Real Name: Jonathan Cruz
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Unrevealed; former criminal
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Daredevil (Matt Murdock), Doris, Leila
Enemies: Brock, Goodwin, Victor Lanza, Tommy
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, New York
First Appearance: Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 (September, 2013)
Powers/Abilities: Jonny Cruz is a gambling addict and relatively ineffective conman and thief.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#1 (fb) - BTS) - Young Hannah Larue was hospitalized, needing a heart transplant, while under the care of doctors Field and Snyder (also treating Canwell), and nurses Paco and Kate (who worked for Chandler Costello and with Kwame O'Neal), while her parents Simon and Maria waiting at her side. When a young boy (Nathan) died, his heart was rushed via helicopter with the help of Jerry and Joey, but the helicopter crashed.
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 (fb) - BTS) - Jonny Cruz, a known gambling addict, conman, and thief, was accused of murder, but Matt Murdock got him off because Cruz was innocent. After being acquitted, Cruz refused Murdock's help to get back on his feet and bailed on rehab, then he got into debt with Victor Lanza and began missing payments back to the man.
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#3 (fb) - BTS) - Cruz began running a women's shelter, helping people like Leila and Doris. His debts to Mr. Lanza were associated with taking on debts for one of the women there.
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#2) - Cruz was in his shop during a blizzard when Mr. Lanza sent Brock and Tommy, to teach him a lesson for being behind in payments. Tommy taunted Jonny while Brock beat him. (Meanwhile, Ronnie and Sid found the crashed helicopter, and they saw Talbot).
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#3 (fb) - BTS) - After escaping from Lanza's men, including Goodwin, Jonny heard from Leila that Daredevil had saved her from an attacker. They got Daredevil safe and warm, then Jonathan took Daredevil's case, having heard on the news that it contained a heart needed for a girl's heart transplant, and went to move it to the hospital, hoping to save the life of Hannah Larue. Outside, he was picked up by Mr. Lanza's men, and they beat him up and tied him to a chair.
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#3) - Jonny was roughed up by Lanza's men when he refused to tell them where their real debtor was. Daredevil burst in and saved Jonny, getting him to safety at the hospital. Before Jonny collapsed, he gave Daredevil comforting words. (Meanwhile, Rita worked at the police station.)
Comments: Created by Lee Weeks.
Profile by Chadman.
Jonny Cruz should not be confused with:
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(Daredevil: Dark Nights#2) - Brock and Tommy, enforcers working for Victor Lanza, were sent to rough up Jonny Cruz, a man who owed money. Tommy taunted Jonny while Brock beat him. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 |
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#1 - BTS) - Mr. Canwell received his medication at the hospital.
--[Daredevil: Dark Nights#1]
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#1 (fb) ) - Nathan was going on vacation with his family when they were in a car accident. Braindead in the hospital, Nathan donated his organs as his parents grieved. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#1 (fb) |
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(Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 - BTS) - Hospital administrator met with nurse Kate to discuss an incident in the hospital, but Kate lied about how events went to cover for the hero Daredevil.
--[Daredevil: Dark Nights#2]
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(Daredevil: Dark Nights#3 (fb) - BTS) - A tenant at a women's shelter, Doris heard from Leila that Daredevil had saved her from an attacker. They got Daredevil safe and warm, then Jonathan Cruz (who ran the shelter) took Daredevil's case, having heard on the news that it contained a heart needed for a girl's heart transplant, and went to move it to the hospital. They soon worried that Jonathan had run into the attacker, who worked for Mr. Lanza. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#3) - Daredevil woke up and Leila and the others greeted him, but Daredevil rushed on to find Jonathan and the heart. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#3 ([Daredevil: Dark Nights#3 (fb)], 3 |
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#2) - Dr. Field treated Hannah Larue, who desperately needed a heart transplant, but the helicopter carrying her heart had crashed in a blizzard. Simon and Maria, the parents, panicked and Field did his best to comfort them. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 |
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(Daredevil: Dark Nights#3) - An employee of Mr. Lanza, Goodwin joined others in kidnapping Jonny Cruz and trying to beat him for information on debts, but Daredevil defeated Goodwin and the others. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#3 |
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#1) - Jerry and his co-pilot took a helicopter to deliver a heart to a little girl needing an operation, despite the fact that there was a blizzard in New York City. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 (fb) - BTS) - The helicopter crashed and Jerry was killed on impact. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#2) - Daredevil saw Jerry's corpse as he pulled the heart from the copter. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#1 (Daredevil: Dark Nights#1, [2 (fb)], 2 |
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(Daredevil: Dark Nights#1 (fb) ) - Joey handed over a child's organs to be delivered by helicopter pilots to New York City. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#1 (fb) |
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 (fb) - BTS) - Victor Lanza provided a loan to criminal Jonny Cruz, but Jonny ran short on payments, so Lanza sent his enforcers, Brock and Tommy, to remind Jonny who was boss.
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#3 - BTS) - Lanza's men attacked Jonny Cruz again, seeking intel, but Daredevil defeated them.
--Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 ([Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 (fb)], [3]
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(Daredevil: Dark Nights#1) - Hannah waited in her hospital bed, fighting for her life, while the helicopter carrying her heart crashed in a blizzard. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#2) - Hannah lay unconscious in the hospital while her parents Simon and Maria Larue anguished over the missing helicopter. Dr. Field tried reassuring them. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#3) - The heart was delivered to Hannah and she made a full recovery. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#1 (Daredevil: Dark Nights#1-3 |
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 (fb) - BTS) - Businessman Simon Larue took care of his wife, Maria, and daughter, Hannah. He once did a favor for the Kingpin, knowing he could call in that favor at anytime in the future. Hannah grew very ill and needed a heart transplant. They got word that a heart had become available across the country, and a helicopter rushed to them in a blizzard to deliver it, as Hannah had only hours to live. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#2) - Simon was furious with Dr. Field, impatient for news on the helicopter, and Maria consoled him, seeking to convince her husband not to try to take Hannah to a new hospital. In a panic, Simon began calling in favors wherever he could to locate the helicopter. After getting news that the heart was still viable, he called in the Kingpin, asking him to send his men to find the heart. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#3) - Simon and Maria Larue panicked as Hannah's time ran out. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 ([Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 (fb)], 2-3 |
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(Daredevil: Dark Nights#2) - During a blizzard in New York, Leila was attacked by an armed man in her women's shelter, but Daredevil broke in and saved her. Leila fled in fear as the hero collapsed. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#3 (fb) - BTS) - Leila returned with help, including Doris, and they got Daredevil warm and in a bed. Jonathan Cruz, who ran the shelter, took Daredevil's case, having heard on the news that it contained a heart needed for a girl's heart transplant, and went to move it to the hospital. They soon worried that Jonathan had run into the attacker, who worked for Mr. Lanza. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#3) - Daredevil woke up and Leila and the others greeted him, but Daredevil rushed on to find Jonathan and the heart. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 (Daredevil: Dark Nights#2, [3 (fb)], 3 |
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#2) - A security officer at the hospital, Kwame O'Neal was bribed with Knicks tickets by nurse Paco to erase some footage off a security tape. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 |
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(Daredevil: Dark Nights#1) - Nurse Paco flirted with nurse Kate while they tried opening up a briefcase assigned to an amnesiac patient. After the man woke up and broke up a fight with patients, he said he'd overheard doctors on another floor talking about a little girl, Hannah Larue, who was waiting for a heart, but the helicopter carrying her organ transplant had crashed. Paco opened the briefcase just then to find the Daredevil costume inside. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#2) - Paco bribed Kwame O'Neal, head of security, to rease the footage of Matt Murdock escaping the hospital, giving him basketball tickets to do so. Kate then lied to administrator Chandler Costello. She was impressed with Paco's resourcefulness. Later, they looked out on the storm and worried about the hero. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#3) - Paco and Kate tracked the heart through a monitor in its casing. Soon, Daredevil arrived with the heart, saving the day. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#1 (Daredevil: Dark Nights#1-3 |
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#3) - At the police station, Rita monitored civilian movement during a massive blizzard. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#3 |
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(Daredevil: Dark Nights#2) - When a helicopter carrying a heart for a small girl needing a transplant, Ronnie and Sid were sent out to find it in a blizzard, and they discovered the copter on a bridge. They soon saw Daredevil saving one of the pilots from the water. (Daredevil: Dark Nights#3) - Ronnie and Sid directed Talbot and others toward the helicopter. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#2 (Daredevil: Dark Nights#2-3 |
(Daredevil: Dark Nights#1) - Dr. Snyder worked in an emergency room during a massive blizzard in New York City. An amnesiac patient (Matt Murdock) lashed out at Snyder while he was being examined, knocking the doctor to the floor. He ordered the patient sedated. Down the hall, Mr. Canwell was receiving his medication. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#1 |
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(Daredevil: Dark Nights#3) - Kingpin sent men, including Talbot, out to find a helicopter that had crashed in a blizzard. Ronnie and Sid pointed them in the right direction. --Daredevil: Dark Nights#3 |
images: (without ads)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#2, p2, pan5 (Jonny, main)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#2, p1, pan3 (Jonny, 2nd)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#2, p2, pan2 (Brock and Tommy)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#3, p12, pan3 (Doris)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#2, p7, pan3 (Dr. Field)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#3, p15, pan7 (Goodwin)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#1, p14, pan3 (Jerry)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#1, p14, pan2 (Joey)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#1, p16, pan4 (Hannah Larue)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#2, p7, pan3 (Simon and Maria Larue)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#3, p12, pan5 (Leila)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#1, p9, pan2 (Nathan)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#2, p9, pan6 (Kwame O’Neal)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#1, p15, pan3-4 (Paco and Kate)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#3, p5, pan3 (Rita)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#2, p12, pan4 (Ronnie and Sid)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#1, p6, pan1 (Dr. Snyder)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#3, p4, pan2 (Talbot)
Daredevil: Dark Nights#1-3 (August-October, 2013) - Lee Weeks (writer/artist), Tom Brennan (editor)
First Posted: 03/03/2020
Last updated: 03/03/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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