(of Earth-1610)
Real Name: Theodore Sallis
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality
(Earth-1610) human mutate
Occupation: Former scientist
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Reed Richards, Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (both loosely)
Enemies: A.I.M. (possibly-see comments), Lizard (Curt Connors)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Ted"
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: Ultimate Marvel Team-Up I#10
(January, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: The Man-Thing is superhumanly strong and moves more rapidly than his bulky appearance would suggest. His empathic senses can detect human emotion, most notably fear, and his touch can burn anyone who is sufficiently fearful. With the consciousness of Ted Sallis either submerged or destroyed, the Man-Thing apparently acts solely on instinct and reaction to his empathic senses.
Height: 7'9"
Weight: 507 lbs. (by approximation) (see comments)
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
History: (Official Handbook of the
Ultimate Marvel Universe: Fantastic Four & Spider-Man 2005 -
Man-Thing entry - BTS) - Theodore "Ted" Sallis was a scientist who was
with guarding an experimental serum. The purpose and the creator of
the serum remain were unrevealed, although it was speculated that
had a hand in its creation. When operatives in the employee of an
unidentified party (see comments) tried to steal
the serum, the scientist injected it into himself and was transformed
into a mindless creature composed of swamp life and sewer waste. Ted
began to wander into the US sewers and
waterways, and was occasionally drawn to human fear. People who
survived the encounter
with the monster called him Man-Thing.
Marvel Team-Up I#10/Ultimatum: Spider-Man-Requiem#2 (fb)) - In the
sewers of New York, Man-Thing stumbled upon
Spider-Man and Lizard. Lizard tried to attack the mysterious creature
but failed to harm it. Man-Thing's touch transformed the Lizard back to
human form and after that, the mutate disappeared.
Fantastic Four I#7 (fb)/Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel
Universe: Fantastic Four & Spider-Man 2005 - Man-Thing entry - BTS)
- Under unrevealed circumstances,
Man-Thing's consciousness was touched by Reed Richards' mind shortly
after Reed was empowered in
the Negative Zone alongside Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm and Sue Storm.
(Official Handbook
of the Ultimate Marvel Universe: Fantastic Four & Spider-Man 2005 -
Man-Thing entry - BTS) - No sightings of the Man-Thing were reported
following his mental encounter with Reed Richards and it became unclear if Man-Thing still remained in New York's sewers
or if he had wandered off elsewhere.
Spider-Man I#71 - BTS) - Spider-Man suffered a nightmare involving
Comments: Created by Brian Michael Bendis,
John Totleben and Ron Randall.
Man-Thing's real name and 616-inspired backstory were provided in the Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel Universe: Fantastic Four & Spider-Man 2005. Although the name of the organization that tried to steal the serum was unrevealed, it seems likely it was A.I.M. as in other universes. The Ultimate reality version of A.I.M. was introduced in Ultimate Vision #1 (2007).
Man-Thing's weight is approximated from his Earth-616 counterpart.
Spider-Man's encounter with Man-Thing is recounted in Ultimatum: Spider-Man Requiem #2 (July, 2009).
Profile by Mike Castle.
Earth-1610's Man-Thing has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel Universe: Fantastic Four &
Spider-Man 2005, Man-Thing entry, main image (Man-Thing, main)
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up I#10, p17 (Man-Thing interrupting Spider-Man & Lizard's fight)
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up I#10, p19 (Man-Thing's touch transforming Lizard back into human form)
Ultimate Fantastic Four I#7, p3, pan1-3 (Man-Thing connecting with Reed
Marvel Team-Up I#10 (January, 2002) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer),
John Totleben, Ron Randall (pencils, inks), John Totleben (pencils,
inks), Ralph Macchio, Brian Smith
Fantastic Four I#7 (June, 2004) - Warren Ellis (writer), Stuart
Immonen (pencils), Wade von Grawbadger (inks), Ralph Macchio, Nick Lowe
Ultimate Spider-Man I#71 (March, 2005) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer),
Mark Bagley (pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Ralph Macchio, Nick Lowe
Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel Universe: Fantastic Four &
Spider-Man 2005 (2005) - Stuart Vandal, Sean McQuaid (head writers,
coordinators), Ronald Byrd, Bill Lentz, Mark O'English, Barry Reese
(writers), John Totleban, Bret Blevins (Man-Thing entry art), Jennifer
Grunwald (editor)
Ultimatum: Spider-Man-Requiem#2 (September, 2009) - Brian Michael
Bendis (writer), Mark Bagley, Stuart Immonen (pencils), Scott Hanna,
Wade von Grawbadger (inks), Lauren Sankovitch (editor)
First Posted: 04/28/2020
Last updated: 04/28/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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