(of Earth-17122)

Real Name: Arthur Vector

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-17122) human

Occupation: Scientist

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Mrs. Vector, Voyager (Valerie Vector)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: Mrs. Vector (wife), Valerie Vector (Voyager, daughter)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: His lab, unidentified location

First Appearance: Avengers VI#681 (April, 2018)

Powers/Abilities: Arthur Vector was an extremely skilled scientist specializing in the theory of quantum entanglement.

Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: None

History: (Avengers VI#681 (fb)) - One of the first scientists to devote his attention to theory of quantum entanglement, Arthur Vector spent so much time working in his lab that it caused a strain on his marriage and caused him to neglect his daughter Valerie. When Mrs. Vector grew tired of Arthur never being around, she confronted him at his lab, admitting that they both hid behind their work but that things simply weren't working out. When Mrs. Vector expressed her desire for a divorce, a saddened Arthur was surprised when the stowaway Valerie Vector angrily lashed out at hearing talk of a divorce. Valerie ran and Arthur warned Valerie to look out and not to touch a nearby device but Valerie ran into it and was connected to every molecule on Earth simultaneously. Determined to study the now-superpowered Valerie, Arthur Vector never again let his interest in Valerie waver, as she was now living proof of the quantum entanglement theory. Spending years studying Valerie as she developed a costume for herself, Arthur ultimately published his studies on Valerie alongside Mrs. Vector, making a huge contribution to the world. Shortly after Valerie helped found the Avengers alongside Thor, Iron Man, Wasp and others, Arthur Vector died.

Comments: Created by Al Ewing, Jim Zub, Mark Waid, Kim Jacinto and Mike Perkins.

Earth-17122 is the false reality adapted by Earth-616's Voyager, who told events as a lie and altered the memories of the Earth-616 Avengers to believe that the events from Earth-17122 had occurred in their own past.

It was unclear if Arthur witnessed Voyager's original battle with Loki alongside Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, Ant-Man and Hulk, although flashbacks mention that Arthur died shortly after the Avengers' battle with an alien Space Phantom, which would have been after the Hulk had left the team, Ant-Man had become Giant-Man and way before Vision joined the Avengers.

Arthur's eye color was impossible to determine as he was always seen with slight shadow covering his face (i.e. his head was angled in a way that prevented his eye color from being seen).

Profile by Proto-Man.

Earth-17122's Arthur Vector has no known connections to:

Hulk (of Earth-17122)

Hulk was a founding member of the Avengers alongside Arthur Vector's daughter Valerie (as Voyager), helping to battle Loki. He eventually left the team.

Hulk presumably had the superhuman strength that increased with his anger, durability and regenerative abilities that his Earth-616 counterpart had.

--Avengers VI#676 (fb) (#684 (fb), #687 (fb),

Iron Man (of Earth-17122)

Iron Man was a founding member of the Avengers alongside Arthur Vector's daughter Valerie (as Voyager), helping to battle Loki. After aiding the Avengers against an alien Space Phantom, he left the team to make way for newer recruits but later returned before the android Vision joined the team.

Iron Man wore a sophisticated suit of armor equipped with various weaponry and physical boosts that his Earth-616 counterpart had.

--Avengers VI#676 (fb) (#681 (fb), #684 (fb), #687 (fb),

Loki (of Earth-17122)

Loki was an enemy of the heroes who eventually made up the founding Avengers, including Arthur Vector's daughter Valerie (as Voyager).

Loki presumably had the same Asgardian physical attributes and mystic powers that his Earth-616 counterpart had.

--Avengers VI#676 (fb) (#684 (fb), #687 (fb),

Thor (of Earth-17122)

Thor was a founding member of the Avengers alongside Arthur Vector's daughter Valerie (as Voyager). He later joined the Avengers against an alien Space Phantom before leaving the team.

Thor presumably had the same Asgardian physical attributes and weather manipulation powers that his Earth-616 counterpart had.

--Avengers VI#676 (fb) (#681 (fb), #684 (fb), #687 (fb),

Vision (of Earth-17122)

Vision was a later member of the Avengers, who wept when invited to join the team. When Iron Man witnessed him crying, he was surprised, thinking Vision to be cold-hearted, but Arthur Vector's daughter Valerie (Voyager) reminded Iron Man that even an android could cry.

Vision presumably had the same density manipulation and solar energy projection powers that his Earth-616 counterpart had.

--Avengers VI#676 (fb) (#687 (fb),

Voyager (of Earth-17122)

Voyager was the daughter of Arthur and Mrs. Vector. As a young girl, Valerie Vector witnessed her parents talking about divorce and ran away, upset, accidentally colliding with one of Arthur's machines and becoming connected with every molecule on Earth. After years of allowing Arthur to study her to prove the theories of quantum entanglement, Valerie decided to make her own contribution to the outside world when she joined other superheroes as Voyager in forming the Avengers team against Loki. Remaining with the Avengers, Voyager aided the Avengers against an alien Space Phantom and remained with the team after her parents passed away, ultimately staying with the Avengers when many of the founders left, feeling like they were her family. When the Avengers became embroiled in a competition between the Elder Grandmaster and Kang the Conqueror, Voyager was tasked with battling the Grandmaster's champion, Victory the Electromagnetic Man, and the two superhumans' powers reacted with one another, going critical mass, killing Victory and shunting Voyager outside reality. Stuck outside reality for years, Voyager could listen and view what occurred on Earth but was unable to interact with the planet.

Due to her connection with every molecule on Earth, Voyager could teleport herself and others across vast distances.

--Avengers VI#676 (fb) (#681 (fb), #684 (fb), #687 (fb),

Wasp (of Earth-17122)

Wasp was a founding member of the Avengers alongside Arthur Vector's daughter Valerie (as Voyager). She later joined the Avengers against an alien Space Phantom before leaving the team.

Wasp had the same size reduction abilities that her Earth-616 counterpart had.

--Avengers VI#676 (fb) (#681 (fb), 687 (fb),

images: (without ads)
Avengers VI#681, p10, pan4 (Arthur Vector, main image)
Avengers VI#681, p11, pan4 (Arthur Vector, headshot)
Avengers VI#684, p20, pan1 (Hulk)
Avengers VI#687, p1, pan4 (Iron Man & Vision)
Avengers VI#687, p1, pan1 (Loki)
Avengers VI#681, p12, pan2 (Thor & Wasp)
Avengers VI#676, p2, pan4 (Voyager)

Avengers VI#681 (April, 2018) - Al Ewing, Jim Zub, Mark Waid (writers), Kim Jacinto, Mike Perkins (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 11/09/2018
Last updated: 11/09/2018

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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