobster, Venom ("Flash" Thompson), Nancy Whitehead
Enemies: A.I.M. (Andrew Forson,
Monica Rappaccinni, others), Baron Mordo (Karl Mordo), Blockchain
(Brock Channing), Boomerang (Fred Myers), Bug-Eyed
Voice (Arthur Bigelow), Dr. Doom (Victor Von Doom), Doombear,
Dormammu, EpicCrimez,
Fin Fang
Foom, High Evolutionary (Herbert Wyndham), Humanoids, Iron Ring
(Melissa Morbeck), Mr.
Bettany, Mr. Edwin,
M.O.D.O.K., Mojo
II, Mysterion,
New-Men (Clarence,
Huggy Q. Loveyface the Sixth, Sally),
Ock, Doctopus,
Cyberock, Pre-Doc
Ock), Red Skull (Johann Schmidt), Swarm
(Werner Schmidt), Taskmaster (Tony Masters), Whiplash (Anton Vanko);
formerly Ratatoskr/Girl Squirrel
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: The Handsome Puncher, Chipmonk Honk, Chippy the Hunk, Zorro 2: Better Than Zorro
Base of Operations: New York City, New York,
First Appearance: (as Tomas Lara-Perez,
unidentified): Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#1 (March, 2015);
(as Tomas Lara-Perez, identified): Unbeatable
Squirrel Girl I#2 (April, 2015);
(as Chipmunk Hunk, mentioned): Unbeatable Squirrel
Girl I#3 (May, 2015);
(as Chipmunk Hunk, seen): Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
I#5 (July, 2015)
Powers/Abilities: Chipmunk Hunk possesses the
proportional powers of a chipmunk, giving him enhanced strength, speed
and agility. Chipmunk Hunk can talk to chipmunks (and Squirrel Girl has
taught him to talk to squirrels as well). He can expand his cheeks to
larger sizes to store things in them and he has a loud sonic chirp that
he can emit when startled.
Tomas is an accomplished fencer. Tomas is also a talented computer science and engineering student.
Height: 5'10" (by approximation)
Weight: 160 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
History: (Unbeatable Squirrel
Girl II#18 (fb) – BTS) – When Tomas Lara-Perez first discovered his
talents of enhanced strength and agility, he was thrilled but he was
embarrassed by his ability to talk to chipmunks. He wanted to fight
crime so he began calling himself the Handsome Puncher.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#19 (fb) – BTS) – Melissa Morbeck pulled strings to get Tomas accepted into the computer science program at Empire State University.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#1) – On campus at Empire State University, Tomas met new student Doreen Green and he was confused by how she carried heavy boxes with ease and how she seemed to talk to the squirrel Tippy-Toe. Tomas was about to tell her about his chipmunks but Doreen rushed off on her own.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#18 (fb) – BTS) – Inspired by Squirrel Girl's bravery and authenticity, Tomas began calling himself Chipmunk Hunk and he altered his costume, adding a tail on the back.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#6 (fb)) – Tomas befriended Ken Shiga, Koi Boi, who was in classes as well, and they began fighting crime together.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#2 (fb) – BTS) – Tomas considered joining the college fencing club but he was more interested in the swashbuckling style of fencing, which the club didn't teach.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#2) – At college orientation, Tomas told Doreen all about his interest in fencing but she seemed to zone out. Nancy Whitehead found out Tomas' last name for Doreen.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#3 – BTS) – A chipmunk trying to help Chipmunk Hunk instead aided Squirrel Girl in defeating Whiplash.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#5) – Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi helped defeat Mysterion and save hostages at the Statue of Liberty.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#6) – When Hippo attacked the campus bank, Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi responded, meeting Squirrel Girl, Nancy Whitehead and Tippy-Toe there. Squirrel Girl jumped into the fight and deescalated things by convincing Hippo to get a job instead of committing crimes. Nancy realized the real identities of Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi and unmasked them for Squirrel Girl, who also unmasked.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#7 (fb) – BTS) – Ken woke up in the night, hearing the fish upset, and he went out as Koi Boi with Chipmunk Hunk to investigate, finding many civilians fighting in the streets, influenced by Girl Squirrel.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#7) – Ken and Tomas discussed the unrest with Doreen and Nancy in class. When their professor began yelling at the class, many in the class started yelling and fighting as well, and Doreen and her friends tried to intervene but they were overwhelmed by the violence of the students. Nancy proposed a theory that Girl Squirrel was actually the escaped Asgardian squirrel-god Ratatoskr, looking up a Wikipedia article for information, and they realized the squirrel-god was behind the gossip and rioting. Tippy joined Nancy and the three heroes in going to Avengers Tower, where the Avengers (Black Widow, elderly Captain America, Falcon, Hawkeye and Spider-Man) were arguing like everyone else. The Avengers attacked and Squirrel Girl and her friends defeated them in combat. They sought out the two Thors and Nancy and Tippy-Toe went with them to Asgard to fix Ratatoskr's cell while Squirrel Girl, Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi stayed on Earth to fight Ratatoskr. In time, Squirrel Girl, Koi Boi and Chipmunk Hunk found the seemingly heroic Girl Squirrel, who reveled herself swiftly to be Ratatoskr. When Squirrel Girl and Chipmunk Hunk summoned squirrels and chipmunks to help them fight, Ratatoskr turned the creatures against them. Ratatoskr then attacked directly.