
Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Microverse) Tropica resident (fairy race)

Occupation: Warrior

Group Membership: Enigma Force (Micronauts by another name;  Bug, Marionette/Mari, Quark, Arcturus Rann, Redeemer)

Affiliations: Enigma Force;
    while she correctly recognized how dangerous the symbiotes were to the Microverse, she allied Venom (Flash Thompson) -- and to a lesser degree the Scarlet Spider (Kaine) -- per the instructions of the Redeemer;

Enemies: Carnage (Cletus Kasady), Klyntar/symbiotes, Klyntar/symbiote clones, Marquis Radu and his forces, others unspecified;
Baron Karza (if she didn't oppose him with the Enigma Force, she likely still felt his tyranny on Tropica);
    she was strongly opposed to the presence of Venom (Flash Thompson) in the Microverse;

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: "The faerie," "Sugarplum fairy"

Base of Operations: Homeworld Microship Endeavor, mobile throughout the Microverse;
    formerly Tropica, Homeworld, Microverse

First Appearance: Scarlet Spider II#10 (December 2012)

Powers/Abilities: Tiny in size, Flare can fly at great speeds, striking larger components with significant force and/or her energies. When facing the Klyntar/symbiote clones, at least, she struck with energy bursts rather than contact.

    While her speeds are unrevealed, she can zip around and assault multiple beings while others are facing a single foe.

    Flare typically emits some sort of sonic energy, which she can focus as a calming song, or as a burst of sonic energy.

    It would appear that when her energies are neutralized, she is rendered virtually inert.

    It is unrevealed whether Flare is/was a Fireflyte and is/was paired into existence with one of the Devils of Tropica.

    Flare is apparently nude.


flare-enigma_force-ven26-face&upperHeight: Unrevealed (She appeared to be perhaps 6" (15.25 cm) tall compared to the relative height of Venom (Flash Thompson) in the Microverse and to the rest of her team; as far as the confirmed stories, she has not appeared in Earth's universe/dimension, but based on previous characters' relative size when appearing in Earth's dimension, if she appeared at the same shrunken 6' to 6" ratio, she would be about 0.5" (1.25 cm); however, based on the method of transport, Microverse inhabitants have sometimes maintained a relative height proportional to humanity)
Weight: Unrevealed (based on the the above height, she would be around 1.3 ounces (37 grams) in the Microverse; if appearing in Earth's universe at the 1/12 proportional height, she would be .00075 ounces (46.88 mg))
Eyes: Apparently pink/magenta
Hair: Pink/magenta and/or white/gray (varied between appearances)
Skin: Pink and/or gray

Venom II#27 (fb) - BTS) - Marquis Radu apparently battled the Enigma Force team on multiple occasions, often at the most inopportune time.

(Scarlet Spider II#11  (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to become God of the Microverse, Radu considered that in order to be the new god, the old god (the Enigma Force) had to die. 

    As killing the old god was against his religion, Radu resolved to summon a symbiote to the Microverse to destroy the Enigma Force.

(Minimum Carnage Alpha#1 (fb) - BTS) - Radu's agents transported Carnage (along with his captive, Katy Kiernan) to the Microverse via the Dr. Ketola-created Prometheus Pit in Houston, Texas.flare-enigma_force-scsp10

(Scarlet Spider II#10 - BTS) - Venom (Flash Thompson) and the Scarlet Spider (Kaine) entered the Prometheus Pit. They were split up and Venom ended up on Tropica, where he was assaulted by the native fairy-types, who recognized his symbiote as one of the type that had long ago assaulted the Microverse.

(Scarlet Spider II#10 - BTS) - The Redeemer sent the Enigma Force to recover Venom.

(Scarlet Spider II#10) - Flare was amongst the rest of the Enigma Force who broke up the fairy-creatures' assault, although she noted that they should have let them kill the "corrupter." Introducing himself and Marionette, Arcturus Rann told Venom they needed his help.

(Venom II#26 (fb) - BTS) - Venom accompanied the Enigma Force aboard their ship.

(Venom II#26) - After Rann introduced himself and his teammates, Flare again denounced Venom as the corrupter and told him she didn't want to know his name. Rann tried to silence Flare, but Marionette noted how dangerous Venom was, and Bug unwittingly proved this point by touching Venom's shoulder: Bug described the feeling as if he was rotting from the inside out, and Flare suggested they imagine this on a planetary scale to understand why they had to get Venom out of the Microverse. Venom argued that he had to rescue his friend (Katy Kiernan) and stop the monster (Carnage) who had brought her there. After Mari argued that he could not stay there, Rann noted that the Redeemer wanted to see Venom, much to Flare (and Mari)'s surprise. However, their ship then detected two dozen of Marquis Radu's fleet warping in right in front of them.

