Real Name: Fiona (last name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman) mutate

Occupation: Student

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Avengers Academy student body (Batwing/Jimmy Santini, Butterball/Emery Schaub, Finesse/Jeanne Foucault, Lightspeed/Julie Power, Striker/Brandon Sharpe), X-Men (Kid Omega/Quentin Quire, Pixie/Megan Gwynn)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: Unidentified parents, Flynn (brother)

Aliases: Fiona16 (online screenname)

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    formerly Mystic, Connecticut, USA

First Appearance: Inhumanity: The Awakening#1 (February, 2014)

Powers/Abilities: After being exposed to the Terrigen Cloud, Fiona's Inhuman heritage was revealed. She has feathers on top of her hair and along her forearms, allowing her to fly through the air. The full extent of her powers is likely unrevealed.

Height: 5'4" (by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White feathers; previously blonde

History: (Inhumanity: The Awakening#1 (fb) – BTS) – An awkward teen in Mystic, Connecticut, Fiona's dad left when she was young and she grew up with her mom and brother Flynn. Fiona was trying to fit in with her peers by creating social media profiles using the name Fiona16 but she was mostly bullied.

(Inhumanity: The Awakening#2 (fb) – BTS) – Flynn constantly felt annoyed with Fiona and waited for the day when she would move out. They argued often.

(Inhumanity: The Awakening#1 (fb)) – When the Terrigen Cloud hit her hometown, Fiona discovered she was an Inhuman. After an evening with her family, Fiona ended up in a cocoon and soon hatched, transformed into a girl with feathered hair and arms capable of flight. Continuing to post online, Fiona showed her mom what had happened and her worried mother made an appointment with the doctor the next day before heading off to work. Fiona suddenly discovered she could fly and she was thrilled until she landed and two friends of her brother beat her up.

(Inhumanity: The Awakening#1 (fb) – BTS) – After Flynn's rugby practice, he went into his room and entered a cocoon as well. Distressed, Fiona posted online about wanting to commit suicide.

(Inhumanity: The Awakening#1) – After seeing her social media posts, a group of super-powered teens, including Pixie, Finesse, Kid Omega and Striker, showed up to stop Fiona from killing herself. After they comforted Fiona, they soon realized that Flynn had emerged from his cocoon with powers and he'd crashed into a nearby apartment building.

(Inhumanity: the Awakening#2) – Fiona took Finesse to one of Flynn's hiding places, where Finesse initially approached him and he attacked her before she calmed him down. Flynn apologized to Fiona for his actions and then the heroes helped hide him from the police, who were investigating the damage to the area. The heroes told Fiona and Flynn about different super-hero schools out there and Flynn chose to attend the Latverian School of Science. Fiona chose to spend time at various schools, including Avengers Academy, before she decided which one she wanted to attend.

Comments: Created by Matt Kindt and Paul Davidson.

Profile by Chadman.

Fiona should not be confused with:

images: (without ads)
Inhumanity: The Awakening I#2, p9, pan1 (main)
Inhumanity: The Awakening I#1, p7, pan2 (face)
Inhumanity: The Awakening I#1, p7, pan3 (before transformation)

Inhumanity: The Awakening I#1-2 (February-March, 2014) – Matt Kindt (writer), Paul Davidson (artist), Bill Rosemann (editor)

First Posted: 04/14/2020
Last updated: 04/14/2020

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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