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#8) – Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi helped Squirrel Girl fight Ratatoskr until the villain turned the two male heroes against Squirrel Girl by influencing their minds. They shook Squirrel Girl out of a tree then she returned with web-shooters but a mind-controlled crowd soon turned the tide against her. Squirrel Girl was pinned but soon, the two Thors, Loki (with a cat head), Nancy and Tippy arrived from Asgard wearing ear plugs to block Ratatoskr's power. They helped turn the tide against Ratatoskr, who was soon defeated. Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi apologized for attacking SG. Later, Doreen taught her friends how to speak squirrel and Tomas noted that it was similar to chipmunk.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1) – Chipmunk Hunk helped his friends save civilians from a building fire while having chipmunks move oily rags from the basement to keep the fire contained. Tippy-Toe teased Tomas, calling him Chipmonk Honk. Doreen showed them her new teleporter and invited them to Avengers Island to eat but then had to rush Tomas and Ken out so she could go meet her parents. Later, Doreen and Nancy took Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi to have lunch on Avengers Island.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#2) – On campus, Nancy approached Tomas and Ken, saying Doreen was missing, but Tomas and Ken had no memories of Nancy, Doreen or Tippy.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#10 (fb) – BTS) – Tomas began dating Mary Mahajan, soon revealing to her that he was Chipmunk Hunk. They had three successful dates.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#8) – Chipmunk Hunk teamed up with Squirrel Girl and the New Avengers (Wiccan, Hulkling, Songbird, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Power Man, White Tiger) to resolve a conflict with an enlarged Tree Lobster then Tomas left, telling Doreen he had a date.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#10) – After finishing a conflict with Mole Man, who had sunk many of the world's most famous buildings, Squirrel Girl had Nancy, Mary, Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi all help her put dirt back under the missing buildings as squirrels in Iron Man suits lifted the buildings up.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN) – Doreen and Tippy checked in with Nancy, Tomas and Ken about homework and class loads. After getting a call from Iron Man, Doreen took Tippy, Nancy, Ken and Tomas to Stark Tower, where they changed into their super hero costumes. Iron Man wanted to show them how he'd just rebuilt one of the High Evolutionary's machines. The High Evolutionary attacked with henchmen and several New-Men (including Clarence the whale, Sally the ostrich, Claude the electric eel and Commander Huggy Q. Loveyface the Sixth the polar bear). During the fight, SG was knocked into the HE's machine and emerged with a duplicate of herself, who later named herself Allene after Doreen's middle name. Allene went to campus with Doreen, Nancy, Tippy, Tomas and Ken and proposed that they take a more active role in stopping crime by having the squirrels, chipmunks and fish all watch out for crimes, allowing them to be more proactive in their crimefighting. The others agreed to give it a try but on their way home, they discovered that Chompsky the squirrel had been hit by a car. When Allene declared war on humanity, seeking to save squirrels, she and Doreen began fighting and Tomas and Ken got involved when Doreen needed help freeing a captive Tony Stark, and they soon realized that Allene had plans to conquer the world to make it better for squirrels. Allene used a trick to lure Doreen and her friends hundreds of miles away from the city. Upon returning to NYC, Doreen and her friends partnered with S.H.I.E.L.D. (Nick Fury II, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill) and watched Allene defeat Hulk as they realized she had defeated most of the city's heroes and villains and was now using their technology. Allene easily defeated them as she banished S.H.I.E.L.D. to the Negative Zone then the heroes shed their costumes and fled. Days later, Doreen and her allies joined with Venom ("Flash" Thompson), Hippo, Rocket Raccoon and Kraven the Hunter, and Doreen ended up with Thor's power, freeing the heroes from the Negative Zone. After the fight was finished, Doreen realized Tippy had broken her back during the rescue and she liberated the heroes to heal and stabilize her. In the end, they let Allene go to the Negative Zone to populate a planet with her squirrels.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#12 – BTS) – During a break from school, Tomas vacationed in Barcelona.
