Name: Parkerov, first name unrevealed (see comments)
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality human (Earth-31886), possibly mutate
Occupation: News photographer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Bettina Bronski;
(only as Parkerov): Georgi
Enemies: (only as Comrade Arachnid): Georgi
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed, possibly Moscow, Russia
First Appearance: Marvel Year-In-Review '93#5 (December 1993)
Powers/Abilities: Comrade Arachnid possessed the proportionate powers of a spider, and had webslingers which he could use to project webbing from which to swing.
Height: 5'10" (by approximation)
Weight: 167 lbs. (by
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Year-In-Review '93) - When an explosion happened at
the People's Tractor Factory, newspaper editor Georgi ordered his
photographer Parkerov to get over there immediately. Feeling that
failing to meet Bettina Bronski at the Collective Discussion would be
most uncomradely, Parkerov tried to decline, but Georgi was having none
of it, adding that if Parkerov could get a picture of the "so-called"
Comrade Arachnid, he would be given an additional 20 rubles. Parkerov
queried why Comrade Arachnid would be there, and Georgi proclaimed he
was sure Comrade Arachnid would have his capitalist claws in the
situation somehow. Realizing the only way to get to the factory on time
was as his alter-ego, Parkerov changed into Comrade Arachnid as soon as
he left Georgi, but as he swung across the city he reminded himself that
despite his incredible powers he was no better or worse than his
comrades, the heroic proletariat.
Comments: Created by Ken Levine and Marc Sairy.
Only his surname is given in the story, but
I'd lay odds his first name is Piotr, the Russian version of Peter. The
story provides no hard evidence as to his physical stats, but since he's
clearly based on Spider-Man I have ASSumed he shares Peter Parker's
height, weight, eye and hair color. How'd this guy miss Spider-Verse?
Profile by Loki.
Comrade Arachnid is an alternate
reality counterpart to, but should not be confused with:
He has no known connections to:
Georgi was Parkerov's superior at the newspaper and was suspicious of Comrade Arachnid, believing him to be a secret capitalist. He ordered Parkerov to get photos of the factory explosion aftermath, and if possible ones that included Comrade Arachnid.
--Marvel Year-In-Review '93#5
images: (without ads)
Marvel Year-In-Review '93#5,
p14, pan4 (main image)
Marvel Year-In-Review '93#5,
p14, pan3 (headshot)
Marvel Year-In-Review '93#5,
p14, pan1 (Georgi)
Marvel Year-In-Review '93#5
(December 1992) - Ken Levine (writer), Marc Sairy (pencils), Evan Skolnick
First Posted: 07/31/2020
Last updated: 07/31/2020
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