Classification: Semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Presumably in relative proximity to the original location of the Red Hole of Dargalla
Known Members: None identified;
presumably extinct
Affiliations: None revealed;
they manipulated the Omegex somewhat, but were not allies
Enemies: Kryihd race, Omegex
First Appearance: Hulk#29/2 (March, 2011)
Powers/Abilities: The Dargallans were not shown to have any particular superhuman abilities.
At least some of them wielded a staff-like weapon.
Traits: Little is known of the Dargallans
beyond the fact that they warred fiercely against the Kryihd and that
when faced with destruction, they were willing to achieve a measure of
vengeance at the expense of the rest of the universe.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric semi-humanoid bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; eye color not seen)
Fingers: (Seen only in shadow, but apparently) four (plus opposing thumb)
Toes: Unrevealed
Skin color: Green
Average height: Unrevealed
(Hulk#29/2 (fb) - BTS) - Two vast civilizations nearly as old as the Watchers, the Dargallans and the Kryihd, were at war.
After aeons (see comments),
the Kryihd fell. In desperation, the Kryihd approved a weapon they had
considered unthinkable. They imploded one of their own planets, thus
creating the engine of destruction that would become the Red Hole.
Rather than pulling in matter, however, the Red Hole only pulled in life force, combining and restructuring it until a critical limit was reached.
That dynamo would ultimately eject the Omegex: Imprinting on the target species, the Omegex could find its natives anywhere in the universe. There was no escape from this living weapon, as it found every offspring of its enemy and killed until that species was obliterated.
The Omegex vanquished the Dargallans, but they managed one last sabotage: The Dargallans altered the Red Hole, where the Omegex was to return and be deconstructed.
Instead, the process began anew, and in a few
eons it built a new Omegex, that wiped out its original creators, the
(Hulk#28/2 (fb)- BTS / Hulk#29/2) - Seeking vengeance on the Red Hulk (Thaddeus Ross) for having physically struck him, Uatu the Watcher traveled to the region of the Red Hole of Dargalla, leading the forming Omegex to sense the Hulk's energies and travel to Earth in order to destroy him.
Numerous dead aliens lay on the ground at Uatu's feet, including one that might be a Dargallan (bottom left).
Comments: Created by Jeff Parker and Ben Oliver.
Aeon is just a fancy spelling of
eon, which often is used to reference a long period of time for
exaggeration of comedic effect, but it does specifically mean 1 billion
It's possible the Dargallans indeed warred for a billion years, or it could just be hyperbole...
Profile by Snood.
The Dargallans should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Hulk#28/2, pg. 6, panel 3 (possible Dargallan corpse);
#29/2, pg. 4, panel 2 (Dargallan, oblique profile);
panel 5 (Omegex in Dargallan form)
Hulk#28-29 (February-March, 2011): second stories: Jeff Parker
(writer), Ben Oliver (artist), Jordan D. White (assistant editor), Mark
Paniccia (editor)
First posted: 08/09/2019
Last updated: 08/09/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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