(New Avengers IV#18) – SG took Nancy, Koi Boi and Chipmunk Hunk with her to the funeral for Roberto da Costa but da Costa revealed himself alive as he attacked Monica Rappaccinni and Dr. Andrew Forson in their attempt to take over A.I.M. They joined in the fight, helping the New Mutants (Magma, Cypher, Mirage, Cannonball, Karma) take down A.I.M.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16) – Doreen greeted all of her friends at her birthday party, including Iron Man, Nancy, Thor (Jane Foster), Chipmunk Hunk, Koi Boi, Brain Drain, Dor and Maureen Green, Loki, Thor (Odinson), Black Widow, Captain America (Sam Wilson) and Spider-Man (Peter Parker). When the Red Skull attacked, Doreen easily defeated him.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#17) – Mary, Tomas, Ken, Nancy, Brain Drain and Doreen attended an ethics class hosted by guest lecturer Melissa Morbeck.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#18) – Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi were teaming up to stop a purse thief but Squirrel Girl stopped the man by dropping nuts on his head from the sky in her flying suit. She invited Tomas and Ken to come and visit Melissa Morbeck with she and Nancy on Saturday morning, sure that Morbeck would be willing to make them flying suits as well. That Saturday, they went to see Morbeck, meeting her bear butlers Mister Edwin and Mister Bettany, and Morbeck had her computers take measurements of Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi, promising them suits soon before sending them away.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#19) – Koi Boi, Chipmunk Hunk, Mary Mahajan and Nancy Whitehead rushed into Morbeck's home with the police, past mind-controlled zoo animals, and found Squirrel Girl battling armed bears and Melissa Morbeck already gone. In time, Morbeck had a plane with a banner announce that Dr. Doom was attacking the city with mosquitoes, frightening the public.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#20) – Squirrel Girl discussed the threat of Morbeck with her allies (including Chipmunk Hunk) and Tippy-Toe gathered squirrels Davis, Naseemo, Porkums and Li'l Busta to help protect Mary, Tomas, Ken, Nancy and Doreen from getting bitten. Morbeck had Doombear, a bear in a Dr. Doom costume, reveal itself to SG and her allies and Morbeck spoke through the bear, revealing she planned to frame Squirrel Girl for the animal and mosquito attacks across the city. Squirrel Girl challenged Morbeck to face her directly and Morbeck did so, speaking over a megaphone and knowing that the media was recording every move. SG, Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi battled the animal army while Mary and Nancy worked on creating an EMP. Tippy shaved off her fur to pose as a rat then ran directly up to Morbeck and detonated the EMP, shorting out her ability to control the animals. Morbeck was arrested and Detective Mike Corson saw that Morbeck was arrested.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#21) – With Mary visiting her family and Nancy and Doreen going on vacation to the Negative Zone, Tomas and Ken were asked to feed Mew, to watch over Brain Drain and to protect the city from crime. Brain Drain tried to fit in with the others but ended up causing problems along the way. After Brain Drain got Ken in trouble with Professor Bravo at Sidekick Coffee while Tomas watched, the three went out on patrol. When the Octopals (Dark Ock, Doctopus, Doctor Cyberock, Pre-Doc Ock) committed crimes, Koi Boi and Chipmunk Hunk stopped three of them but Brain Drain allowed Cyberock to escape. Tomas and Ken asked for some space from Brain Drain, who removed his costume and walked away, and the other Octopals escaped. Chipmunk Hunk and Koi Boi soon saw "Green Goblin" robbing a jewelry store then "Spider-Man" entered to seemingly stop him, and soon they saw "Dr. Strange" stopping "Mephisto" and "Captain Marvel" taking down "Mystique." Relaxing, Tomas and Ken took the night off but woke up to news that the heroes and villains the night before had been fake. They soon discovered that Brain Drain had facial recognition technology that could help them identify heroes and villains. They successfully apprehended criminals dressed as Titania, Kitty Pryde, Rogue, Spider-Man, Shocker, Bullseye and Daredevil before taking down the Octopals. They fought crime all night and got home in time to see Doreen and Nancy make it back.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#22 – BTS) – Nancy and Doreen went to the Savage Land and Tomas and Mary, though jealous, agreed to take notes for them.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#31) – At the mall, Koi Boi, Chipmunk Hunk, Brain Drain, Nancy Whitehead and Squirrel Girl stopped EpicCrimez during a jewelry store robbery that the villain was live-streaming. After he was apprehended, he hit Squirrel Girl and Nancy with an alien ray gun that sped them up into hyper-time. Over the following two days, SG and Nancy aged decades, able only to communicate with their friends through notes. Tomas, Brian and Ken did their best to aid their friends, given the time shifts, over the following days until Doreen and Nancy were finally able to return to the present as their younger selves.