Membership: Alfie, Billy, Butch, Darla, Eightball/8-Ball, Freddie, Max, Ralf
Purpose: To hang out and have fun
Affiliations: Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Bob, Daniel, Daredevil (Matt Murdock), Hilda, Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Jake, Bucko Leary, Longshot, Molly the horse, Karen Page, Quark, Raphael, Tommy
Enemies: Baby Elmo, Mr. Fasolino, Gog'N'Magog, Guice, Joe, Lifeform, Mojo, New Mutants (Cannonball/Sam Guthrie, Cypher/Doug Ramsey, Magik/Illyana Rasputin, Magma/Amara Aquilla, Mirage/Danielle Moonstar, Sunspot/Roberto Da Costa, Wolfsbane/Rahne Sinclair), Rotgut, Sabretooth (Victor Creed), Sanders, Sheila, Spiral, Tunnel Teens (Jerry, Joey, Johnny), Typhoid Mary, Wild Boys (Jet, Spit), Williams, X-Men (Colossus/Piotr Rasputin, Magneto/Max Eisenhardt, Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner, Psylocke/Elizabeth Braddock, Rogue/Anna Marie, Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Wolverine/James "Logan" Howlett)
Aliases: Fat Boys, Bratpack
Base of Operations: New York City, New York
First Appearance: (Group name unrevealed) Longshot I#4 (December, 1985); (as Bratpack) New Mutants Annual I#2 (October, 1986); (as Fatboys) Daredevil I#238 (January, 1987)
(Longshot I#4) - Butch, Alfie, and Darla, as well as other kids, wore home-made super hero masks and pretended they were space fighters. Butch's parents argued about whether the kids should be allowed to read comics or play video games. As the kids argued, Longshot gave them diamonds, and they planned to trade them in for comic books. The boys teased Darla for having a crush on Longshot.
(Longshot I#4 - BTS) - Butch, thinking he'd seen monsters, traded the diamonds for a gun, although Darla and Alfie didn't believe he'd seen monsters.
(Longshot I#4) - When Longshot asked, Butch handed Longshot his gun. Longshot, struggling with his own memories, caused the kids to worry, but he asked Butch to take him to the monster, and they found the mutated Gog'N'Magog. As the kids debated whether the monster was real, it attacked Longshot.
(Longshot I#5) - Butch tried drawing his gun on the monster, but Gog'N'Magog pushed him, inspiring Longshot to fight for the kids. Darla felt love for Longshot as he fought, which grossed Butch out. Soon a goat-man named Quark joined the fight, and the kids couldn't tell who the heroes or villains were. The kids got worked up during the battle, but dissipated and went home when Longshot took the fight elsewhere.
(New Mutants Annual I#2 (fb) - BTS) - The extradimensional sorceress Spiral kidnapped Darla, Alfie, and Butch of the Bratpack, along with Wolfsbane of the New Mutants, and Leong and Nga Coy Manh, and delivered them to Mojo.
(New Mutants Annual I#2) - In a plot against the X-Men, Mojo transformed each of the kidnapped kids (with Mojoworld technology) into super-powered adults, using his captive Psylocke's powers to keep them under mental control. Butch was transformed into Snitch and given the power to manipulate emotions. Darla was changed into Jubilee, given the powers of flight and light manipulation. Alfie was changed into Straight-Arrow, given the power to throw large arrows. The team attacked the New Mutants (Cannonball, Cypher, Magik, Magma, Mirage, Sunspot, Wolfsbane), causing the team to fight, then Template changed Cannonball, Magik, Magma, Sunspot, and Mirage into members of the Bratpack. When Magma rebelled, she was changed into a child, and the team pursued her, but a child Captain Britain (similarly transformed) helped her escape. Warlock and Cypher managed to free Psylocke and take the fight to Spiral, reverting everyone to their true forms.
