Real Name: Apparently Shu-Hu
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (K'un-Lun) warrior;
allegedly the distant past (see comments), World War I, pre-modern, and modern era (and presumably all era in between, although only those confirmed/shown are listed)
Occupation: Leader of the House of Wolf, warrior
Group Membership: Council of Liu-Shi
(Choshin/House of Bull, Haichun/House of Bear, Patience/House of Rabbit, Qi/House of Snake, Seng/House
of Eel, Yue/House of Rat), Liu-Shi's House of Wolf, people of Liu-Shi;
formerly the people of K'un-Lun
Affiliations: Eel of the Blessed Waters,
Haichun, Hark, Long-Armed Bull, Mountain-Slaying Bear, Patience, Qi,
Rabbit of Holy Flame, Rat of 12 Plagues, Resourceful Snake, Seng, Yu-Ti
(any predecessor to Tuan/Tu-An), Yue
formerly Choshin, Yu-Ti (presumably Tuan/Tu-An; see comments);
at least formerly Quan Yaozu
(they were once the two mightiest warriors seeking the same goal; it is
unclear whether Shu-Hu considered him an ally at any point, and whether
Shu-Hu considered him an enemy (or at least resented him) at any point
after his defeat);
unrevealed associations with Lei Kung the Thunderer, Master Khan, etc.
Enemies: Choshin, Iron Fist (Daniel Rand-K'ai), Quan, Shou-Lao, Yu-Ti (presumably Tuan/Tu-An; see comments), Yu-Ti (Nu-An), multiple unidentified Iron Fists that he defeated and/or slew;
presumably the H'ylthri;
he presumably despised Phineas and Orson Randall; and likely his robotic successor, the One
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Lightning (translation of Shu-Hu);
formerly the One
Base of Operations: Liu-Shi island, unrevealed location on Earth;
formerly K'un-Lun
First Appearance: (Behind-the-scenes, unidentified, involvement in plot)
Iron Fist V#1 (May, 2017)
(Identified and seen, cloaked) Iron Fist V#2 (June, 2017);
(Uncloaked, nature as Shu-Hu revealed) Iron Fist V#5 (September, 2017)
Powers/Abilities: Shu-Hu is a supremely talented martial artist. He can harness his chi into energy claws he can extend from his body.
Among his attacks were the "Falling Night Front
Kick," which looked to be a side-sweeping kick; and the "Raging Tiger
Claw Slash," which apparently utilized some of his chi energy in a
downward arm slash.
Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 6'10" or taller)
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 375 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed (likely brown)
Hair: Head shaved or bald (likely originally black)
(Iron Fist V#5 (fb) - BTS) - In
the past, when the dragon Shou-Lao attacked K'un-Lun, it was decided
that the city's champion would face the dragon to protect their people.
(Iron Fist V#5 (fb)) - Shu-Hu
and Quan Yaozu were the most skilled fighters in the village; they
fought for hours, pushing each other to their breaking points. In the
end Quan Yaozu narrowly won.
(Iron Fist V#5 (fb)) -While Quan
Yaozu became Iron Fist, Shu-Hu became "the One," the final challenge
for those on a quest to become Iron Fist.
(Iron Fist V#5 (fb) - BTS) -
Shu-Hu thusly destroyed many a dream, not to mention life, of those who
were unworthy of the mantle of Iron Fist.
Though honored by this, Shu-Hu was
frustrated that his station meant that he could never become Iron Fist,
no matter how often he proved himself worthy.
(Iron Fist V#5 (fb)) - After Phineas Randall arrived in K'un-Lun
circa 1898, Yu-Ti (presumably Tuan), interested in tales of Earth from
Phineas Randall, wished to experience Earth
himself and, in exchange, he agreed to order Shu-Hu to lose to Phineas' son, Orson, so that Orson could be the next Iron Fist.
(Iron Fist V#5 (fb)) - After the Yu-Ti instructed Shu-Hu
thusly, Shu-Hu refused to take part in what he saw as corruption of the
city he loved, and he departed K'un-Lun, eventually discovering and traveling to
Earth's Liu-Shi island where he eventually renamed himself the Divine Wolf.
