(of Earth-63932)
Real Name: Namor McKenzie
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality
(Earth-63932) Atlantean/human
Occupation: Former ruler of Atlantis
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Captain McCandless, Captain
America (Steven Rogers) (loosely), the Inuits of Baffin Island
Enemies: Mr. Sharkey
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Lord of the Sea," "Mr. Smith"
Base of Operations: Baffin Island;
formerly the ship of Captain McCandless; the Bowery,
New York, USA
First Appearance: What If? I#29 (October, 1981)
Powers/Abilities: Namor demonstrated
superhuman strength and durability. He presumably had the other
abilities as his Earth-616 counterpart such as flight and physiology
adapted for underwater life, though he did not realize any abilities
to his amnesia.
Height: 6'2" (by approximation) (see comments)
Weight: 278 lbs. (by approximation) (see comments)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
History: (What
If? I#29/3 (fb) BTS) – Namor lost his memories and was left an amnesiac
by a
vengeful enemy and drifted, eventually arriving in New York's Bowery,
where he resided in a flophouse as a derelict.
If? I#29/3) - Johnny Storm traveled to the Bowery, having just quit the
Fantastic Four, but avoided staying in the same flophouse as Namor,
feeling it was a dump.
For reasons that he did not understand, Namor was drawn to the sea
and he was soon found in the flophouse by Captain McCandless, who
convinced Namor to become one of his sailors on a quest to find the
center of the Earth. Five years passed and Namor found himself called
Mr. Smith, as McCandless had nothing else to call him. As part of
McCandless' crew, Namor soon found himself sailing through the strait
Greenland and Baffin Island. During a supply run with the local Inuit
tribe, Mr. Sharkey, McCandless' first mate, insulted the "Blessings of
the Ice God" (as told by the Inuits) and was beaten by McCandless.
Sharkey did not take kindly
to this and tried to attack the Captain but was stopped by Namor, who
was promoted to first mate.
Returning to the ship, Namor continued sailing and McCandless' crew
eventually grew restless and mutinied. They
attacked Namor and Starkey went to kill the Captain. Namor fought the
rest of the crew while the Captain managed to mortally wound Starkey
but the Captain was killed by a shot in the back and his lantern caught
the wooden
deck on fire. The Captain, going even more delirious as he died,
believed he had
discovered the entrance to the center of the Earth and threw himself
overboard before Namor could
stop him. As the the ship exploded, Namor was rendered unconscious as he
was blown overboard and days later, he was discovered
by the Inuits of Baffin Island and anointed as their "Lord of the
Sea." Due to the concussion from the boat explosion, Namor's memories
were suppressed even further and he was worshiped as a god alongside
the Inuit tribe's other "god," "the Lord of the Frozen Ice" (secretly a
frozen Captain America), his memories never restored.
Comments: Created by Steven
Grant, Rich Buckler and Bob McLeod.
Namor's height and weight are approximated from his Earth-616
Profile by Copeinator123.
Earth-63932's Namor has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
What If? I#29, p30, pan2 (Namor,
main image)
What If? I#29 p39, pan5
(Namor, headshot)
What If? I#29 (October 1981) - "What If... Sub-Mariner Never
Regained His Memory?" - Steven Grant (writer), Rich Buckler, Bob McLeod
(artists), Tom DeFalco (editor)
First Posted: 05/18/2020
Last updated: 05/18/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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