(Uncanny X-Men Annual I#10) - Butch, Darla, and Alfy were watching a movie when the New Mutants and X-Men (Colossus, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Psylocke, Rogue, Shadowcat, Storm, Wolverine) passed through, battling Spiral. Spiral cast a spell that turned some in the crowd, including the kids, into frogs, but the spell later wore off.
(Daredevil I#238) - Butch and Darla were watching a scary movie and Butch scared Darla with the cat, making her furious. Butch's father screamed, telling him to turn off the television and go study at the library, ordering him not to play with Raphael and his gang. Instead, Butch and Darla went with Raphael's gang into the Morlock Tunnels, where Sabretooth was awakened and growled at the intruders. Butch told Sabretooth that Daredevil protected the city, and Sabretooth went to find the hero, and they battled, scaring civilians like Daniel, Jake, and Bob. Later, Butch was disgusted when his cat brought in a mouse and didn't kill it.
(Daredevil I#239) - The Fatboys, including Butch and Max, were skateboarding when Daredevil dropped by, showing off his own skills on a board.
(Daredevil I#240) - Daredevil saw the Fatboys playing on the streets and they followed him to a battle with Rotgut, who had poisoned the water supply of an apartment building. The Fatboys rushed door to door and warned everyone not to drink, but when one man screamed back, he wasn't warned. That man later died, and the boy who failed to warn him felt that he would never be the same again.
(Daredevil I#241) - The Fatboys, including Butch, stood on each other's shoulders and wore a Santa Claus suit, asking for donations from the public. Daredevil caught the delinquents and convinced them to give the money they had made to charity. They gave the money to a nun, not realizing she was a criminal dressed up. They departed, wishing they'd scored drugs instead. Later, Butch and Freddie (who wore a Daredevil mask) showed the hero some new tricks, though he lectured them on being safe he watched as Freddie jumped to another roof on a skateboard. Daredevil told the kids to go home for Christmas, not realizing many of them didn't have safe homes. Later, Freddie found Daredevil in the snow and asked him to teach him new tricks in the fresh snowfall.
(Daredevil I#248) - The Fat Boys (Butch, Darla, Eightball) raced Daredevil in the streets, briefly meeting Molly the cart-horse.
(Daredevil I#249) - The Fat Boys (Butch, Eightball, Billy) hung out at the Legal Aid and Drug Hotline with Karen Page, Hilda, and Matt Murdock. Later, Billy brought Matt books he'd requested, but Matt dismissed him.
(Daredevil I#250) - At the Hotline, the Fat Boys (Butch) rode skateboards while the adults worked.
(Daredevil I#251) - The Fat Boys (Butch) hung around the clinic when Mr. Fasolino came in flanked by cops, including Bucko Leary, to shut the place down, but Hilda convinced them to keep it open.
(Daredevil I#252 - BTS) - When a blackout hit the clinic, Butch was among those there who were helped by Matt and Karen.
(Daredevil I#253) - Eightball saw the Wild Boys robbing a Salvation Army Santa and knocking out a civilian, and he found himself wishing he could be part of their gang. Daredevil tended to the unconscious man, and he sent Eightball away after realizing that the boy admired the Wild Boys. Eightball ran into Darla and Ralf. Eightball teased Darla for having a junkie mom and an alcoholic dad for parents, as she admired his nice skateboard as hers had been stolen. Ralf and Eightball rode off, saying they were going to steal their own Christmas presents. After Daredevil defeated the Fat Boys, Eightball tried taking some of their loot, but the hero helped him realize that it was giving that was important at Christmas. Later, Eightball teased Darla and then gave her his own skateboard. Later, Matt Murdock gave Eightball a new skateboard, wrapped up.
(Daredevil I#256 (fb) - BTS) - Matt asked the Fat Boys (including Eightball) to keep watch over the home of jurors in a case, positive that Typhoid Mary would try to corrupt one.
(Daredevil I#256) - Eightball saw Typhoid Mary and Rip visit the home of one juror.