(Iron Fist V#4 (fb) - BTS) - Ten years after
Shu-Hu had departed from K'un-Lun, a large group of K'un-Lun natives
departed for similar reasons, feeling that their Yu-Ti had corrupted
their beliefs but that they lacked the numbers to stand and fight
Yu-Ti's forces.
These former K'un-Lunians also traveled to Liu-Shi, which they felt promised to be a better K'un-Lun for all of them.
(Iron Fist V#4 (fb) - BTS) - When Iron Fist (Daniel
Rand-K'ai) exposed the One as a robot, more turned their back on
K'un-Lun, and the numbers on Liu-Shi swelled, but with greater numbers
came discord, and the island split into seven factions, initially said
to be in honor of the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven.
(Iron Fist V#4 (fb) - BTS) - The seven masters, aka the
Council of Liu-Shi, united the island toward the goal of destroying the
current Iron Fist (Daniel Rand-K'ai) and claiming the title for
Liu-Shi. With this accomplished, they would move to reclaim K'un-Lun.
(Iron Fist V#2) - The Council of Liu-Shi resolved to
bring Iron Fist (Daniel Rand-K'ai) to participate in a tournament
involving each of the champions of their houses. 
that the corrupt Yu-Ti (Nu-An) had arranged Rand's victory, they were
certain their champions could defeat him, which would allow them to
absorb his chi, the chi of Shou-Lao the Undying.
At this point they
would then have a champion of the Seven Heavenly Cities amongst their
ranks, which would be their path to replacing K'un-Lun as the Seventh
Heavenly City.
(Iron Fist V#1 - BTS) - Choshin, head of the House of Bull, sought out Iron Fist
(Daniel Rand-K'ai), convincing him to come to Liu-Shi to participate in
a tournament to against "those whose skills are equal to your own in a
place where Kung Fu is held above all else."
(Iron Fist V#2 - BTS) - Iron Fist was introduced to the
the other six members of the Council, who expressed hope that his
participation in their tournament would grant them legitimacy.
of the House of the Rabbit explained that the Divine Wolf was not there
as he represented his own house in the tournament and wanted time to
prepare for the competition.
Patience provided the final information to
convince the suspicious Iron Fist to participate, telling him he could
absorb the chi of the other challengers if he was victorious,
replenishing his own seemingly depleted supply.
(Iron Fist V#2) - After Iron Fist won the first
challenge, defeating the Eel of the Blessed Waters, the House of the
Eel's head, Seng, railed against Iron Fist's right to compete.
The Divine Wolf asked if this Iron Fist was not worthy, how
had he defeated the Eel's champion, and what did that say about Seng
and his temple.
When Seng retorted, noting that the Wolf would be the
final challenge after the other champions had weakened him, the Wolf
grabbed Seng by the throat, reminding him that Iron Fist would have by
then accumulated the chi from the six defeated champions.
The Wolf
further noted that Seng's misunderstanding indicated that he understood
the stakes of the challenge even less than the Wolf had previously
The Wolf advised the others that, even if he was
illegitimate, that this Iron Fist had proven himself a capable opponent
and should not be underestimated. He finished by advising his fellow
council members that those who were too sure of themselves were
destined to fall at theh ands of those with something to prove. 
Patience reminded her associates that they were all
after the same thing and that they needed to prove themselves better
than the corruption of K'un-Lun.
After Choshin assured the others that
Rand would be defeated and that they would achieve their goal, the
Divine Wolf joined the others in proudly proclaiming, "To Liu-Shi!"
(Iron Fist V#3) - The Divine Wolf remained silent as
Patience chided Haichun for mocking Yue after the defeat of his house's
Rat of 12 Plagues at Iron Fist's hands.
(Iron Fist V#3 - BTS) - Unwilling to take the chance
that Iron Fist might defeat all of their chances, Chosin arranged with
Quan and other allies to murder Iron Fist's guide of Liu-Shi, Hark, and
frame Iron Fist for his death.
After Iron Fist defeated the Resourceful
Snake, Quan and his agents ambushed Iron Fist and Hark, slitting Hark's
throat and using a flaming gas to burn up Iron Fist's chi, which would
leave him comatose for days. Before they could take the weakened Iron
Fist to the Council, however, Quan and his men were ambushed and
incapacitated by the Rabbit of Holy Flame.
