(of Earth-924)
Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-924)
human mutate
Occupation: Superhero
Group Membership: Calibur
(Cap'n Saxonia, Iron Fist, Spider-Girl, Strange)
Affiliations: None known
Enemies: Keng
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Earth-924
First Appearance: Excalibur I#49 (April, 1992)
Powers/Abilities: Hulk appeared to possess the
same superhuman strength, durability, stamina and other physical
attributes that his Earth-616 counterpart had. In addition, he seemed
quite eloquent, unlike his Earth-616 counterpart.
Height: 7'0" (by approximation)
Weight: 1040 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Black
History: (Excalibur I#49) -
When the extradimensional sorcerer Necrom began converging the
multiverse into a singularity, Hulk and his teammates in Calibur were
briefly transported to Earth-616 during a battle with their enemy,
Keng. Despite noticing Earth-616's Excalibur beneath them, Calibur
continued their battle against Keng, with Hulk narrowly avoiding having
his backside burned off by one of Keng's blasts. Almost as quickly as
they appeared, Hulk, Calibur and Keng were transported away, presumably
back to their own reality.
(Uncanny X-Men I#462) - After
Earth-616's Scarlet Witch generated a reality warp that flowed through
the multiverse, Earth-924's Hulk was seen as the wave swept through the
magical Otherworld realm.
Comments: Created by Alan Davis and Mark Farmer.
Hulk's eye color was impossible to determine as he
was only ever drawn squinting or in shadow. His height and weight are
approximated from his Earth-616 counterpart.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Earth-924's Hulk has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Excalibur I#49, p8, pan1 (Earth-924's Hulk, main image)
Uncanny X-Men I#462, p7, pan4 (Hulk, supplemental image)
Uncanny X-Men I#462, front cover (Hulk, second supplemental image)
Excalibur I#49 (April, 1992) - Alan Davis (writer, pencils), Mark
Farmer (inks), Terry Kavanagh (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#462 (September, 2005) - Chris Claremont (writer), Alan
Davis (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Mike Marts (editor)
First Posted: 03/15/2019
Last updated: 03/16/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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