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#33 (fb) – BTS) – Tomas told Mary about a secret power he had: to scream in sonics when frightened.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#32) – On a date with Mary, Tomas was invited by Nancy and Doreen to join them in an escape room. Tomas, Brian, Mary, Ken, Nancy and Doreen met Kraven at the airport and invited him to an escape room. At the facility, they saw Howard the Duck leaving then they met the owner of the facility, who had them each of them choose a super hero name. Chipmunk Hunk chose the alias Zorro 2: Better Than Zorro. Calling their team the Justice Pals, the group worked together to get out of the room but they soon discovered the walls were closing in on them.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#33) –
Squirrel Girl
helped the others escape the trap by using her super-strong jaws then
they all took time to recount their individual skills. Chipmunk Hunk
recounted his powers of leaping, storing things in his cheeks,
engineering knowledge and one more he wanted to keep secret. In one
room, Tomas' cheek-stuffing ability helped them. Mary and Kraven
exposed Tomas' scream to help defeat Mojo II, the man responsible for
their death-traps. Outside, Kraven was tackled by police. SG tried
standing up for him but ended up getting them all arrested.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#34) – Squirrel Girl made sure the secret identities of the heroes would stay safe. After time in their cell, the group was taken to court, represented by She-Hulk, while Courtney Alaska prosecuted them. In the end, SG and her friends were found innocent and Kraven was found guilty but he broke out of custody and ran for it.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#35) – Haskel the squirrel guided Nancy, Mary, Tomas, Ken and Brain Drain toward a battle where Squirrel Girl was defending Kraven against Spider-Man. Kraven bid his friends farewell, promising to return as their ally another day.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#37) – After someone posing as Squirrel Girl faked her death, a funeral was held and Doreen's friends attended the fake funeral with Doreen and Nancy in disguise. They saw many heroes and villains give testimonials of the impact SG had on their lives then they showed footage of "Squirrel Girl" dying in a battle alongside the Avengers against the Octobliterator. Back at home, Nancy, Doreen, Tippy, Ken, Mary, Brian and Tomas discussed options and they determined the impostor was likely a Skrull.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#38) – Doreen, Brian, Tomas, Ken, Mary, Tippy and Nancy used personal questions to determine that they weren't Skrulls. The next day, when Iron Man called to check in, they caught him in a lie and realized he was a Skrull.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#39) – Nancy, Doreen, Mary, Tippy, Ken, Tomas and Brian met for coffee and discussed how to detect Skrulls. Mary suggested building a weapons system but the others decided to hack Databus, the A.I. belonging to Tony Stark. The allies worked together to find Tony Stark, who was being held captive by a Skrull woman.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#40) – Squirrel Girl and her friends listened to G'illian Blax'zthor, the Skrull, share her life story about being a defector who was starting a new life and they agreed to help her, with SG even convincing Iron Man to support them. They held a press conference, announcing SG was alive and a Skrull had died. Months later, SG and her friends welcomed a group of Skrull refugees to Earth.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
II#43) – Squirrel Girl took Tippy-Toe, Brain Drain, Nancy, Koi Boi,
Chipmunk Hunk and Mary Mahajan to the Negative Zone to visit Allene
Green then SG disappeared, magically transported back to Earth.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#46) – Brain Drain, Nancy, Mary, Tippy, Ken and Tomas returned from the Negative Zone to see Doreen and Ratatoskr had defeated an invasion of Frost Giants. Loki came to arrest Ratatoskr but Nancy and Doreen argued she should remain free.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#47) – Chipmunk Hunk, Koi Boi, Squirrel Girl and Tippy-Toe worked together to defeat the Leader and his Humanoid robots, with Ken and Tomas calling their team-up "the fish and chips combo platter." Tomas told Doreen how happy he was with Mary as they joined up with Mary, Nancy and Mew and they realized Brain Drain was missing and went looking for him. They realized Brain Drain was sending them coded messages that informed them Melissa Morbeck had kidnapped him. The friends turned on the news and realized that Morbeck had revealed publicly that SG was Doreen Green and Nancy hugged Doreen as she grieved the loss of her privacy. They saw that SG's apartment had been blown up then several of SG's villains attacked, including Blockchain, EpicCrimez, Bug-Eyed Voice, Swarm and Boomerang.