(Iron Fist V#4) - When Choshin and Quan reported Iron
Fist's alleged, murderous actions to the Council and demanded an end to
the trial and punishment for Rand, the Divine Wolf insisted the
outlander would complete the trial, noting that to disqualify him after
he had beaten three of their champions would make them look weak and
afraid. Arguing that they were not weak nor afraid of any, the Wolf
assured them that Rand would die by his hands at the trial's
conclusion, which would be held in the city, where they could supervise
him and he could not cheat.
(Iron Fist V#4 - BTS) - Choshin met with Haichun,
convincing him that while he believed the Divine Wolf could defeat Iron
Fist, that this would only benefit the Divine Wolf, and that they could
send their own champions, the Mountain-Slaying Bear and the Long-Armed
Bull to attack in unison and destroy Iron Fist together for the people
of Liu-Shi.
After Iron Fist fully recovered, the Rabbit of Holy Flame challenged him and was defeated.
The Long-Armed Bull and Mountain-Slaying Bear then
arrived to battle Iron Fist in unison, but he defeated them both and
instructed the Rabbit to take him to the Council.
(Iron Fist V#5) - After the Rabbit confirmed that he had
seen Choshin's men murder Hark with the goal of framing Iron Fist, the
Wolf noted that Iron Fist could only depart if he survived the final trial: Iron Fist and the Wolf, to the death.
Within the arena, the finally uncloaked Wolf
denounced Daniel as a false champion, explaining his origins and past
history as Shu-Hu of the Challenge of the One.
The Wolf further explained tha the mantle of Iron
Fist was never meant for outworlders; it was meant for the people of
K'un-Lun so they could protect themselves against those who'd seek to
bring them harm. He supported this point by noting how the previous
Iron Fists from Earth departed K'un-Lun and returned to Earth at their
earliest opportunities. As the realm now lied in ruins, it was time for
its people to take back what was theirs.
As Iron Fist leapt forward to challenge him, the
Wolf caught both of his wrists and drained the chi taken from their
island, advising Rand that if he was really deserving of the title of
Iron Fist, he would have to survive the true Challenge of the One.
The Wolf pummeled Daniel and instructed him to
yield, and when Daniel refused, Shu-Hu told him when he got to Hell to
be sure to say "Hello" to the Yu-Ti.
However, rallying to the challenge
and not wanting to deprive K'un-Lun of its champion, Daniel summoned
his chi and smashed back Shu-Hu with the Iron Fist. However, as Rand
prepared to finish off the stunned Wolf, Choshin had his archers strike
Rand in the chest with a trio of arrows.
Choshin ordered the archers to
end the fallen Iron Fist, but the Wolf jumped in their path, knocking
them back and accusing Choshin of having tainted the quest he had been
working toward for more than a century.
When Choshin argued that with the Wolf's failed
effort to soothe his wounded ego, he was doing what had to be done.
Stopping short of fatally choking Choshin, the Wolf denounced him as a
traitor and ordered the guards to be locked and held under guard until
he could be tried for the murder of Hark.
Choshin questioned whether he
would believe an outworlder over one of his own, but the Wolf
instructed the guards to take him away before he changed his mind about
killing him here and now.
Although the Wolf offered to resume the battle when
Iron Fist was rested and healed, Iron Fist refused to wait, and as he
pulled the arrows out, he reaffirmed that he was the Iron Fist,
K'un-Lun's champion, and that he would lay down his life to protect his
Accepting this as he felt the result would be the
same regardless, the Wolf stepped forward and prepared to drop Iron
Fist, but Rand -- now using the purpose of fighting for K'un-Lun to tap
into his chi -- caught his fist and battered the Wolf repeatedly,
knocking him to the ground.
The Wolf refused to yield, and so Iron Fist
beat him and tried to force his surrender. However, the Rabbit
interrupted the fight, announcing the Wolf's defeat and that Daniel
Rand-K'ai had won the Trial of the Seven Masters and had proven himself
the true Iron Fist.
