Real Name: Frosti
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Asgardian) magical construct
Occupation: Interim ruler of Jotunheim
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Drrf, Loki (Loki Laufeyson), Thor (Thor Odinson)
Enemies: Nightmare
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Jotunheim
First Appearance: Loki III#1 (September, 2019)
Powers/Abilities: Using magic, Loki formed the
snows of Jotunheim into a snowman, giving him arms and legs made from
twigs snapped from Yggdrasil. Loki then powered Frosti with the Norn
Stones, granting him sentience, an understanding of Jotunheim politics
and history, and the ability to contain deadly threats (like Nightmare)
within his own form.
Frosti has an abiding loyalty to Loki. The extent of his powers, which are connected to the Norn Stones themselves, are unrevealed.
Height: Malleable
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Glowing green
Hair: None
History: (Loki
III#1) - Weary of ruling Jotunheim by himself, Loki used his magic and
the power of the Norn Stones to create a sentient snowman. With Thor
standing by, Loki named the creature Frosti and charged it with ruling
Jotunheim in his stead. When Nightmare attacked, Frosti wrapped himself
around the villain, containing him within his own snowy form and
promising to excrete him later. As Loki moved on, Frosti stated he
would be willing to kill in the name of his king.
Comments: Created by Daniel Kibblesmith and Oscar Bazaldua.
Profile by Chadman.
Frosti has no known connections to:
Loki III#1-3 (September-November, 2019) - Daniel
Kibblesmith (writer), Oscar Bazuldua (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
First Posted: 08/05/2020
Last updated: 08/05/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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