(Venom II#26 (fb) - BTS) - Radu's forces tore through the Enigma Force's ship, disabling it and leaving it spinning through space. The crew was spared by shields and inertial dampeners.flare-enigma_force-scsp11-singing-venom

(Venom II#26) - Flare, the rest of the Enigma Force, and Venom battled Radu's forces until a weapon sent Venom's symbiote into a maddened frenzy.

(Scarlet Spider II#11) - Flare's song calmed the symbiote, allowing Flash to regain control, after which she noted, "I still think we should have killed the @#$%&#$ thing." The Endeavor then crashed into a larger ship.

(Scarlet Spider II#11 (fb) - BTS) - Radu's forces captured Venom and the Enigma Force and brought them to Radu's base.

(Scarlet Spider II#11) - Contained within a jar-like structure, Flare watched silently as Radu arrived, introduced himself, and easily subdued Carnage who had been brought to meet him.

(Venom II#27 (fb) - BTS) - Flare and the rest of the Enigma Force were imprisoned in a cell in Radu's base alongside Katy Kiernan, who had refused to act as Radu's chronicler. Flare was left in an inert state, bereft of energy.

(Venom II#27) - As Mari held the inert Flare, Katy revealed she had stolen a sonic key from Radu's guards.

(Venom II#27 (fb) - BTS) - Flare and the Enigma Force escaped their cell. Flare regained her energies.

(Venom II#27) - Flare and the Enigma Force joined the fight against the Carnage-controlled symbiote clones. Bug noted that the creatures enjoyed feasting on Radu's foot soldiers, but Flare reminded him that the creatures would lay waste to the life force holding their reality together. Attacking the symbiotes with her song/energy, Flare reminded the others not to let the symbiotes touch them.

(Venom II#27 - BTS) - When Venom exerted control over the symbiote clones, they began to disintegrate.
(Venom II#27) - Flare flew around in surprise as the symbiote clones disintegrated.

(Venom II#27 - BTS) - Carnage retreated to Earth, taking the symbiote clones with them.

(Minimum Carnage Omega#1 (fb) - BTS) - Flare and the Enigma Force returned to the Endeavor alongside Venom and the Scarlet Spider.

(Minimum Carnage Omega#1 - BTS) - Under the guidance of the Redeemer, the Enigma Force team flew the Endeavor as close to the Spacewall as possible. Mari gave Venom and Scarlet Spider sonic weapons to use against Carnage, and Flare noted that if they were thinking of visiting the Microverse again, they should just use the weapons on themselves. The Redeemer then explained how Venom's symbiote could bring he, Scarlet Spider and Katy Kiernan back to Earth, which it then did.

Comments: Created by Christopher Yost, Khoi Pham, Reilly Brown, Tom Palmer, and Chris Sotomayor.

    It seems to me like Flare and Quark were replacements for Fireflyte and Huntarr, as if they couldn't decide whether they could use those characters or not. Flare is pretty clearly a native of Tropica, so she's likely from Fireflyte's race.

    Regardlessly, Flare and Quark first appeared in October 10, 2012 in two comics simultaneously. Scarlet Spider II#10 showed up the same day as Marvel Universe Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes I#7, which covered the Reality-8096 version of the characters...the series was based on the Avengers: Earth's Mighiest Heroes cartoon, although the "Microns" did not appear in the cartoon, only the comic adaptation.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)

Scarlet Spider II#10, pg. 17, (small frontal)
Venom II#26, pg. 4, panel 1 (upper body and face);
       pg. 16, panel 3 (flight-song);
Scarlet Spider II#11, pg. 5, panel 1 (song calming Venom);
           panel 4 (upper body and face, profile);

Venom II#27, pg. 7, panel 1 (inert, in Mari's hands);
13, panel 1 (flying against symbiote clones)

Scarlet Spider II#10 (December 2012) Christopher Yost (writer), Khoi Pham & Reilly Brown (pencilers), Tom Palmer & Chris Sotomayor (inkers), Tom Brennan (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)
Venom II#26 (December 2012)
- Cullen Bunn (writer), Declan Shalvey (artist), Tom Brennan (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)
Scarlet Spider II#11 (January 2013) - Christopher Yost (writer), Khoi Pham & Reilly Brown (pencilers), Tom Palmer & Chris Sotomayor (inkers), Tom Brennan (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)
Venom II#27 (January 2013) - Cullen Bunn (writer), Declan Shalvey (artist), Tom Brennan (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)
Minimum Carnage Omega#1 (January, 2013) - Christopher Yost & Cullen Bunn (writers), Lan Medina, Declan Shalvey, & Khoi Pham (pencilers), Karl Kesel, Walden Wong, Jaime Mendoza & Bit (inkers), Tom Brennan (editor), Stephen Wacker (senior editor)

First posted: 01/19/2021
Last updated: 01/19/2021

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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