(Iron Fist V#5 - BTS) - Daniel Rand-K'ai departed
Liu-Shi, acknowledging that K'un-Lun needed help, and that he would do
his best to help them.
Comments: Created by Ed Brisson & Mike Perkins.
I feel like the stories about the corrupt Yu-Ti
were intended to be about Nu-An, but we know that Nu-An didn't become
Yu-Ti until after the death of his father Tuan (or Tu-An), and that
Tuan was still the Yu-Ti when Wendell Rand defeated Davos approximately
30 years ago. So, it had to be Tuan (or possibly a predecessor) that
was Yu-Ti when Shu-Hu (and later the larger groups) departed.
I really dislike the idea of the One being a more
fierce test than Shou-Lao, but it didn't start in this series, Kaare
Andrews did that in his Iron Fist: The Living Weapon series.
Profile by Snood.
The Divine Wolf should be distinguished from:
- The One, his robotic successor--Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#1
But has no known connections to:
- ONE ( ) - Stealth Inc.--Marvel Fanfare I#54
- O.N.E. (Cal Cooper, Herrera, Gen. Demetrius Lazer, Col. Miguel Reyes, Col. James
Rhodes, Sentinel Squad, Truman) - OFFICE of NATIONAL EMERGENCY--Uncanny X-Men#466
- ONE, the - contains all the data of the Watchers--Fantastic Force#7
- ONE, the - leader of the Sept, superior to Abdul Kazir--[Hulk comic#15/3]
- ONE, of ONE and TWO - extraterrestrials, assigned to guard
hybrid alien corn, opposed the Ancients, took form of two white males
in black suits and ties--Incredible Hulk III#21
- Divinity of Counter Earth-Franklin - sentient entity, possible association with
Darkforce, former agent of Dreaming Celestial, captured by Dr. Doom and used to defend Counter Earth from
Celestial, defeated by Fantastic Four, imprisoned back on Counter Earth
Possess + control others on contact--Heroes Reborn: Doomsday,
(named) HR:Ashema
- QUEEN DIVINE JUSTICE (Ce’athauna Asira Davin, aka
Chante’ Giovanni Brown) – daughter of Damola, raised by Toyasi after
father’s death, grew up in Chicago, descended from Wakandan tribe,
worshipped by Jabari tribe, grew up in New York City, drafted into
Dora Milaje to replace Nakia, conned Hulk out of battling Black
Panther, involved in struggle against Killmonger, romantic interest of
Vibraxis--Black Panther III#14
- WOLF ( ) - Quentin Carnival, dwarf, greater
than 200 years old-Spirits of Vengeance#1
- WOLF ( ) - Thunderiders, Latino male--Captain America I#269
- WOLF - see LUPINAR--Hulk!
- WOLF (
) - 'Vores--Marvel Comics Presents#52/3
- WOLF - see VOLK--Wolverine '97 Annual
- WOLF ( ) - newsman--Inhumans V#3
- WOLF - see FERRET; original name considered before meeting with Leo Zalinsky--Amazing Spider-Man I#502
- wolf of Texas Ranger Ghost Rider - pet wolf of...you, know--Ghost Rider VI#33
- WOLF of Earth-93060 - see Apocaloff,
Nikolai--Night Man I#7
- other "Divine," "Wolf," or One characters
images: (without ads)
Iron Fist V#2, story pg. 10, panel 4 (cloaked face);
#5, story pg. 5 (upper body, arms raised, ties flowing);
pg. 6, panel 1 (vs. Quan Yaozu);
pg. 7, panel 1 (as the One);
panel 2 (as the One, standing over a fallen Iron Fist);
pg. 8, panel 2 (unmasked, arguing with Yu-Ti);
pg. 9, panel 1 (masked face);
pg. 10, panel 1-2 (catching Iron Fist (Rand)'s hands, draining the chi obtained on Liu-Shi);
panel 3-4 (with energy claws, challenging Iron Fist);
pg. 11, panel 6 (raging tiger claw slash)
Iron Fist V#1-5 (May-September, 2017) - Ed Brisson (writer), Mike Perkins
(artist), Kathleen Wisneski (assistant editors), Jake Thomas (editor)
First posted: 05/16/2019
Last updated: 05/16/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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