(Daredevil I#259) - Butch saw drug addict Sheila trade a small child to dealer Joe for drugs. He rushed to find Daredevil, seeing Matt and Karen and asking for help finding the hero. Butch then rushed off to find clues himself. Later, Butch heard from Matt that the kids had been saved. Butch was worried about other kidnapped kids, and told Matt that he had once left home for four days and his mom hadn't even noticed. Then Butch saw Matt cheating on Karen with another woman, and he realized he hated Matt.
(Daredevil I#261) - At the hotline, the Fat Boys (Butch, Darla, Eightball) watched the Human Torch do tricks. When Karen Page said that Daredevil was missing, the kids wondered where Matt was. Later, the Fat Boys and Karen saw Human Torch lose a fight to Baby Elmo before accidentally burning down the Last Exit Bar.
(Daredevil I#262) - Butch and Darla were in the streets with Karen and Black Widow when a several stone statues hit the sidewalk, nearly killing them. Darla wondered if they had come to life. They headed to the subway and Karen noticed how inanimate things seemed to be getting a mind of their own, but she was determined to pressure Bucko Leary to look harder for Daredevil. They went with Karen to the police station. They went to the clinic and found it trashed, and Black Widow narrowly saved the Fat Boys from being crushed in a sentient elevator.
(Daredevil I#263) - Butch found a badly wounded and bandaged Daredevil fighting demons. Overwhelmed by the chaos on the streets, Butch told the hero that Matt had betrayed Karen, who was gone now.
(Daredevil I#265 (fb) - BTS) - Butch informed Daredevil about Karen leaving, but he just kept fighting demons. Darla put her hand in a soda machine and was bit, releasing her demonic nature.
(Daredevil I#265) - Darla, her demonic side unleashed, and Butch watched Daredevil fight demons. Just as Butch was given up hope, Daredevil started inspiring civilians to clean up garbage around them.
(Daredevil Annual I#4B/4) - Butch, 8-Ball, and Ralf were showing off their skateboard skills when Darla and kidnapped was grabbed by villains. When they called out after them, the criminals fired a gun at them, then put Darla in a basement, saying her whole life was about to change. The three boys hit the streets, looking for Daredevil.
(Daredevil Annual I#4B/2) - 8-Ball saw the Wild Boys committing a robbery.
(Daredevil Annual I#4B/3) - Guice and Williams, waiting for their colleague Sanders, kept Darla tied up until the three Fat Boys burst through the window and tried to grab the guns. The criminals got the upper hand and nearly killed the kids before Daredevil attacked, leaving the men unconscious. Daredevil yelled at the kids, telling them they should have called the police instead of seeking to play hero.
(Daredevil Annual I#6/1) - Eightball and another kid were cornered by the monstrous Lifeform, but they swiftly escaped.
(Daredevil Annual I#6/2) - As the Fat Boys (Butch, Ralf, Darla) laughed, Darla didn't believe Eightball's story about the Lifeform. She dared Eightball to steal a skateboard from the Tunnel Teens to prove his bravery, and he accepted, challenging her back. They found the Tunnel Teens (Jerry, Joey, and Johnny) trying to impress girls, including Laura, and stole a skateboard. When the Tunnel Teens realized it, they chased the Fat Boys through the streets. The Fat Boys initially escaped until the Life Form snuck up on them and scared them again, then the Tunnel Teens caught up with the teens, they cornered the kids, drawing knives and tasers, but the kids fought back, Eightball hitting with a skateboard and grabbing the taser himself. Daredevil arrived to intervene, telling the kids to return the stolen skateboard and teasing Eightball for having a crush on Darla, which delighted her.
(Daredevil Annual I#7/5) - Eightball showed Darla and Butch his new gun, having worked to earn it. Darla and Butch were disturbed at Eightball's ideas of wanting to protect the streets, and they screamed as he pointed it at others and then himself, as he said there were no bullets in it. Soon, Eightball came across a man committing a rape, and he pulled the gun, helping the woman get away. In a scuffle, the rapist drew his own gun, but they were both dropped and grabbed a gun each. The rapist fired a shot, hitting Eightball in the shoulder as he threatened to rape the boy, then Daredevil intervened in the fight. The rapist was arrested and Eightball was taken by the police for questioning.
