(of Earth-8107)
Real Name: (first name unrevealed) Frump
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality
human magic user
Occupation: Handyman;
Former employee at Mueller's store
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Cerberus,
Cyclops, Genghis
Khan, Mabel, May Parker;
formerly Doctor
Doom (Victor von Doom), "weirdest creature in the universe"
Enemies: Doctor Doom (Victor von
Doom), "rude
boys," unidentified
Used Stuff clerk, "weirdest creature in the universe;"
formerly Spider-Friends (Firestar/Angelica Jones,
Iceman/Bobby Drake, Spider-Man/Peter Parker)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Funny Frump," Lord Frump-Master of the Universe, Wonder Frump
Base of Operations: Mobile throughout New York
City, New York, USA
First Appearance: Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon
episode, "The Fantastic Mr. Frump!" (September 26, 1981)
Powers/Abilities: Mr. Frump
was an elderly man with some basic maintenance skills.
picking up the
Lords of Lightning amulet, Frump became the most powerful being in the
with powers only limited by his imagination.
Height: 5'11" (by approximation)
Weight: 181 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Gray
History: (Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends
cartoon episode - "The Fantastic Mr. Frump!" (fb) - BTS) - Mr. Frump
by as a handyman, doing odd jobs for various people, including May
Frump always liked the older woman, feeling that she was the only one
who ever
nice to him.
(Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends
cartoon episode - "The Fantastic Mr. Frump!") - Frump found work in a
store called Mueller's but was fired for "being a dreamer." He was
thrown out
of the shop and landed in front of Peter Parker. The two reminisced,
with Frump
remarking how much he enjoyed working for Peter's aunt.
along the street, Frump walked by the Latverian Embassy. He was splashed
with water when the Lords of Lightning amulet (recently used by
Doctor Doom, who activated the amulet by casting a magic incantation during a storm) was knocked
from Doom's hands and landed in a puddle. Picking it up, Frump became
recipient of the mystical Lords' power, making him the most powerful
man in the
the street and munching on his food, Frump caught sight of himself in a
window. Dismayed at his appearance, Frump asked for new shoes and fancy
clothes. Now garbed in gentlemanly attire, he then wished for a fancy
carriage and the "rude" children from before to serve as his foot
servants. As his
orders became reality, Frump felt he needed more. Wanting
companionship, he
wished for a friend and a gray cat appeared on his lap. Delighted,
Frump named the
cat Mabel.
Curious about his abilities, Frump
demanded to
know how he got his powers and with a snap of his fingers, Doctor
Doom was teleported from his fight with the Spider-Friends. Frump asked
Doom for an
explanation of his newfound powers. When Doom told Frump that he
had granted him his powers,
Frump unquestionably believed Doom.
Parker was knocked into the arena, Frump listened to Spider-Man's pleas
vowed to save her. Changing himself into Wonder Frump, Frump saved May
Parker before banishing the alien by stomping a massive hole in the
ground which
swallowed it up.
When the amulet was destroyed, Frump's power completely vanished.
Ordering his world not to disappear,
Frump sadly watched his creations vanish into nothingness.
Comments: Created by Christy Marx and Marvel
Productions, Ltd. (see Appearances list for list of artists involved).
was the credited voice actor for Mr. Frump.
Bugle paper the Used Stuff clerk was reading has "Tourist Unmolested in
Central Park
Stroll" as its headline. Slow news day?
Profile by David Lawrence.
Earth-8107's Mr. Frump has no known connections to:
Three-headed demon dog from ancient legends, Cerberus was summoned by Frump and made to fight the Spider-Friends, going after Spider-Man and Iceman. Ignoring Spider-Man's webbing, it was at first slowed by the ice biscuits created by Iceman then quickly trapped in an ice stock created by the frozen mutant.
Cerberus was presumably returned to which it came when Frump lost his powers.
--Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon episode, "The Fantastic Mr. Frump!"
A one-eyed monster from legends, the Cyclops was summoned by Frump to fight the Spider-Friends. Firestar kept it trapped in a circle of flame but the monster blew out the fire and knocked Firestar to the ground. She was saved when Spider-Man distracted the monster long enough for Firestar to recover and burn its club to ash. Spider-Man then tripped it, sending it crashing to the ground.
The Cyclops was presumably returned to where it came after Frump lost his powers.
& His Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "The Fantastic Mr.
Genghis Khan was a legendary warrior summoned by Frump to fight the Spider-Friends. He was driven back by Firestar's flame and sent back to whence he came.
& His Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "The Fantastic Mr.
Three kids who knew Frump, the "rude boys"
cornered him on the street
and sang a song about him being poor and living in a garbage dump.
Unaware of his newfound powers, Frump
ordered them to go jump into a lake and two of them promptly ran to
Central Park and
jumped into the lake.
All three were then restored to normal before being changed into Frump's foot servants and made to serve him. When Frump lost his powers, the boys were presumably restored to normal.
& His Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "The Fantastic Mr.
A burly fellow who enjoyed reading the paper, the
clerk at the Used Stuff junk shop refused to
hire Mr. Frump when the
elderly man entered his shop and was promptly turned
into a man-sized cockroach by the unknowing Frump's newfound powers.
He was presumably turned back to normal when Frump lost his powers.
& His Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "The Fantastic Mr.
creature in the universe"
An alien, the "weirdest creature in the universe" was summoned by Mr. Frump to fight the Spider-Friends. The creature proved able to counter all of the Spider-Friends' tactics and powers with its alien biology. When it threatened May Parker, however, Frump changed himself into a superhero and battled it directly.
& His Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "The Fantastic Mr.
images: (without ads)
Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon
episode, "The Fantastic Mr. Frump!" (all images in this profile)
Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon
episode, "The Fantastic Mr. Frump!" (September 26, 1981) - Christy Marx
(writer), Bruce Bennett, Norm Cabral, Dan Faucett, Neil Galloway, Greg
Garcia, Gary Graham, Rick Graham, Karl Hepworth, Stuart Heimdall,
Elaine Hultgren, Boyd Kirkland, Debra Pugh, Dave Sharp, Roy Smith, Tom
Tholen, Grant Wilson, Roy Wilson, Bob Foster (layouts), Jan Green, Rick
Hoberg, Cullen Houghtaling, Larry Houston, Sherman Labby, Will
Meugniot, Dick Sebast, Bob Schaffer, Don Shepard, Hank Tucker, Warren
Tufts (storyboards), Gerry Chiniquy, Steve Clark, John Gibbs, Sid
Marcus, Bob Richardson, Nelson Shin, Arthur Vitello (animation
First Posted: 12/20/2019
Last updated: 12/20/2019
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