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#48) – Squirrel Girl convinced her foes to retreat, stating they wouldn't want to know what she was like if she actually wanted revenge. They returned to the blown-up apartment. SG took Nancy, Tippy, Ken, Mary and Tomas back to confront Morbeck in Central Park, where they were soon joined by Iron Man. Morbeck stole his armor and then began calling herself Iron Ring before she attacked with Whiplash, Leader, Baron Mordo, Fin Fang Foom, Taskmaster, Dormammu, M.O.D.O.K. and Dr. Doom. Brain Drain, in a new enhanced armor, was forced to attack his friends. Chipmunk Hunk leapt in and punched M.O.D.O.K.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#49) – M.O.D.O.K. blasted Chipmunk Hunk back and he was pinned by Brain Drain. After punching Dr. Doom, Chipmunk Hunk evaded Brain Drain's attacks until Tippy-Toe was able to dislodge him then Chipmunk Hunk threw Brain Drain's head into the air. Chipmunk, Koi Boi and Squirrel Girl were nearly overwhelmed in the battle. The Avengers (Black Panther/T'Challa, Blade/Eric Brooks, Captain America/Steve Rogers, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, Ghost Rider/Robbie Reyes, She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters, Thor/Thor Odinson) attacked, having been alerted ot the battle by the media then Morbeck summoned armor for her allies. Soon, SG's allies arrived, including Ratatoskr, Rhino, Ms. Chloe, Kraven the Hunter, Sentinel X-42903-22, G'illian Blax'zthor, Hippo, Sootori, the Chrrt-Chuk, Mole Man, Chef Bear, the Tree Lobster and Alfredo the Chicken. When Dr. Doom announced he had set off a bomb to kill them all, they searched for it but SG threw herself on the bomb to save her friends.
(Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#50) – Squirrel Girl survived the explosion then Galactus arrived to wrap up events, sending the villains to jail. Later, Squirrel Girl and her friends (including Chipmunk Hunk) gathered to celebrate her heroism.
Comments: Created by Ryan North and Erica Henderson.
Profile by Chadman.
Chipmunk Hunk has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#47, p1, pan1 (main)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#6, p9, pan1 (face)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#33, p9, pan1 (stuffed cheeks)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#33, p15, pan6 (sonic scream)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#1-2 (March-April, 2015) - Ryan North
(writer), Erica Henderson (artist), Will Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#4 (June, 2015) - Ryan North (writer), Erica
Henderson, Chris Giarrusso (artists), Will Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl I#6-8 (August-November, 2015) - Ryan North
(writer), Erica Henderson (artist), Will Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#1-2 (December, 2015-January, 2016) - Ryan
North (writer), Erica Henderson (artist), Will Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#8 (July, 2016) - Ryan North (writer), Erica
Henderson, Andy Hirsch (artists), Will Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#10 (September, 2016) - Ryan North (writer),
Erica Henderson, Kyle Starks (artists), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe GN (December,
2016) - Ryan North (writer), Erica Henderson (penciler), Tom Fowler
(inker), Will Moss (editor)
New Avengers IV#18 (January, 2017) - Al Ewing (writer), Carlo Barberi
(artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#16 (March, 2017) - Ryan North, Will Murray
(writers), Erica Henderson (penciler), Steve Ditko (inker), Will Moss
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#17-21, 25 (April-August, December, 2017) -
Ryan North (writer), Erica Henderson (artist), Will Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#31 (June, 2018) - Ryan North (writer),
Erica Henderson (artist), Will Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#32-33 (July-August, 2018) - Ryan North
(writer), Derek Charm (artist), Will Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#34-35, 37-40 (September-October, 2018;
December, 2018-March, 2019) - Ryan North (writer), Derek Charm
(artist), Will Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#43, 46-47 (June, September-October, 2019) -
Ryan North (writer), Derek Charm (artist), Will Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#48 (November, 2019) - Ryan North (writer),
Derek Charm, Michael Cho, Evan Shaner (artists), Wil Moss (editor)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl II#49-50 (December, 2019-January, 2020) - Ryan
North (writer), Derek Charm (artist), Will Moss (editor)
First Posted: 09/04/2020
Last updated: 09/04/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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