(Daredevil Annual I#8/4 (fb) - BTS) - The Fat Boys grew older and started hanging out less. Eightball grew jealous when Darla started hanging out with Tommy.
(Daredevil Annual I#8/4) - Ralf, Butch, and Eightball raced with Daredevil, and Ralf teased Eightball for being jealous of Tommy. Daredevil said he'd race them to find Darla, and they soon found her kissing and holding hands with Tommy. Daredevil hugged Darla then rushed off to fight crime. Eightball insulted Darla, but when he came around the corner, he saw Tommy flirting with other girls and he confronted him. Tommy hit Eightball, but Darla saw and broke up with him, then she kissed Eightball herself.
(Daredevil II#8) - Butch and Darla attended the funeral of Karen Page.
Comments: Created by Ann Nocenti (writer), Arthur Adams (penciler), Whilce Portacio & Scott Williams (inkers).
The Bratpack, in their initial creations, seemed to be intended to resemble Our Gang, better known as the Little Rascals, with characters literally named Alfie (Alfalfa), Darla (Darla), and Butch (Stymie).
Profile by Chadman.
The Fatboys have no known connection to:
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(Daredevil I#249) - The Fat Boys (Butch, Eightball, Billy) hung out at the Legal Aid and Drug Hotline with Karen Page, Hilda, and Matt Murdock. Later, Billy brought Matt books he'd requested, but Matt dismissed him. --Daredevil I#249 |
(Daredevil I#238) - Elderly civilian Daniel was on the street with his companion when he was knocked over by a battle between Daredevil and Sabretooth. --Daredevil I#238 |
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(Daredevil I#241) - Butch and Freddie (who wore a Daredevil mask) showed the hero some new tricks, though he lectured them on being safe he watched as Freddie jumped to another roof on a skateboard. Daredevil told the kids to go home for Christmas, not realizing many of them didn't have safe homes. Later, Freddie found Daredevil in the snow and asked him to teach him new tricks in the fresh snowfall. --Daredevil I#241 |
(Daredevil I#238) - Jake, Bob, and their lady friend were hanging out in the Morlock Tunnels when Sabretooth attacked. He slashed both Jake and Bob with his claws, then kidnapped their friend as the two men fled. --Daredevil I#238 |
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(Daredevil I#239) - The Fatboys, including Butch and Max, were skateboarding when Daredevil dropped by, showing off his own skills on a board.
--Daredevil I#239
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(Daredevil I#253) - Eightball ran into Darla and Ralf. Eightball teased Darla for having a junkie mom and an alcoholic dad for parents, as she admired his nice skateboard as hers had been stolen. Ralf and Eightball rode off, saying they were going to steal their own Christmas presents. (Daredevil Annual I#4B/4) - Butch, 8-Ball, and Ralf were showing off their skateboard skills when Darla and kidnapped was grabbed by villains. When they called out after them, the criminals fired a gun at them, then put Darla in a basement, saying her whole life was about to change. The three boys hit the streets, looking for Daredevil. (Daredevil Annual I#4B/3) - Guice and Williams, waiting for their colleague Sanders, kept Darla tied up until the three Fat Boys burst through the window and tried to grab the guns. The criminals got the upper hand and nearly killed the kids before Daredevil attacked, leaving the men unconscious. Daredevil yelled at the kids, telling them they should have called the police instead of seeking to play hero. (Daredevil Annual I#6/2) - As the Fat Boys (Butch, Ralf, Darla) laughed, Darla didn't believe Eightball's story about the Lifeform. She dared Eightball to steal a skateboard from the Tunnel Teens to prove his bravery, and he accepted, challenging her back. They found the Tunnel Teens (Jerry, Joey, and Johnny) trying to impress girls, including Laura, and stole a skateboard. When the Tunnel Teens realized it, they chased the Fat Boys through the streets. The Fat Boys initially escaped until the Life Form snuck up on them and scared them again, then the Tunnel Teens caught up with the teens, they cornered the kids, drawing knives and tasers, but the kids fought back, Eightball hitting with a skateboard and grabbing the taser himself. Daredevil arrived to intervene, telling the kids to return the stolen skateboard and teasing Eightball for having a crush on Darla, which delighted her. --Daredevil I#253 (Daredevil Annual I#4B/4, 4B/3, 6/2 |
