(of Earth-8107)
Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-8107)
human magic
Occupation: Sorcerer Supreme
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Captain America, Ms. Lion, Mystery Kids, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Shanna the Jungle Queen, Spider-Friends (Firestar/Angelica Jones, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Spider-Man/Peter Parker)
Enemies: The Chameleon, Dormammu
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile throughout New York
City, New York, USA
First Appearance: Spider-Man & His Amazing
Friends cartoon episode, "7 Little Superheroes" (October 17,
Powers/Abilities: Doctor Strange was a sorcerer and had full occult abilities, including telepathy and flight.
Height: 6'2" (see comments)
Weight: 180 lbs. (see comments)
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black with white stripe
History: (Spider-Man
& His Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "7 Little Superheroes"
(fb) - BTS) - At one point, Doctor Strange crossed paths with the
Chameleon and foiled the criminal's schemes. He did this enough to earn
the villain's ire.
(Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon
episode - "7 Little Superheroes") - Doctor Strange, along with Captain
America and Shanna the Jungle Queen, were invited by an unidentified
host to Wolf Island Manor and upon arrival, they waited for over an hour
with no sign of their host. Strange greeted the Spider-Friends as they
also arrived at the mansion. When the Chameleon announced his intention
to destroy them over a set of speakers, Strange suggested the
Chameleon's voice could have been a recording and that he might actually
be among the assembled heroes. When the group split up to search the
Island, Strange went with Firestar. They arrived at the swamp after
Spider-Man (actually the Chameleon in disguise) left Captain America
being swallowed by quicksand. Doctor Strange then flew off with Firestar
and Iceman in pursuit of the criminal.
Arriving back at the mansion, the trio found the real
Spider-Man crawling out of the chimney. When Ms. Lion licked his hand,
the group figured he was the real item.
After that, Strange
was placed in a cage alongside Captain America and Shanna. When Namor,
who had also been inviting to Wolf Island Manor and captured earlier,
smashed the control panel after being freed by Spider-Man, Strange's
amulet opened and allowed him to blast the cage apart.
(Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "Spider-Man Unmasked" - BTS) - Dr. Strange became sufficiently well known to the public for his likeness to be displayed on a mannequin in Stan's Costume Shop.
(Doctor Strange and the Mystery Kids) - Doctor Strange teamed up with the Mystery Kids for a number of adventures (see comments).
Created by Doug Booth and Marvel Productions, Ltd. (see Appearances list
for list of artists involved)
According to a few online sources, Doctor Strange was voiced by William Woodson.
His stats are from his 616 counterpart.
Since the Hulk, Namor and Valkyrie (at least as a costume) exist, who's the say the Defenders aren’t lurking around?
In 2013, while liquidating memorabilia from
his long career in comics and television, writer Martin Pasko put up for
auction "Doctor Strange and the Mystery Kids: A Preliminary Development
for an Animated Saturday Morning Television Series." As he explained in
the auction details:
"In 1981, in the first year of the new Marvel
Productions, I worked with Stan Lee to develop an animated series
based on DR. STRANGE for NBC and wrote what is called a preliminary
development, describing the series format and the cast of characters.
This is that script. NBC ultimately rejected the series because they
felt the mystical elements -- particularly villains like Dormammu --
would be misunderstood by parents as "Satanic," and Marvel was
unwilling to "water down" the concept further."
This proposed series was apparently going to be a
spin-off from Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, following Doctor
Strange's appearance in "7 Little Superheroes." Per the cover of the
document, the first draft was completed on 19th October 1981.
Profile by David
Lawrence, with Doctor Strange and the Mystery Kids
information update by Loki.
Earth-8107's Dr. Strange has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon
"7 Little Superheroes" (all images of actual Doctor Strange in this
& His Amazing Friends cartoon episode, "Spider-Man
Unmasked" (Doctor Strange mannequin in Stan's Costume Shop)
Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon
"7 Little Superheroes" (October 17, 1981) - Doug Booth (writer), Bruce
Bennett, Norm Cabral, Dan Faucett, Neil Galloway, Greg Garcia, Gary
Graham, Rick Graham, Karl Hepworth, Stuart Heimdall, Elaine Hultgren,
Boyd Kirkland, Debra Pugh, Dave Sharp, Roy Smith, Tom Tholen, Grant
Wilson, Roy Wilson, Bob Foster (layouts), Jan Green, Rick Hoberg, Cullen
Houghtaling, Larry Houston, Sherman Labby, Will Meugniot, Dick Sebast,
Bob Schaffer, Don Shepard, Hank Tucker, Warren Tufts (storyboards),
Gerry Chiniquy, Steve Clark, John Gibbs, Sid Marcus, Bob Richardson,
Nelson Shin, Arthur Vitello (animation directors)
First Posted: 11/21/2018
Last updated: 08/05/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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