Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human magic-user;
Hyborian era;
possibly a Khitain citizen
Occupation: Warrior
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Elder Gods (see comments)
Enemies: Conan, Noyo
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None;
Conan called her "witch-woman" in battle
Base of Operations: Unspecificed Khitain alley
First Appearance:
Conan the Barbarian#130 (January, 1982)
Powers/Abilities: The Guardian of Beauty served as protector of the Mirror of Beauty, challenging those who approached it.
Wielding a bow staff, she
possessed a mastery of unspecified martial arts, similar to some modern
Asian martial arts.
She struck with grace and speed,
enabling her to deftly outmaneuver even a highly experienced and
skilled combatant, such as Conan of Cimmeria.
If she defeated an opponent, that opponent would forfeit his or her soul to the Mirror of Beauty (or perhaps the Guardian consumed the souls?);
she would remove a victim's soul by touching him or her with her bo
staff. Her soul, however, was forfeit if she lost; it's energies
allowed the victor to access the Mirror of Beauty.
The Guardian's beautiful
appearance, combined with psychic powers, enabled her to ensorcel
opponents, causing them to submit to her will, even acknowledging that
they would surrender their souls to her.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'7")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 130 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed (presumably brown)
Hair: Black
the Barbarian I#128 (fb) - BTS) - In the distant past, the Primal Gods (also sometimes referred to as "Elder Gods"; see comments)
created four items, imbuing each of them with one of the four elements
of the cosmos' creation: The Sword of Strength, the Crown of Wisdom,
the Mirror of Beauty, and the Rose of Peace.
Throughout the ages, the sacred Cornerstones of Creation were jealously
guarded by the Cult of Creation. Knowledge of their Earthly hiding
places was known only to the hand-picked priestess of the gods. Noyo was chosen as the Priestess of the Cult of Creation.
the Barbarian#130 (fb) - BTS) - The Mirror of Beauty was guarded by an unidentified being (see comments) who served as the Guardian of Beauty.
the Barbarian#128 - BTS) - The demon lord sorcerer Pau-Styss
sought the power of the Cornerstones of Creation and kidnapped Laynnen
to force his wife, Noyo, to recover the
Cornerstones. She was joined on her quest by Laynnen's
childhood friend, Conan; her and Laynnen's son, Dreeme, also came
the Barbarian#130 - BTS) - Having collected the Sword of Strength and
Crown of Wisdom, Noyo mystically transported herself, Conan,
Dreeme, and the Crown to Khitai.
the Barbarian#130) - In an alley, the Guardian confronted Noyo and her
allies. Conan iniitally assumed the fully masked warrior to be male and
a thief and tried to warn her off, but when the Guardian charged him,
the Sword of Strength transformed into a staff to match the Guardian's
Far swifter than Conan, the Guardian battered him back with bo strikes and kicks. 
After Conan finally dodged a brutal blow, Noyo
telepathically urged and guided Conan, in instants making him him
familiar with the Khitain martials; recognizing Noyo's influence, Conan
accepted without hesitation and fought with a new grace, fluidity, and
power, knocking back the Guardian, whose mask fell away, revealing her
to a woman.
As the Guardian arose and spoke in tones "both cold
and saturnine," telling Conan that his arm was strong, Conan was
overcome by her beauty -- her face so finely sculpted, her skin like
ivory, her lips red as blood -- and found himself unable to do anything
more than stare hypnotically at her.
The Guardian then struck him in the shoulder with
her bo staff, telling him to kneel as "such pulchritude deserves
worship, does it not?" Unable to resist, Conan acknowledged his
"mistress," and dropped to his knees.
Conan further obeyed her commands to bow his head as
her staff touched his head and drank her soul; however, while Conan
agreed that she could take it, Noyo mystically sent her spirit into the
"staff" of Strength, which rose into the air, filling Conan with power
and the will to resist.

Overcome with ungodly rage, the Guardian told Conan she had been tender
with him so far, but no more, as an ending was written.
Agreeing that there must and would be an ending,
Conan dodged her strike and smashed her unconscious with a bo strike of
his own.
When Conan demanded an explanation, Noyo explained
that he had just bested the Guardian of Beauty, which was necessary to
obtain the Mirror of Beauty. Noyo further explained how she had enabled
him to triumph.
As Noyo explained that Conan would have forfeited
his soul had he lost to the Guardian and that he had instead taken testified by the scintillant trail of energy that swirled
into the "staff" of Strength.
the Barbarian#130 - BTS) - At Noyo's guidance, as the Mirror of Beauty
appeared before them, Conan struck it with the staff imbued with the
Guardian's soul, transporting them to an unidentified realm where they
also obtained the Rose of Peace.
Comments: Created by J.M. DeMatteis and Gil
Elder Gods and Cornerstones of Creation
- In the past, we have always considered the Elder Gods of
the Hyborian Age (never specifically named and sometimes referred
to as the Primal Gods and the Creation-Lords) to be distinct from the
true Elder Gods (Chthon, Gaea, Oshtur,
and Set; with others having long since perished) and to possibly be the major gods mentioned elsewhere in the Conan series: Crom,
Mitra, Asura, and possibly Set..."
