Classification: Restaurant (possibly alternate reality)
Creator: Unrevealed
First Appearance: S.H.I.E.L.D.III#10 (November, 2015)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: Duck Bucket is a
apparently a fast food restaurant serving duck as its feature item. It
notably serves fried duck, bacon duck, and cheesy duck with ranch salad
dressing, presumably along with various other forms. Duck Bucket also
features ranch vinaigrette as an apparently popular topping / dipping
(S.H.I.E.L.D.III#10 (fb) - BTS) - The Multiversal "Spider-Verse" conflict involving numerous alternate reality Spider-beings fighting the spider-totem-eating Inheritors led to progressive spatial anomalies -- an epidemic of strange coincidences, probability distortions, shifting spatial anomalies, etc. -- that apparently threatened the entire Multiverse. After the "Zipper Unripper" (a
talisman from a parallel Earth that could be used to mend the
"Omniversal zipper") was spat out by the chaos, Earth-616's S.H.I.E.L.D.
mystic agent Jeremiah Warrick determined that it could only be utilized
to mend the damage by a being from an alternate reality.
It was
determined that Howard the Duck could be that being, and so S.H.I.E.L.D.'s
Leo Fitz arranged for himself and Warrick to meet with Howard.
(S.H.I.E.L.D.III#10) - Howard
traveled to the address at which they were to meet (somewhere in
Brooklyn around Ocean and 17th) and was appalled to find the site a
Duck Bucket restaurant.
When the angry Howard entered the
restaurant and confronted the order taker, who feared Howard was there
seeking vengeance. Howard told him to relax, assuring his resemblance
to "the luckless slobs on your kiddie menu was only feather-deep."
Howard then explained that he he was there for S.H.I.E.L.D., which
further confused the order-taker. As Howard told the young man he
didn't know it was possible for him to play any dumber and warned him
not to try to tell him the secret entrance was through the fryer
basked, he was confronted by the obese Ducanard of Earth-15110, who felt he was born to
create a perfect pate from the blended livers of one single duck who
existed in many forms across diverse realities (and who had been
slaying Howard the Ducks across the Multiverse in the process of
After dodging Ducanard's attacks
and fighting back with ranch vinaigrette, Fitz called out to Howard
from behind a curtain and led him into the S.H.I.E.L.D. base. When Howard expressed his frustration at their use of the one S.H.I.E.L.D.
base guaranteed to offend him, Fitz didn't understand. When Howard
complained about it being a duck restaurant, Fitz assured him that it
was not a duck restaurant and opened the curtain, revealing some other
sort of store (perhaps a dry cleaning / laundry store).
Fitz then explained about the recent reality warps, and they enlisted Howard's aid in resolving them,
(S.H.I.E.L.D.III#10 - BTS) - Aided by the cross-dimensional Legion of Howards, Howard and Fitz used the Zipper Unripper to close the Omniversal Zipper on the powerful Liverer (ending the Multiversal threat) before returning to Earth-616.
Comments: Created by Mark Waid and Evan "Doc" Shaner.
Apparently Fitz did not choose a
SHIELD base operating from out of the back of a Duck Bucket
restaurant...but the Multiversal warping caused the site to become Duck
Bucket. However, we have no idea what reality Duck Bucket exists in.
Perhaps it is Ducanard's Reality-15110...perhaps not...and, if not,
what was he doing there...perhaps he was just targeting Howard and had
no business with Duck Bucket.
Profile by Snood.
Duck Bucket should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads):
S.H.I.E.L.D.III#10, story pg. 2, panel 2 (exterior);
panel 3 (seating);
panel 4 (ordering);
pg. 3, panel 3 (Ducanard);
pg. 4, panel 6 (not Duck Bucket)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First posted: 11/23/2020
Last updated: 11/23/2020
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