(Daredevil Annual I#8/3 (fb) - BTS) - Tommy was a good-looking street kid who started hanging out with Darla, a member of the Fat Boys. He also kept girls on the side without telling Darla. (Daredevil Annual I#8/3) - Tommy and Darla held hands and kissed, but when he rounded the corner, he tickled other girls, flirting. Eightball confronted Tommy, who punched the kid while calling Darla a ‘welfare' kid. Darla saw this and broke up with Tommy. --Daredevil Annual I#8/3 (8/3 (fb) - BTS, 8/3 |
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images: (without ads)
Longshot I#5, p3, pan7 (watching Longshot fight)
New Mutants Annual I#2, p19, pan4 (Mojo's Bratpack)
Daredevil I#241, p2, pan1 (as Santa Claus)
Daredevil Annual I#6/2, p27, pan1 (Fat Boys arguing)
Daredevil Annual I#6/2, p27, pan2 (group arguing)
Daredevil I#249, p23, pan2 (Billy)
Daredevil I#238, p15, pan3 (Daniel)
Daredevil I#241, p18, pan3 (Freddie)
Daredevil I#238, p2, pan1 (Jake and Bob)
Daredevil I#253, p6, pan1 (Ralf)
Daredevil Annual I#8, p54, pan1 (Tommy)
Longshot I#4-5 (December, 1985-January, 1986) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Arthur Adams (penciler), Whilce Portacio, Scott Williams (inkers), Louise Jones (editor)
New Mutants Annual I#2 (October, 1986) - Chris Claremont (writer), Alan Davis (artist), Ann Nocenti (editor)
Uncanny X-Men Annual I#10 (January, 1987) - Chris Claremont (writer), Art Adams (penciler), Bob Wiacek (inker), Louise Jones (editor)
Daredevil I#238 (January, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Sal Buscema (penciler), Steve Leialoha (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#239 (February, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Louis Williams (penciler), Al Williamson, Geof Isherwood (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#240 (March, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Louis Williams (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#241 (April, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Todd McFarlane (penciler), Al Milgrom (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#248-249 (November-December, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Rick Leonardi (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#250-253 (January-April, 1988) - Ann Nocenti (writer), John Romita Jr (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#256 (July, 1988) - Ann Nocenti (writer), John Romita Jr (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#259, 261-263 (October, December, 1988-February, 1989) - Ann Nocenti (writer), John Romita Jr (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#265 (March, 1989) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Steve Ditko (penciler), Mike Manley, Al Williamson (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil Annual I#4B/2 (September, 1989) - Gregory Wright (writer), Jim Lee (penciler), Kim DeMulder (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil Annual I#4B/4 (September, 1989) - Gregory Wright (writer), John Romita Jr (penciler), Klaus Janson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil Annual I#6/1 (June, 1990) - Gregory Wright (writer), Cam Kennedy (artist), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil Annual I#6/2 (June, 1990) - Gregory Wright (writer), Gary Hartle (penciler), Mike DeCarlo (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil Annual I#7/3 (May, 1991) - Gregory Wright (writer), June Brigman (penciler), Roy Richardson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil Annual I#8/4 (September, 1992) - Gregory Wright (writer), Une Brigman (penciler), Roy Richardson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil II#8 (June, 1999) - Kevin Smith (writer), Joe Quesada (penciler), Jimmy Palmiotti (inker), Nanci Dakesian (editor)
First Posted: 05/26/2019
Last updated: 05/26/2019
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