- However, the Mystic Arcana series included the
Cornerstones of Creation and showed them to be associated with the
true Elder Gods. Between the two stories, the Sword of Strength from Conan I#128-130 would correspond to the Sword of Bone (associated with
Oshtur), used by Agamotto's Pale Horseman, with most recent incarnation being Cadaver; the Rose of Peace would correspond to the Ebon
Rose (associated with Gaea); the Crown
of Wisdom would correspond to the Serpent
Crown (associated with Set); and the Mirror of Beauty would correspond to the Black Mirror, which was a form or portion of the Darkhold
(associated with (and a reflection of) Chthon). It is NOT outright stated, however, that the
Cornerstones of Creation in Mystic Arcana were the same as those in the
Conan stories.
- Is the Rose of Peace an incarnation the Ebon Rose?
- There's
not much to contradict the two being the same, but both Ian McNee and
Morgan Le Fay held the Ebon Rose, and both of them are tainted by
- Connections/contradictions between the Crown of Wisdom and the Serpent
Crown are discussed in their respective profiles.
- Connections/contradictions between the Mirror of Beauty and the Black Mirror (a page of the Darkhold) are discussed in their respective profiles.
- Connections/contradictions between the Sword of Bone and the Sword of Strength are discussed in their respective profiles.
- Interestingly, the one image in Conan the Barbarian
I#130 that shows the Elder Gods as appearing to be at least three completely human-looking males. Is
this just an image from Noyo's understanding of her masters? Did she
lack understanding of their true forms/natures and just assume them to
be human males who mystically combined their energies to generate a
living being? Were these beings actually avatars of the Elder Gods,
rather than the Elder Gods themselves? Or are there two different sets
of Cornerstones of Creation?
- I know the author of Mystic Arcana, David
Sexton, intended the Cornerstones in his stories to be the same ones
from the Conan stories, but he did tell me that he wasn't sure that would actually work out...
- This issue will likely remain
perhaps moot, depending on how the new Conan series fits in. It's
supposed to be a continuation of the older series, although they don't
necessarily plan to revisit much outside of classic Robert E. Howard
story themes. We shall see...
We don't have any information on the Guardian of Beauty beyond what was presented here.
- Was (were?) the Guardian(s) chosen by the Cult of Creation?
- Has a single being served as the Guardian since the Mirror's creation, or has there been a succession of Guardians?
- If she was defeated/slain, the Mirror gain a new Guardian? Or was her spirit reincarnated in her original or another body?
- We know the Guardian has a soul, but was the Guardian mortal (human?) or immortal? Her speech patterns (not really anything more than using "thy" instead of "your"), "tones both cold and saturnine," "unearthly voice" and "ungodly fury" seemed more than mortal.
Khitai is the Hyborian equivalent of China. Read
the Blockbusters handbook's entry on the Great Cataclysm for more
information.Profile by Snood.
The Guardian of Beauty should be distinguished from:
- GUARDIAN - four-armed servant of Infinity (aspect of Odin)--Thor I#185
MacDonald "Mac" Hudson) - founded Alpha Flight, husband
of Heather/Vindicator. (as Guardian)--Alpha Flight I#2
- GUARDIAN - Triad of Banner, represents ego of Bruce Banner/Hulk. Orange elf-like creature, archer--Incredible Hulk II#308
- GUARDIAN - see VINDICATOR/Heather McNeil Huson--X-Men/Alpha Flight #1, Alpha Flight I#90
- GUARDIAN (Mr. Doug) - Springfield, rival of the Phantom, killed each
other of the powerless Evilizer toy--Marvel Super-Heroes III#2/4
- GUARDIAN - see VORMUND--Captain America I#442
- GUARDIAN - clone of Peter Parker, servant of Jackal, guarded door to his laboratory,
died from clone degeneration--Web of Spider-Man#122
synthoid duplicate of Mac, initially believed to be Mac age regressed
by Department H, sent to lead Beta Flight after truth discovered,
consumed in fire while attempting to free rest of Alpha Flight from AIM--Alpha Flight II#1
- GUARDIAN (Michael Pointer) - Omega Flight, given costume to contain his
energies, sought redemption for the destruction he caused as the Collective--Civil War#7, (identified) Omega Flight#2
- GUARDIAN of the ALTAR of NEPTUNE's WRATH - immense cephalopod --Spectacular
Spider-Man Annual#9/5, Avengers West Coast Annual#4
- "GUARDIAN of the BLACK ORCHID" - Jann of the Jungle foe; carnosaur--Jungle Tales I#2
- GUARDIAN of the CAVE of Earth-93060 - monstrous creature, servant
of Prometheus--Freex#12, 13
- GUARDIAN of the CITY of Earth-7310 - ruler, prevented overpopulation by banishing some to the outside Wets (swamplands)--Savage Tales I#2/2
- GUARDIAN of the CRYPT of FEN - Unforgiven Dead--Namor I#39
- GUARDIAN of the DEAD - GRATEFUL UNDEAD--Marvel Comics Presents I#90/3
- GUARDIAN of the GATEWAY - Yeti, guarded City of the Samurai--Black Panther I#5
- GUARDIAN of the LIGHT - see HIGH PRIEST of the HIDDEN TEMPLE--Spectacular Spider-Man II#13
- GUARDIAN of the LIGHT - see SHA SHAN--Spectacular Spider-Man II#13
- GUARDIAN of the PEOPLE - giant serpent--Ms. Marvel I#21
- GUARDIAN of the PROMETHEAN FLAME - Olympian, apparently slain by Ares--Avengers I#100
- GUARDIAN of RUBY of SHADOWS - Terragonia, monstrous creature, summoned
by Kronak via the gem, defeated by Hulk, dispatched back to its realm when the
Ruby shattered--Incredible Hulk II#201
GUARDIAN of the SPIRIT WORLD ( ) - --Marvel Mystery Comics#28
- GUARDIAN of the TOWER of the Hyborian era -
giant bat/human creature, guarded Siptah and the Gem, slain by Conan
using the Gem--Gem in the Tower; Savage Sword of Conan#45
- guardian of the Treasure of Tranicos of the Hyborian era - see BLACK STRANGER--Treasures of Tranicos; Savage Sword of Conan#47
- GUARDIAN of the VORTEX ( ) - extradimensional,
inhuman entity, over 1000 years old, defended dimensional portal from
attackers, assisted in closing portal by Iron Man/Rhodes--Iron Man I#176
- GUARDIAN of the WELL - see MIMIR--Thor I#240
- GUARDIAN ANGEL of Earth-Amalgam (Tom Harper*) - Angel (Halloway)+ Guardian,
Universe-Two--[Challengers of the Fantastic#1(letters)] (World's Greatest Comics
- GUARDIAN ANGEL of Earth-148611 - see SERAPH--[Justice#21 (named
on inside cover)]
policies on super-criminals and then refused to pay due to their
criminal activities, exposed for fraud by Tumbler and Captain America--Captain America I#291
- GUARDIAN PROTOCOLS - originated with the ancient "Guardians of the
Galaxy"/Chosen Eight of Fate thousands of years ago, nearly put into motion for
the first time in 1000 years with the advent of the Phoenix Force on Earth,
proposed by Zemo as possibly needed to deal with the threat of the Wellspring--Thunderbolts II#101, 106
- GUARDIAN ROBOTS - see SERVO-GUARDS (Dr. Doom's)--Fantastic Four I#84
- Guardian Spirit of the
Lost Lemuria era - aka Watchdog; guarded Athmar Phong; tried to kill Ald Thurmis
and Thongor; sent back to Hell with the Shield of Cathloda by Thongor--Creatures on the Loose#22
- GUARDIANS - see AIM GUARDIANS (app-stryke)--Iron Man Annual#4
- GUARDIANS of SHAGREEN - serpentine statues, come to
life and attack any who approach his chambers, Shagreen was forced to
destroy them when they ran amok--Nightcrawler I#2
- GUARDIANS of the GALAXY (Ajesthe, Badoon, Shi'ar,
Skrull, 4 others) - eight beings evolved/empowered by a series of
stones empowered by the Alpha and Omega Stones to maintain peace
between the inhabited worlds, aka CHOSEN EIGHT of FATE*--Thunderbolts I#45 (45(fb), 46(fb)
- GUARDIANS of the GALAXY (Aerolite, Astrolabe, Stella Nega, Skytower, Tua Zon) - warriors circa 1000 AD--Guardians of Infinity#1
- GUARDIANS of the GALAXY (Drax, Gamora, Quasar (Phyla-Vell), Rocket Raccoon, Star-Lord
(Peter Quill), Bug, Groot, Major Victory, Mantis)--Guardians of the Galaxy II#1
of Earth-691 (Vance Astro, Charlie-27, Martinex, Yondu, Starhawk,
Aleta, Nikki, etc.) - group of heroes initially formed from survivors of Badoon onslaught
@ 3000 AD--Marvel Super-Heroes II#18
(app)--Amazing Spider-Man I#108
- GUARDIANS of the Quadriverse - one at a time, immediately replaced by another--Dr. Strange II#24
- GUARDIANs of the TEMPLE of CYTTORAK - Korea--Excalibur IV#13
- guardians of the Temple of the Sun - see TEMPLE of the SUN--Marvel Comics Presents #134 (135, 136
- GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE of Earth-Amalgam (Uatu) - powerful organization, manipulated Starbrand Corps--[Speed Demon#1]
- other "Guardian" characters
images: (without ads)
Conan the Barbarian#130, pg, 6, panel 5 (full and upper, masked);
pg. 8, panel 2 (mostly full, challenging Conan);
panel 6 (enslaving Conan);
pg. 9, panel 3 (swinging at Conan)
Conan the
Barbarian#128 (November, 1981) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Gil
Kane (artist), Louise
Jones (editor)
Conan the Barbarian#129 (December, 1981) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Gil
Kane (pencils), Gil Kane & P. Craig Russell (?) (inks), Louise
Jones (editor)
Conan the Barbarian#130 (January, 1982) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Gil Kane (artist), Louise Jones (editor)
First posted: 10/28/2019
Last updated: 10/28/2019
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